The fictional white male supremacist blue-eyed Jesus is precisely opposite the brown-skinned Palestinian Jew of 2000 years ago.
The fictional white male supremacist blue-eyed Jesus is precisely opposite the brown-skinned Palestinian Jew of 2000 years ago.
Plague: Infects, consumes, takes over, destroys massive populations. White Christians. Jesus is used to cloak consummate evil.
Plague: Infects, consumes, takes over, destroys massive populations. White Christians. Jesus is used to cloak consummate evil.
Salt Lake City, biking without a tail light, police shoot black man. Link.
When I was a child Hornets built a nest in the slide in our backyard. They never bothered me until I went poking them, assaulting them, with........
When I was a child Hornets built a nest in the slide in our backyard. They never bothered me until I went poking them, assaulting them, with a broom one day. They stung the hell out of me. I have never faulted the Hornets for that. I thought they were invading my property. The reverse was true. Our house adjoined a many Hundred Acre Nature Preserve. I was the invader. I was the colonizer. I built my life on the privilege that I took from them.
Somebody please clue me in. I mean, why the hell would non Highly Educated whites (substantially employable at decent wages) not, I repeat, not, want Trump? He's a straight-out fascist. He's a white supremacist. He.....
Somebody please clue me in. I mean, why the hell would non Highly Educated whites (substantially employable at decent wages) not, I repeat, not, want Trump? He's a straight-out fascist. He's a white supremacist. He addresses them like they are the most important, whereas the Liberals have made it clear they are the least important for decades now, they think he will change the game to give them power. He will. What's not to understand?
Criminalizing the hustle: Policing poor people’s survival strategies from Eric Garner to Alton Sterling
''The disappearance of jobs has sparked political anger, feeding opioid addiction, alcoholism and early death, and, among the commentariat, fomented bewildered discussion about the state of white working class people. But the disappearance of work hit black people first and hardest, decimating industries at the very moments when African-Americans, after centuries of marginalization, had only just got their foot in the door.
In the Baton Rouge area, says Spence, the minority male unemployment rate in 2014 was 2.7 times higher than for whites.....
The contemporary era of policing and mass incarceration emerged precisely to confront black people with limited or no access to formal work. As the sociologist Loïc Wacquant puts it, “in the wake of the race riots of the 1960s, the police, courts, and prison have been deployed to contain the urban dislocations wrought by economic deregulation and the implosion of the ghetto as ethnoracial container, and to impose the discipline of insecure employment at the bottom of the polarizing class structure.”''
Philando Castile Was a Role Model to Hundreds of Kids, Colleagues Say
***** Ilan Pappe: Israel Is the Last Remaining, Active Settler-Colonialist Project Ilan Pappe discusses Noam Chomsky, Bernie Sanders and the post-Zionist movement. BY Eli Massey
***** A monumentally valuable gift for you. I received it weeks ago and I share it with you. All of us in Western culture are taught in a million ways white supremacy. For many of us, is.....
***** A monumentally valuable gift for you. I received it weeks ago and I share it with you.
All of us in Western culture are taught in a million ways white supremacy. For many of us, it is taught as so benign. It is taught so unintentionally. Making it all the more Insidious.
The gift I received was a sentence that caught my eye in some article, I have no recollection of the article itself. It was the notion that people of color are the color of Earth, the color of nature. By implication, white people, like me, are not the color of Earth, are not the color of nature. More the color of death, the color of bleached bones.
Quickly this is showing promise as a tool that I was never human enough to even realize I wanted or needed. When I think to do so this notion naturally and easily allows me to catch a glimpse of we white folks as not the superior, but the mutant, the deathly mutations that in point of fact we are. It is not people of color that are in the final stages of destroying Earth. It is we white ones.
No, it is not my desire to learn to hate myself, or to view white people as inferior. But I welcome this potential 2x4 to wack some of the notion of white Supremacy out of me that permeates my every pore.
***** Chris Hedges. Everything he writes, every week, is must read. The most important intellectual alive today. ''Revenge is the psychological engine of war. Victims are the blood currency. Their corpses are used to sanctify acts of indiscriminant murder. Those defined as the enemy and targeted for slaughter are rendered inhuman. They are not worthy of empathy or justice. Pity and grief are felt exclusively for our own. We vow to eradicate a dehumanized mass that embodies absolute evil. The maimed and dead in Brussels or Paris and the maimed and dead in Raqqa or Sirte perpetuate the same dark lusts. We all are Islamic State.''.......
***** Chris Hedges. Everything he writes, every week, is must read. The most important intellectual alive today. ''Revenge is the psychological engine of war. Victims are the blood currency. Their corpses are used to sanctify acts of indiscriminant murder. Those defined as the enemy and targeted for slaughter are rendered inhuman. They are not worthy of empathy or justice. Pity and grief are felt exclusively for our own. We vow to eradicate a dehumanized mass that embodies absolute evil. The maimed and dead in Brussels or Paris and the maimed and dead in Raqqa or Sirte perpetuate the same dark lusts. We all are Islamic State.''.......
***** ‘In every important way Israel has failed’– leading American Zionist says No mas
Israeli demoKKKracy: Tel Aviv housecleaning service advertises higher rates for European help than Africans
Tom Cotton's New Law Would Allow A Product Made In Gaza To Be Labeled 'Made in Israel'
Extremely insightful article I'm listening to on alternate, why is David Brooks so very afraid. Brooks is a New York Times writer. http://www.alternet.org/media/why-david-brooks-so-very-afraid
Jewish West Bank settlers are as smug as white South Africans in 1980
When ‘Made In Israel’ Is a Human Rights Abuse
Larry Summers, Zionists Israel agent.
***** John Wayne was a raging racist. His daughter says he'd be 'standing right here' with Trump