From any post click the photo across the page top to see the entire blog.


***** HORAY!!!!!!!!!! article. Anti-Islamaphobia campaign, starts in Australia, trends globally in solidarity with Muslims after cafe standoff raised fears of reprisal.

***** HORAY!!!!!!!!!! article. Anti-Islamaphobia campaign, starts in Australia, trends globally in solidarity with Muslims after cafe standoff raised fears of reprisal.
Anti-Islamaphobia campaign trends globally in solidarity with Muslims after cafe standoff raised fears of reprisal.

***** article. poll. Widening Democratic Party divisions on the Israeli-Palestinian issue

article. “Siding with life in the face of death”: photographer captures siege on Palestinians in Syria

***** article. detailed report. In East Jerusalem, Palestinians are under daily attack from the Israeli army, police and settlers. But this large-scale violence goes unreported in the mainstream Western media.

article. Rula Jebreal: Torture defenders are driving America to moral suicide

article. Israeli High Court rules Gazan can't attend son's West Bank funeral

article. Stop asking Muslims to condemn terrorism. It's bigoted and Islamophobic. "This sort of thinking — blaming an entire group for the actions of a few individuals, assuming the worst about a person just because of their identity — is the very definition of bigotry."

article. 14-year-old Palestinian girl wins international math competition

article. Harvard University suspends purchases from Israel occupation profiteer SodaStream (amid nationwide protests). BDS

Actor Wallace Shawn in The Hollywood Reporter: "in my own lifetime (I was born in 1943) — the Palestinian people have been expelled from their land and subjected to unceasing and unjustifiable torment, including a brutal occupation and, in Gaza, a regime in which an entire population has been placed on a starvation diet -- -- - Anyone who learns more about what has happened can’t help but realize that the anger of the Palestinians cannot be ended by killing their children.

article. 'Ex-Marines: Man who killed 6 argued with ex-wife.' He MUST be a Muslim, Arab, right!??!?!?! [I AM MORE AFRAID OF AMERICAN WHITE MEN THAN ANY OTHER GROUP ON EARTH. YOU SHOULD BE TOO.]


article. 'Judge rules Pr. Obama immigration order unconstitutional.' "Case Western Reserve University law professor Jonathan Adler says he's skeptical that Schwab's opinion will stand." Remember the pic of Bohner next to Pr. Obama and the voice bubble from John says, 'I'm suing you, why do look so smug?' 'Because I am a constitutional law professor and you are an idiot.'

"Case Western Reserve University law professor Jonathan Adler says he's skeptical that Schwab's opinion will stand."  Remember the pic of Bohner next to Pr. Obama and the voice bubble from John says, 'I'm suing you, why do look so smug?' 'Because I am a constitutional law professor and you are an idiot.'

article. “Liberation for all”: Why Palestine is a key issue on the streets of Ferguson.

nd. I've just ordered a keffiyeh, arab scarf, to be part of my uniform. I HATE the universally approved Amerikan bigotry toward my Muslim and Arab families. I AM MUSLIM. I AM ARAB. YOU should do the same. GET IN THE WAY OF THIS RANK DISCRIMINATION, IGNORANCE, BIGOTRY. STAND IN SOLIDARITY WITH THESE BROTHERS AND SISTERS!!!

I've just ordered a keffiyeh, arab scarf, to be part of my uniform.  I HATE the universally approved Amerikan bigotry toward my Muslim and Arab families.  I AM MUSLIM. I AM ARAB.  YOU should do the same.  GET IN THE WAY OF THIS RANK DISCRIMINATION, IGNORANCE, BIGOTRY.  STAND IN SOLIDARITY WITH THESE BROTHERS AND SISTERS!!!

article. 'NYPD opens branch in ISRAEL.' This is beyond sick. If you f'ing amerikans don't stop this... you deserve the Hell you are pulling down on yourselves.

article. Univ. of California union approves Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions BDS of Israel motion

Univ. of California union approves BDS motion 

Brutal article. 'Israeli soldiers kill West Bank Palestinian.' Colonial MOB.

Brutal Colonial MOB.

article. [As the EU removes Hamas (Palestine) from Terrorist list] 'Netanyahu: Europe has learned nothing from Holocaust.' DICK CHENEY WITH A HUGE BRAIN: Anyone by now that can't see how disgusting, degenerate, corrupt, evil. PATHOLOGICAL LIAR... this Satanyhu creature is... by now... is as sick as he is.

detail. Cancer update: 1. Pain is... (detail click link)

Cancer update:  1.  Pain is moderate from Monday's surgery to remove a tumor from my chest, and the pain meds manage that well; 2. I'm sleeping about 75% of the time; 3.  Extreme constipation from the pain meds - after last night, I DO have some idea of what giving birth feels like - truly; proving at the same time that I don't have any active aneurisms or a propensity to stroke yet  :-)  :-(  . It was hell. Went to the homeless clinic today for meds for that; 4. The surgeon will call me back to a meeting within 2 weeks when the biopsy results come back; 5. I'm scheduled to meet with my oncologist in February; 6. Not supposed to lift more than 15 pounds the next 30 days, and I carry 2 to 3 times that to and from the White House Vigil 18 blocks each way... so that and weather may, MAY, slow my on-site activism down for a while... we'll see.

***** article. EU court removes Hamas from terror list

***** article. 'Congress and the US-Israel 'strategic partnership' ' TRAITORS. MADMEN. INSANITY. CRIMINALITY. The new law provides "a legal commitment to guarantee Israel's military superiority, making it 'stronger than all its opponents combined'. This law also dictates an increase in the number of American weapons stored in Israel to be used during times of emergency, valued at around $2 billion instead of $200 million at the moment...Thus, Israel has access to two arsenals; one built from US military support which provides it with the most up-to-date weapons, and the other from being handed the keys to American reserves."

***** article. ' Revisiting the British conquest of Jerusalem The day the British entered Jerusalem in 1917, Palestine's fate was sealed.' Wow. These western white chr'stian savages saw this as the conclusion of the Crusades!!!!!!!!!... and so therefore must have the Arab, Muslim world.

Wow.  These western white chr'stian savages saw this as the conclusion of the Crusades!!!!!!!!!... and so therefore must have the Arab, Muslim world.

article. Obama to announce major Cuba policy overhaul; prisoners swapped. [Among the greatest Presidents in US history, and maybe the greatest]

Obama to announce major Cuba policy overhaul; prisoners swapped. [Among the greatest Presidents in US history, and maybe the greatest]


Vid. How Zionists treat Christians in Israel.

***** this could well be the truth. They would not hesitate if they thought they could get away with it. Israel celebrates successful 9/11 operation on Purim holiday

***** article. Washington Post: "Among Democratic and independent respondents, 82% and 81%, respectively, think that the United States should either abstain from voting or vote in favor of endorsing the establishment of a Palestinian state, compared with 52 percent of Republicans who would favor these approaches( that is considerable considering overall support for Israel among Republicans). Meanwhile, 69 % of female respondents favor the United States either abstaining from a vote or supporting the measure. This number jumps to 81% when looking among Democratic women. 84% of African Americans (both among Democrats and overall) and 78% of young Americans said the United States should either abstain from voting or favor the vote. 44 % of Hispanic Americans and 42 % of young people overall and 50 % of young Democrats favor economic sanctions or more serious action as a response to Israeli settlement building, and support imposing economic sanctions or taking more serious action over Israeli settlement building."

article. ‘Racist, fascist bullshit’– Marcel Ophuls exposes Islamophobia in Israel


nd. With just a little luck I'll be going to Cathy's in PA till next monday... need a 'note' from the hospital, an early enough departure so Cathy can get back to a late afternoon obligation, and a 'release' from CCNV, all of which appears likely. Means I'll not be able to do the Vigil at the WH this weekend... but I'll be gathering strength for the fight upon my return to DC. Will know by mid day tomorrow.

With just a little luck I'll  be going to Cathy's in PA till next monday... need a 'note' from the hospital, an early enough departure so Cathy can get back to a late afternoon obligation, and a 'release' from CCNV, all of which appears likely. Means I'll not  be able to do the Vigil at the WH this weekend...  but I'll be gathering strength for the fight upon my return to DC.  Will know by mid day tomorrow.

article. Headline: Police storm Sydney cafe to end hostage siege, three dead. ... I can think of no greater testament to the 'Peacefulness' of Islam, and Muslims... that it took 50 years for such outrage, retaliation, resistance, response to occur... after 70 years of US/Western Terrorism, Savagely, Sadism, Exploitation, Rape, Plunder, War Crimes, Crimes Against Humanity... that without letup the US has rained, and rains... on them.

article.  Headline: Police storm Sydney cafe to end hostage siege, three dead. ... I can think of no greater testament to the 'Peacefulness' of Islam, and Muslims... that it took 50 years for such outrage, retaliation, resistance, response to occur... after 70 years of US/Western Terrorism, Savagely, Sadism, Exploitation, Rape, Plunder, War Crimes, Crimes Against Humanity... that without letup the US has rained, and rains... on them.

'The greatest poverty I've seen in all the world is the Poverty of Spirit in the US.' Teresa of Calcutta paraphrase from 30-50 years ago.

'The greatest poverty I've seen in all the world is the Poverty of Spirit in the US.' Teresa of Calcutta paraphrase from 30-50 years ago.

detail. Surgery was a success. 3 hour operation began at 11am, I was... (detail click link)

Surgery was a success.  3 hour operation  began at 11am, I was waking in Recovery by 4:30pm and in my room by 6pm.  Little pain when I am stationary, huge pain if I cough (rarely occurring), they've prescribed pain meds that seem to manage that well, too.
Great, kind, compassionate, attentive, responsive, highly trained medical team.  Thanks to Obamacare it is available to me.  
Had one of the six  or so nicest surprises of my life today, that I can remember (so profoundly and deeply sorry to any of you that have been so deeply kind to me whose extreme kindness I may be forgetting at this moment, but I'm particularly overwhelmed by this one).   Please blame it on the pain narcotics they are pumping into me.
The five others, in no particular order: 
* 55year old Gerry and early 20’s John, in their suburban neighborhood, running hugely loud power tools on the lawn, till 2am... cutting me a hugely heavy  Cross... for me to walk with 200 miles to DC... to raise action to Save Darfur;
* Beverly nearly 'ripping the throat' out of a pastor she saw should try and rescue me from an extreme hike, while on hunger strike, ‘the most ‘Christian thing she’d every seen’) for the criminally disadvantaged children of Chester PA;
*  Dave and Mary Rachel bringing their new young son X from PA (where they work 7 days per week) to see me when I was living on the streets of DC so I could devote myself to averting global warming;
*  Cathy driving from PA, just moments before hurricane Sandy was to hit DC where I was living on the streets fighting Global Warming... to rip me off of them, to safety, braving the leadinng edge of Sandy all the way back to PA for me, with me; 
* My dad... for the 28 years or so before his death... standing by me, giving me everything he had to give... despite the near total, embarrasing, zero of a person I objectively was at that time....
Oh, I could go on with another 5, or more.  Most people never see such Love even once in their Lives... I've been criminally, entirely, undeservedly over-privileged in this (and every other ) way.  

[Side note: It is important, crucial... to periodically reflect such instances of Pure Loving in one's life, and or, such instances one knows of, even if in literature... for THIS is where we've seen God, the Creator, the Divine... Loving... and they must be the Star we steer by to be, become, and do the same... with every breath.]

The potential of my physical death has never been a concern for me, except as a provider to physical dependents (offspring, woman I was married to), and now, as a possibly consequential fighter for my Family in Palestine.  But personally, hey, you go to sleep, don't wake up, the ride, your 'turn,' is over.  What is the big deal?  So the tiny but real risk of death from any substantial surgery, such as mine this morning, was no concern to me. 

Cathy, my sister in Pennsylvania, to whom I was married for decades, offered, weeks ago, to come down, and I knew she wanted to, and it was from her heart I was sure... but I said the idea was ridiculous... bus picks up and drops me off literally at the curb... of the hospital and my homeless shelter... no, I said... too much time, too much money... too much carbon... zero point or need. And that was the end of it.  Didn't hear from her since... our lives are in near totally different directions.  
Signing in at the hospital this morning I gave Cathy’s  name and my friend Jim from VA, authorization to retreaive my stuff, in the uunlikely event I croaked  (with prior instructions to them that what meager 'stuff' I have go to the world's greatest activist Diane Wilson for her work)  But to the question 'is anyone here with you?,’ and ‘who to call in case of a problem?,’ 'no one' was my reply, as always, with which I was 1000000000000% at peace.  I hate resouces going in my direction… the purpose of my life is to get Loving resources flowing to my Neediest Family for Chists sak!  I was asked the same questions, and gave the same reply when I was in final prep, just seconds  before being sedated and put under for this 3 hour operation.  'No one,' and 'no,’ answers that are such a non issue to me, so habitual for so many years now… I gave them no thought whatsoever.
Three hours later, after what seemed like 30 minutes tops to me, I was in recovery waking up, "Your ex-wife (I hate the term) Cathy is here when you are up to see her."  I'm having trouble seeing the screen, and typing, as the sobs of wonder, Joy, amazement, warmth... come back to me, many hours later, as I type this to you.  I don't recall ever, ever, ever being so overwhelmed with such a Loving act, incomprehensible… Divine.

'I wasn't sure you would be 'ok' with me coming, she said, but I needed to be here, and if upon seeing you you wanted me to leave... I was 100% prepared for that... but I needed to be here.'(and return on the six hour round trip drive).

nd. "Facts don't cease to exist because they are ignored." Aldus Huxley

nd. "Facts don't cease to exist because they are ignored."  Aldus Huxley

If you are honest, Truthful, and that costs you friends and family, then what you are left with is your only True friends and family, if you ever had any to begin with. This has been my experience, without exception, and with each that has fallen away I feel lighter, faster, more healthy, less drained... with more energy for Loving. Note: 1. One can never lose True friends and family, right? 2. It makes me sad that we are not ALL Friends, Family... every creature. Deeply sad. But this is less and less the case in this deathly culture. The saving grace for me is refusing to not be a Friend TO every creature, as best as my limited means and abilities allow.

If you are honest, Truthful, and that costs you friends and family, then what you are left with is your only True friends and family, if you ever had any to begin with.  This has been my experience, without exception, and with each that has fallen away I feel lighter, faster, more healthy, less drained... with more energy for Loving. Note: 1. One can never lose True friends and family, right? 2. It makes me sad that we are not ALL Friends, Family... every creature. Deeply sad. But this is less and less the case in this deathly culture. The saving grace for me is refusing to not be a Friend TO every creature, as best as my limited means and abilities allow.

nd. A massive diversion of global human energy to empathy... is the only hope for human kind, and creation.

nd.  A massive diversion of global human energy to empathy... is the only hope for human kind, and creation.


nd. I detest all organized religions, but more than that I detest ignorant, blind, hateful bigotry against any group and today in Amerika hatred and violence and lies against Muslims, and Arabs is totally approved, sanctioned, encouraged... and even demanded as patriotic. .

I detest all organized religions, but more than that I detest ignorant, blind, hateful bigotry against any group and today in Amerika hatred and violence and lies against Muslims, and Arabs is totally approved, sanctioned, encouraged... and even demanded as patriotic. .

article. 'Truth commission' uncovers the history of Bedouin dispossession by Israel.

Video: Forced drought hits Jordan Valley farmers as Israel steals their water. ISRAEL STEALS AND CONSUMES 70 TIMES MORE PALESTINIAN WATER THAN THEY ALLOW TO GET TO THE PALESTINIANS.

article. Seventy Palestinian Detainees Continue Their Hunger Strike - day 6

Video: Forced drought hits Jordan Valley farmers as Israel steals their water

article. The North isn’t better than the South: The real history of modern racism and segregation above the Mason-Dixon line

***** nd. You must consider me a Saint - a very good one, a very bad one, or something inbetween. "Death is nothing to be sad about. The only thing to be sad about is to know that you are not a Saint." Loving (aka James McGinley)

***** nd. You must consider me a Saint - a very good one, a very bad one, or something inbetween.  "Death is nothing to be sad about. The only thing to be sad about is to know that you are not a Saint."  Loving (aka James McGinley)

***** article. “No one has ever heard of a sad saint or a saint with a funeral face,” Pope Francis said Sunday. “Unheard of! It would be a contradiction. A Christian is a person who has a heart full of peace because he knows how to find his joy in the Lord even when passing through difficult moments of life,” he said.



nd. I am immensely defensive of Muslims and Islam against the vicious, brilliantly conceived, relentless savaging by western monied, chr'istian, and zionist hoards for the purpose of dehumanizing, raping and robbing Muslims for more than 70 years. I am immensely defensive of Muslims and Islam when I compare what I understand to be the record of 'chr'stians' vs Muslims in the world where 'chr'stians' have tortured and slaughtered in the name of Jesus hundreds of millions in north and south america, tortured and enslaved and lynched blacks in america, tortured and slaughtered 10s of millions of aborigines in australia, tortured and killed 10s of millions of blacks in congo, tortured, tormented, terrorized 10's of millions of blacks in south africa... and are now torturing, terrorizing, tormenting... millions of Palestinians. I know of no Muslim behavior that is in the same league as this. I am open to discovering I am incorrect... but there is much study of the scholarship ahead of me before I am confident I've gotten past the western propaganda to the truth. What I also know is while the chr'stian west was terrorizing Jews, the one place in the world where Jews were safe was the Muslim world. Finally, unlike Jesus who sought to rule the world of Spirit (tho he seems to have directed his disciples to strap on swords under certain circumstances) Mohammad was in a world not dominated by empire, but rife with inter-tribe warfare, and from what I can tell, so far, brought unprecedented peace and prosperity to the parts of the world he influenced... without the disgusting hedonism, excesses, lusts, intoxications... of the chr'stian west.

I am immensely defensive of Muslims and Islam against the vicious, brilliantly conceived, relentless savaging by western monied, chr'istian, and zionist hoards for the purpose of dehumanizing, raping and robbing Muslims for more than 70 years.

I am immensely defensive of Muslims and Islam when I compare what I understand to be the record of 'chr'stians' vs Muslims in the world where 'chr'stians' have tortured and slaughtered in the name of Jesus hundreds of millions in north and south america, tortured and enslaved and lynched blacks in america, tortured and slaughtered 10s of millions of aborigines in australia, tortured and killed 10s of millions of blacks in congo, tortured, tormented, terrorized 10's of millions of blacks in south africa... and are now torturing, terrorizing, tormenting... millions of Palestinians.  I know of no Muslim behavior that is in the same league as this.

I am open to discovering I am incorrect... but there is much study of the scholarship ahead of me before I am confident I've gotten past the western propaganda to the truth. 

What I also know is while the chr'stian west was terrorizing Jews, the one place in the world where Jews were safe was the Muslim world. 

Finally, unlike Jesus who sought to rule the world of Spirit (tho he seems to have directed his disciples to strap on swords under certain circumstances) Mohammad was in a world not dominated by empire, but rife with inter-tribe warfare, and from what I can tell, so far, brought unprecedented peace and prosperity to the parts of the world he influenced... without the disgusting hedonism, excesses, lusts, intoxications... of the chr'stian west.

pic. How much of your life, the stuff in your life, would continue if the exploitation of all the world's poor... ended? Not much. Your life depends on the suffering of others, as did mine. You ok with that? White House Free Palestine Vigil, 12/14/14 [Note: I’ll be away from the fight for a while... my next cancer surgery is tomorrow, 11am.]

How much of your life, the stuff in your life, would continue if the exploitation of all the world's poor... ended?  Not much. Your life depends on the suffering of others, as did mine. You ok with that?

White House Free Palestine Vigil, 12/14/14

[Note: I’ll be away from the fight for a while... my next cancer surgery is
tomorrow, 11am.]

nd. When hating is the objective, any target will do, but preferred are the already victimized because they are probably too weak to hurt back.

nd. When hating is the objective, any target will do, but preferred are the already victimized because they are probably too weak to hurt back.

***** article. The Left Must Derail Hillary Clinton in the Primaries

vid. I SCREAMED AT THE 'BLACK LIVES MATTER' MOB AT THE WHITE HOUSE: "YOU ARE BIGOTS, IGNORANT, HATEFUL... JUST LIKE THOSE YOU PRETEND TO PROTEST." This was last weekend, a mixed race group of young toughs came storming to the north side of the White House late in the day, where, as I am now, I was fighting to Free Palestine. The came storming into the park, a nasty, hateful mob... screaming at all the police. I hate all bigotry, ignorance, savagery... from anyone... to anyone. But especially if it is toward the Secret Service, who over the years I've watched conduct themselves with immense self-discipline, respectfulness, immense decency... a level which if practiced by even 1% of those liberals that considered themselves activists, well, I could on retirement. This good, decent man Clancy is representative of all I've seen in these good folks of the Secret Service.

I SCREAMED AT THE 'BLACK LIVES MATTER' MOB AT THE WHITE HOUSE: "YOU ARE BIGOTS, IGNORANT, HATEFUL... JUST LIKE THOSE YOU PRETEND TO PROTEST."  This was last weekend, a mixed race group of young toughs came storming to the north side of the White House late in the day, where, as I am now, I was fighting to Free Palestine.  The came storming into the park, a nasty, hateful mob... screaming at all the police.  I hate all bigotry, ignorance, savagery... from anyone... to anyone.  But especially if it is toward the Secret Service, who over the years I've watched conduct themselves with immense self-discipline, respectfulness, immense decency... a level which if practiced by even 1% of those liberals that considered themselves activists, well, I could on retirement. This good, decent man Clancy is representative of all I've seen in these good folks of the Secret Service.

***** article. Ex-Mossad chief: Peace will elude us until we treat Palestinians with dignity

There is no word in Hebrew for dignity, he quoted a friend observing once. The Arab world has long felt deeply inferior, and Israelis are basically telling Arabs that they don’t suffer from an inferiority complex but are indeed inferior, Halevy said. “The problem we have had over the years has been that they have sought dignity and the last thing we ever thought of was addressing them in a manner that gave them a feeling of some dignity.”


article. NYT Paul Krugman warns severe austerity measures are pushing countries to brink of fascism

***** article. More than 50 Terrorist Massacres, Israel on Palestine... BEFORE MAY 19487, as early as 1937

***** article. Nobel Prize of Literature Jose Saramago: “The repression from Israel is the worst form of Apartheid. Nobody has the faintest idea of what is going on here, even the best informed people. Everything is in pieces, the land is destroyed and nothing else may be planted. All this smells like a boot camp, like Auschwitz. The israeli have turned into NAZI JEWS” , he declared after a visit to Palestina in March, 2002.

pic. She is a little Gaza girl, playing in the sea. She is a Gazan girl , she lost her hand in 2014 war. but she still looks happy.. I hope you live a wonderful life

article. The sick motivation behind the religious right’s Obamacare sabotage Wingnuts would rather millions live in destitution than concede government programs can accomplish great things.... And that’s precisely the state of affairs that the religious right yearns for. What they want is to build a theocracy from the ground up, where the poor and the needy are abjectly dependent on a church that can yank away the necessities of life if it judges them insufficiently compliant, and so the masses will have no choice but to be corralled and steered. Even today, we can see this conservative vision put into practice, and witness the terrible consequences that result when it blocks the government from helping the needy. Consider Mississippi, which is both the most religious and has the most churches per capita of any U.S. state. If rosy visions like Ernst’s were true, Mississippi would be the best place in the country to live. But in reality, it’s the poorest and (by life expectancy) sickest state.

And that’s precisely the state of affairs that the religious right yearns for. What they want is to build a theocracy from the ground up, where the poor and the needy are abjectly dependent on a church that can yank away the necessities of life if it judges them insufficiently compliant, and so the masses will have no choice but to be corralled and steered. Even today, we can see this conservative vision put into practice, and witness the terrible consequences that result when it blocks the government from helping the needy. Consider Mississippi, which is both the most religious and has the most churches per capita of any U.S. state. If rosy visions like Ernst’s were true, Mississippi would be the best place in the country to live. But in reality, it’s the poorest and (by life expectancy) sickest state.

article. Child house arrests rise in Jerusalem clampdown


article. Israeli soldier seen gripping (and killing) Palestine Minister Abu Ein 'did nothing wrong'

article. Fearing Jewish attacks, 100 Arab bus drivers in Jerusalem quit their jobs ‘It’s better to earn less money and not come home in a body bag,’ says one of 100 drivers who have left Egged since wave of violence started this summer.

***** Video: Chicago Jewish activists disrupt Rahm Emanuel, Michael Oren at Israel fundraiser. UTTERLY MAGNIFICENT. THIS IS WHAT JUDAISM LOOKS LIKE

article. CIA cites Israeli model to justify torture

article. Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP): Boycotts of Israel-based Soda Stream... nationwide

Article. Israel blames Palestine for gun fire at Israeli embassy in Greece . They will not quit, they continue to resist Israel's illegal occupation. They will not lay down and die.

Article. Portugal to recognize Palestine

article. Princeton Professors Open New Front in Campus Battle Over Israel. Should Hillel Take Sides Against 60 Tenured Faculty? Read more:

Princeton Professors Open New Front in Campus Battle Over Israel

Should Hillel Take Sides Against 60 Tenured Faculty?

***** article. As US media awake to a ‘nightmare’ Israel, NYT brings Blumenthal in from the cold - See more at:

As US media awake to a ‘nightmare’ Israel, NYT brings Blumenthal in from the cold - See more at:


article. Pacific trade pact chances 'significantly' better than 50-50: Obama. (Pr. Obama - with this all your credibility with me could be destroyed. I cannot conceive how TTP is anything but a gift of the world economy to the already criminally wealthy, corporate, fascist interests.

Pr. Obama - with this all your credibility with me could be destroyed.  I cannot conceive how TTP is anything but a gift of the world economy to the already criminally wealthy, corporate, fascist interests.

article. Hillary Clinton Lends Credibility To Zionist Colonialism At Saban Forum.

***** article. Israeli Terrorists murder Palestine Minister. International Solidarity Movement “It was International Human Rights Day and we were going to plant olive trees in Turmusaya, on Palestinian land close to an illegal settlement outpost. We were completely non-violent but Israeli soldiers had gathered and made a line blocking us from the land, not allowing anyone to pass

article. Palestinian family’s home invaded, two youths arrested by Israeli soldiers in Azzun village

pic. TIME Top 10 Photo 2014: Israeli Terrorists Disintegrate 4 Children Playing Soccer on the Beach in Gaza

nd. My fellow activist Rick Hohensee, different Causes than mine, but tremendous commitment, watched my stuff so I could go into the House Office Building on Capitol Hill to use the restroom which I badly needed to do. Of course there are guard stations inside every entrance. I respect the boundaries with the police and I am warmly respectful but make no effort to go beyond that. With very few exceptions the Capitol Police are very professional, and very nice human beings. I did not recognize these officers. Upon exiting I gave them a warm hope that they enjoyed the holidays. As I was walking out I heard one of the officers calling after me, so I turned and went back so I could hear. What is that flag, he asked looking at my hat? Palestine I said. Oh, that's excellent, he said knowingly and approvingly.

My fellow activist Rick Hohensee, different Causes than mine, but tremendous commitment, watched my stuff so I could go into the House Office Building on Capitol Hill to use the restroom which I badly needed to do. Of course there are guard stations inside every entrance. I respect the boundaries with the police and I am warmly respectful but make no effort to go beyond that. With very few exceptions the Capitol Police are very professional, and very nice human beings. I did not recognize these officers. Upon exiting I gave them a warm hope that they enjoyed the holidays. As I was walking out I heard one of the officers calling after me, so I turned and went back so I could hear. What is that flag, he asked looking at my hat? Palestine I said. Oh, that's excellent, he said knowingly and approvingly.
posted from Bloggeroid

***** Palestinian Products and Gifts

article. Not guilty. The Israeli captain who emptied his rifle into a Palestinian schoolgirl

Not guilty. The Israeli captain who emptied his rifle into a Palestinian schoolgirl

***** (WOW. Maybe there IS a God.) We’re in the midst of a sea change in the American mainstream’s treatment of the conflict. US media are beginning to reflect the awareness that the two-state solution is over and that violence around Jerusalem and the West Bank is caused by occupation and fostered by rightwing intolerance inside Israeli political culture– the “nightmare” of greater Israel - See more at:

***** article. 5 Lessons From Prophet Muhammad to Stop Torture. By every OBJECTIVE measure, not Islam... but Judeo-Christianity are the RELIGIONS OF TERROR.

***** [NO, this is NOT a CRANK article.] (Jeff Haynes / Agence France Presse) Video: Rape advocate hailed as “gender expert” by pro-Israel group in Brussels

article. Univ. of California union approves BDS motion (Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions on Israel)

Univ. of California union approves BDS motion

***** article. Washington Post. In the West Bank, even non-violent protests end in death. The Israelis "don’t want this type of struggle because if there is a non-violent movement it will weaken the occupation," Issa Amro, a Palestinian activist, told Israeli news site +972 magazine on Wednesday. "They say the occupation is there for security, but if the struggle is non-violent then they can no longer justify the occupation." Gabi Lasky, a leftist Israeli attorney who defends human rights activists and is also Tel Aviv city council member, says the protests serve as an illustration of how "the security forces defend the settlers and land thieves" and ignore Palestinian grievances. “Instead of ending the injustice they try and curb and prevent non-violent protests," Lasky tells +972. "In doing so, the security forces use violence against anyone who attempts to realize their most legitimate right — to protest. That’s what happened here. And this time, like in previous incidents, it ended with death.”

pic. The Middle Eastern cab driver just pulled up with a large container of pitted dates, and $5, for me. Touching my heart, deeeeeeeply. It is very cold here, and a wind gusting to 25mph, so I am literally tied in, my feet are tied and knees tied... to keep a sweatshirt around my feet, and a blanket around my legs. As he lovingly handed the plastic bag out of the window I had to say, "I'm sorry, I can't take it! I'm literally 'tied in.' Very unlikely he could have envisioned what I meant. The light was green to oncoming traffic, so he was at risk of a $100 ticket for 'standing' there to get the bag to me. There was a group of 5 in business suits, and such, waiting to cross, just to my left, including one in his 60's, silver hair, may have been a congress person. What I stand against, Israel's 67 year Terrorist attack on Palestine... is THE MOST POLITICALLY DEADLY ISSUE IN WASHINGTON, and surely all 5 standing next to me knew this. Thinking only of the cabbie I said to the group, 'Would one of you please get that bag for me?' It was easy to see in the hands of the cabbie. The silver haired man stepped over, retrieved the bag, and handed it to me. "Thank you so much friend, Thank you very much," I said sincerely, and appreciatively. I got sweet dates, and he got increased difficulty in looking away from the Terrorism by Israel that the entire US is funding.

The Middle Eastern cab driver just pulled up with a large container of pitted dates, and $5, for me.  Touching my heart, deeeeeeeply.  It is very cold here, and a wind gusting to 25mph, so I am literally tied in, my feet are tied and knees tied... to keep a sweatshirt around my feet, and a blanket around my legs.  As he lovingly handed the plastic bag out of the window I had to say, "I'm sorry, I can't take it! I'm literally 'tied in.'  Very unlikely he could have envisioned what I meant.  The light was green to oncoming traffic, so he was at risk of a $100 ticket for 'standing' there to get the bag to me. There was a group of 5 in business suits, and such, waiting to cross, just to my left, including one in his 60's, silver hair, may have been a congress person.  What I stand against, Israel's 67 year Terrorist attack on Palestine... is THE MOST POLITICALLY DEADLY ISSUE IN WASHINGTON, and surely all 5 standing next to me knew this. Thinking only of the cabbie I said to the group, 'Would one of you please get that bag for me?'  It was easy to see in the hands of the cabbie.  The silver haired man stepped over, retrieved the bag, and handed it to me.  "Thank you so much friend,  Thank you very much," I said sincerely, and appreciatively. I got sweet dates, and he got increased difficulty in looking away from the Terrorism by Israel that the entire US is funding.

***** THIS is TERRORISM: Norwegian doctor: Israel used new type of weapon in Gaza Unknown weapon severs the legs, leaving burns around the stump, small punctures in the skin, internal bleeding.

***** article. Poll. Majority of Israeli Jews support bus segregation, survey finds

***** nd. As you know, I am a devoted fan of the Man Jesus, and therefore, a hater of so called chr'stianity. His saying that, 'why do you call me good; only the Father is Good,' long perplexed me, and it does no longer perplex me. He was saying, in other ways, Loving is Good, God is Loving, Loving is God... only, ONLY... Loving is good. I am but a container for Loving, the Father... and so can, and should, you be too... for the Joy of it, the Loving of it, the potential-for-a-future-for-humanity... of it.

As you know, I am a devoted fan of the Man Jesus, and therefore, a hater of so called chr'stianity. His saying that, 'why do you call me good; only the Father is Good,' long perplexed me, and it does no longer perplex me. He was saying, in other ways, Loving is Good, God is Loving, Loving is God... only, ONLY... Loving is good. I am but a container for Loving, the Father... and so can, and should, you be too... for the Joy of it, the Loving of it, the potential-for-a-future-for-humanity... of it.  THIS is the GOSPEL. FULL STOP.


***** nd. Dr. Mads Gilbert is a Norwegian doctor renowned for his heroic work in Gaza. On 8 August, Dr. Gilbert returned to his hometown, Tromso in Norway which, as he pointed out, the Nazis had occupied for seven years. He said, "Imagine being back in 1945 and we in Norway did not win the liberation struggle, did not throw out the occupier. Imagine the occupier remaining in our country, taking it piece by piece, for decades upon decades, and banishing us to the leanest areas, and taking the fish in the sea and the water beneath us, then bombing our hospitals, our ambulance workers, our schools, our homes. "Would we have given up and waved the white flag? No, we would not! And this is the situation in Gaza. This is not a battle between terrorism and democracy. Hamas is not the enemy Israel is fighting. Israel is waging a war against the Palestinian people's will to resist. It is the Palestinian people's dignity that they will not accept this. "In 1938, the Nazis called the Jews Untermenschen - subhuman. Today, Palestinians are treated as a subhuman people who can be slaughtered without any in power reacting. "So I have returned to Norway, a free country, and this country is free because we had a resistance movement, because occupied nations have the right to resist, even with weapons - it's stated in international law. And the Palestinian people's resistance in Gaza is admirable: a struggle for us all."

Dr. Mads Gilbert is a Norwegian doctor renowned for his heroic work in Gaza. On 8 August, Dr. Gilbert returned to his hometown, Tromso in Norway which, as he pointed out, the Nazis had occupied for seven years. He said, "Imagine being back in 1945 and we in Norway did not win the liberation struggle, did not throw out the occupier. Imagine the occupier remaining in our country, taking it piece by piece, for decades upon decades, and banishing us to the leanest areas, and taking the fish in the sea and the water beneath us, then bombing our hospitals, our ambulance workers, our schools, our homes.

"Would we have given up and waved the white flag? No, we would not! And this is the situation in Gaza. This is not a battle between terrorism and democracy. Hamas is not the enemy Israel is fighting. Israel is waging a war against the Palestinian people's will to resist. It is the Palestinian people's dignity that they will not accept this.
"In 1938, the Nazis called the Jews Untermenschen - subhuman. Today, Palestinians are treated as a subhuman people who can be slaughtered without any in power reacting.
"So I have returned to Norway, a free country, and this country is free because we had a resistance movement, because occupied nations have the right to resist, even with weapons - it's stated in international law. And the Palestinian people's resistance in Gaza is admirable: a struggle for us all."

***** article. Hamas. Resistance is humanity at its bravest and most noble. The resistance in Gaza is rightly compared with the 1943 Jewish uprising in the Warsaw Ghetto - which also dug tunnels and deployed tactics of subterfuge and surprise against an overpowering military machine.

vid. Palestine ***** Minister murdered by Israeli Terrorists. Ex-IDF soldier: "The occupation is daily terrorism against everyday lives of Palestinians."

Article. Malala speaks out.

Article. Obama continuing the cover-up of us torture, despite release of recent memos.

Article. Israeli terrorist forces shoot Palestinian teen in the head. Most Palestinians shot are shot in the head or the kneecap by the way. Just coincidence.

Article. Global Zionist terror network shutting down campus free speech in canada and worldwide.

Article. Israeli democracy my ass. Israeli Supreme Court rules that Arab members of the Knesset can say whatever they like as long as it supports the status quo. The white apartheid South Africans were ridiculous amateurs compared to this Zionist Mafia.

***** article. CIA turned to terrorists Israel's Supreme Court for its justification of torture. Are you understanding the big picture yet?

Article. 1 family, Florida, Christian Zionist cult, paid 50% of Netanyahu's election costs.

Video. Tens of thousands of Jews descend on New York City to proclaim that Israel is in express and complete violation of God's law in the Torah. Jews taking the Holy Land by force is exactly and expressly forbidden in the Torah.

Article. First ever truth commission on Israel's terrorism of Palestine that began in 1947 to begin in Palestine.

Israeli terrorists murder Palestinian minister, and their lap dogs, the Washington Post, totally whitewash the story.

Article. Worldwide Zionist terror organization out in full seeking to destroy Sweden for recognizing Palestine.

nd. Israel is a United States sponsored, paid for, 100% supported terrorist attack on Palestine, everyday, for 67 years now. The CIA report is simply another distraction from this truth. America is the number one terrorist state in the world. Are you okay with this?

Israel is a United States sponsored, paid for, 100% supported terrorist attack on Palestine, everyday, for 67 years now. The CIA report is simply another distraction from this truth. America is the number one terrorist state in the world. Are you okay with this?

posted from Bloggeroid

nd. I wonder whether it says more about you or me that so little of what I create, or share, is shared by you with your friends.

I wonder whether it says more about you or me that so little of what I create, or share, is shared by you with your friends.

posted from Bloggeroid

Picture. Capitol Hill. Free Palestine vigil.

posted from Bloggeroid

Antichrist Christian psychotic cultist Pat Robertson. Video. Torture was justified. Imperial Obama releases 30000 illegal immigrants criminals into the US population

***** The terrorist cult that is Christianity dares to call Islam a terrorist religion??!! The cult that is right wing Judaism played a central role in the murder of the man Jesus. The cult known as Christianity crucified, destroyed, and destroys, Jesus example and teaching by turning him into a fantasy God. That same cult Christianity has murdered hundreds and hundreds of millions of Jesus family in North and South America Africa America and around the world in his name; and does so as we speak with infinite savagery, demonic forever, to God's children in Palestine. !!! The terrorism, torture, torment just released attributed to the CIA, conveniently shielding Congress both parties, was created and done explicitly by those who carried it out and who ordered it, in Jesus name, the name of Christian values. 'Your lips say Lord Lord but your hearts are far from me.' . And that Cult that is Christianity dares to call Islam a terrorist religion?!!!! Islam is far more embracing, loving, respecting of Jesus in both word and deed than Christianity or right wing Judaism ever were, both of them in their own way hate the man; daily desecrating and destroying his example and teaching .

* The terrorist cult that is Christianity dares to call Islam a terrorist religion??!! The cult that is right wing Judaism played a central role in the murder of the man Jesus. The cult known as Christianity crucified, destroyed, and destroys, Jesus example and teaching by turning him into a fantasy God. That same cult Christianity has murdered hundreds and hundreds of millions of Jesus family in North and South America Africa America and around the world in his name; and does so as we speak with infinite savagery, demonic forever, to God's children in Palestine. !!! The terrorism, torture, torment just released attributed to the CIA, conveniently shielding Congress both parties, was created and done explicitly by those who carried it out and who ordered it, in Jesus name, the name of Christian values. 'Your lips say Lord Lord but your hearts are far from me.' . And that Cult that is Christianity dares to call Islam a terrorist religion?!!!! Islam is far more embracing, loving, respecting of Jesus in both word and deed than Christianity or right wing Judaism ever were, both of them in their own way hate the man; daily desecrating and destroying his example and teaching .

posted from Bloggeroid