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Showing posts with label Wild Idaho Rising Tide WIRT. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wild Idaho Rising Tide WIRT. Show all posts
Steyer $1m ad buy. Who put in more, the rich folk, or the poor woman that put in her whole life. Fine, Steyer is fine. But WIRT is what Jesus was talkin about.
God for Tom Steyer! Now, substitute "Tarsands willful blindness" or
"climate inaction" for "Syria chemical weapons" in all the rhetorical
speeches ... who among us will continue sitting on hands, holding
breath, watching from the sidelines?
Who put in more, the rich folk, or the poor woman that put in her whole life. Fine, Steyer is fine. But WIRT is what Jesus was talkin about.
busy two weeks since the last WIRT newsletter, filled with Idaho
drilling/fracking protests, Keystone XL direct action training for
trainers, Nez Perce/allies' blockades of tar sands megaloads, and the
extended travels of the WIRT communications coordinator, has delayed
three editions about regional fossil fuel resistance (attached), Idaho
oil and gas drilling resistance, and Highway 12 megaload events. WIRT
apologizes for our temporarily reduced capacity, while we thank and
congratulate stalwart core WIRT activists who recently shared
observations, videos, photos, and news about our collective regional
***** vid Willy Wonka: "So shines a good deed in a weary world."
A note to my friends at Wild Idaho Rising Tarsands,
Helen, thinking of the work I think you all are doing, this came to mind, this dear scene, immediately following this,
that I love -
"So shines a good deed in a weary world."
WONKA: So shines a good deed in a weary world.
Charlie . . . my boy . . . You won! You did it! You did it! I knew you would; I just knew you would. Oh, Charlie, forgive me for putting you through this. Please, forgive me. Come in, Mr. Wilkinson. Charlie, meet Mr. Wilkinson.
To me, this is how I think of your work:
"So shines a good deed in a weary world."
Thank you all for that. Loving
that I love -
"So shines a good deed in a weary world."
WONKA: So shines a good deed in a weary world.
Charlie . . . my boy . . . You won! You did it! You did it! I knew you would; I just knew you would. Oh, Charlie, forgive me for putting you through this. Please, forgive me. Come in, Mr. Wilkinson. Charlie, meet Mr. Wilkinson.
To me, this is how I think of your work:
"So shines a good deed in a weary world."
Thank you all for that. Loving
Indigenous Americans rising to block tar sands in Idaho. See link.
30 citizens just blocked a tar sands megaload convoy. See link.
30 citizens just blocked a tar sands megaload convoy. See link.

Above and beyond! Wild Idaho Rising Tide, Northern Rockies Rising Tide
Thousands rally for gun control in Newtown's name. USA TODAY
USA TODAY | - 2 hours ago |
They said they did not want them overshadowed by vocal gun rights advocates who've successfully defeated gun control measures in Connecticut in the past, such as limits on the size of ammunition magazines.
Averting Ecocide - WAR ROOM - Tracking Plan B 01.19.13 <<< Subscribe to free, anonymous daily summary
Averting Ecocide - WAR ROOM - Tracking Plan B 01.19.13 <<< Subscribe to free, anonymous daily summary
Posted: 18 Jan 2013 08:14 PM PST
The Atlantic
Heat Waves, Storms, Flooding: Climate Change to Profoundly Affect US Midwest ...
Science Daily (press release) - 45 minutes ago
"Climate change
impacts in the Midwest are expected to be as diverse as the landscape
itself. Impacts are already being felt in the forests, in agriculture,
in the Great Lakes and in our urban centers," said Scavia, director
Posted: 18 Jan 2013 08:07 PM PST
Climate Change Hits the Mississippi River
Daily Beast - 9 hours ago
Here on the east coast, global climate change means earlier springs. Who
can object to that? But elsewhere, the costs are harsher.
NYT Leaves Readers High and Dry on Causes of Mississippi DroughtFAIR
See realtime coverage »
Posted: 18 Jan 2013 08:01 PM PST
CBS News
Severe droughts in Amazon linked to climate change, says study
CBS News - 5 hours ago
prolonged drought, which began in 2005, has caused widespread damage to
the area and may possibly be a sign that the rainforest is showing the
first signs of large-scale degradation due to climate change. A research team, led by NASA's Jet ...
signs of
Posted: 18 Jan 2013 04:37 PM PST
Extinction of river dolphin: What does it mean for the Yangtze River?People's Daily OnlineThe extinction
of river dolphin indicates the deteriorating environment and ecology of
the Yangtze River. The disappearance of creatures in the river denotes
the end of the river itself. The research aiming to find out the reasons
of the decreasing ...See all stories on this topic »
Posted: 18 Jan 2013 04:33 PM PST
reasons natural gas won't save usSalonBy Tara Lohan, Alternet If you're
hoping the natural gas boom means we've ... but it still may be a
significant contributor to global warming pollution ...
Posted: 18 Jan 2013 04:26 PM PST
Car Exhaust Pollution World’s Fastest Growing Cause Of Death
Posted: 14 Jan 2013 07:11 AM PST
A new study has found
that, on top of all the other manner of ways our cars are trying to kill
us, the pollution they emit is now one of the fastest growing causes of
death in the world.
Posted: 18 Jan 2013 04:25 PM PST
“Less Carbon, More Jobs” — Clean Energy Economic Development In 3 States
U.S. ‘Climate Assessment Reveals The Full Horror Of What’s Happening To Our Planet’. ClimateProgress
Posted: 18 Jan 2013 04:22 PM PST
U.S. ‘Climate Assessment Reveals The Full Horror Of What’s Happening To Our Planet’
Posted: 18 Jan 2013 04:19 PM PST
Bengali Forests Are Rapidly Disappearing, Research Finds
Posted: 13 Jan 2013 02:10 AM PST
The rapid deforestation
of the Sundarbans Mangroves is expected to intensify as human
development in the area continues and climate change worsens, according
to a new report from the Zoological Society of London. This will result
in the extinction of a great many plants and animals,
Posted: 18 Jan 2013 04:15 PM PST
Deep In Canadian Lakes, Signs Of Tar Sands PollutionNPRCanadian
researchers have used the mud at the bottom of lakes like a time machine
to show that tar sands
oil production in Alberta, Canada, is polluting remote regional lakes
as far as 50 miles from the operations. An increasingly large share of
U.S ...See all stories on this topic »NPR
Canadian oil sands pollute nearby lakes. Report is
Posted: 18 Jan 2013 04:05 PM PST
Climate Assessment Warns Of Devastating 9°-15°F Warming Over Most Of U.S.
Posted: 11 Jan 2013 02:34 PM PST
rule in Washington, DC is if you want to bury news, release it late on a
Friday afternoon. So one can only assume the climate silence crowd
prevailed in the release this afternoon of the draft U.S. Climate Assessment.
it’s this chart they don’t want folks talking about,
Posted: 18 Jan 2013 03:53 PM PST
Ford EVs Spark A Revolution Linking Homes To Cars
Posted: 09 Jan 2013 01:31 AM PST
There they go again. Ford, the same car manufacturer that touched off a
revolution in car ownership with the Model T more than 100 years ago,
has just announced a new collaboration called MyEnergi Lifestyle®, which
promises a whole new ownership concept based on electric vehicle
technology. In
Posted: 18 Jan 2013 03:50 PM PST
Coal Export Resistance Solidarity Actions
early May 2012, police arrested 13 concerned British Colombia residents
along with scientists, when they blocked four Wyoming coal export
trains ( photo).
As the environmental impact statement (EIS) scoping period for the
Posted: 18 Jan 2013 03:39 PM PST
Off-The-Charts Heat Wave Brings Australia Its Hottest Average Temperature And New Map Colors For Temps Above 122°F!
Posted: 08 Jan 2013 08:44 AM PST
Global warming has given new meaning to “off-the-charts” heat wave in Australia. The Sydney Morning Herald reports:
The Bureau of Meteorology’s interactive weather forecasting chart
has added new colours – deep purple and pink – to extend its
Posted: 18 Jan 2013 03:29 PM PST
Why Bark Beetles are Chewing Through U.S. ForestsClimate CentralThe conifer forests
of the North American west have been under a massive assault over the
past decade by bark beetles: one species alone, the mountain pine
beetle, has killed more than 70,000 square miles' worth of trees,
equivalent to the area of ...See all stories on this topic »
Posted: 18 Jan 2013 03:27 PM PST
West African lions on verge of extinction, report saysThe GuardianIt
is known for its vibrant culture, oil wealth and huge human population,
but few people associate Nigeria with lions. Now a report says the
almost forgotten species of west African lions found in countries such
as Nigeria are on the verge of ...See all stories on this topic »
Posted: 18 Jan 2013 03:13 PM PST
High costs and poor policy delaying Carbon capture technology – IEAResponding to Climate Change“For the IEA, carbon capture
and storage is not a substitute, but a necessary addition to other
low-carbon energy technologies and energy efficiency improvements,” Juho
Lipponen, head of the IEA Carbon Capture and Storage Technology Unit said.See all stories on this topic »
Posted: 18 Jan 2013 03:22 PM PST
How U.S. Biofuel Policy Is Destroying Guatemala's Food Supply
ThinkProgressA new report in The New York Times highlights how biofuel
policy in the United States and Europe has produced a rolling food
catastrophe in Guatemala. The country once enjoyed a nearly
self-sufficient level of corn production, but domestic producers ...See all stories on this topic »
As Biofuel Demand Grows, So Do
Posted: 18 Jan 2013 03:08 PM PST
hugely low... $240/ton at the LEAST unless conclusive evidence to the
contrary, however, interesting -
Carbon price of $30 needed to avoid 2°C climate targetResponding to
Climate ChangeRiahi told RTCC their research indicates a $30 price
signal would give a 60% chance of limiting warming below the agreed UN
limit of 2°C warming above ...
Delaying Climate Action To Later Is More Costly:
Posted: 18 Jan 2013 03:08 PM PST
China, Inc. Locked In on World Solar, Wind Manufacturing Domination
China’s Largest Solar Power Farm Approved
China Continues to Dominate Global Renewable Energy Market
Chinese President Looks To Cut Energy Consumption
Posted: 18 Jan 2013 02:51 PM PST
Cryogenic Wind Farms May Be On The Way
Posted: 18 Jan 2013 02:49 PM PST
Solar Electricity Now Under Half The Cost Of Grid Power For Australian Households
Posted: 07 Jan 2013 01:34 PM PST
Over the holiday season, I
asked one of our dedicated readers, a solar energy expert from
Australia, a few questions about the solar situation in Australia. What I
got in return was a full post! Check it out:
Posted: 18 Jan 2013 03:22 PM PST
Sea Levels Could Rise Substantially More Than Previous IPCC Reports Have Predicted
Posted: 07 Jan 2013 12:54 AM PST
The seas of the world could rise substantially more in the future than has been previously predicted
in IPCC reports. This is primarily because the the Greenland and
Antarctic ice sheets are likely going to melt considerably more than was
previously estimated by
Posted: 18 Jan 2013 03:22 PM PST
research questions climate benefits of natural gasTheTyee.caPowering
western society with natural gas instead of coal has immediate ... At
that rate, gas may actually accelerate dangerous global warming faster
than ...Study: Natural Gas No Bridge to Zero Fossil Fuel
FutureStateImpact PennsylvaniaProponents of natural gas tout new shale
deposits, ... when lowering emissions to halt climate
Posted: 18 Jan 2013 02:43 PM PST
Cuts to Surging Carbon Dioxide Emissions Are Needed Now, Not Down
...Science Daily (press release)Jan.
7, 2013 — Halting climate change will require "a fundamental and
disruptive overhaul of the global energy system" to eradicate harmful
carbon dioxide emissions, not just stabilize them, according to new
findings by UC Irvine and other scientists.See all stories on this topic
Coal Export Resistance Solidarity Actions. Wild Idaho Rising
Coal Export Resistance Solidarity Actionsby WIRT |
9/15 Tracking Plan B - WAR ROOM
Tracking Plan B - WAR ROOM <<< SUBSCRIBE. NOW. FREE.SHARE WITH OTHERS. Why not? Now? |
Posted: 14 Sep 2012 01:39 PM PDT
Posted: 14 Sep 2012 01:33 PM PDT
Domestic Fuel
See realtime coverage
Water-wise biofuel crop study to alter plants metabolic, photosynthesis
Phys.Org - 6 hours ago
They aim to apply this knowledge to biofuel crops. The team will develop
novel technologies to redesign bioenergy crops to grow on economically
marginal agricultural lands and produce yields of biomass that can
readily be converted to
Posted: 14 Sep 2012 12:42 PM PDT
Airlines grapple with food vs. biofuel debate
Chicago Tribune - 8 minutes ago
The European Union plans to impose a limit on the use of
crop-based biofuels, in a major shift in the region's
much-criticizedbiofuel policy, according to draft legislation seen by
Reuters. The policy U-turn comes after studies cast doubt on the ...
Posted: 14 Sep 2012 12:18 PM PDT
Over 450 Electric Car Charging Stations to Be Installed by BC Government
Mobile Magazine - 19 hours ago
They say that one of the bigger reasons why electric cars haven't
soared in popularity is the lack of infrastructure. When you have a
relatively shorter range on a “full tank” of electricity, you need to be
sure that there's somewhere you can charge up ...
Posted: 14 Sep 2012 11:35 AM PDT
Why the recent plunge in US carbon emissions may not last
Washington Post (blog) - 3 hours ago
EIA expects carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuels, which fell by
2.3 percent in 2011, to further decline by 2.4 percent in 2012.
Posted: 14 Sep 2012 11:33 AM PDT
Idaho's 1st big solar plant to be built soon
Businessweek - 2 hours ago
Other alternative energy developers, particularly those planning wind
farms on Idaho's gusty Snake River plain, have struggled, as the state
Public Utilities Commission considers rule changes pushed by utilities,
including Idaho Power, that make it ...
Posted: 14 Sep 2012 11:10 AM PDT
Walmart Expands Solar Initiative in Arizona
Sacramento Bee - 5 minutes ago
The solar panels at the distribution center alone will generate up to
5.3 million kilowatt hours of renewable energy per year, which is the
equivalent of powering more than 400 homes and taking equivalent of
approximately 600 cars off the road.
Posted: 14 Sep 2012 11:05 AM PDT
Solar and wind energy may stabilise the power grid
Phys.Org - 1 hour ago
(—Renewable energies such as wind, sun and biogas are set to become increasingly important in generating electricity.
Posted: 14 Sep 2012 10:56 AM PDT
Without nuclear, the battle against global warming is as good as lost
The Guardian - 2 hours ago
Without nuclear, the battle against global warming
is as good as lost. Even many greens now admit this in private moments.
We are already witnessing the first signs of the collapse in the
biosphere this entails - with the Arctic in full-scale meltdown ...
Posted: 14 Sep 2012 06:49 AM PDT
Posted: 14 Sep 2012 06:04 AM PDT
Reducing Red Meat Consumption Lowers Chronic Disease Risk
Food Product Design - 18 hours ago
Consumption of red and processed meat (RPM) is a leading contributor to
greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and high intakes of these foods increase
the risks of several leading chronic diseases.
Posted: 14 Sep 2012 05:56 AM PDT
Ocean Energy Flows To U.S. Grid For First Time
EarthTechling - 40 minutes ago
Pete Danko For the first time, power from the ocean is making its way
onto a US grid. Ocean Renewable Power Company said Thursday that Bangor
Hydro Electric Company had confirmed that electricity was flowing from
ORPC's Cobscook Bay Tidal Project in ...
Ocean Turbine Electricity Flows To Power
Posted: 14 Sep 2012 05:32 AM PDT
Extreme weather likely as ice loss accelerates
The Spokesman Review - 5 hours ago
Arctic sea ice is shrinking at a rate much faster than scientists ever
predicted and its collapse, due to global warming, may well cause
extreme weather this winter in North America and Europe, according to
climate scientists.
Posted: 14 Sep 2012 05:16 AM PDT
House GOP scrubs climate concerns from EPA bill
The Hill (blog) - 14 hours ago
The latest House bill aimed at thwarting climate change
regulations drops previous language that acknowledged scientific
concerns about global warming and evidence of rising temperatures and
sea levels.
Posted: 14 Sep 2012 05:07 AM PDT
Obama Declared Record-Breaking 99 Disasters in 2011
ABC News - 1 hour ago
In a year rife with Southern droughts, Midwest tornadoes and Eastern
floods, President Obama declared a record-setting 99 disasters
throughout 2011.
Posted: 14 Sep 2012 05:02 AM PDT
Fossil Fuel Industry Ads Dominate TV Campaign
New York Times - 2 hours ago
WASHINGTON - When Barack Obama
first ran for president, being green was so popular that oil companies
like Chevron were boasting about their commitment to renewable energy,
and his Republican opponent, John McCain, supported action on global ...
Loving, here: I won the Lottery Last Night. Here's my plan.
Seriously, in my mind, I won the lottery last evening. I recall never purchasing a lottery ticket nor thinking of doing so, but yesterday I realized, pushed by a Barrista friend, I owe it to those I'm serving to buy a ticket, or two.
Hours after I realized it myself, I saw a headline to the effect that, 'The Lottery Lets People Dream.' It had that effect on me, and it is not over.
Some of the valuable insights this has give me, reinforced:
1. We don't have a money problem, we have people problem. Without people of Heart, Christlikes by whatever name, 100 trillion dollars won't save Creation unless we create more Christlikes, fast.
2. The notion of spending 1cent of the winnings on myself was deeply revolting - made me want to scream in horror. The only 'personal' things that I'd want are:
A. Use the fact that I had the money to get meetings with fewer than 10 folks I thought of - Jim Hansen, Pr. Obama, Mr. Kim the prospective World Bank head, Lester Brown to pick their brains and influence their direction, to try and get them to step into and totally commit to All-out, Unviolent War to Defeat Plan A-rmageddon... AND AMY GOODMAN to try to encourage / fund her to end her unspeakable cowardice, and start writing of the criminal cowardice, apathy, unilateral surrender of the Lip Service Left.
B. Travel at way below economy class to try to find and empower the 1 in a million, the hero(s) in appalachia risking life, limb, treasure to stop MTR, and their counterparts in Idaho fighting Keystone, in W Canada protecting Great Bear Rainforest, Diane Wilson fighting from her $100 trailer to save the world, see if I could fund just the handful in Greenpeace that risk their lives in demonstrations, Sea Shepherds....
C. Purchase a 4 year wifi contract to get that off Ellen's back, and so I wouldn't have to worry about that any more.
3. In hours in my sleeping bag I couldn't think of 20, and possibly not 10 folks, or organizations, that would increase hope in the world with money in their pockets to spend. No creature of Heart, no hope. And of the Pure Hearts that could be Trusted to War Unviolently, risking everything for humanity, probably half currently aren't doing so - business people I've met over the decades with Pure, but misguided Hearts. Folks that lacked Vision, as I did, but by God, when they SAW A MISSION, NO EXCUSES, GET OUT OF MY WAY, FAILURE IS NOT AN OPTION, I'LL PUT AND KEEP EVERYTHING ON THE LINE, yes, breaking all of the sacred code of the Lefties, the 'activists.' Would they rise? I don't know. But I'd ask.
4. I think Pr. Obama understands this last part, 3, and that is why he is fighting Plan A-rmageddon with all the funding into technology for wind, solar, efficiency... that he can. We Know how to harness our Head and Flesh in that way, and it could be way better than nothing environmentally.
5. I realized that finding and getting funds to the 1 in a million was the entirety of what I'd focus on - trying to increase their effectiveness, their reach, 2 fold, 4 fold, 10 fold...
6. I realized that all hope lies in finding, raising, empowering the 1 in a million, that it becomes 2 in a million, then 3....
Hours after I realized it myself, I saw a headline to the effect that, 'The Lottery Lets People Dream.' It had that effect on me, and it is not over.
Some of the valuable insights this has give me, reinforced:
1. We don't have a money problem, we have people problem. Without people of Heart, Christlikes by whatever name, 100 trillion dollars won't save Creation unless we create more Christlikes, fast.
2. The notion of spending 1cent of the winnings on myself was deeply revolting - made me want to scream in horror. The only 'personal' things that I'd want are:
A. Use the fact that I had the money to get meetings with fewer than 10 folks I thought of - Jim Hansen, Pr. Obama, Mr. Kim the prospective World Bank head, Lester Brown to pick their brains and influence their direction, to try and get them to step into and totally commit to All-out, Unviolent War to Defeat Plan A-rmageddon... AND AMY GOODMAN to try to encourage / fund her to end her unspeakable cowardice, and start writing of the criminal cowardice, apathy, unilateral surrender of the Lip Service Left.
B. Travel at way below economy class to try to find and empower the 1 in a million, the hero(s) in appalachia risking life, limb, treasure to stop MTR, and their counterparts in Idaho fighting Keystone, in W Canada protecting Great Bear Rainforest, Diane Wilson fighting from her $100 trailer to save the world, see if I could fund just the handful in Greenpeace that risk their lives in demonstrations, Sea Shepherds....
C. Purchase a 4 year wifi contract to get that off Ellen's back, and so I wouldn't have to worry about that any more.
3. In hours in my sleeping bag I couldn't think of 20, and possibly not 10 folks, or organizations, that would increase hope in the world with money in their pockets to spend. No creature of Heart, no hope. And of the Pure Hearts that could be Trusted to War Unviolently, risking everything for humanity, probably half currently aren't doing so - business people I've met over the decades with Pure, but misguided Hearts. Folks that lacked Vision, as I did, but by God, when they SAW A MISSION, NO EXCUSES, GET OUT OF MY WAY, FAILURE IS NOT AN OPTION, I'LL PUT AND KEEP EVERYTHING ON THE LINE, yes, breaking all of the sacred code of the Lefties, the 'activists.' Would they rise? I don't know. But I'd ask.
4. I think Pr. Obama understands this last part, 3, and that is why he is fighting Plan A-rmageddon with all the funding into technology for wind, solar, efficiency... that he can. We Know how to harness our Head and Flesh in that way, and it could be way better than nothing environmentally.
5. I realized that finding and getting funds to the 1 in a million was the entirety of what I'd focus on - trying to increase their effectiveness, their reach, 2 fold, 4 fold, 10 fold...
6. I realized that all hope lies in finding, raising, empowering the 1 in a million, that it becomes 2 in a million, then 3....
Tracking Plan B - Lester Brown's
Tracking Plan B blog - Fighting Plan A-rmageddon
- SWEET! A Republican Meteorologist Tries to Remove Liberal Label from Climate Concern New York Times
- SWEET! General Motors Decides Climate Change Is Real, Pulls Support From Heartland ... Huffington Post
- WATCH THIS: The Last Mountain (2011) You're Against Them, or With Them. Period.
- ***** WATCH. SHARE. NOW. The girl who silenced the world for 5 minutes
- NOTE: Not all posts will show on Daily Summary today. Chk Blog.
- Boulder Couple Builds 125 Square-Foot House KMGH Denver
- 2 Studies Point to Common Pesticide as a Culprit in Declining Bee Colonies New York Times
- The cost of mountain top removal U.S. Catholic magazine
- Greenpeace:New Greenhouse Gas Rules Riddled with LoopholeseNews Park Forest
- Big setback for mountaintop mining critics iWatch News
- nd 'The Earth Rapers, Destoyers, You're: A. One of them, B. Against them, C. there's no 'C'' sLoving
- Mountaintop coal removal ban killed in Tennessee HouseKingsport Times News
- Coal Train Traffic Increase Could Be Bad News For Human Health KLCC FM Public Radio
- Seattle: Huge coal-export terminal needs rigorous environmental, health and traffic reviews The Seattle Times
- Massey Mine Boss Pleads Guilty As Feds Target ExecsNPR (blog)
- World's Smallest Dolphin Almost Extinct (VIDEO) Global Animal
- Rare and precious anti- cancer tree faces extinction Coastweek
- ***** The Sixth Great Extinction: A Silent Extermination National Geographic
- Extreme weather threatens rich ecosystems
- Washington State Creates Ocean Acidification Panel The Daily Score
- Is a carbon-negative economy a practical possibility or a pipe dream?
- Greenwash? China Shows US How to Push for Carbon Capture Bloomberg
- CO2 emissions decline in UK
- Greenwash? Carbon capture can help industry The Australian
- Increasing carbon dioxide in atmosphere melts poles, acidifies oceans Kansas State Collegian
Posted: 30 Mar 2012 01:42 PM PDT
A Republican Meteorologist Tries to Remove Liberal Label from Climate Concern New York Times (blog) - 1 hour ago By ANDREW C. REVKIN I encourage you to pop over to Shawn Otto's blog below and read "A Message from a Republican Meteorologist on Climate Change," a guest post in which Paul Douglas, an experienced meteorologist, energy entrepreneur and founder of the ...
Posted: 30 Mar 2012 01:41 PM PDT
General Motors Decides Climate Change Is Real, Pulls Support From Heartland ... Huffington Post - 4 hours ago After getting called out by an environmental group, General Motors has pulled support from the Heartland Institute, a Chicago-based nonprofit well-known for attacking the science behind global warming and climate change. General Motors pulls funding from climate sceptic
Posted: 30 Mar 2012 11:42 AM PDT
The Last Mountain (2011) You're Against Them, or With Them. Period
Posted: 30 Mar 2012 11:26 AM PDT
KIDS, STAND UP. YOU HAVE THE RIGHT. DON'T SIT TILL YOU HAVE A FUTURE. The girl who silenced the world for 5 minutes Kids VS Global Warming Nick News: A Global Warning from the Kids of the World
Posted: 30 Mar 2012 10:30 AM PDT
Posted: 30 Mar 2012 10:27 AM PDT
Boulder Couple Builds 125 Square-Foot House KMGH Denver - Mar 26, 2012 BOULDER, Colo. -- With grand designs on minimizing their housing footprint, Christopher Smith and Merete Mueller have spent the last 10 months building the tiny home of their dreams.
Posted: 30 Mar 2012 10:20 AM PDT
2 Studies Point to Common Pesticide as a Culprit in Declining Bee Colonies New York Times - 22 hours ago Scientists have been alarmed and puzzled by declines in bee populations in the United States and other parts of the world. They have suspected that pesticides are playing a part, but to date their experiments have yielded conflicting, ambiguous results
Posted: 30 Mar 2012 10:17 AM PDT
The cost of mountain top removal U.S. Catholic magazine (blog) - Mar 14, 2012 Mountaintop removal produces coal with 10 to 25 percent less expense than underground mining. Coal mined in this way seems cheap, however, only if "you think that people's lives are
Posted: 30 Mar 2012 10:14 AM PDT
Greenpeace:New Greenhouse Gas Rules Riddled with LoopholeseNews Park Forest
Posted: 30 Mar 2012 10:13 AM PDT
Big setback for mountaintop mining critics iWatch News - Mar 28, 2012 A mountaintop removal mining site at Kayford Mountain, W.Va. with Coal River Mountain, left, in the background. Jeff Gentner/AP file By Jim Morris In a corner of Appalachia where the tops of coal-rich mountains are lopped off with regularity,
nd 'The Earth Rapers, Destoyers, You're: A. One of them, B. Against them, C. there's no 'C'' sLoving
Posted: 30 Mar 2012 09:53 AM PDT
nd 'The Earth Rapers, Destoyers, You're: A. One of them, B. Against them, C. there's no 'C'' sLoving
Posted: 30 Mar 2012 09:51 AM PDT
Mountaintop coal removal ban killed in Tennessee HouseKingsport Times News Mountaintop removal ban killed in Tenn. HouseDeseret News
Posted: 30 Mar 2012 09:49 AM PDT
Coal Train Traffic Increase Could Be Bad News For Human Health KLCC FM Public Radio - 2 hours ago To bring American coal to Asia, via train and ship. If these terminals are approved that could mean more than 100 million tons of coal traveling by rail across Idaho, Washington and Oregon every year. The potential for more train traffic has public
Posted: 30 Mar 2012 09:49 AM PDT
Huge coal-export terminal needs rigorous environmental, health and traffic reviews The Seattle Times - 18 hours ago Statewide impacts of a huge coal-export terminal proposed for Whatcom County must receive the broadest possible environmental, health and traffic scrutiny.
Posted: 30 Mar 2012 09:47 AM PDT
Massey Mine Boss Pleads Guilty As Feds Target ExecsNPR (blog) Mine exec pleads guilty in 2010 explosionCNN International
Posted: 30 Mar 2012 09:42 AM PDT
World's Smallest Dolphin Almost Extinct (VIDEO) Global Animal - Mar 28, 2012 (DOLPHINS) NEW ZEALAND - The Maui's dolphin, only found off the west coast of New Zealand, is rapidly approaching extinction. Fishing nets are to blame for leaving less than 55 of this rare species left in the wild. Officials are working to extend net
Posted: 30 Mar 2012 09:41 AM PDT
Rare and precious anti- cancer tree faces extinction Coastweek - 3 hours ago NAIROBI (Xinhua) -- A tree growing in Kenya and whose extracts are used to manage the prostate cancer is near extinction, the World Agroforestry Centre warned on Wednesday.
Posted: 30 Mar 2012 09:39 AM PDT
The Sixth Great Extinction: A Silent Extermination National Geographic - Mar 28, 2012 In fact, we are in the midst of the Sixth Great Extinction, an event characterized by the loss of between 17000 and 100000 species each year.
Posted: 30 Mar 2012 09:34 AM PDT
Extreme weather threatens rich ecosystems - 1 hour ago Consequently, this increases the risk for species extinction, especially in bio diverse ecosystems such as coral reefs and tropical rainforests.
Posted: 30 Mar 2012 09:21 AM PDT
Washington Creates Ocean Acidification Panel The Daily Score - 18 hours ago In a nutshell, excess carbon dioxide causes oceans to become more acidic, and also removes key building blocks that thousands of species need to build shells and skeletons. Expert panel to address ocean acidificationKitsap Sun
Posted: 30 Mar 2012 09:21 AM PDT
Is a carbon-negative economy a practical possibility or a pipe dream? (blog) - Mar 29, 2012 Those are interdisciplinary campus efforts to develop ways to remove carbon dioxide
Posted: 30 Mar 2012 09:20 AM PDT
China Shows US How to Push for Carbon Capture Bloomberg - Mar 27, 2012 After all, these plants, which provide 45 percent of electricity in the US, account for more than a third of the country's carbon dioxide emissions. Small-scale experiments have been successful enough that, at this point, engineers have little doubt ... China beats US with power from coal-processing to trap
Posted: 30 Mar 2012 09:18 AM PDT
CO2 emissions decline in UK - 4 hours ago British emissions of greenhouse gases in 2011 were estimated at around 549 million tons of carbon dioxide equivalent, a 7 percent decline compared with 2010 levels. U.K. Greenhouse Gas Emissions Fell 7% in 2011Bloomberg CO2 emissions at lowest level in 40 yearsFinancial Times
Posted: 30 Mar 2012 09:17 AM PDT
Carbon capture can help industry The Australian - Mar 29, 2012 THE CSIRO will provide the Gillard government with confirmation that carbon-capture technology works in Australia and can be made available to industry. CSIRO to Release Study Results on Post-Combustion Carbon Capture TechnologyAZoCleantech Carbon capture technology moves closerCarbon News
Posted: 30 Mar 2012 09:16 AM PDT
Increasing carbon dioxide in atmosphere melts poles, acidifies oceans Kansas State Collegian - 12 hours ago By Matt DeCapo For almost all of human history, carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere were about 280 parts per million.
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