From any post click the photo across the page top to see the entire blog.


Netanyahu’s Iran bomb claim contradicted by Mossad, leaked spy cables show

Al Jazeera publishes leaked intelligence files showing Netanyahu lied about Iranian nuclear threat

Minnesota activists demand state pull funds from Israel’s occupation

Private donors from Gulf Oil States Helping to Bankroll Salaries of Up to 100,000 ISIS Fighters

Private donors from Gulf Oil States Helping to Bankroll Salaries of Up to 100,000 ISIS Fighters

Oslo 'Ring of Peace' organizers slammed for Palestine solidarity


***** Another note to my dearest: (detail) "I think I can stand, I think I have no choice but to stand, for Universal Family, or kill me, or torture me. I think I can do that. I think maybe I can hold on to that, and let that hold on to, and to lead, me."

This felt like a real step forward for me personally, a real liberation.  I am totally overwhelmed by the horrors... every day new ones emerge that I didn't see, and I thought I'd seen it all.   Look to my blog for the Chris Hedges article today on 'We Kill our Revolutionaries' about the magnificent young man framed by the US Gov for a murder he didn't commit... because he was leading fellow prisoners to stand up for their rights. I can't breathe.

Every minute is a new horror, a new holocaust, in just Palestine.  Like yesterday when Israel opened flood gates and flooded already homeless thousands in Palestine from their hovels. 

How do I breathe?  What do I do?  How do I get out of bed?  What do I tell others?  How do I defend what I do?
I don't know. Tho I'll study every minute I am able, I don't know. I'll never know.

But when this hit me, an evolution of a similar revelation about 7 years ago, all of a sudden I felt something I may be able to hold on to, a lifeboat,  right up to the gallows:

"I think I can stand, I think I have no choice but to stand, for Universal Family, or kill me, or torture me.  I think I can do that. I think maybe I can hold on to that, and let that hold on to, and to lead, me."

nd. Please be advised, I am getting less tolerant by the minute of people that spew their condemnation of the right, of anyone, no matter how righteous, that are not putting their very lives, resources, time, livelihoods... where there mouths are.

Please be advised, I am getting less tolerant by the minute of people that spew their condemnation of the right, of anyone, no matter how righteous, that are not putting their very lives, resources, time, livelihoods... where there mouths are.

The man who rescued 500 Nigerian schoolgirls from Boko Haram..... "I had a sense of accomplishment on completing this task," he said. "After the whole thing, what is important is that whenever you feel that you just have to do something, you just have to do it, regardless of risk."

The man who rescued 500 Nigerian schoolgirls from Boko Haram

"I had a sense of accomplishment on completing this task," he said.
"After the whole thing, what is important is that whenever you feel that
you just have to do something, you just have to do it, regardless of

Talks End With Proposal to Limit Iran’s Nuclear Production for at Least 10 Years

Talks End With Proposal to Limit Iran’s Nuclear Production for at Least 10 Years


Salam Al-Marayati Addresses 9/11 Remarks on MSNBC


PressTV-Israel aircraft violate Lebanon airspace

PressTV-Israel aircraft violate Lebanon airspace

Whatever the Islamic State is, it has misrepresented Islam | National Catholic Reporter

Whatever the Islamic State is, it has misrepresented Islam | National Catholic Reporter

What is needed, and it won't happen, but what is needed is millions, billions, of people standing for a different way - Universal Family... or kill me... nothing more, less or else. Nothing less will save us now.

What is needed, and it won't happen, but what is needed is millions, billions, of people standing for a different way - Universal Family... or kill me... nothing more, less or else.  Nothing less will save us now.

The importance of Palestinian recognition..... In 2010 David Petraeus famously warned the Joint Chiefs of Staff and Congress that America’s support for Israel undermines America accomplishing its goals in the Middle East.

The importance of Palestinian recognition

In 2010 David Petraeus famously warned the Joint Chiefs of Staff and
Congress that America’s support for Israel undermines America
accomplishing its goals in the Middle East.

Massive leak reveals South African intel on Mossad's 'true' assessment on nuclear Iran - Diplomacy and Defense

Massive leak reveals South African intel on Mossad's 'true' assessment on nuclear Iran - Diplomacy and Defense

Leaked cables show Netanyahu’s Iran bomb claim contradicted by Mossad

Leaked cables show Netanyahu’s Iran bomb claim contradicted by Mossad

***** [I find the savagery of our Amerika almost more than I can bear.] We Kill Our Revolutionaries , Chris Hedges

Edward Snowden documentary Citizenfour wins Oscar

Edward Snowden documentary Citizenfour wins Oscar

Chris Hedges: 'American Sniper' Caters to a Deep Sickness Rippling Through Society

Chris Hedges: 'American Sniper' Caters to a Deep Sickness Rippling Through Society

Reuters journalist Maria Golovnina dies in Pakistan aged 34......."Empathy wasn't just a skill she deployed for her craft. It burned in her white hot. It is what sustained her legendary stamina for work, play and learning."

Reuters journalist Maria Golovnina dies in Pakistan aged 34


(2104) "Chris Hedges God's Covenant in the Promised Land" Gaza Rally in NYC:

(2104) "Chris Hedges God's Covenant in the Promised Land" Gaza Rally in NYC:

Chris Hedges on Moral Courage

Chris Hedges on Moral Courage

A letter to a JW brother I've corresponded with periodically, and very productively, for 6 years or so now. He and his wife are serving the boat people, refugees in Italy.

I just saw an article briefly about an upcoming conference to reduce the threat
of a nuclear holocaust.  I can think of nothing more merciful for humanity now than
a global, thorough, total, nuclear holocaust, extinguishing everyone, everywhere,
instantly.  I can't.  The near universal, inescapable suffering currently assured for
us is beyond unbearable. (The only 'escape' will be the 'transport,' 'Salvation,' to the
Creator's Kingdom, for those 1 in a million in every faith and no faith at all that
respond to the horror by moving into that part of ourselves which is Universal
Loving - Serving the neediest, from the Soul, in Solidarity.  Their material world
will be Hell but their experiential, psychological, Spiritual world will be Heaven,
Joy, Loving, total Peace of Heart.)

I wrote this yesterday, a bit different than what I've written before:
Oddly (don't get your hopes up), I spend more time, much more time
defending organized religion than denouncing it these days.  Those
against 'religion' are exactly as 'religious' and hateful and dogmatic
and blind... as I find the religionists to be. AND, I am persuaded, if nothing
else, that what is represented in this poll below is essentially and profoundly
correct, that the quality of life among the world's destitute is dramatically
improved by deep participation in organized religion, and why would I
want their lives to be even more miserable?

AND... I can't explain the relatively immense peacefulness, goodness, humanity,
Godliness of the middle east Arabs despite the 70 year reign of US, British, Israeli
terror... except that Islam is a profoundly Humanizing force for them.

I find Islam a major improvement over christianity in that it un-diefies Jesus, returns
him to his Divinity - that he is JUST a man, like you and me, but by embracing and
being embraced by one, simple, total religion, Unconditional Loving, he offered us
Salvation.  He offered us the only Revolution that was ever there, and we've used all
of our abilities to do everything and anything but.   Instead, as virtually all religions do,
instead of offering us an escape from reality, he offered us the way to embrace and
to be embraced by Ultimate Reality, God, the Creator... Unconditional Loving.

Maybe the greatest 'discovery' of my life was just weeks ago when I saw that Evil,
Satan, the Devil... is CONDITIONAL Loving in whatever form, and that God, the Creator,
Good, the Divine... is UNCONDITIONAL Loving in whatever form.  It is that simple.
Full Stop.

Oh, and yes, Recently 'discovering' Chris Hedges is a great gift to me.  Yes, I've known of him for years, but his categorical dismissal of Pr. Obama from the beginning put me off and I've not been following his work. Chris is maybe even more scathing than I of the worthless liberals in this country, and yet he lays every possible shortfall in the Obama admin at Pr. Obama's feet seemingly oblivious to the fact that with a criminally do-nothing liberal constituency Pr. Obama is virtually powerless to do much.  Deep sigh.  But I still am now finding the deep and broad study of Chris a Godsend for me right now in my attempts to become less pitifully unable to help.  It is as though my beloved (all of humanity) was desperately ill (as we are) and I thought I had to do all of the research to understand the disease. I knew the nature and direction but I had to devote the  impossibly long time to understand the genesis, development, manifestations,  characteristics... and by then, well, it would be so much later than it is already to try to be a better 'cure' than I've yet become.  He is an impossible, a Divine gift to us, a True Prophet, if ever there has been one - in breadth,depth, courage, humanity, courage, Truth, Unconditional Loving.....

I don't know that I've told you this story before - about 6 weeks ago I could no longer stand sitting idly by and watching my neighbor, next cot over in the homeless shelter from me, 53 year old Paul, then in month 10 of looking for work, day in, day out.  With a rap sheet as long as one's arm, minor drug offenses, of which he has been clean since 2001, and off probation since 2012, and in an economy with less and less jobs, he gets rejection after rejection after rejection.  I have next to no contacts to help, but there are two christian churches that come in force every weekend to conduct a service for those who wish to attend, and feed a nice meal afterward.  By the way, JW's never set foot here. No interest. The devote their time as Jesus NEVER DID to trying to snag the wealthy, in front of the White House all day, in front of the Shopping Malls on weekends. (Yes, I'm not happy about this.)  I approached both of these churches, the pastor of one, a deacon of the other and told them briefly about Paul, how long and hard he has looked for whatever sh*t demeaning job society would give him, that he gets nothing but rejection, often because of his 'record,' and that I'm worried that I'll lose him back into a destructive life-style if something does not come thru, sooooooon.  One of these two men instantly said, 'Here is my phone number, have him call me. I'll reach out to my contacts, and try to help.'  He has been better than his word, in weekly contact. BTW, Paul shows zero inclination of attending this man's church service.  The other man, the deacon, said with great enthusiasm (and all the selfrighteousness of Satan), 'Well, just tell him about Jesus.'  Which man is Christlike?

One of dozens of reasons I adore Chris Hedges.  I've not watched it by the way, but I expect to, and I've heard him touch on the subject elsewhere:

Hugs to you both

nd. Oddly, I spend more time, much more time defending organized religion than denouncing it these days. Those against 'religion' are exactly as 'religious' and hateful and dogmatic and blind... as I find the religionists to be. AND... (click link)

Oddly, I spend more time, much more time defending organized religion than denouncing it these days.  Those  against 'religion' are exactly as 'religious' and hateful and dogmatic and blind... as I find the religionists to be. AND, I am persuaded, if nothing else, that what is represented in this poll below is essentially and profoundly correct, that the quality of life among the world's destitute is dramatically
improved by deep participation in organized religion, and why would I want their lives to be even more miserable?  Poll:
AND... I can't explain the relatively immense peacefulness, goodness, humanity, Godliness of the middle east Arabs despite the 70 year reign of US, British, Israeli terror... except that Islam is a profoundly Humanizing force for them.

nd. Recently 'discovering' Chris Hedges is a great gift to me. Yes, I've known of him for years, but his categorical dismissal of Pr. Obama from the beginning put me off and I've not been following his work. Chris is maybe even more scathing than I of the worthless liberals in this country, and yet he lays every possible shortfall in the Obama admin at Pr. Obama's feet seemingly oblivious to the fact that with a criminally do-nothing liberal constituency Pr. Obama is virtually powerless to do much. Deep sigh. But I still am now finding the deep and broad study of Chris a Godsend for me right now in my attempts to become less pitifully unable to help. It is as though my beloved (all of humanity) was desperately ill (as we are) and I thought I had to do all of the research to understand the disease. I knew the nature and direction but I had to devote the impossibly long time to understand the genesis, development, manifestations, characteristics... and by then, well, it would be so much later than it is already to try to be a better 'cure' than I've yet become. He is an impossible, a Divine gift to us, a True Prophet, if ever there has been one - in breadth,depth, courage, humanity, courage, Truth, Unconditional Loving.....

Recently 'discovering' Chris Hedges is a great gift to me.  Yes, I've known of him for years, but his categorical dismissal of Pr. Obama from the beginning put me off and I've not been following his work. Chris is maybe even more scathing than I of the worthless liberals in this country, and yet he lays every possible shortfall in the Obama admin at Pr. Obama's feet seemingly oblivious to the fact that with a criminally do-nothing liberal constituency Pr. Obama is virtually powerless to do much.  Deep sigh.  But I still am now finding the deep and broad study of Chris a Godsend for me right now in my attempts to become less pitifully unable to help.  It is as though my beloved (all of humanity) was desperately ill (as we are) and I thought I had to do all of the research to understand the disease. I knew the nature and direction but I had to devote the  impossibly long time to understand the genesis, development, manifestations,  characteristics... and by then, well, it would be so much later than it is already to try to be a better 'cure' than I've yet become.  He is an impossible, a Divine gift to us, a True Prophet, if ever there has been one - in breadth,depth, courage, humanity, courage, Truth, Unconditional Loving.....

nd. I find Islam a major improvement over christianity in that it un-diefies Jesus, returns him to his Divinity, yet still keeps Him central as He should be - that he is JUST a man, like you and me, but by embracing and being embraced by one, simple, total religion, Unconditional Loving, he offered us Salvation. He offered us the only Revolution that was ever there, and we've used all of our abilities to do everything and anything but. Instead, as virtually all religions do, instead of offering us an escape from reality, he offered us the way to embrace and to be embraced by Ultimate Reality, God, the Creator... Unconditional Loving.

I find Islam a major improvement over christianity in that it un-diefies Jesus, returns him to his Divinity, yet still keeps Him central as He should be - that he is JUST a man, like you and me, but by embracing and  being embraced by one, simple, total religion, Unconditional Loving, he offered us Salvation.  He offered us the only Revolution that was ever there, and we've used all of our abilities to do everything and anything but.   Instead, as virtually all religions do, instead of offering us an escape from reality, he offered us the way to embrace and to be embraced by Ultimate Reality, God, the Creator... Unconditional Loving.

***** nd. Maybe the greatest 'discovery' of my life was just weeks ago when I saw that Evil, Satan, the Devil... is CONDITIONAL Loving in whatever form, and that God, the Creator, Good, the Divine... is UNCONDITIONAL Loving in whatever form. It is that simple.

Maybe the greatest 'discovery' of my life was just weeks ago when I saw that Evil, Satan, the Devil... is CONDITIONAL Loving in whatever form, and that God, the Creator, Good, the Divine... is UNCONDITIONAL Loving in whatever form.  It is that simple.

nd. I just saw an article briefly about an upcoming conference to reduce the threat of a nuclear holocaust. I can think of nothing more merciful for humanity now than a global, thorough, total, nuclear holocaust, extinguishing everyone, everywhere, instantly. I can't. The near universal, inescapable suffering currently assured for us is beyond unbearable. (The only 'escape' will the 'transport,' 'Salvation,' to the Creator's Kingdom, for those 1 in a million in every faith and no faith at all that respond to the horror by moving into that part of ourselves which is Universal Loving - Serving the neediest, from the Soul, in Solidarity. Their material world will be Hell but their experiential, psychological, Spiritual world will be Heaven, Joy, Loving, total Peace of Heart.)

I just saw an article briefly about an upcoming conference to reduce the threat of a nuclear holocaust.  I can think of nothing more merciful for humanity now than a global, thorough, total, nuclear holocaust, extinguishing everyone, everywhere, instantly.  I can't.  The near universal, inescapable suffering currently assured for us is beyond unbearable. (The only 'escape' will the 'transport,' 'Salvation,' to the
Creator's Kingdom, for those 1 in a million in every faith and no faith at all that respond to the horror by moving into that part of ourselves which is Universal  Loving - Serving the neediest, from the Soul, in Solidarity.  Their material world will be Hell but their experiential, psychological, Spiritual world will be Heaven,  Joy, Loving, total Peace of Heart.)

21 years after Goldstein massacre, once-thriving Hebron is a mere memory - Diplomacy and Defense

21 years after Goldstein massacre, once-thriving Hebron is a mere memory - Diplomacy and Defense

Noam Chomsky on Terrorism

Noam Chomsky on Terrorism

***** YOU BETTER WATCH THIS: Chomsky: 'The right today is a "radical insurgency" dedicated to the destruction of the US Government in the hopes it can then create and edifice completely dedicated to the financial elites."... Noam Chomsky: Republicans & Democrats Have Shifted to the Right, and the GOP Is ‘Off the Spectrum’'

Noam Chomsky: Republicans & Democrats Have Shifted to the Right, and the GOP Is ‘Off the Spectrum’

Hundreds of Palestinians flee as Israel opens dams into Gaza Valley

‘She just wants chocolate! What is she, an Arab?’ Israeli social media

The world has broken its promises about rebuilding Gaza – and the children will suffer


Chris Hedges - America A Nation In Captivity

Chris Hedges - America A Nation In Captivity

***** A note to my dearest.....

A note to my dearest, shared with the few others who are, or were,
close to me as well.

This will sound sooooooooooooooo paranoid.

People like me sounded reallllllllllly paranoid:
*  Before the crash of 1929(?)
*  Before the takeover by Hitler
*  Before Nov 1947 when the faux-jews that had been taken
in lovingly by Palestinians showed themselves as the savage
unhuman Raptors they were....

I was pretty bed-ridden all day today with this cold in its
third week, but tonight and the two days prior I've been deeply
studying Chris Hedges, clearly the greatest, most prepared,
most grounded, most trained, most educated, most widely read,
most compassionate, most courageous, most experienced (war
correspondent for the NYT for 15 years during the revolutions in
south american, eastern europe, middle east.....

He made a comment, just a comment, in these hours I've been watching
online, but it hit me like a lightening bolt, the truth, and profound
impact.  'We are headed toward a massive devaluing of the currency,
near certainly, like has happened in the world at other times in
history... where it will take wheelbarrows of money to buy a loaf
of bread. 

My point?  Keep this possibility in mind.  Just keep it in mind.  Yes,
if you do, it will worry you and that is a minus, but when it comes, you
will be better psychologically prepared for it. 

I suspect what it will mean for you is that you and your extended family
will come physically together and live together and by pooling your
resources, 'survive,' better than most.

You cheat yourself if you do not at least watch the video I sent the other
day, from min 15.30 all to the end, several times if needed, and even
then research further.  
I am not chastising you, telling you what to do,
trying to shame you into it....  The chances that within the next 10 years
the middle class ship, ocean liner, you live on does not change hugely
for the negative are very low.  I think you are better off facing it now,
than having the entire shock of it come on you all at once.


***** Given the inexpressible, not-to-be-stopped, horror of a 'future' that we are every second allowing to be unleashed on Amerika and the world, THE MOST MORAL ACT I can think of is the responsible attempt to stop the birthing of new children into this soon undeniable, inescapable living Hell. The most IMMORAL, CRUEL, SELFISH, HATEFUL, UNFORGIVABLE act I can think of is to bring a new life into this unfolding HELL. FOR THE SAKE OF THESE UNBORN SOULS... THINK... OF THEM, BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE FOR THEM.

Given the inexpressible, not-to-be-stopped, horror of a 'future' that we are every second allowing to be unleashed on Amerika and the world, THE MOST MORAL ACT I can think of is the responsible attempt to stop the birthing of new children into this soon undeniable, inescapable living Hell.  The most IMMORAL, CRUEL, SELFISH, HATEFUL, UNFORGIVABLE act I can think of is to bring a new life into this unfolding HELL. FOR THE SAKE OF THESE UNBORN SOULS... THINK... OF THEM, BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE FOR THEM..... ADDITIONALLY:  Any young person with children for whom it is remotely possible should work toward moving abroad... NOT to Canada which is just a few years now behind Amerikkka in the race toward Totalitarianism, but to Scandinavia (well, that is if you are Caucasian.)

Uprising Excerpt of Chris Hedges on American Imperialism

Uprising Excerpt of Chris Hedges on American Imperialism

Chris Hedges: Europeans have been Looting & Destroying the Earth for 500 years

Chris Hedges: Europeans have been Looting & Destroying the Earth for 500 years

***** MUST WATCH. MUST WATCH. .... Chris Hedges, is Wahhabism Behind Terrorism?

Chris Hedges, is Wahhabism Behind Terrorism?

Chris Hedges Takes On Sam Harris Over Islam [MUST WATCH!]

Chris Hedges Takes On Sam Harris Over Islam [MUST WATCH!]

Chris Hedges: ‘We’ve decapitated more civilians than ISIS ever has’

Chris Hedges: ‘We’ve decapitated more civilians than ISIS ever has’

Jewish groups that blindly support Israel make US and European Jews potential victims of violence — Avnery

***** I wish I could find hope in the approach of the Nile project, breaking down the barriers between people, learning the similarities, learning to like them. I wish I could find hope from this approach but I do not. It was the approach that my generation embraced and it has not slowed, it probably has lubricated, our race off the cliff to oblivion. I've spent the last several days studying who I now consider by far the most important prophet on Earth today, Christopher Hedges. For two decades, among other things, he was a war correspondent for The New York Times covering revolutions in Eastern Europe, South America, around the world. He has sacrificed all the trappings of that, leaving the New York Times, so that he could freely write, speak and live the truth. Three things in the many hours I've watched these last several days, come especially to mind regarding the Nile project. 1, to the Sunis and Shia in iraq it was inconceivable that they would never turned on one another. They were friends, they were intermarried. And now they are trying to slaughter 1 another. 2, he observe that the people he has seen lead profound positive change did it not because they thought they should, not because they thought it was a good idea, they did it because they could not do otherwise, by their very constitution, they could not sit by in the face of the evil, they could not fire on innocent people, etcetera. 3, he said you cannot teach morality, you can only live it, and I think, he meant, there by become something that can awake in the same in others, and thereby spread . Now, my point is not to denigrate the nile project. To the degree that people involved are taking extreme personal risk, risking everything, to bring peace through this project, because they find that personally they cannot do otherwise, then it is exactly what Hedges and I have come to understand is required.!/story.php?story_fbid=10205051340316095&id=1620551416


The Myth of Progress and the Collapse of Complex Societies - Chris Hedges

The Myth of Progress and the Collapse of Complex Societies - Chris Hedges

***** nd. Golden Rule (if a 'believer' does not practice this, above and before all else, they are A FRAUD, FAKE, IMPOSTER, CON-ARTIST...hypocrite, liar.): ISLAM: "Wish for your brother, what you wish for yourself" or "Love your brother as you love yourself". JUDAISM: "What is hateful to you, do not do to your fellow: this is the whole Torah; the rest is the explanation; go and learn." CHRISTIANITY: "Love your neighbor as you love yourself."

Golden Rule (if a 'believer' does not practice this, above and before all else, they are A FRAUD, FAKE, IMPOSTER, CON-ARTIST...hypocrite, liar.): ISLAM:  "Wish for your brother, what you wish for yourself" or "Love your brother as you love yourself".  JUDAISM:  "What is hateful to you, do not do to your fellow: this is the whole Torah; the rest is the explanation; go and learn."  CHRISTIANITY: "Love your neighbor as you love yourself."

London Jews: Israel Does Not Represent Jews

London Jews: Israel Does Not Represent Jews

Best Advertisement ever-Winner of Best Ad 2014

Best Advertisement ever-Winner of Best Ad 2014

John Pilger: 'The US hates Venezuela's independence' | Green Left Weekly

John Pilger: 'The US hates Venezuela's independence' | Green Left Weekly

Netanyahu in Congress: Confronting a Train Wreck........ [If you don't understand 'Greater Israel' google it. The Zionist Plan is Colonizing MOST of the Middle East.] "Netanyahu's upcoming speech demonstrates that Netanyahu is siding with conservative Republicans and evangelical Christians who support his vision of a greater Israel rather than land-for-peace"

Netanyahu in Congress: Confronting a Train Wreck

[If you don't understand 'Greater Israel' google it. The Zionist Plan is Colonizing MOST of the Middle East.]  "Netanyahu's upcoming speech demonstrates that Netanyahu is siding with conservative Republicans and evangelical Christians who support his vision of a greater Israel rather than land-for-peace"

Bennett: No land concessions, strong IDF and proud Jewish identity are keys to security

Bennett: No land concessions, strong IDF and proud Jewish identity are keys to security

Norwegian Muslims organize peace rally at synagogue - San Diego Jewish World

Norwegian Muslims organize peace rally at synagogue - San Diego Jewish World

***** No offense intended, but if you self identify as a 'Christian,' 'Muslim,' or 'Jew' and do not observe the Golden Rule above all else, first and foremost, then I do NOT recognize you as what you claim.

No offense intended, but if you self identify as a 'Christian,' 'Muslim,' or 'Jew' and do not observe the Golden Rule above all else, first and foremost, then I do NOT recognize you as what you claim.

Christians, Jews, Muslims march for peace in London

Christians, Jews, Muslims march for peace in London

Welcome to Israel, you subhuman - Opinion

Welcome to Israel, you subhuman - Opinion

Israeli foreign minister on Facebook: Palestinian prisoners should be executed

Israeli foreign minister on Facebook: Palestinian prisoners should be executed

Obama's short memory. "The question is: Why since its inception 14 centuries ago, did the Muslim world not generate or incubate the kind of violent extremism that we witness today? If it's not religion, as the president argues, and I concur it is not, what drives it? The short answer: continuous war, occupation and oppression."

Obama's short memory

"The question is: Why since its inception 14 centuries ago, did the
Muslim world not generate or incubate the kind of violent extremism that
we witness today?

If it's not religion, as the president
argues, and I concur it is not, what drives it? The short answer:
continuous war, occupation and oppression."

Gaza donations fall way short of pledges

Gaza donations fall way short of pledges

What happened when a Muslim man walked around Milan

What happened when a Muslim man walked around Milan

***** Israeli Propaganda Assassin: ...... Dershowitz's comments are 'shockingly vicious and sexist,' says Harvard Law Record article

Dershowitz's comments are 'shockingly vicious and sexist,' says Harvard Law Record article

Students allege "travesty of justice" as Ohio university muzzles debate on Israel divestment

Students allege "travesty of justice" as Ohio university muzzles debate on Israel divestment

***** The Atlantic’s big Islam lie: What Muslims really believe about ISIS - ***** (The Atlantic article was a Hasbara plant.) This article also by it's writing here in Salon exposes the horrendous lies of Pr. Obama in his video yesterday.

The Atlantic’s big Islam lie: What Muslims really believe about ISIS -

***** President Obama Speaks at the Summit on Countering Violent Extremism | The White House..................SHAME ON YOU PR. OBAMA. SHAME ON YOU. This is the first time every that I have felt Pr. Obama was telling us a profound, deeply destructive, lie. The lie that the US is not fundamentally responsible for the 'terrorism (resistance)' coming out of the Muslim middle east, and that they are not Right to be in revolt against our oppression, state terrorism, and hedonistic values that are objectively, indisputably, destroying all of creation.

President Obama Speaks at the Summit on Countering Violent Extremism | The White House

SHAME ON YOU PR. OBAMA.  SHAME ON YOU.  This is the first time every that I have felt Pr. Obama was telling us a profound, deeply destructive, lie.  The lie that the US is not fundamentally responsible for the 'terrorism (resistance)' coming out of the Muslim middle east, and that they are not Right to be in revolt against our oppression, state terrorism, and hedonistic values that are objectively, indisputably, destroying all of creation.

President Obama Speaks at the Summit on Countering Violent Extremism

President Obama Speaks at the Summit on Countering Violent Extremism

Northwestern University student group narrowly passes Israel divestment measure

Northwestern University student group narrowly passes Israel divestment measure

What we’re not being told about suicide and depression


***** Chris Hedges "Strategy for Radical Change" [FULL]

Chris Hedges "Strategy for Radical Change" [FULL]

***** vid. Chris Hedges: The Myth of Progress and the Collapse of Complex Societies..... If you ever wanted to know to the next level what forces have been acting on me, and that I've been responding to, I've just seen, and you could see them too, in this long, dry, BRILLIANT, PROPHETIC video.

If you ever wanted to know to the next level what forces have been acting on me, and that I've been responding to, I've just seen, and you could see them too, in this long, dry, BRILLIANT, PROPHETIC video.  I feel forces years, decades, before I can identify what they are.  This is a gift I leaned to trust  and follow many decades ago.  Chris Hedges, who I consider the Greatest intellectual  of our age, has allowed himself to feel and respond to the same forces... but has devoted  decades starting much earlier than I, to academically understanding what is going on.

3 years ago my body just started acting broken.  I assumed it was 'old age' and the   abuse from my Radical Service choices.  About 2 years ago Doc Cardile and others began showing  me 'academically' what was going on.  Monday, only this Monday, I came to understand it  at the level of 'stage 4 cancer possibly in remission.'

In watching this video just now I feel like I've just had the 'medical team' explain technically,  academically, comprehensively, what has been 'going on' with my life for the last 15 years or so.

I am NOT asking you to watch it.  That's entirely up to you.

I've come across it because while my health and the weather are forcing me indoors I'm  taking a deep dive on study in a range of related subjects, and Chis Hedges is at the forefront of people that have done much of the intellectual work I need to profit from.  

Note: I did NOT bother with the intro to this vid.  Chris begins at about 15:30.

Norwegian Muslims to form 'ring of peace' around Oslo synagogue in solidarity with Jews - Diaspora - Jerusalem Post

Norwegian Muslims to form 'ring of peace' around Oslo synagogue in solidarity with Jews - Diaspora - Jerusalem Post

The tragedy of Elie Wiesel - Opinion

The tragedy of Elie Wiesel - Opinion

Israel sentences Palestinian teen Lina Khattab to 6 months in prison for protesting

Israel sentences Palestinian teen Lina Khattab to 6 months in prison for protesting

Homeless man survives cold steps away from NYC’s $100M pad

Homeless man survives cold steps away from NYC’s $100M pad

Israel begins drilling for oil in occupied Golan Heights

Stanford re-votes, divestment passes in a landslide victory


Chris Hedges Interviews Noam Chomsky (1/3)

Chris Hedges Interviews Noam Chomsky (1/3)

***** THESE 'PEOPLE' DO NOT CONSIDER THE CIVIL WAR TO BE OVER.......As Study Finds 4,000 Lynchings in Jim Crow South, Will U.S. Address Legacy of Racial Terrorism?

As Study Finds 4,000 Lynchings in Jim Crow South, Will U.S. Address Legacy of Racial Terrorism?

***** Living in the ruins of Gaza | - PHOTO ESSAY. MUST SEE

Living in the ruins of Gaza |

Lest We Forget: Bibi's "Wisdom" on Iraq

Lest We Forget: Bibi's "Wisdom" on Iraq

Zoabi: Democracy in Israel a 'sick joke'

Zoabi: Democracy in Israel a 'sick joke'

Limits to Growth was right. New research shows we're nearing collapse | Cathy Alexander and Graham Turner

Limits to Growth was right. New research shows we're nearing collapse | Cathy Alexander and Graham Turner

Limits to Growth was right. New research shows we're nearing collapse | Cathy Alexander and Graham Turner

Limits to Growth was right. New research shows we're nearing collapse | Cathy Alexander and Graham Turner

Limits to Growth was right. New research shows we're nearing collapse | Cathy Alexander and Graham Turner

Limits to Growth was right. New research shows we're nearing collapse | Cathy Alexander and Graham Turner

***** MUST READ. The shockingly simple, surprisingly cost-effective way to end homelessness

The shockingly simple, surprisingly cost-effective way to end homelessness

Israeli court's rejection of Corrie family appeal is not fit for print in our leading papers

Israeli court's rejection of Corrie family appeal is not fit for print in our leading papers

A dog on the verge of death meets a prisoner with no hope

A dog on the verge of death meets a prisoner with no hope

Netanyahu's call for a European exodus masks Zionist failure

Netanyahu's call for a European exodus masks Zionist failure

Israeli Columnist Calls Obama Anti-Semite, Readers Agree In The Most Horrible Ways (SCREENSHOTS)

Israeli Columnist Calls Obama Anti-Semite, Readers Agree In The Most Horrible Ways (SCREENSHOTS)

Jails Have Become Warehouses for the Poor, Ill and Addicted, a Report Says

Jails Have Become Warehouses for the Poor, Ill and Addicted, a Report Says

UK Labour Party Candidate Beaten and Arrested by Israeli Soldiers at Protest in Palestine - International Middle East Media Center

UK Labour Party Candidate Beaten and Arrested by Israeli Soldiers at Protest in Palestine - International Middle East Media Center

America remembers Kayla Mueller

America remembers Kayla Mueller

***** Opinion: An army of peacemakers........... YES YES YES YES AND YES.

Opinion: An army of peacemakers

'Apartheid' Is the Only Word That Will Do: Artists Boycott Israel

Jordanians See U.S. Reporting Bias in Coverage of Student Killings