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Showing posts with label UNVIOLENTLY WAGING LOVE (NONVIOLENCE). Show all posts
Showing posts with label UNVIOLENTLY WAGING LOVE (NONVIOLENCE). Show all posts


An extraordinary mixture of cerebral Brilliance, and limbic blindness. Some of the brilliance....

From saving Paradise, Brock and Parker. Must read.
In her study of women's poetry of lamentation, Constantina-Nadia Seremetakis concludes that lament is "a prelude to the staging ofwomen's reentry (as individuals and as a collectivity) into the social order on their own terms."4 it is in other words and assertion of life-giving power in the face of unjust structures that suppress, exclude, violate, and' control life. Telling the truth about Jesus's crucifixion has abiding importance.
To break silence whenever violence is used to shame, instill fear, fragment human community, or suppress those who advocate forjustice is life-giving. Just as Jesus, injohn's Gospel, stood before Pilate and said, "You have no power over me," the Passion narratives defied the power ofcrucifixion to silence Jesus's movement. In doing so, they placed before his movement the choice to tell the truth and live by ethical grace. They said life is
found in surviving the worst a community can imagine, in lamenting the consequences of imperialism, and in holding fast to the core goodness of this world, blessed by divine justice and abundant life.
By the fourth century, the church recited the stories oflamentation every year in the week before Easter. Remembering the sorrows that injustice and violence inflicted, the early Christians filled their churches with images of the life that lamentation allowed to break free, the life of ethical grace, the life ofparadise on earth.


Overthrow of the head and flesh by the Soul / heart, the only true Revolution possible. Pic

No, really.  Bet your life on it.

We have a Triune Brain, Reptile (Flesh, selfish), Homo Sapiens (Head, selfish), Mammalian (Soul, Heart, Altruistic, Otherish, Altruistic).  This is the science, neuroscience, ethology, primatology, psychology, anthorpology.

The only possible revolution is to put the Soul, Heart, in charge.

The Titanic we, WE, are sinking, is the necessary certain result of the Head and Flesh in charge.  They DO NOT KNOW, CAN NOT CARE ABOUT, future of creation. DON'T TAKE MY WORD FOR IT.  THINK ABOUT IT.  Only the Heart, Soul, is designed and capable of CARING for the future of creation.  This is what my life, and this site, have been about for the last 10 years.

The proof of the head and flesh (Reptilian brain) in charge.  Trump and his hoards are the Reptile people.  No?? The Democrats, Liberals, are the Head... Silicon, Cerebral, gutless, heartless, intellectual people.  NO?!?!?!?!?

THE Revolution, Soul/Heart in charge, HAS NEVER BEEN TRIED.  Jesus tried to start it and BEFORE HIS BODY WAS COLD, his 'followers' genned up a Religion of Head and Flesh under his brand.  The exceptions prove the rule.

Why wage this Revolution?

1.  Waging it is the only Joy.

2.  Waging it is the only possibility of Joy for those you can influence.

3. Waging it is the only way to possibly provide a good future for future generations, though ecocide, armageddon, is now beyond avoiding, but the survivors....

Get on with it.

For more, click on the 'tags' below for more posts and information. Explore this site, posts at the right timeline, tags at the bottom left..  I am a pitiful instrument, but am 40 years ahead of the 2018 science.  I know what I'm talking about.  Ignore this at your peril, a the peril of all whom you  influence.

Regardless, never say I didn't do my best for you.  I have, and will continue to do so.

My life remains devoted, every breath, to this revolution.  Subscribe at the upper right, to the daily email summary. Or not.  I cannot do your part, nor will I anymore try. You can lead a horse to water....



My life's discovery, and contribution just now.

The first part of the following first appeared on my Facebook page. The second part will not be added to my Facebook page for the same reason that I implore you to read the extremely short booklet at the link mentioned below before you read part two of this post also below. It is very important that my thoughts not in any way Cloud the reading of this the most important document that I've ever read. Just within the last couple of days although I've had it on my computer for years.

FB post yesterday:

Please read this comment. I believe it is true for me to say that although not infrequently recently I have posted and tagged some of you in whom I have the greatest hope with readings that I am finding particularly important for those that would like to see a better world. It is true I think that never have I asked you to read it, or very very rarely. I have simply brought to your attention. Well I have just completed a very short document, these letters, and in my 20 years intensive study and practice trying to find the path to true Revolution toward a better world this is the most insightful important document that I have come across. It is the root of Tolstoy s writing, I thought it was Jesus gospels, but it is far more broad than that, and it is the root on which Gandhi built his life. And I find it not immature for either of them but rather the seed Crystal that is more important than anything that came afterward. So unlike fryer times that I have tagged you I am asking as a fellow traveler with you in whom I have any hope that you will read this almost immediately. If you haven't the time skim through about 2/3 of the way and find the letter to a Hindu written by Tolstoy. And read that. But if you are not exceedingly strapped for time start at the beginning of this document and read all the way through. I suggest that if there is a Manifesto for the true revolution of saving some small portions of what is left on Earth this is the closest that has been written. I do not find it perfect. I see one major flaw though of course it could be a flaw in me. But I see one major flaw and I believe I see how to fix it, with substituting just one word for another. I will share what I mean, Creator willing, in a day or so in a comment to this post which I think will be brought to your attention by Facebook automatically. Those tagged here will automatically receive a notice that I have left a comment. I simply don't want to Cloud your reading of this document and I will say that if lightning strikes or a boulder rolls down onto my tent which is not impossible that this document will have brought you as far as any document can bring us to seeing how we should go forward, including some of the resources that we should be tapping much more deeply from Tolstoy and Gandhi. And from the likes of John Ruskin who was an Inseparable seed for both Tolstoy and Gandhi.

The most important documents, a booklet, but I have ever yet read . At this link look to the left in the middle  where it says click to read and you will get a download option.

Part two. Please please do not read further until you have read and deeply pondered the booklet at the link above.


The following I suspect is the reason I was born, the discovery, the contribution to humanity, if no one even ever knows it. It certainly I expect to be the Cornerstone of the rest of my life's work.

Above where I asked to read everything at the above link I mentioned with some hesitation that although this document is the most important I have ever read of a mountain of important items these last 20 years it has one I termed I think flaw and I would say a fatal flaw. Yes I am no one compared to these towering historical figures.

Yet I stand by what I say and more importantly I'll say that as I try to inform my own walk in this unstoppably dying 2018 World I find in the document of the above link near perfection, but a fatal flaw, easily corrected by me for informing my walk and then it is near perfect for the purpose of informing my walk.

If in nearly every instance within these letters I replace the word love with goodness or the phrase love of goodness then for me if becomes a virtually perfect document for informing my path forward.

Isn't that curious? For years I identified myself as start loving or more specifically loving. I am glad that in 2007 the words start loving and wage love were tattooed on my face. I am glad for those words and how the concepts were propelling me centrally before and ever since in my life.

Yet I think that if Gandhi and Tolstoy, two profound influences on me these last 20 years and before, if they were reading this document or in dialogue with me would be agreeing that I am correct.

It is also possible that they would be me a heretic, lovingly of course, but I think they would see that I am correct.

When I thought that they world could be saved by me or anyone and this is as recently as a year ago my view was that awakened loving was sufficient to propel enough individuals to save the world. And in fact that may have been a correct calculation.

What was a misunderstanding or a missed judgement on my part was that there were enough people with enough love left at least in embryonic form that that love could be awakened and clearly the last 20 years has demonstrated to me without exception that this is not the case.

But how to move forward in a world that by every objective measure cannot be saved will not say that self? For me I find that love could probably enable me to continue stumbling forward but not with any significant force or passion or clarity. But the value that to my surprise I suddenly find supreme within me, goodness, goodness in the world, all of the words and expectations and instincts of Tolstoy and Gandhi fall into place for me with a level of clarity and completeness and sufficiency I’ve not had before!

Even in a world that can't be saved yes I love goodness in the world way more than my life, comfort, safety, happiness. I love it more than justice and truth though they are always integral to love and goodness. And maybe most importantly and hopefully I love it more than the life of others when a choice must be made!

I think that left alone love as a concept is insufficient for all but a Gandhi or Tolstoy it seems to be able to avoid all or most use of what they deem violence.

In fact I think it is a destructive fetish on the part of both Tolstoy and Gandhi, a Blindness, that they wish to have a law that is immutable. That is nothing Organic. That is clearly not within the human being  regardless of culture or as far back in history is we wish to go.

But the capacity to love goodness which once in this document above Gandhi said was God, God was goodness, the capacity to love goodness as a Supreme value I find as the best expression yet of what my entire nervous system seems to have been gravitating towards since my earliest years and I think Tolstoy and Gandhi would agree as would Krishna and other religious leaders throughout history that this is not unique to me!

Whereas they have all used the word love centrally, and occasionally goodness, I think they would all agree where they participating in this dialogue that goodness in fact is what they were trying to move toward. I think they would agree now that God is not truth, love, life, although these are inherent elements, but that Goodness is God and God is Goodness.

As a side note I think both Tolstoy and Gandhi take a Liberty or indulge themselves in a way that is unsupportable and self defeating in suggesting that to shoot someone about to bludgeon a child is violence and violating the law of Love!

Well, as they desperately search for something which is not there in an immutable law of love and as they crippled themselves by using love as opposed to love of goodness they blind themselves to the truth and fall into the trap of searching for this immutable law. Part of their trap is to equate violence with you so physical force! To me this is obvious rubbish. That says that someone should not have a cancer operation, an operation which obviously is using force against a life form.

They both defend not killing someone who appears to be about to brutalize a child on the basis that to do so is violence and more particularly violating the law of doing to others all that you would have them do unto you. Well I would love to ask them if they see it differently than me that I would want to be shot before I brutalized a child. I would I absolutely would. Shooting me before I did such a thing, that's not violence! Violence is violating what is good, violating what is right. To kill me before I harm a child is good! This is obvious.

At the onset I mentioned that their flaw is self defeating obviously, and by obviously I mean that it has been 100 years and the world is moving away from the law they said exists in nature and that could be imposed by awakening it in the soul of an ever increasing number people. In a world that is rapidly destroying itself and that cannot be stopped I'm afraid we’ll never have the opportunity to prove that the world could have saved itself had they understood from Tolstoy and Gandhi not that law love is the ultimate value but that goodness is the ultimate value.

But I do suggest that for myself and I think for the one in a million with enough of their soul left, that were they to search long and hard inside themselves they would eventually find that like I they would realize, discover, that goodness is their ultimate value, that goodness is what gives them the ultimate gratification, in its existence, and in their personal pursuit of it in the world. I do suggest that they would find that amplifying their life transforming their life in using their life with a level of joy which is extreme and cannot be achieved any other way and that they will find that they are a vastly more hopeful entity for the one in a million seeds, people, souls, on earth that through their help can be cultivated to a similar level of joy, which is the pursuit of more goodness in the world.

And within me I believe that I do not find the supreme law that Tolstoy and Gandhi speak of, the in Violet law of love,. more particularly I do not find the strength within that to fully amplify and animate my life on this sinking Titanic Earth. But within the higher law that I find written within me, the law of goodness, the law of being goodness, the law of cultivating goodness with every breath, I believe that I do find the powerful amplification, passion, animation to fully move my life forward for whatever good that might be to Creation.


My Relations, those to whom I am related to, my family, are those devoted nearly every breath to the well-being of creation. I am family to all increation, but I am family with those I just mentioned.

My relatives, My Relations, my family, are those devoted nearly every breath to the well-being of creation. I am family to all increation, but I am family with those I just mentioned.

We need to f****** be really really clear about virtually all prior attempts at communities that were highly moral, sustainable, and created really joyful moral Souls. Many have tried and virtually all have failed. You......

We need to f****** be really really clear about virtually all prior attempts at communities that were highly moral, sustainable, and created really joyful moral Souls. Many have tried and virtually all have failed. You and I {Dave?} discussed several weeks ago I believe my understanding that denial of self worked for Gandhi but it is massively suboptimal. Maybe I had that conversation with someone else. We are not designed to be primarily creatures of avoidance. It becomes a fetish. This is the problem with religion. It tells us what not to do as we practice it. We don't work like that. We have to fill ourselves. When we don't fill ourselves with the right stuff we try to fill ourselves with the wrong stuff. We are essentially creatures of greed but in this culture unenlightened agreed, ignorant greed, mistaken greed. All hope depends upon being creatures of enlightened agreed, learning the Exquisite superiority of the experience of Joy, which comes only from selfless devotion to creation, and the comprable grotesque inferiority of pleasure, intoxication. Forever people have sought to set up intentional communities, to be moral, and they have all failed for the reason I have just vaguely outlined. I'm certain of this. I'm not trying to gain your agreement but I definitely hope you hear what I'm saying. The great athlete in any sport does not become so by avoiding television, by avoiding being lazy, by avoiding time spent away from training. With few if any exceptions they learn to love the sport, to love the pursuit, to Greeley have that Pursuit take over their lives. And the work you and I are talking about must be understood as the work of trying to save the few individual souls in the world that can be saved, in the same way the few seeds that fall in this desert might be cultivated to Life. By whatever words. Communities, practices, associations, must all every single breath be devoted to that end and yet always groups that set out in this direction lose sight of that, their own growth becomes the purpose, and it becomes one big circle jerk. Always. A fetish. A club. Spiritual masturbation. We don't have time to do this again. The work of the soul, the DNA given soul, of a plant, a mouse, and elephant, or human, the soul is devoted to the well-being of the collective. Not so the head and flesh. Everything depends upon rediscovering the taste for joy and thereby developing our skill to keep the soul in charge for the joy that it generates and keeping, for the greed of it, the head and the flesh under the control of soul. This has been my fuel, my rock, for 15 years now, and with different words it is the same with all of the few individuals throughout history that I Revere.


More time in the desert. I am quite certain that more deeply and effectively channeling the goodness that the man Jesus channeled is how I'm called to serve. No, I......

More time in the desert. I'm quite certain that more deeply and effectively channeling the goodness that the man Jesus channeled is how I'm called to serve. No, I...... don't know just what that means and certainly not just what form it will take. Traveling, being, teaching, I suspect are a big part of it. Being good in the world. Not good when it's convenient. Not good when it's safe. Not good when it's comfortable. Not good when it's popular. Good because that's what's needed and that's the ultimate rewarding existence. Much study of the man Jesus and the scholarship pertinent to has been undertaken by me in the last 15 years. What I'm called to do requires doing this more deeply and extensively now. I suspect that this calls me into the cold chilly Wendy desert for much of the next week. Back to Joshua Tree I suspect. My body is not particularly happy about this. Cold, windy, inhospitable, Barron. But my soul finds some gladness in it. I expect the journey will take place early tomorrow morning with arrival late tomorrow. Much or all of the next week is likely to be offline in study.


Pope Francis we are to do battle with evil.
