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the Archbishop of Wales has criticized "atheistic fundamentalism" broadly[26][27][28] and said "Any kind of fundamentalism, be it Biblical, atheistic or Islamic, is dangerous".[29] He also said, "the new fundamentalism of our age ... leads to the language of expulsion and exclusivity, of extremism and polarisation, and the claim that, because God is on our side, he is not on yours."

Nd. , Israel Shahak, Jewish fundamentalism in Israel.

, Israel Shahak, Jewish fundamentalism in Israel.

posted from Bloggeroid

Vid. 2 min. Israeli minister: "Anti-semitic, its a trick we always use it"

Nd. " Virtually identified with Arab terrorism, Islamic fundamentalism is anathema throughout the non-Muslim world. Virtually identified with ignorance, superstition, intolerance and racism, Christian fundamentalism is anathema to the cultural and intellectual elite in the United States. The recent significant increase in its number of adherents, combined with its widening political influence, nevertheless, make Christian fundamentalism a real threat to democracy in the United States. Although possessing nearly all the important social scientific properties of Islamic and Christian fundamentalism, Jewish fundamentalism is practically unknown outside of Israel and certain sections of a few other places. When its existence is acknowledged, its significance is minimized or limited to arcane religious practices and quaint middle European dress, most often by those same non-Israeli elite commentators who see so uncompromisingly the evils inherent in Jewish fundamentalism’s Islamic and/or Christian cousins" , Israel Shahak, Jewish fundamentalism in Israel.

" Virtually identified with Arab terrorism, Islamic fundamentalism is anathema throughout the non-Muslim world. Virtually identified with ignorance, superstition, intolerance and racism, Christian fundamentalism is anathema to the cultural and intellectual elite in the United States. The recent significant increase in its number of adherents, combined with its widening political influence, nevertheless, make Christian fundamentalism a real threat to democracy in the United States. Although possessing nearly all the important social scientific properties of Islamic and Christian fundamentalism, Jewish fundamentalism is practically unknown outside of Israel and certain sections of a few other places. When its existence is acknowledged, its significance is minimized or limited to arcane religious practices and quaint middle European dress, most often by those same non-Israeli elite commentators who see so uncompromisingly the evils inherent in Jewish fundamentalism’s Islamic and/or Christian cousins" , Israel Shahak, Jewish fundamentalism in Israel.

posted from Bloggeroid

UK Jews and Muslims team up against hate. As religious tensions escalate in Europe, Muslims and Jews in North London band together to negate hate.

The American Sniper You Didn't Hear About

'American Sniper' - Evidence of the Swamp of Moral Depravity in Which America Is Sinking.... "The peddling of such myths is the very currency of Hollywood. Over many decades the US movie industry has proved itself one of the most potent weapons in the armoury of US imperialism, helping to project a myth of an America defined by lofty attributes of courage, freedom, and democracy"

'American Sniper' - Evidence of the Swamp of Moral Depravity in Which America Is Sinking.... "The peddling of such myths is the very currency of Hollywood. Over many decades the US movie industry has proved itself one of the most potent weapons in the armoury of US imperialism, helping to project a myth of an America defined by lofty attributes of courage, freedom, and democracy"

Nd. Israeli Justice Minister Yosef Lapid was probably correct when in a December 19, 2003 statement he described the Jewish settlers in the West Bank and Gaza as “barbaric” and accused them of having de facto control in Israel and of wanting to drive Palestinians out of the West Bank and Jordan, Israel Shahak, Jewish fundamentalism in Israel.

Israeli Justice Minister Yosef Lapid was probably correct when in a December 19, 2003 statement he described the Jewish settlers in the West Bank and Gaza as “barbaric” and accused them of having de facto control in Israel and of wanting to drive Palestinians out of the West Bank and Jordan, Israel Shahak, Jewish fundamentalism in Israel.

posted from Bloggeroid

Israel Shahak, Jewish fundamentalism in Israel: Fundamentalist members of the Knesset, for example, concerned about the increase of homosexuality compared homosexuals and lesbians to animals and vowed that “when in power” they would order compulsory psychiatric treatment for homosexuals and lesbians

Fundamentalist members of the Knesset, for example, concerned about the increase of homosexuality compared homosexuals and lesbians to animals and vowed that “when in power” they would order compulsory psychiatric treatment for homosexuals and lesbians

posted from Bloggeroid

Nd. "many Israeli Jews are chauvinists who feel pride in the display of Jewish power and considered it to be compensation for centuries of Jewish humiliation." from Jewish fundamentalism by Israel Shahak

"many Israeli Jews are chauvinists who feel pride in the display of Jewish power and considered it to be compensation for centuries of Jewish humiliation." from Jewish fundamentalism by Israel Shahak

posted from Bloggeroid

U.S. NGO: 'Hate group' funding Republican trip to Israel

The crisis is compounded since we have been told for 30 years that the route to universal wellbeing is to abandon the expense of justice and equity and so allow the judgments of the market to go unobstructed

Netanyahu to American Jews: Get Lost By accepting Speaker Boehner's invitation to address Congress, the Israeli leader has chosen to side with political forces opposed by many US Jews

***** The Holocaust's Forgotten Victims: The 5 Million Non-Jewish People Killed By The Nazis

Gaza bound donations evaporate as UN agency unable to repair war's damage

Transgender man has private audience with Pope Francis


***** Chris Hedges: Killing Ragheads for Jesus. “American Sniper” caters to a deep sickness rippling through our society. It holds up the dangerous belief that we can recover our equilibrium and our lost glory by embracing an American fascism."

Having read the first 1/5 of the Qur'an I find it no more primitive, quaint, ignorant, dangerous, ignorant, harmful, 'terrorizing'... (detail)

Having read the first 1/5 of the Qur'an I find it no more primitive, quaint, ignorant, dangerous, ignorant, harmful, 'terrorizing'... than the Old Testament and New Testament... except for the Humane, Advanced, Sane Moral Teachings of Jesus in Mark, Luke and Matthew (not the nonsense in John) which is somewhat carried forward in the Qur'an as well.  Both are books by fairly good, well-intended people trying, within the limits of the knowledge and science of their time, to increase the peace and well-being of humankind.  Jesus, the man, alone, according to the best scholars I can find, focused on morality, Universal Family, and effectively rejected all the mythology, mysticism, magic of the sort found in the OT and repeated in the Qur'an. I find the Qur'an less deadly in word and historical consequence than the christian bibloe because although like the NT bible Jesus is revered, in the NT it is largely for what was made up about him, 'son of god,' which was NOT carried forward in the Qur'an.

vid. 10 min. Australian MP exposes Israeli poopaganda in Australia about Palestine : David Shoebridge

Ending Greece’s Nightmare

President Obama gave the traditional mainstream media carte blanche for six years. They failed to report truthfully, accurately, and in an unbiased manner. The president decided to remove a level of indirection to get his message out. No longer will the traditional mainstream media get first dibs. These vloggers and bloggers will no longer be solely dependent on the traditional media's colored interpretation.


The UK, France & Germany Co-Write WaPo Op-Ed Begging Goposaurs Not to Sabotage Iran Nuke Deal

The mental strain of living in poverty and thinking constantly about tight finances can drop a person’s IQ by as much as 13 percent, or about the equivalent of losing a night of sleep

Pulling people out of poverty with one-on-one help

CNN. Chomsky: Paris attacks show hypocrisy of West's outrage

If you don’t understand how people fall into poverty, you’re probably a sociopath


vid. Jesse Ventura battles a Jewish reporter on Fox

vid. Israel uses us like a whore: Traficant

GOP Congressman: Minimum Wage Is For 'Unskilled' Minorities Who Are Only 'Worth $7 An Hour'

Julia Roberts Set to Star in Batkid Movie

nd. To those of you blissfully passing around liberal memes from these savages: Bernie, Lizzie, Hillary... are up to their elbows in the blood, flesh, brains... body parts of 520 Palestinian children just this summer. That's not a red-line for you, huh? Never Again means... Never Again... IF it is CONVENIENT for me and mine? If you don't draw the line NOW, HERE, it is coming to a bedroom near you... and God Damn, YOU WILL SSSSSOOOOOOOOO DESERVE IT.

To those of you blissfully passing around liberal memes from these savages:  Bernie, Lizzie, Hillary... are up to their elbows in the blood, flesh, brains... body parts of 520 Palestinian children just this summer. That's not a red-line for you, huh? Never Again means... Never Again... IF it is CONVENIENT for me and mine?  If you don't draw the line NOW, HERE, it is coming to a bedroom near you... and God Damn, YOU WILL SSSSSOOOOOOOOO DESERVE IT.

Demolitions, displacements in West Bank 'must stop immediately,' urges UN envoy. UN News Centre

Demolitions, displacements in West Bank 'must stop immediately,' urges UN envoy.
UN News Centre

Tzipi Livni says Israeli prime minister leading country into 'diplomatic isolation'

Rabbi Abraham J. Heschel, now recognized as the most significant American Jewish theologian of the 20th century. On Israel, Palestine....

Rabbi Abraham J. Heschel, now recognized as the most significant American Jewish theologian of the 20th century.  On Israel, Palestine....

***** From the Divine Jewish Rabbi Abraham Heschel: "To pray means to bring God back into the world, a world which has strayed so far from God’s will that God is in exile from the world S/He created." AMEN AMEN AMEN. His essay "The Meaning of This Hour," is the most Godly, Most Divine, Most Sane, Humane.... essay that ever in my life I have read.... HERE at a site I put up in 2007:

From the Divine Jewish Rabbi Abraham Heschel:  "To pray means to bring God back into the world, a world which has strayed so far from God’s will that God is in exile from the world S/He created."  AMEN AMEN AMEN.  His essay "The Meaning of This Hour," is the most Godly, Most Divine, Most Sane, Humane.... essay that ever in my life I have read.... HERE at a site I put up in 2007:

Quran literally means "a reading or reciting." However, the term "Quran" has been historically used specifically to refer to the book which was revealed to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). The term "Quran" is mentioned in a number of places throughout the book in reference to itself.

Quran literally means "a reading or reciting." However, the term "Quran" has been historically used specifically to refer to the book which was revealed to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). The term "Quran" is mentioned in a number of places throughout the book in reference to itself.

Qur'an: "All those who believe, and the Jews and the Sabians and the Christians, in fact any one who believes in God and the Last Day, and performs good deeds, will have nothing to fear or regret."

Qur'an:  "All those who believe, and the Jews and the Sabians and the Christians, in fact any one who believes in God and the Last Day, and performs good deeds, will have nothing to fear or regret."

vid. 2 min. Comedy Central: The Jeselnik Offensive: Where Is Your God Now -- Islam

Variety Mag: Islam Needs Hollywood. No, Really.

The world needs fewer billionaires. 0 would be the correct number. People need to have less things in life,’ U.S. billionaire Jeff Greene declared after arriving in Davos, Switzerland in a private jet with his family and TWO nannies

Pic. Anywhere else in the world if you are against interracial marriage you are a racist, but in Israel you are a patriot.

'American Sniper' prompts threats to Arabs, Muslims

***** Living in America will drive you insane — literally

Seeds Of Discontent In France Were Planted Long Before Charlie Hebdo Attacks

Israel & The Region Dutch ex-minister: World peace if Israeli Jews move to US


nd. Nite nite. Off to the hospital early for more cancer tests.

Nite nite. Off to the hospital early for more cancer tests.

Living in Israel isn’t the solution to antisemitism Middle East Antony Loewenstein - See more at:

Living in Israel isn’t the solution to antisemitism Middle East
- See more at:

nd. No offense. Just a heads up. Probably won't be long before I will un-friend folks that encourage others to eat the flesh of our fellow creatures.

No offense.  Just a heads up.  Probably won't be long before  I will un-friend folks that encourage others to eat the flesh of our fellow creatures.

***** Charlie Hebdo: Publishing cartoon of prophet Mohammed was an act of provocation, says ex head of MI6

On Islam: I'm 12% into my first reading of the Qur'an, and 6 months....

On Islam - The Bible in other words, less mystical... nothing more or less frightening than that.  I'm 12% into my first reading of the Qur'an, and 6 months into some consideration of Islam, Muslims. I was 100% ignorant prior. In several more months I'll be many times more knowledgeable that I am now.  My experience of the Qur'an thus far is that it is the old and new testaments - the same attempt to inspire and cajole and frighten... people to put their consciences in charge, less mystical (which is much to my approval), but very much in keeping with what I know of the Bible as a spiritual tool to be used to accentuate conscience, goodness, justice, righteousness.  Tragically, like the Bible, it is as easy to turn into a deadly weapon of those without conscience, justice, goodness.  I find these sentences consistent with what I've seen so far:  "be good to your parents and relatives, the orphans and the needy and the neighbours who are your relatives, and the neighbours who are strangers, and the friend by your side, the traveller and your servants and subordinates. God does not surely love those who are arrogant and boastful,
Who are miserly and bid others to be so, and hide what God has given them in His largesse. We have prepared for unbelievers a shameful punishment.
Those who spend of their wealth to show off and do not believe in God and the Last Day, take Satan as companion, and how evil a companion (have they)!
Would something have befallen them if they had believed in God and the Last Day, and spent of what has been given them by God? God is fully aware of all they do."

Former US drone operator tells IN THE NOW he is sorry

Every movie rewrites history. What American Sniper did is much, much worse.

Filmmaker Robert Greenwald: American Sniper is a 'Neocon Fantasy' in Which 'There's No Good Iraqi Except a Dead Iraqi' In a debate on the Ed Show, Greenwald criticized the film for its deadly take on patriotism.

Filmmaker Robert Greenwald: American Sniper is a 'Neocon Fantasy' in Which 'There's No Good Iraqi Except a Dead Iraqi'

In a debate on the Ed Show, Greenwald criticized the film for its deadly take on patriotism.

‘American Sniper’ Complaints Grow in Hollywood: Should Clint Eastwood Be Celebrating a ‘Killer’?

Jimmy Carter: Israeli-Palestinian Conflict A Cause Of Paris Attacks

Jimmy Carter: ICC Should Look Into War Crime Allegations From Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

Jimmy Carter: ICC Should Look Into War Crime Allegations From Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

Saint (Truly) Amira Hass: "Law enforcement officers who don't put settlers on trial for attacking Palestinians must also be considered suspects."

***** (by a Jew): The Muslim Today Is the Jew of 1939 First, though, a general statement: I am Jewish. My background and experience teaches me that when any group, social class, religion is singled out for persecution, discrimination, hostile treatment of any kind, this sets a precedent for doing the same to other groups, classes, religions—a precedent that creates a dynamic of hate not easily contained or stopped. With persecution of one group, the whole society suffers, its moral character compromised and diminished. Either there is respect for everyone, or a social cancer eats away at the people as a whole, sowing mistrust and cruelty.....

***** (by a Jew): The Muslim Today Is the Jew of 1939

First, though, a general statement: I am Jewish. My background and experience teaches me that when any group, social class, religion is singled out for persecution, discrimination, hostile treatment of any kind, this sets a precedent for doing the same to other groups, classes, religions—a precedent that creates a dynamic of hate not easily contained or stopped. With persecution of one group, the whole society suffers, its moral character compromised and diminished. Either there is respect for everyone, or a social cancer eats away at the people as a whole, sowing mistrust and cruelty.....

Saint (Truly) Norman Finkelstein: "There's a very big difference between satire and sadism. Charlie Hebdo is sadism. It's not satire."

Saint (Truly) Norman Finkelstein:  "There's a very big difference between satire and sadism. Charlie Hebdo is sadism. It's not satire."

Netanyahu wins! He IS Satan-yahu. He IS! Really! " Report: Mossad broke rank with Netanyahu, warned U.S. against Iran sanctions Israeli intelligence agency told Obama administrations and U.S. senators that Iran sanctions would collapse nuclear talks, Bloomberg reports. "

Most Palestinians restrain themselves, despite Israel’s plunder. Unlike a few individuals, they channel their wrath and loathing into nonviolent action like the BDS and ICC movements.

Baker faces complaint for refusing to write anti-gay message on cake

***** What, above all else, may drive me to an early grave... is the do nothing, risk nothing, pay no price, whine whine whine whine whine... liberals, that pay in a lifetime not 1% of what Pr. Obama pays risks contributes in a day. "The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch and don't stop them," Einstein paraphrase. He was talking about today's criminally cowardly, depraved, disgusting US liberals. Had 1000 of them come courageously around Pr. Obama... America and the US might have been saved. God Damn them all to Hell.

What, above all else, may drive me to an early grave... is the do nothing, risk nothing, pay no price, whine whine whine whine whine... liberals, that pay in a lifetime not 1% of what Pr. Obama pays risks contributes in a day.  "The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch and don't stop them," Einstein paraphrase.  He was talking about today's criminally cowardly, depraved, disgusting US liberals.  Had 1000 of them come courageously around Pr. Obama... America and the US might have been saved. God Damn them all to Hell.


***** STOP. READ THIS. "In the 1970s, a Professor of Psychology in Vancouver called Bruce Alexander noticed something odd about this experiment. The rat is put in the cage all alone. It has nothing to do but take the drugs. What would happen, he wondered, if we tried this differently? So Professor Alexander built Rat Park. It is a lush cage where the rats would have colored balls and the best rat-food and tunnels to scamper down and plenty of friends: everything a rat about town could want. What, Alexander wanted to know, will happen then? In Rat Park, all the rats obviously tried both water bottles, because they didn't know what was in them. But what happened next was startling. The rats with good lives didn't like the drugged water. They mostly shunned it, consuming less than a quarter of the drugs the isolated rats used. None of them died. While all the rats who were alone and unhappy became heavy users, none of the rats who had a happy environment did. ...... READ ARTICLE

Why Have Young People in Japan Stopped Having Sex? What is "celibacy syndrome" and why has it taken over Japan?

"Throughout the Civil War, youngsters followed brothers, fathers and even teachers into battle. They often had support roles but quickly graduated into combat roles. They were sometimes recruited at school and, when necessary, used weapons that were cut down and adapted for use by smaller people. David Baily Freemen, “Little Dave,” enlisted in the Confederate army at age 11, first accompanying his older brother as an aide-de-camp and then as a “marker” for a survey team before finally fighting against Sherman’s army. Joseph John Clem (who changed his name to John Lincoln Clem) officially enlisted in the Union army at age 10 although he had been a camp follower since age 9. Gilbert “Little Gib” Van Zandt, age 10, followed his teacher into the Ohio Volunteer Infantry where he joined his father, uncles and friends. He joined up when recruiters arrived at his school despite his mother’s pleas that he was “too young to fight.” Clarence D. McKenzie, a drummer boy for Brooklyn’s 13th Regiment was killed at Annapolis, Md., when he was only 12. His funeral, held on July 14, 1861, was attended by 3,000 people. A statute of the boy and his drum was erected to commemorate his sacrifice and is still one of the most visited graves in Brooklyn’s Greenwood cemetery today. ....."

"Throughout the Civil War, youngsters followed brothers, fathers and even teachers into battle. They often had support roles but quickly graduated into combat roles. They were sometimes recruited at school and, when necessary, used weapons that were cut down and adapted for use by smaller people. David Baily Freemen, “Little Dave,” enlisted in the Confederate army at age 11, first accompanying his older brother as an aide-de-camp and then as a “marker” for a survey team before finally fighting against Sherman’s army. Joseph John Clem (who changed his name to John Lincoln Clem) officially enlisted in the Union army at age 10 although he had been a camp follower since age 9. Gilbert “Little Gib” Van Zandt, age 10, followed his teacher into the Ohio Volunteer Infantry where he joined his father, uncles and friends. He joined up when recruiters arrived at his school despite his mother’s pleas that he was “too young to fight.” Clarence D. McKenzie, a drummer boy for Brooklyn’s 13th Regiment was killed at Annapolis, Md., when he was only 12. His funeral, held on July 14, 1861, was attended by 3,000 people. A statute of the boy and his drum was erected to commemorate his sacrifice and is still one of the most visited graves in Brooklyn’s Greenwood cemetery today. ....."

pic. 2 Questions: 1.. If you were a Palestinian, no army, no airforce, no navy, under 24/7 Israeli attack / military occupation for 68 years... from the world’s 4th most powerful military... how would you, how could you, fight back, retaliate, resist? (Remember, by INTERNATIONAL LAW... you have a RIGHT, and Gandhi would say, DUTY to use any means at your disposal to resist.) 2. Were the armed Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto... Terrorists?

2 Questions: 

1..  If you were a
Palestinian, no army, no airforce, no navy, under 24/7 Israeli attack / military occupation for 68 years... from the world’s 4th most powerful
military... how would you, how could you, fight back, retaliate, resist?  (Remember, by
INTERNATIONAL LAW... you have a RIGHT, and Gandhi would say, DUTY to use any means at your disposal to resist.)

2.  Were the armed Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto...

*****Israel has no right to be an apartheid state, says Boycott From Within founder

Hero or Killer? ‘American Sniper’ movie raises controversy over Iraq war............ The garbage is the Amerikan Empire Culture: Fundamentalist conservatives, lip-service risk pay contribute sacrifice NOTHING LIBERALS. This poor man is just a function of that. Hate the Sin, Love the Sinner. LOOK IN THE MIRROR.

nd. A FB exchange today: An acquaintance RF posted to all of the Friends to their page: "Describe me as best you can. Give me the privilege of seeing myself through your eyes." I commented: "1. I totally don't know you, as you are aware, we've had nearly zero contact; 2. Strong leanings toward the Good of humanity... that like 99.9999% of those like you... will be sidelined as impractical idealism, window dressing... for all of your years." RF's reply: "James, when I finally get back to D.C. one of these days, the first thing I'm going to do is come and sit with you awhile. Thank you for such a stirring compliment." My reply: " :-) I don 't give complements, or slams. I share the Truth as I see it with those that I think may want to hear, those very few."

A FB exchange today:  An acquaintance RF posted to all of the Friends to their page:  "Describe me as best you can. Give me the privilege of seeing myself through your eyes."  I commented: "1. I totally don't know you, as you are aware, we've had nearly zero contact; 2. Strong leanings toward the Good of humanity... that like 99.9999% of those like you... will be sidelined as impractical idealism, window dressing... for all of your years."  RF's reply:  "James, when I finally get back to D.C. one of these days, the first thing I'm going to do is come and sit with you awhile.  Thank you for such a stirring compliment."  My reply:  " :-)  I don 't give complements, or slams. I share the Truth as I see it with those that I think may want to hear, those very few."

***** A recent experience: A Homeless cell-mate of mine, Peter, I'll call him, mid 50's clean off probation since 2008, has EVERY DAY placed numerious applicaitons for work (sh*t jobs mopping floors, anything) for 8 months now. Breaks my heart. I've watched him. Two churches come to the shelter every weekend. I told a man in each of Peter's need for work. One said, "Tell him about Jesus." The other one said, "Tell him to see me and I'll see what I can do." In effect, one said 'Tell him about Jesus,' the other said, in effect, 'Bring him to me, I'll SHOW him about Jesus.' Which one is the man of God? (Subsequently the 2nd man began producing 'real' opportunities for Peter, giving Peter his phone number (he is a mid level computer executive), staying in regular phone contact TO Peter. Peters begins his new job at a nursing home next week.)

A recent experience:  A Homeless cell-mate of mine, Peter, I'll call him, mid 50's clean off probation since 2008, has EVERY DAY placed numerious applicaitons for work (sh*t jobs mopping floors, anything) for 8 months now.  Breaks my heart. I've watched him. Two churches come to the shelter every weekend.  I told a man in each of Peter's need for work.  One said, "Tell him about Jesus." The other one said, "Tell him to see me and I'll see what I can do."  In effect, one said 'Tell him about Jesus,' the other said, in effect, 'Bring him to me, I'll SHOW him about Jesus.'  Which one is the man of God?  (Subsequently the 2nd man began producing 'real' opportunities for Peter, giving Peter his phone number (he is a mid level computer executive), staying in regular phone contact TO Peter.  Peters begins his new job at a nursing home next week.)

***** nd. It is sickening. The people of Evil are winning. They are near certainly going to win... and destroy all Good. But that's the Creator's business. Ours, is to find the discipline to use EVERY SINGLE BREATH WE ARE GIVEN... to the best possible use we can put it to reduce the suffering, and increase the joy... of the neediest victims on earth that we can reach. And therein lies the only personal Peace and Joy available to the Living Soul.

It is sickening. The people of Evil are winning.  They are near certainly going to win... and destroy all Good. But that's the Creator's business. Ours, is to find the discipline to use EVERY SINGLE BREATH WE ARE GIVEN... to the best possible use we can put it to reduce the suffering, and increase the joy... of the neediest victims on earth that we can reach. And therein lies the only personal Peace and Joy available to the Living Soul.

***** Dear Rabbi Greyber,My name is Katya and I am a Jewish young professional and newcomer to Durham. I came to Beth El for the High Holidays... we can, should and must talk about Palestine as well. People of all genders and ages are being killed, starved, beaten, illegally detained, and institutionally oppressed in the name of our people; I just returned from witnessing this firsthand....

Dear Rabbi Greyber,My name is Katya and I am a Jewish young professional and newcomer to Durham. I came to Beth El for the High Holidays... we can, should and must talk about Palestine as well. People of all genders and ages are being killed, starved, beaten, illegally detained, and institutionally oppressed in the name of our people; I just returned from witnessing this firsthand....

***** National Lawyers Guild: "The submission sharply rejects Israeli claims of 'self-defense' related to the 2014 attack on Gaza, noting that 'both facts and law refute the Israeli and US self-defense claims,' and that 'self-defense is inapplicable to an occupying power', rejecting all attempts by Israeli government or military officials to enjoy impunity based on 'self-defense' claims."

White House says Netanyahu 'departing from protocol' with US visit ......... IF YOU CAN'T SEE THAT IT IS SATAN-YAHU..., AND GET IN ITS WAY... YOU 100% DESERVE THE FUTURE YOUR CHILDREN WILL HAVE.


pic. Muslim saved 2000+ Jews from the Holocaust... Schindler... about a thousand. ZIONISM IS THE HATE... Not Judaism or Islam.


***** vid. 1 min. TOTALLY MUST SEE NATURE VID........ One trillion percent awesome. I guess I am lucky to have seen it be fore we finish destroying it all. Yes, I guess that is stronger than the agony I feel at seeing it all decimated.

***** Comedy Central - Absolutely completely brilliant. "The Fox apology led to a piece about efforts here in the United States to ensure Sharia law is never imposed in places like Alabama, sometimes with surreal results."

Absolutely completely brilliant.  "The Fox apology led to a piece about efforts here in the United States to ensure Sharia law is never imposed in places like Alabama, sometimes with surreal results."

***** WOW. WOW. WOW. A RARE RAY OF HOPE....... Cartoonists And Comics Workers Tell Comics Industry: ‘No Business As Usual With Israel’ - See more at:

Cartoonists And Comics Workers Tell Comics Industry: ‘No Business As Usual With Israel’ - See more at:

Satanic........ For Republicans, Muslims Will Be the Gays of 2016 Bobby Jindal isn’t stupid enough to believe in Muslim no-go zones. He’s working the base, which is more than willing to be worked.

ISRAELI TERRORISM STRIKES IN US. FREEDOM OF SPEECH MY AXX...... Mandela Pro Palestine ad is pulled in L.A. following graffiti vandalism Activism

Mandela ad is pulled in L.A. following graffiti vandalism

12 Israelis wounded in stabbing attack on Tel Aviv bus......... Huh. Who wudda thunk. You decimate, mutilate every human right every moment of a population for 68 years and .... wonder of wonders.... they strike out!!!! TERRORISTS!!!! (Yes, Israel is Terrorists.)

***** ABSOLUTE MUST READ: I Helped Start the Religious Right: Here's How We Tried to Undermine Secular America -- and Build a Theocracy Christian home-schooling is at the core of the project.

***** Is American Sniper historically accurate? Clint Eastwood’s simplistic film about one of the deadliest snipers in US history piles on Bush-era propaganda and sharp-shoots the facts

Is American Sniper historically accurate?

Clint Eastwood’s simplistic film about one of the deadliest snipers in US history piles on Bush-era propaganda and sharp-shoots the facts

American Sniper, the unsanitized biography...... Look in the mirror, folks. Unless your life is devoted to stopping Amerika in her colonialist, savage, state-terrorist tracks, and turning her toward humanity... this is your look in the mirror.


I've just watched it, and my earlier comment affirming Moore's saying 'snipers are cowards' .... I fully retract about this movie. Liberals are cowards, Michael... including most of what I see from you.... This guy is not a coward. Horribly misdirected and mis-used by the the Amerikan culture, and the Zionist controlled US Gov... but a coward... the opposite.

I've just watched it, and my earlier comment affirming Moore's saying 'snipers are cowards' .... I fully retract about this movie.  Liberals are cowards, Michael... including most of what I see from you....  This guy is not a coward.  Horribly misdirected and mis-used by the the Amerikan culture, and the Zionist controlled US Gov... but a coward... the opposite.

Mass psychosis. THESE are the dangerous religious extremists..... "Poll: 70% of Israeli Jews believe Jews are 'Chosen People' If Judaism and democracy clash, which do you think Israelis would chose? And why is asking “where is the Palestinian Gandhi” the wrong question? You may be surprised

Mass psychosis.  THESE are the dangerous religious extremists.

US (Drone program): The Most Extreme Terrorist Campaign of Modern Times.... It "target[s] people suspected of perhaps intending to harm us some day, and any unfortunates who happen to be nearby," Chomsky writes.

US (Drone program):  The Most Extreme Terrorist Campaign of Modern Times.... It "target[s] people suspected of perhaps intending to harm us some day, and any unfortunates who happen to be nearby," Chomsky writes.

Noam Chomsky Slams West's Charlie Hebdo Outrage: 'Many Journalists Were Killed by Israel in Gaza Too'Chomsky claims that "terrorist" attacks perpetrated by the West did not spark outrage such as the Hebdo attack

CNN: Chomsky: Paris attacks show hypocrisy of West's outrage

NASA releases the largest picture ever. Very important

Father Finds Five-Month-Old Son Frozen to Death in Gaza

Israel denies access to Palestine by UN Human Rights investigator


***** The Conservative Reaction - By Corey Robin....... "What conservatism is: a meditation on, and theoretical rendition of, the felt experience of having power, seeing it threatened, and trying to win it back."

***** NYT Paul Krugman: Hating Good Government

Qur'an: Piety does not lie in turning your face to East or West: Piety lies in believing in God, the Last Day and the angels, the Scriptures and the prophets, and disbursing your wealth out of love for God among your kin and the orphans, the wayfarers and mendicants, freeing the slaves, observing your devotional obligations, and in paying the zakat and fulfilling a pledge you have given, and being patient in hardship, adversity, and times of peril. These are the men who affirm the truth, and they are those who follow the straight path.

Qur'an:  Piety does not lie in turning your face to East or West: Piety lies in believing in God, the Last Day and the angels, the Scriptures and the prophets, and disbursing your wealth out of love for God among your kin and the orphans, the wayfarers and mendicants, freeing the slaves, observing your devotional obligations, and in paying the zakat and fulfilling a pledge you have given, and being patient in hardship, adversity, and times of peril. These are the men who affirm the truth, and they are those who follow the straight path.