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A Positive Story About Muslims and an Example for All of Us

A Positive Story About Muslims and an Example for All of Us

Mustafa Mattan Shooting: Muslims React To Murder In Canada ‘Ignored’ By Mainstream Media

Mustafa Mattan Shooting: Muslims React To Murder In Canada ‘Ignored’ By Mainstream Media

Hezbollah chief urges Middle East to unite against ISIL

Hezbollah chief urges Middle East to unite against ISIL

Abdul-Jabbar: 'Islamic State' Is As Islamic As The KKK Is Christian (VIDEO)

Abdul-Jabbar: 'Islamic State' Is As Islamic As The KKK Is Christian (VIDEO)



Report: Netanyahu may have leaked US secrets to hurt Iran negotiations

Report: Netanyahu may have leaked US secrets to hurt Iran negotiations

Nice Day for a Genocide: Shocking Quotes on Indians By U.S. Leaders, Pt 1

Nice Day for a Genocide: Shocking Quotes on Indians By U.S. Leaders, Pt 1

Iraqi Jews reject ‘cynical manipulation’ of their history by Israel, Zionists, writer Almog Behar tells EI

Iraqi Jews reject ‘cynical manipulation’ of their history by Israel, Zionists, writer Almog Behar tells EI

UK university rebuffs call by Israel lobby to cancel conference

UK university rebuffs call by Israel lobby to cancel conference

***** Fear, Inc. 2.0... the Islamophobia Promotion Network in Amerika

Fear, Inc. 2.0

Jerusalem: Over 20,000 Palestinian Homes to be Demolished - International Middle East Media Center

Jerusalem: Over 20,000 Palestinian Homes to be Demolished - International Middle East Media Center

Cancer Update. I asked my oncologist today when we met to describe my situation. She said, 'Unfortunately, you are a stage four cancer patient... but fortunate.' She further explained, your cancer learned how to send out seeds and so far we've seen seeds growing into tumors in your liver and more recently your lung. But your scan of two weeks ago is clean, and it has been a year since your chemo and liver section. So, for now, we need to watch you carefully and frequently to see if any other seeds decide to grow, pretty intensively for the next 3 years or so. We'll do CT scans every 4 months for now, to see if anything grows. We'll do another colonoscopy asap, she does not want to wait. Within the next several weeks I expect. She emailed the specialist and we need to schedule something. But she said, 'this is really your first 'well baby' visit, we call it. We need to look at diet and exercise now. You walk quite a bit so I think you are ok with exercise. I want to you to take three things daily, pills: children's aspirin, fish oil, and calcium with vitamin D. My next consult, ct scan with blood work is end of May. Must make every day count... for my most desperate family... in Palestine.

Cancer Update.  I asked my oncologist today when we met to describe my situation. She said, 'Unfortunately, you are a stage four cancer patient... but fortunate.'  She further explained, your cancer learned how to send out seeds and so far we've seen seeds growing into tumors in your liver and more recently your lung.  But your scan of two weeks ago is clean, and it has been a year since your chemo and liver section.  So, for now, we need to watch you carefully and frequently to see if any other seeds decide to grow, pretty intensively for the next 3 years or so.  We'll do CT scans every 4 months for now, to see if anything grows.  We'll do another colonoscopy asap, she does not want to wait.  Within the next several weeks I expect. She emailed the specialist and we need to schedule something.  But she said, 'this is really your first 'well baby' visit, we call it.  We need to look at diet and exercise now. You walk quite a bit so I think you are ok with exercise.  I want you to take three things daily, pills:  children's aspirin, fish oil, and calcium with vitamin D.  My next consult, ct scan with blood work is end of May.  Must make every breath count... for my most desperate family... in Palestine, and beyond.

Tens of Thousands Join North Carolina Moral March to Protest GOP Takeover, Racism & Islamophobia

***** The myth of pure science: It’s all about political, economic, religious interests

Obama Leaks Israeli Nuke Violation Doc Before Bibi Visit

***** Chris Hedges Print this item ‘Pornography Is What the End of the World Looks Like’

America's Forgotten Mass Lynching: When 237 People Were Murdered In Arkansas

Deadlines and red lines: Why are IDF attacks against Palestinian journalists on the rise? By Amira Hass

Vatican providing free showers and shaves to the homeless

How Removing Checkpoints Could Make Israelis More Secure

Removing Israeli checkpoints in the West Bank would end humiliation, increase security

Millions of Evangelical Christians Want to Start World War III … to Speed Up the Second Coming

Texas Mosque Torched … Police And Media Won’t Call It A ‘Hate Crime’ Either

California is rife with laws used to harass homeless people


Inside Gaza: Living here is like waiting to die

Inside Gaza: Living here is like waiting to die

The most heinous crime in Israel is anti-Zionism - Opinion

The most heinous crime in Israel is anti-Zionism - Opinion

Palestinian journalists increasingly finding themselves in the line of IDF fire - Diplomacy and Defense

Palestinian journalists increasingly finding themselves in the line of IDF fire - Diplomacy and Defense

***** Palestinians prepare 'Diplomatic (AND NON-VIOLENT) Intifiada' - According to this official, the Palestinian leadership is contemplating how to deal with this situation. He claims that the region and the world will hear about Palestine in two forms come April 2015. The first new front line would be a "diplomatic intifada," calling on international and regional frameworks for conflict resolution and statehood, based on international law. This diplomatic attack will be followed by a nonviolent popular intifada that will combine more demonstrations around settlements, the separation wall and East Jerusalem. He said, "This is the time for independence either by diplomacy as a kind of a war of independence." Read more:

According to this official, the Palestinian leadership is contemplating how to deal with this situation. He claims that the region and the world will hear about Palestine in two forms come April 2015. The first new front line would be a "diplomatic intifada," calling on international and regional frameworks for conflict resolution and statehood, based on international law. This diplomatic attack will be followed by a nonviolent popular intifada that will combine more demonstrations around settlements, the separation wall and East Jerusalem.
He said, "This is the time for independence either by diplomacy as a kind of a war of independence."

nd. Republican genius: They recognize that the US whites who see their futures diminishing want more than anything else someone to blame and hate for it, besides themselves, that are easy, safe targets they can get way with vitimizing. And the right gleefully serves up their targets - gays, MUSLIMS, poor minorities, women. (Oh, and they know that the left won't do squat to stop them or protect these weakest among us.) hehehehe

Republican genius: They recognize that the US whites who see their futures diminishing want more than anything else someone to blame and hate for it, besides themselves, that are easy, safe targets they can get way with vitimizing.  And the right gleefully serves up their targets - gays, MUSLIMS,  poor minorities, women.  (Oh, and they know that the left won't do squat to stop them or protect these weakest among us.)  hehehehe

nd. Tuesday I expect to learn if that tumor in my lung was malignant or not. I'm fighting a cold that keeps me up with rivers of mucus, sorry, all night. The cold medicine isn't touching it. Could be much worse. I'm surprisingly productive during the day. The weather, the extreme cold, is far too much for my reduced strength to be vigiling for Palsestine these days, but this week the congressscum is out of town so that timing is good. Hopefully the following week the weather will be better and my strength greater and I can be back on the Hill for Palestine. I'm using my time indoors do fight for Palestine online on facebook and my blog and am in a deep dive of learning - Zionism, Christian Zionism, US Christian Fascism, Judaism.....

Tuesday I expect to learn if that tumor in my lung was malignant or not.  I'm fighting a cold that keeps me up with rivers of mucus, sorry, all night.  The cold medicine isn't touching it.  Could be much worse.  I'm surprisingly productive during the day.  The weather, the extreme cold, is far too much for my reduced strength to be vigiling for Palsestine these days, but this week the congressscum is out of town so that timing is good.  Hopefully the following week the weather will be better and my strength greater and I can be back on the Hill for Palestine.  I'm using my time indoors do fight for Palestine online on facebook and my blog and am in a deep dive of learning - Zionism, Christian Zionism, US Christian Fascism, Judaism.....

nd. I am finding that the most Godly, Good, Humane group of size that I see on earth I see are our Muslim brothers and sisters... despite all odds they have withstood the onslaught of our corrupt western culture so rife with greed and self-centeredness. This is a finding that greatly surprises me. I also find that the most extremely Humane, Good people on earth, the small handful, are Jews, like this young woman, Jewish Voice for Peace, Norman Finkelstein, Noam Chomsky, Gideon Levy, Amira Haas, Max Blumenthal, Glenn Greenwald, Henry Seigman, Heidi Epsteain, Hajo Meyer, Israel Shahak, the Israeli Refuseniks, Breaking the Silence..... Unimaginable Humanity. I find the most evil on earth the Judeo / Christian white fundamentalists - christians in the US and jews (zionists) in Israel and the US - F'ing Sociopaths, Clinically, and they are about to destroy everything because they have no serious opposition.

I am finding that the most Godly, Good, Humane group of size that I see on earth I see are our Muslim brothers and sisters... despite all odds they have withstood the onslaught of our corrupt western culture so rife with greed and self-centeredness. This is a finding that greatly surprises me.  I also find that the most extremely Humane, Good people on earth, the small handful, are Jews, like this young woman, Jewish Voice for Peace, Norman Finkelstein, Noam Chomsky, Gideon Levy, Amira Haas, Max Blumenthal, Glenn Greenwald, Henry Seigman, Heidi Epsteain, Hajo Meyer, Israel Shahak, the Israeli Refuseniks, Breaking the Silence..... Unimaginable Humanity. I find the most evil on earth the Judeo / Christian white fundamentalists - christians in the US and jews (zionists) in Israel and the US - F'ing Sociopaths, Clinically, and they are about to destroy everything because they have no serious opposition.

nd. What a heartbreaking week - the death of Kayla Mueler, and those three breathtaking young Saints in North Carolina. Times like these, weeks like these, so many days for me feel like we are led to believe Oba Wan felt when that planet was destroyed. Such grief.

What a heartbreaking week - the death of Kayla Mueler, and those three breathtaking young Saints in North Carolina.  Times like these, weeks like these, so many days for me feel like we are led to believe Obi Wan felt when that planet was destroyed.  Such grief.

***** What Does the Christian Right Want? Chris Hedges on American Fascists (2007)

What Does the Christian Right Want? Chris Hedges on American Fascists (2007)

Religion Provides Emotional Boost to World’s Poor

Religion Provides Emotional Boost to World’s Poor

Dr. Gabore Mate: Gabor Mate, “Beautiful Dream of Israel Has Become a Nightmare,” The Star, July 22, 2014.

All-Black Little League Team Stripped of Title. Jim crow is alive and well and living in the united states

How Radical Change Occurs: Eric Foner

'Anti-Israel, or Anti-American?'

St. Gideon Levy - Al Jazeera World - Going Against The Grain

Homeless Advocates Critical Of Police Chief’s Push To Bus Transients Away


The Revisionist Background of Jewish Terrorism in Israel by Joseph Heller

***** Autism rates aren't actually increasing

How Radical Change Occurs: Eric Foner

***** nd. Patriotism in Amerikkka means taking sides, one group against another. (Probably this is true in all 'patriotic' cultures.) In that case I am NOT Patriotic. How can I be against any part of my human Family? Now, BEHAVIOR, that is a different story. Inhuman Behavior I am mortal enemy to.

Patriotism in Amerikkka means taking sides, one group (country) against another. (Probably this is true in all 'patriotic' cultures.)  In that case I am NOT Patriotic.  How can I be against any part of my human Family?  Now, BEHAVIOR, that is a different story.  Inhuman Behavior I am mortal enemy to.

***** Israeli Refusenick. Saint. THIS is the Chosen of God. 'Father, forgive me, I will not kill for you'

***** nd. I'm homeless. We need to stop throwing crumbs at feeding and sheltering we homeless... and step up to the real issue... expanding society so there is room socially and economically for we homeless to come in from the cold. This is Jesus Gospel - nothing more, nothing less, nothing else. THIS is the Only Revolution that can save Amerikkka or Earth now. Everything else is just more of the same.

***** I'm homeless. We need to stop throwing crumbs at feeding and sheltering we homeless... and step up to the real issue... expanding society so there is room socially and economically for we homeless to come in from the cold.  This is Jesus Gospel - nothing more, nothing less, nothing else.  THIS is the Only Revolution that can save Amerikkka or Earth now.  Everything else is just more of the same.

***** Israel is not a democracy, Ben White. .... "The laws of the Israel are designed to ensure that any Jew in the world (regardless of whether or not they have any factual ancestral connection to the historic land of Palestine, now occupied by Israel) can "return" to Israel, while Palestinian refugees, who have been constantly kicked out of their homes by Israel since 1948, are entirely barred from returning to homes they or their grandparents were born in."

Israel is not a democracy

"The laws of the Israel are designed to ensure that any Jew in the world (regardless of whether or not they have any factual ancestral connection to the historic land of Palestine, now occupied by Israel) can "return" to Israel, while Palestinian refugees, who have been constantly kicked out of their homes by Israel since 1948, are entirely barred from returning to homes they or their grandparents were born in."

Thousands of Palestinian homes on Israeli demolition 'shortlist'

Thousands of Palestinian homes on Israeli demolition 'shortlist'

How to End Empire Economic crisis alone won’t end US imperialism. Only a political threat from below can do that. by Tariq Ali

***** Must must must must must must read. The World of Our Grandchildren Noam Chomsky discusses ISIS, Israel, climate change, and the kind of world future generations may inherit

The Satanization of saint Kayla. Muller...... These Zionists are evil incarnate and deeply proud of it. Read this and be sure you know how to see this consummate evil for what it is and stop being confused and disoriented by it.

Christian principles sacrificed in Bishop’s anxiety not to offend a pro-Israel hardcore. Stephen Sizer

Marriage is no cure for poverty

The existential threat as a pillar of Israeli policy By Zeev Sternhell Israeli society has always admired power. Contempt for Jewish weakness was the primary embodiment of the old principle of the negation of the exile. The country was conquered by force, together with the sophisticated exploitation of Arab weakness, and the state was founded in a storm of war

BDS vote narrowly fails at Stanford University,-in-Silicon-Valley/BDS-Vote-Narrowly-Fails-at-Stanford-University-390898

The World of Our Grandchildren Noam Chomsky discusses ISIS, Israel, climate change, and the kind of world future generations may inherit

Noam Chomsky: “The world that we’re creating for our grandchildren is grim”

Childhood Trauma Leads to Brains Wired for Fear

Vid. Elderly woman filmed confronting ISIS and branding them 'devil' before quoting Koran

"domestic law enforcement did not want to believe that white people could be terrorists—or even violent extremists—until Timothy McVeigh bombed the Oklahoma federal building in 1995. Then they shifted gears and focused on many domestic anti-government and ideological groups. But that focus changed, he said, after the 9/11 attacks in 2001, as law enforcement again saw radical Islam as the primary threat."

Angry, armed and white: Why Craig Stephen Hicks is the face of America’s violent extremism

America’s real racial terror: How lynch mobs & barbaric violence haunt us today

The rising tide of BDS on California's campuses

Lubya in the pines — a visit to an ethnically-cleansed Palestinian village!d3jLg1

Watch: Arsonists torched car of Salford Rabbi who spoke out over Israeli military action in Gaza

The Nazi commandments for a pure Aryan society

TIME: Israeli House Strikes Killed Mostly Civilians

post-war Gaza

Portugal Cut Addiction Rates in Half by Connecting Drug Users With Communities Instead of Jailing Them


No one’s talking about peace in Israeli election, U.S. liberal Zionists are warned!d2NvwE

Robert Reich: America is headed full speed back to the 19th century

Obama: Chapel Hill killings 'brutal and outrageous'

Major AP article. High civilian death tolls and Israel's war on Gaza

President Obama offers condolences to families of three slain Muslims

600 artists are joined by another 100. Over 100 artists announce a cultural boycott of Israel

***** ZIONI KKK SAVAGES...... Israel backers celebrate death of Islamic State hostage Kayla Mueller

Israel backers celebrate death of Islamic State hostage Kayla Mueller

FBI to investigate killings of 3 Muslims in N.C


Head Of Muslim Group: ‘If North Carolina Killer Describes Himself As An Atheist, Are We To Demand All Atheists Apologize For Him Like Muslims Have Had To Do?’

Or as Norman Finkelstein says, “Charlie Hebdo is sadism. It's not satire.” ..... The West and Muslims, and Free Speech » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

The West and Muslims, and Free Speech » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

nd. Norman Finkelstein, an American historian and political scientist, also Jewish, reacted to the Charlie Hebdo identifier, saying “I am … Gaza.”

Norman Finkelstein, an American historian and political scientist, also Jewish, reacted to the Charlie Hebdo identifier, saying “I am … Gaza.”

VID: Glenn Greenwald’s Plan to Piss Off the Powerful

VID: Glenn Greenwald’s Plan to Piss Off the Powerful

"THERE WAS NOT ROCKETFIRE BEFORE ISRAEL ATTACKED GAZA..." ICC receives report debunking Israel’s “self-defense” claims for Gaza attack

ICC receives report debunking Israel’s “self-defense” claims for Gaza attack

**** The Death Of The Israeli Left - OpEd. Gideon Levy... "Courageous, steadfast groups like B’Tselem, Breaking the Silence, Rabbis for Human Rights, Physicians for Human Rights, Machsom Watch, Anarchists Against the Wall, Ta’ayush and even Peace Now have no real influence on the political map in Israel and face a systematic campaign of delegitimisation."

The Death Of The Israeli Left - OpEd

Guardian Editor’s Hypocrisy on Anti-semitism | Dissident Voice

Guardian Editor’s Hypocrisy on Anti-semitism | Dissident Voice

Christian Zionism used to justify 'apartheid on steroids', says World Vision vice-president

Christian Zionism used to justify 'apartheid on steroids', says World Vision vice-president

Christ Hedges. Understanding the Roots of Terrorism – Theirs and Ours: Conversation with Chris Hedges » Understanding the Roots of Terrorism – Theirs and Ours: Conversation with Chris Hedges

The U.S. Media and the 13-Year-Old Yemeni Boy Burned to Death Last Month by a U.S. Drone - The Intercept

The U.S. Media and the 13-Year-Old Yemeni Boy Burned to Death Last Month by a U.S. Drone - The Intercept

We're setting the job market back 200 years

We're setting the job market back 200 years

***** Anti-Israel Anglican priest ordered offline...... JE SUI STEPHEN SIZER. Dr. Sizer is the world scholarly authority on Christian Zionism. If you don't fight the unjust take-down of this great human being, well, they'll soon come for you, and it will be well deserved. ...

Anti-Israel Anglican priest ordered offline

JE SUI STEPHEN SIZER.  Dr. Sizer is the world scholarly authority on Christian Zionism.  If you don't fight the unjust take-down of this great human being, well, they'll soon come for you, and it will be well deserved. 


pic. Please explain this to me: Islamophobia is right, just, deserved, based on the behavior of Muslims. Antisemitism is 100%, completely, absolutely, unconditionally in all cases unjust, incorrect regardless the behavior of Jews, no matter how evil. [If you say both are always unjust...stand accordingly.]

***** A Truth Most Jews Don't Want To Know About Anti-Semitism By Alan Hart......... "Rabbis Sacks and Miller and all who think like them are in complete denial of the link between Israel's actions which sometimes amount to state terrorism and the transformation of anti-Israelism into anti-Semitism." [Denial has nothing to do with it. They are waponized Israeli / Zioni propaganda mercenaries. They are doing their part of raping and plundering Palestines.]

A Truth Most Jews Don't Want To Know About Anti-Semitism By Alan Hart

"Rabbis Sacks and Miller and all who think like them are in complete denial of the link between Israel's actions which sometimes amount to state terrorism and the transformation of anti-Israelism into anti-Semitism."  [Denial has nothing to do with it. They are waponized Israeli / Zioni propaganda mercenaries.  They are doing their part of raping and plundering Palestines.]

Obama's second term goal: Push Netanyahu on peace

Obama's second term goal: Push Netanyahu on peace

Muslims, Christians and Jews live in peace in Azerbaijan

Muslims, Christians and Jews live in peace in Azerbaijan

Muslim Women Don't See Themselves as Oppressed, Survey Finds - New York Times. ................ (2006 article. No reason to think it would be different today.) "What do you admire least about the West?" was the general perception of moral decay, promiscuity and pornography that pollsters called the "Hollywood image" that is regarded as degrading to women.

Muslim Women Don't See Themselves as Oppressed, Survey Finds - New York Times

Zionist World Domination: Church of England Bars 'Prejudiced' Reverend from Speaking on Israel

Church of England Bars 'Prejudiced' Reverend from Speaking on Israel

***** pic. Ditto. "For as long as I live, I will not let this suffering be normal. [I will not let this be] something we just accept," Kayla Mueller

U.S. activist Rachel Corrie's family loses appeal to Israel's Supreme Court - Diplomacy and Defense

U.S. activist Rachel Corrie's family loses appeal to Israel's Supreme Court - Diplomacy and Defense