Inconceivable to proceed without a winning strategy, the professional, surgical, military team.... Activists? Cruel suggestion!
What is more evil than seeing a group pursue a fatal path, and not speaking up? Such a coward I am not.
What is more evil than seeing a group pursue a fatal path, and not speaking up?
Such a coward
I am not.
Certain failure is expected of those not embracing criticism from within and without, no? Activists?
Certain failure is expected of those not embracing criticism from within and without, no? Activists?
***** If our citizen cowardice and inaction, if our liberal Citizen inaction and cowardice, are not to blame for the world's problems then there is no hope because no one can set things right except for we American citizens, we liberal American citizens. To someone that is outraged that I.....
***** If our citizen cowardice and inaction, if our liberal Citizen inaction and cowardice, are not to blame for the world's problems then there is no hope because no one can set things right except for we American citizens, we liberal American citizens. To someone that is outraged that I would not send Obama to Louisiana until they stop denying climate change: I'm an American, I live in America, I believe that America5 deserves and Americans deserve need Untold misery for our criminal neglect and how we allow our government to trample people all around the world. That means that I would suffer for that to happen. I take responsibility for the actions of my government. The buck stops with me. In my book, and in the real world, the buck stops with we citizens. You need not feel the same. But that's how I feel and that's how I act..... and to a long time friend who is horrified at my stance on this, I reject citizens blaming what is 99.99 9% of what we f****** liberals do. Oh, except ourselves, we never blame ourselves. I embrace total responsibility, personal responsibility, personal f****** citizen no excuse buck stops here responsibility. If you are only understanding that now about me, thank goodness you are understanding it now. I am happy to be rejected, I welcome being rejected, unfriended, whatever, by all who do not Embrace this. It is totally right and just that those who do not Embrace this would unfriend me. James
The pursuit of justice is a wonderful breeding ground, a wonderful excuse, for hatred among those doing the pursuit toward whoever their targets are. The arrogance, hatred, hypocrisy in current 2016 so-called activism........
The pursuit of justice is a wonderful breeding ground, a wonderful excuse, for hatred among those doing the pursuit toward whoever their targets are. The arrogance, hatred, hypocrisy in current 2016 so-called activism is throwing this in my face as I so wish it was not. Without love, it is hatred. If anyone is being dehumanized, discriminated against against, victimized, it is not loving, just more of the same old hatred. Not Revolution. More of the same. Just an attempted change in who is doing the oppressing and who is oppressed.