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Loving, where will you go after the homeless shelter? (from a note to a friend)

I am awed and humbled to be any small part of your life.  And if I
am ever some small help, as you say I've been, well, I don't get
it, but I sure am glad.

Where will I go when I leave the shelter?  This is pretty interesting
to me, and pretty amazing, as the Creator is Teaching me, here,
now, through working through all these life changes, adjustments....

This shelter is a godsend to me right now.  I'm of virtually zero value
to anyone, or anything on earth, right now... despite devoting every waking
second to the contrary - I can't get any purchase, any traction, make
any difference.  This is the most crushing thing in my life, personally.
But there it is. 

In part due to this, to be somewhere, where near zero resources
are consumed by my existence, well, I couldn't bear, I couldn't  survive anything
but this.  I consume the floor space allocated to 1/2 mattress (bunk bed),
one meal per day (what, $2 a day in cost to humanity, the other meal
each day from dumpster-diving kind of stuff), among 250
African American men 50 years and older who are among the survivors
of the chronic, deadly, psychic and material abuse and starvation that is the
lot of minorities, the poor, in the US... and I'm free to follow the Creator's,
Creation's... path for me, spoken of somewhat in today's earlier email...
being in this shelter is virtually perfect for me - a Godsend.

And it is closing sometime in the next 9-18 months based on news
and word on the street - being torn down for high rent space.  Stark
word of this about a month ago was quite a shock and alarm to me.
It sent me into a tizzy of activity - to approach tapping my Social
Security, early (I'm 62), and go thru the steps available to me as a
Senior, with Social Security (at 2x the poverty level) to get subsidized
housing, here in DC!  Salvation.  I could probably secure something
in time!

And then, thank CREATOR, it hit me.  No, you ain't takin some lifeboat
due to your 'privilege' (over-resourced upbringing, Senior status...) ...
a lifeboat unavailable to some others in the shelter - without Social Security,
not white, under 62....  No, that ain't gunna happen.

So, I've cancelled all those efforts...

So... I don't know what will happen to me, us.  We were pretty much told
here that some of us would be moved well out of the city (out of sight)
to a shelter... and for the rest of us, lots of prisons are being built
every day for we increasingly criminalized poor.

I've found that Loving has a number of synonyms - one of them being -
Solidarity.  If it is NOT Solidarity, it is NOT Loving.  I expect to live in
Solidarity with the lot of the most disadvantaged of those here in the
shelter. It is not a pretty outlook for them in this new Amerika - of, by
and for the rich.  So, materially, it is not a pretty outlook for me, and
that is how I expect it will be.  I'll not have it any other way, I expect.

I DO expect to begin activating my early retirement, as I told you 6 months ago
I expected to do, and some small portion of that, occasionally, I'll send to you,
to lessen your struggles a tiny bit, that agonize me so.  SPARE ME THE OBJECTION -
burn it if you like, give it away if you like.  But, if you are doing the
Creator's will, as I think you are trying to do, then you will NOT
disrespect the Creator, and you will use what tiny funds I can on
rare occasions send, in support of your efforts. 

The retirement funds, I expect to use to fund Loving, those few
places I think it is being done - there is a clinic, in Africa (I think?),
where sheroic work is done by a lady doctor serving outcast women
suffering with the blight of fistulas, for example...

I'll keep a few $, literally, per day for 'office space rent,'
he he he, coffee and tip for a coffee shop
that is happy to have me sit there and work from time to time; if my
computer breaks, I'll retain $ that month to fix it, but other than that...
my life, my work, can't find traction... but there are others that are Loving who's
lives HAVE found traction... and I'll use my funds to support them in
their work.

--------------- COMMENTS ON FB TO THE ABOVE -----------

SH:  Wow!

RC:  ve touched my life and many others. To me that is "traction" even though it is not on a scale you would like it to be. If all of us could reach out as you have, to many unknown people, and touch some reaction in their lives, what a great thing that would be. Sadly, we don't all have your skills and your ability to find all the info you find and share so that many of us are kept well informed. That to me means your life is solid 'traction' and I just want you to know that you have succeded (perhaps not the way you expected) in changing our world. One step at a time is more than most accomplish. It scares me to think of you without your shelter but know when that time comes you will not be alone and many of us will be standing by to do what ever humble thing we can do to help. 

KG:  I still hope you will do your work from a small farm in upstate NY!
My house goes on the market in June!

Loving:  RC, there, you've made me cry. You are so kind, and good, to me, always. I don't discount what you say - how can my life mean nothing if you say that in some small way it has helped you? It is like this - my toddler is suddenly in the middle of the highway, and I can only get part way there before she is hit, despite all my efforts - I've DONE NOTHING - in that case. Humanity is my toddler. Creation is my toddler - that's how I experience it; and I can't get her out of danger in time. I pray you understand, and don't think I"m not touched by your kindness, and Loving. I am.

Loving:  KG, the only thing I EVER know about me is that with each breath, with the next breath, I'll do WHATEVER I understand Creation wants / needs of me; WHATEVER the Creator wants of me; WHATEVER can best serve Creation, Humanity. What will that be tomorrow, next week, next month...? It will be what it will be. Know this, you and Beth (pls tell her for me), numerous times now you two have offered me a place to live, and do my work. At the moment, I'm on pretty solid shores, per my earlier status, post, of today, but not that many weeks, months, ago you made this unspeakably Humane offer when I was on much shaker ground Spiritually, physically.... I can't possibly express adequately what a Godsend of Loving your offer was, is, to me, a stepping-stone of Goodness to help me along the path; that the Creator makes pretty difficult for me often times! Argh. LOL. (((((((((((((HUGS))))))))))))))))

KG:  (((Hugs)))) you will always have a place as long as I have a beating heart! Always! I respect and honor that you have a higher path then most. One day that path may lead you to my door and I will with a happy heart welcome you in. ((( hugs)))   

SS:   I sent you a note. I'm with Kathy

Loving:  SS, what can I say?  Heart, Heart, Heart.  Whatever Creation, the Creator says, I'll do.  Bless your Heart.  Time only knows.  

SS:  We'll see. But you're not homeless.

Loving:  :-)  Heart.   I am, until Creator says otherwise, but I Hear you, Deeply. Bless your Hearts. Maybe we are becoming Family, some of us. By whatever name, Universal Family, is the only Cure for what is killing everything.  


****** An update on Loving (part of a note to a friend):

Living on the Titanic after it hit the berg would be a nightmare, right?
That's where I live, cept it isn't the Titanic, it is earth, and it isn't one
berg, it is two - Life support collapse thru fossil fuels and the death
of US democracy, sold out to the highest bidders - Walton's, Koch's,

With your recent Fed encounter, I feel you are experiencing some of that
2nd berg with your recent trauma. Up until several months
ago I had the deepest of affinities with our men and women in uniform.
Then, it changed.  Why?  It hit me - I'm not a white male in a business suit
any more (see article here
for just a glimpse of what is going on

throughout the nation re we poor); and that we have, and always have
had, not one, but two uniformed forces in this country (same people):
1 for the rich and middle class; another for the poor (the majority).  The
first force is Friend to the rich and middle class, EXACTLY by being
foe to the poor - keeping we prisoners under control.  Sorry if this sounds
conspiracy theory stuff - it is not - it is poetically expressing obvious

Occasionally, in officer strewn DC, when I pass an officer or
two, or a gaggle of them, I'll stop and comment, with respect and affection
that they can see plainly - 'gentlemen, you are soon likely to determine
the fate of this country.  They are going to send you for us, we the
people, and unless you say, no, not them, we are going for the
bankers, and republicans in congress... it is over.'  That's the now Fatal truth,
unless there is a Miracle awakening starting with the 2014 election.
(Even the likes of that amazing Eliz Warren can't save us, by

Dealing with the above, sorting thru it, facing it, embracing the Truth
of it... has been one of the two darkest times of my life.  What Saved
me the first time, and recently, I think, this time, was realizing - ok,
you can't see how to fix this... so what are you going to do?  'BE LOVING,'
is the answer.  Sound silly?  LOL.  'Loving,' I can see how to do that,
how to more and more 'incarnate' that,
in pitifully small and insignificant ways, that to anyone else looks like
insane meaninglessness, waste of time, waste of life, even irresponsibility...
but to me, and the Creator, is Loving.  I guess I'm doing
3 things, with Every breath, 7 days a week:

1.  I keep myself current on the pains of the world, and work to update
others, on my FaceBook .page. For a variety of reasons my blog gets
near zero of my time anymore; and all goes to FB.

2.  I'm 9 months into studying the scholarship that near drowns me in it's rigor,
on the historical, academically historical, Jesus, and early following
of Jesus.  Why?  I've thought that if anyone could save us today,
from the above, it is Jesus, the man, not the myth or made-up stuff.
I've felt almost clueless for most of this study... because I found the
scholarship near impenetrable ... but all of a sudden the mosaic is coming
into focus.  My life's path, the direction I've found to serve... is so much
what He found so long ago.  Only several days ago it crystallized for me
this way -
Jesus' Economy

3.  And these, above, finding out what they mean for me, how
I am to be them, how I am to, live, to model, to teach them... will be my path going
forward.  As silly as it may seem, I think Jesus would scream,
to the following, and the one above, YES, THAT'S IT!  IT'S THE ECONOMY
STUPID; it's what we spend our lives on, our personal, and collective, Economy:

Aboriginal tribes, native americans, pre-agrarian societies had
infinitely more the Economy that the Creator intended - Serving
people rather than Serving $$$$.

Well, blah, blah, blah....  That's an update on me.


(((((HUGS)))))   [[[[ post 2 from today ]]]]


Science vs Religion (thinking of the recent Nye vs Creationist debate): Have you ever been watching a movie for the first time and someone starts to whisper how it ends, and you say I DON"T WANT TO KNOW! ? Sure you have, me too. You like the feeling of being in the story, in the fantasy, for the several hours, me too. Most in organized religion have decided to Live the Fantasy of their religion - they find it exciting, meaningful, comforting, affirming, providing community.... My point isn't to defend the fundamentalists - I have zero affinity with them. But surely, if they want to make of their life a fantasy, that is there choice! Nye, and the Left, does not seem to have a clue that this is going on with these folks. Nye, and the Left, has chosen to make the bedrock of his life science, objective fact, objective, measurable reality. The Religionists have chosen fantasy. There is no basis for these two sides finding a shared vision or common set of beliefs. The Left refuses to see this, as does the Right. I'm amazed and concerned at the universal blindness on the Left regarding this;; I expect it on the Right because they've chosen fantasy.

Science vs Religion (thinking of the recent Nye vs Creationist debate):  Have you ever been watching a movie for the first time and someone starts to whisper how it ends, and you say I DON"T WANT TO KNOW! ?  Sure you have, me too. You like the feeling of being in the story, in the fantasy, for the several hours, me too.  Most in organized religion have decided to Live the Fantasy of their religion - they find it exciting, meaningful, comforting, affirming, providing community....  My point isn't to defend the fundamentalists - I have zero affinity with them.  But surely, if they want to make of their life a fantasy, that is there choice!  Nye, and the Left, does not seem to have a clue that this is going on with these folks. Nye, and the Left, has chosen to make the bedrock of his life science, objective fact, objective, measurable reality.  The Religionists have chosen fantasy.  There is no basis for these two sides finding a shared vision or common set of beliefs.  The Left refuses to see this, as does the Right.  I'm amazed and concerned at the universal blindness on the Left regarding this;; I expect it on the Right because they've chosen fantasy.


Albert Einstein: Few are those who see with their own eyes, and feel with their own hearts.

Albert Einstein: Few are those who see with their own eyes, and feel with their own hearts.

Loving: I've found that the real pain of a personal problem is that it switches the focus of my life from the Joy of trying to Serve the Neediest others, to the Hell of dwelling on myself. This, I can overcome. Loving, is the answer, always.

SEE PIC for detail: 47 million Americans are now living in poverty. Some are quick to say: "Those Americans are lazy and do not care to work" NO. Jobs are eliminated....!

Storm is Coming's photo.

Charity is a feel-good solution for the giver; a deadly substitute for what is needed. Solidarity, from the Soul, Loving, is all that acan Serve and Save the neediest. If not this it is nothing more than isult to injury.

When I lost all of my excuses I found my results. Unknown

Ansel Adams: Once destroyed, nature's beauty cannot be repurchased at any price.

Brilliant pic: Capitalism

"If the only thing keeping a person decent is the expectation of devine reward then, brother, that person is a piece of shit."

pic. Poverty: Punishment for a crime you did not commit

Tragically, this great man, Obama, will be remembered only for the 2 all out Wars he did not declare and wage, win or lose: 1. All out War on Global CO2 emisions, death of Creation. 2. All out war on US Inequality, the death of democracy. The same can be said of every Liberal today.

***** MLK Jr: When we look at modern man, we have to fact the fact that modern man suffers from a kind of poverty of the spirit, which stands in glaring contrast with a scientific and technological abundance. We've learned to fly the air as birds, we've learned to swim the seas as fish, yet we haven't learned to walkt the Eath as brothers and sisters."

***** Francis of Assisi: Remember when you leave this earth, you can take with you nothing that you have received; only what you have given - a heart enriched by honest service, love, sacrifice, and courage."

***** Margaret Mead: "Never depend upon institutions of government to solve any problem. All social movements are founded by, guided by, motivated and seen through by the passion of individuals."

Gloria Steinem: A dwindling libido, she thorized, can be a terrific advantage: "The brain cells that used to be obsessed are now free for all kinds of great things."

Sigmund freud: the culture that drives the masses to rebel will cease to exist. See graphic for exact quote.

Important data. Corporations make clear that employees are meaningless commodities, when they argue that employees salary cannot rise while CEO compensation skyrockets. If we keep working for them, if we keep buying from them, we have no one to blame but ourselves

Brilliant photo. New York's first legally married gay couple. Clearly a threat to us all.

Image. Friends not food.

Brilliant cartoon. God hates fags! You have to see this.

George Carlin. Tell people there is an invisible man in the universe that created everything and they will believe you. Tell them that the paint is wet and they will have to touch it.

Important image. Conservatives are afraid of everything.

Makers versus takers. Any questions?


I OD'd on meds last night. :-( Overwhelmed at the world. Loving (Serving from the Soul in Solidarity), each hour, as best I can see, is all that makes sense to me - my would-be Religion; there is none other as High. I'm a life-long night-teeth-grinder beyond what dentists have ever seen, while I sleep. Within the last week the symptom they long feared for me has blossomed - '8-9' level pain of TMJ joint muscle spasm starting about 1 hour after I go to sleep - may have been triggered by work my dentist is doing, whatever. He prescribed 800mg Ibupropen that doesn't TOUCH the pain - but 1600 mg does! But I figured there would be something bad as a result of doubling the already large dose - and I was as weak as a kitten all day today, bedridden. Looks like hours of '9' level pain each night for me going forward. Not fun. I'm really overwhelmed by how near totally evil the world is - yes my overprivileged friends - 'near totally' - including our consumption levels at tens to hundreds of times what half our brothers and sisters can even imagine; my own included. I'm trying to see a way thru, even theoretically, for us as a species were we to be open to the Path - regarding ecocide, animal cruelty, human destitution, oppression by the disgustingly over-privileged; the cowardly, insane denial of the liberals as to the price they must pay to match their rhetoric; mass US incarceration; chronic psychic starvation of the US poor.... The list of our systemic evils is sooooooooo long. I think there may be no 'answer' to any of these things, other than individually,, pitifully, 'Loving the global neediest,' as much per hour, as one can, as inadequate and pitiful as it may be - with as many of us, as fast as possible, reaching world-class standards of this Loving, Giving, Self-Giving. If there is a 2nd aspect to the solution I think it is Supporting the Practitioners of that Religion of Loving (Serving the Global Neediest, from the Soul, in Solidarity).

I OD'd on meds last night.  :-(  Overwhelmed at the world.  Loving (Serving from the Soul in Solidarity), each hour, as best I can see, is all that makes sense to me - my would-be Religion; there is none other as High.  I'm a life-long night-teeth-grinder beyond what dentists have ever seen, while I sleep.  Within the last week the symptom they long feared for me has blossomed - '8-9' level pain of TMJ joint muscle spasm starting about 1 hour after I go to sleep - may have been triggered by work my dentist is doing, whatever.  He prescribed 800mg Ibupropen that doesn't TOUCH the pain - but 1600 mg does! But I figured there would be something bad as a result of doubling the already large dose - and I was as weak as a kitten all day today, bedridden.  Looks like hours of '9' level pain each night for me going forward.  Not fun.  I'm really overwhelmed by how near totally evil the world is - yes my overprivileged friends - 'near totally' - including our consumption levels at tens to hundreds of times what half our brothers and sisters can even imagine; my own included.  I'm trying to see a way thru, even theoretically, for us as a species were we to be open to the Path - regarding ecocide, animal cruelty, human destitution, oppression by the disgustingly over-privileged; the cowardly, insane denial of the liberals as to the price they must pay to match their rhetoric; mass US incarceration; chronic psychic starvation of the US poor.... The list of our systemic evils is sooooooooo long.  I think there may be no 'answer' to any of these things, other than individually,, pitifully, 'Loving the global neediest,' as much per hour, as one can, as inadequate and pitiful as it may be - with as many of us, as fast as possible, reaching world-class standards of this Loving, Giving, Self-Giving.  If there is a 2nd aspect to the solution I think it is Supporting the Practitioners of that Religion of Loving (Serving the Global Neediest, from the Soul, in Solidarity).


AS TO HOW HARSH, HOW BRUTAL I AM, OFTEN, TO LIBERALS (reply to a rebuke from my treasured sister RC): Which is more promising, speaking to a stone or a person? Which is more promising, speaking to a Republican or a Democrat? With the ending of the civil war, a temporary victory, did the Slave Owners have a change of mind, or did they concede to pressure? I understand my liberal friends being upset with me, but I perceive you are dead wrong. I am HORRIFIED by all the postings concerning Republicans - rebuking, excoriating, lambasting, attacking..... Why? BECAUSE THEY ARE OBVIOUSLY WASTED BREATH. BECAUSE THEY ARE DONE TO SUBSTITUTE FOR POTENTIALLY CONSTRUCTIVE ACTIONS, WHICH I CONSIDER SO TYPICAL OF LIBERALS, DEMS, AND SO COWARDLY. LIP-SERVICE, INSTEAD OF LIFE SERVICE. I don't lambast republicans because there is zero chance they will change. I lambast liberals because they are capable of so much more. As to how harsh I am - I am no more harsh than the words liberals have for the republicans. On what basis do I understand the double standard you would have me observe? It is somehow correct and appropriate for liberals to be harsh to republicans but not for someone, liberal or not, to be harsh to them? Liberals are talkers, and blamers, with infinite excuses why this is fine. They hold everyone to impossible standards, except for themselves, ever. If the shoe doesn't fit, don't wear it. The exception is proof of the rule. (((HUGS))) No reply needed. ps: Why lambast, and not be 'encouraging,' gentle? Which sweet 16 coach would you suggest be 'encouraging', 'gentle,' in the last seconds of overtime? Maybe in the first few days of training, but NOT IN THE LAST SECONDS OF OVERTIME, RIGHT??!!?!?!?

AS TO HOW HARSH, HOW BRUTAL I AM, OFTEN, TO LIBERALS (reply to a rebuke from my treasured sister RC):  Which is more promising, speaking to a stone or a person? Which is more promising, speaking to a Republican or a Democrat?  With the ending of the civil war, a temporary victory, did the Slave Owners have a change of mind, or did they concede to pressure?  I understand my liberal friends being upset with me, but I perceive you are dead wrong.  I am HORRIFIED by all the postings concerning Republicans - rebuking, excoriating, lambasting, attacking.....  Why?  BECAUSE THEY ARE OBVIOUSLY WASTED BREATH.  BECAUSE THEY ARE DONE TO SUBSTITUTE FOR POTENTIALLY CONSTRUCTIVE ACTIONS, WHICH I CONSIDER SO TYPICAL OF LIBERALS, DEMS, AND SO COWARDLY.  LIP-SERVICE, INSTEAD OF LIFE SERVICE.  I don't lambast republicans because there is zero chance they will change.  I lambast liberals because they are capable of so much more.  As to how harsh I am - I am no more harsh than the words liberals have for the republicans. On what basis do I understand the double standard you would have me observe?  It is somehow correct and appropriate for liberals to be harsh to republicans but not for someone, liberal or not, to be harsh to them?  Liberals are talkers, and blamers, with infinite excuses why this is fine.  They hold everyone to impossible standards, except for themselves, ever.  If the shoe doesn't fit, don't wear it.  The exception is proof of the rule.  (((HUGS)))  No reply needed.  ps: Why lambast, and not be 'encouraging,' 'gentle?' Which sweet 16 coach would you suggest be 'encouraging', 'gentle,' in the last seconds of overtime?  Maybe in the first few days of training, but NOT IN THE LAST SECONDS OF OVERTIME, RIGHT??!!?!?!?

Climate change is putting world at risk of irreversible changes, scientists warn. The Guardian

Climate change is putting world at risk of irreversible changes, scientists warn

The Guardian


Unemployment rate up for men and college grads. Boston Globe

Carl Sagan, extinction is the rule, survival is the exception.

posted from Bloggeroid

nd. I have ZERO substances in my life - used to do 2 or 3 glasses of wine, like my folks, before me. One day it hit me - What do I do so poorly at the task of Living, that I need substances to enhance the way I feel? Now, if I used any substances it would bring me DOWN from my natural high.

I have ZERO substances in my life - used to do 2 or 3 glasses of wine, like my folks, before me. One day it hit me - What do I do so poorly at the task of Living, that I need substances to enhance the way I feel? Now, if I used any substances it would bring me DOWN from my natural high.

INSANITY: PARTICIPATING IN AN ECONOMY DESIGNED TO ELIMINATE THE NEED FOR YOUR LABOR, FOR YOUR CONTRIBUTION; AN ECONOMY DESIGNED TO MAKE THE VAST MAJORITY OF PEOPLE IRRELEVANT. How much longer do you think this can go on? How much longer do you plan to participate in your own enslavement, impoverishment?



How much longer do you think this can go on?

How much longer do you plan to
participate in your own enslavement, impoverishment?

Family to visit intentional communities


LIBERALS, WHAT’S THE DAMN GOOD REASON MANY RIGHY’S HATE YOU? * They can’t win in your world, in your economy. They can’t. They don’t have the education, the background, the social, emotional, intellectual capital. Weren’t born to it, like you. * They see, they sense, that soon your world won’t have enough jobs, places, EVEN FOR YOU. Yours is the world of educated technocrats, and between automation, and concentration of wealth, daily, fewer of you are needed. * Raising the minimum wage does not change this. MUSICAL CHAIRS.


*  They can’t win in your world, in your economy.  They can’t. They don’t have the education, the background, the social, emotional, intellectual
capital. Weren’t born to it, like you.

*   They see, they sense, that soon your world won’t have enough jobs, places, EVEN FOR YOU.  Yours is the world of educated technocrats, and between
automation, and concentration of wealth, daily, fewer of you are needed.

*  Raising the minimum wage does not change this.  MUSICAL CHAIRS.

nd. The homeless shelter in which I live will be closing. Sometime in the next 12 months. City wants the real estate for high rent, and they want we homeless gone. We're becoming illegal in the DC, just as we are fast becoming across the US. I'd say there's a 50% chance I'll move back on the streets and go to prison for the rest of my days, making a stand, against a society that values stuff over a meaningful place in the society for all citizens. Interesting. I find no meaningful place for myself. I find I am not wanted anywhere. There are millions like me, and the % is growing daily.

The homeless shelter in which I live will be closing.  Sometime in the next 12 months.  City wants the real estate for high rent, and they want we homeless gone. We're becoming illegal in the DC, just as we are fast becoming across the US.  I'd say there's a 50% chance I'll move back on the streets and go to prison for the rest of my days, making a stand, against a society that values stuff over a meaningful place in the society for all citizens.  Interesting.  I find no meaningful place for myself. I find I am not wanted anywhere.  There are millions like me, and the % is growing daily. 

Bible barons: How the GOP uses religion to keep voters captive to corporate ideology.


Students donate to help family devastated by fire. "It's remarkable ... 93 percent of my children live at or below the poverty level, but they stepped up to help strangers in need," she said. "It was simply amazing."

"It's remarkable ... 93 percent of my children live at or below the poverty level, but they stepped up to help strangers in need," she said. "It was simply amazing."

YA THINK? Moving out of poverty linked to kids' mental health. Reuters

Moving out of poverty linked to kids' mental health


Warren Buffett on climate change. The Weather Channel

Students, jobs, win in new budget as air passengers lose. Business Week

Harry Reid continuous showdown with Republicans regarding Koch brothers. Politico

***** NO ONE UNDERSTANDS PR. OBAMA THAT DOESN'T KNOW HE HOLDS THIS INSIGHT FROM LINCOLN DEEP IN HIS 'ORGANIZER' HEART. "Our government rests on public opinion. Whoever can change public opinion can change the government." - Abraham Lincoln

***** NO ONE UNDERSTANDS PR. OBAMA THAT DOESN'T KNOW HE HOLDS THIS INSIGHT FROM LINCOLN DEEP IN HIS 'ORGANIZER' HEART.  "Our government rests on public opinion. Whoever can change public opinion can change the government." - Abraham Lincoln

***** RadioShack Is Doomed (and So Is Retail). THE CENTRAL TASK OF HUMANITY IS TO CREATE ENOUGH SUSTAINABLE JOBS FOR EVERY ADULT ON EARTH. We're racing in the opposite direction. SUICIDE.


RadioShack Is Doomed (and So Is Retail)
There are 4,000 RadioShack locations nationwide—approximately one for



Ellen DeGeneres on being vegan.

Ben Franklin: "Justice will not be served until those who are unaffected are as outraged as those who are."

A wise quote from Benjamin Franklin.

How to choose the perfect location for your offgrid homestead or community.

George Orwell: "It is not so much staying alive, it's staying HUMAN that's important. What counts is that we don't betray each other."

(M) Unfortunately most people will never get the memo.


***** READ. Converging climate, energy, and economic crises signal the potential to transition to a prosperous post-carbon era. Guardian

The crisis of civilisation is an unprecedented opportunity | Nafeez Ahmed
Nafeez Ahmed: Converging climate, energy, and economic crises signal the potential to transition to a prosperous post-carbon era

***** MUST READ. From South America to South Asia, a new age of unrest is in full swing as industrial civilisation transitions to post-carbon reality

Global riot epidemic due to demise of cheap fossil fuels | Nafeez Ahmed
Nafeez Ahmed: From South America to South Asia, a new age of unrest is in full swing as industrial civilisation transitions to post-carbon reality