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. . . And Photos 2007 - 6/16
Showing posts with label Rachel Corrie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rachel Corrie. Show all posts
SPDF Day 13: Anniversary of Rachel Corries death. ' THE TRUTH?? We have TOTALLY forgotten..
SPDF Stop Palestine's Death Fast Day 13. This is the anniversary of
Rachel Corries death. Many posts say they are Honoring her... 'we will
never forget.' THE TRUTH?? We have TOTALLY forgotten. She put and kept
her very life in the way of the Evil. We facebook. We Desecrate her
memory. We USE her like a drug. DISGUSTING. SHAMEFUL. DESPICABLE.
nd. I don't know if it is residual effects of the cancer, the cancer battle and treatment, age, or the crushing emotional weight of Solidarity with my Palestine family every waking (and many sleeping) breaths... but I remain on a 4 day cycle - 4 days of huge energy and productivity... followed by :-( two days of 15 hour per day sleep. So far, it is the best I can do. :-( High wind is projected the next 3 days or so... so that may preclude the White House Free Palestine Vigil... too tough to have the signs... but I expect to give it a try, and see. In any case I'll be posting, reading, studying... regardless... to Free Palestine... AS WE ALL MUST DO. Rachel Corrie was so right. Creation forgive me for not seeing it until now, clearly, as she wrote to her mom from Gaza shortly before the Zionis crushed her to death under a Caterpillar Tractor: "Anyway, I'm rambling. Just want to write to my Mom and tell her that I'm witnessing this chronic, insidious genocide and I'm really scared, and questioning my fundamental belief in the goodness of human nature. This has to stop. I think it is a good idea for us all to drop everything and devote our lives to making this stop. I don't think it's an extremist thing to do anymore. I still really want to dance around to Pat Benatar and have boyfriends and make comics for my coworkers. But I also want this to stop. Disbelief and horror is what I feel. Disappointment. I am disappointed that this is the base reality of our world and that we, in fact, participate in it. This is not at all what I asked for when I came into this world. This is not at all what the people here asked for when they came into this world. This is not the world you and Dad wanted me to come into when you decided to have me. This is not what I meant when I looked at Capital Lake and said: "This is the wide world and I'm coming to it." I did not mean that I was coming into a world where I could live a comfortable life and possibly, with no effort at all, exist in complete unawareness of my participation in genocide. More big explosions somewhere in the distance outside."
I don't know if it is residual effects of the cancer, the cancer battle and treatment, age, or the crushing emotional weight of Solidarity with my Palestine family every waking (and many sleeping) breaths... but I remain on a 4 day cycle - 4 days of huge energy and productivity... followed by :-( two days of 15 hour per day sleep. So far, it is the best I can do. :-( High wind is projected the next 3 days or so... so that may preclude the White House Free Palestine Vigil... too tough to have the signs... but I expect to give it a try, and see. In any case I'll be posting, reading, studying... regardless... to Free Palestine... AS WE ALL MUST DO. Rachel Corrie was so right. Creation forgive me for not seeing it until now, clearly, as she wrote to her mom from Gaza shortly before the Zionis crushed her to death under a Caterpillar Tractor: "Anyway, I'm rambling. Just want to write to my Mom and tell her that I'm witnessing this chronic, insidious genocide and I'm really scared, and questioning my fundamental belief in the goodness of human nature. This has to stop. I think it is a good idea for us all to drop everything and devote our lives to making this stop. I don't think it's an extremist thing to do anymore. I still really want to dance around to Pat Benatar and have boyfriends and make comics for my coworkers. But I also want this to stop. Disbelief and horror is what I feel. Disappointment. I am disappointed that this is the base reality of our world and that we, in fact, participate in it. This is not at all what I asked for when I came into this world. This is not at all what the people here asked for when they came into this world. This is not the world you and Dad wanted me to come into when you decided to have me. This is not what I meant when I looked at Capital Lake and said: "This is the wide world and I'm coming to it." I did not mean that I was coming into a world where I could live a comfortable life and possibly, with no effort at all, exist in complete unawareness of my participation in genocide. More big explosions somewhere in the distance outside."
***** 'ECOCIDAL INSANITY: That we impose on our Soldiers, our Warriors of Unviolence rules inthinkable for our noblest soldiers of violence! Just as soldiers of violence massively disrupt 'family,' career, finances, health, their life itself..., EVERY BIT AS MUCH FOR THE UNVIOLENT WARRIOR!' Loving
***** 'ECOCIDAL INSANITY: That we impose on our Soldiers, our
Warriors of Unviolence rules inthinkable for our noblest soldiers of
violence! Just as soldiers of violence massively disrupt 'family,'
career, finances, health, their life itself..., EVERY BIT AS MUCH FOR
In Jesus day 'Miracle' meant that which awes, amazes, causes Wonder; that which awakens the Divine within us. From the scholarly "Jesus Before Christianity," Albert Nolan (see link). Jesus' Life was such a miracle, as is that of Diane Wilson, Rachel Corrie, Diane Nash, Alice Paul.... And you?
In Jesus day 'Miracle' meant that which awes, amazes, causes Wonder; that which awakens the Divine within us. From the scholarly "Jesus Before Christianity," Albert Nolan (see link). Jesus' Life was such a miracle, as is that of Diane Wilson, Rachel Corrie, Diane Nash, Alice Paul.... And you?
nd 'I've felt, hmm, I've BEEN, Excruciatingly Alien since birth, except for my dad, a few kind souls, and when reading Gandhi, Jesus, Tolstoy, MLK Jr, Diane Wilson, Bonhoeffer, Montegu, Teresa of Calcutta, Oscar Romero, Rachel Corrie, Alice Paul, Diane Nash, Dave Dellinger, Barbara Deming, Phil Berrigan, Maslow, Kohlberg, Erikson, Rogers, Frankl, Adler, Sorokin.... Then I don't feel alien, but kinfolk; same-species.' Loving
nd 'I've felt, hmm, I've BEEN, Excruciatingly Alien since birth, except for my dad, a few kind souls, and when reading Gandhi, Jesus, Tolstoy, MLK Jr, Diane Wilson, Bonhoeffer, Montegu, Teresa of Calcutta, Oscar Romero, Rachel Corrie, Alice Paul, Diane Nash, Dave Dellinger, Barbara Deming, Phil Berrigan, Maslow, Kohlberg, Erikson, Rogers, Frankl, Adler, Sorokin.... Then I don't feel alien, but kinfolk; same-species.' Loving
nd 'ULTIMATE TRAGEDY: In the Joyful people we blind folks see just their fatigue, 'sacrifice....' They 'experience' just their Joy, and Agony at the Suffering of others. "If you hold on to your life, you will lose it. If you lose your life for those in need, you will Save it." Jesus.' Loving
nd 'ULTIMATE TRAGEDY: In the Joyful people we blind folks see just their fatigue, 'sacrifice....' They 'experience' just their Joy, and Agony at the Suffering of others. "If you hold on to your life, you will lose it. If you lose your life for those in need, you will Save it." Jesus.' Loving
nd 'Christlikes, INSHE Warriors: The 'early adapters' of the new way of Life.' Loving
nd 'Christlikes, INSHE Warriors: The 'early adapters' of the new way of Life.' Loving
***** 'CHRISTLIKES ARE THE LEVIN! THE SEED! THEY ARE!!! Think about it! Diane Wilson, Francis of Assisi, Teresa of Calcutta, Rachel Corrie.... They Point us on the Way for the rest of us! That's how we EVENTUALLY RESPOND!' Loving
***** 'CHRISTLIKES ARE THE LEVIN! THE SEED! THEY ARE!!! Think about it! Diane Wilson, Francis of Assisi, Teresa of Calcutta, Rachel Corrie.... They Point us on the Way for the rest of us! That's how we EVENTUALLY RESPOND! Paying the Price, Redeeming, Ransoming us.' Loving
'Fascinating: Just Realized - of those I revere...
'Fascinating: Just Realized - of those I significantly revere (1 out of a million)...
deceased - King, Gandhi, Jesus, Rachel Corrie, Steve Biko...
living - K, DW, SM, SS, USM ......
and / or with whom I feel affection - PS, PG...
Maybe as many as half or more have:
A. Been divorced by their spouse
and or
B. Rejected by some or all of their children
C. Lived in Material poverty
D. Received a pre-mature mortality
E. Had, or been close to, riches of the Spirit that not 1 in a million can Dream of, tragically. Which is why they do what they do.
"If you pick up your cross (if you devote your selves to the NEEDIEST in our global family) it will (not might, WILL) cost you husband, wife, son, daughter, house, farms... but you will receive 100 fold, in this lifetime (Wealth, Riches of the Spirit, the only Wealth, Riches, that there are, in Truth)." Jesus. 100% correct, as usual.
deceased - King, Gandhi, Jesus, Rachel Corrie, Steve Biko...
living - K, DW, SM, SS, USM ......
and / or with whom I feel affection - PS, PG...
Maybe as many as half or more have:
A. Been divorced by their spouse
and or
B. Rejected by some or all of their children
C. Lived in Material poverty
D. Received a pre-mature mortality
E. Had, or been close to, riches of the Spirit that not 1 in a million can Dream of, tragically. Which is why they do what they do.
"If you pick up your cross (if you devote your selves to the NEEDIEST in our global family) it will (not might, WILL) cost you husband, wife, son, daughter, house, farms... but you will receive 100 fold, in this lifetime (Wealth, Riches of the Spirit, the only Wealth, Riches, that there are, in Truth)." Jesus. 100% correct, as usual.
01.05.13 Day 3 Ecocide's Death, FAST. Weak, Ill, Warming...
Feeling ill, lightheaded, nauseous, and weak, 2 days earlier than expected. Usually the first 3 days are pretty easy. Usually, it is days 4-6 when things start to get real bad.
My starting weight is about 162 judging from recent weighings attendant to the recent cancer surgery recovery. This is about 10 lbs, 20 days worth of fat, lighter than my start of earlier Fasts / Hunger Strikes. Hmmm.
Got an early warning 2 nights ago as to the perils of Fasting in the cold - with wind the temp is between 24 and 35 degrees F. Body heat is no more! Metabolism is forced to higher level than when it is warmer to try and compensate - faster fat burn. Hmmmm.
Spirit is the strongest of any Fast yet, for me, because I've learned so much more, as recorded in the last 4 weeks or so (here, and here). Huge growth. It is sooo Joyful, Peaceful, Passion-filled, Loving, and Hopeful for my 204 billion kids.
The notion that Jesus captured so well in the following quote, as did the lives of - blacks of the US '30s embodied in standing to by lynched, Steve Biko, Rachel Corrie... - "Lest a seed die, and fall to earth, it bears no Fruit." Every movement of extreme consequence requires such seeds, or it doesn't happen. I've always been called to be the tip of the spear, my entire life, all my years. This is what I was born for. This is what I've trained for. This is all I've ever wanted to do. Will my action bear Fruit? Probably not. Almost certainly not. But there is a chance created by me trying, and SO I SHALL.
And without some seeds dying, literally, NOW, and falling to Earth, to POSSIBLY bear the Fruit of OTHERS GIVING 100%, NOW!!!!! (uh, did I mention 100%???)... well, our present and future 204 billion kids are Ecocided (more text below vid. WATCH IT. 30 min. THIS IS THE TRUTH, BOTTOM LINE, THE READ DEAL. Make it full screen so you can see the pointer after a few minutes.)
Sure, my body, my Fleshly Spirit, is not so pleased with my current outlook but I AM NOT MY FLESHLY SPIRIT, NOR MY FLESH. I am the Spirit of the Creator, within me, and so are you. I treasure my Flesh, and have Respected and valued it Always. But it is not me. I am not it. (In "Avatar," was Jake HIS BODY? Which of the 2 bodies??? :-) ) I am the Spirit of Loving, the Creator in me, the Divine in which image we ALL are born - DNA given, psychological Truth. That is your TRUE Spirit, too. (Ask yourself. NO??? Am I wrong about you??? Was Jesus, Tolstoy, Gandhi, MLK Jr... wrong about you??? Ask yourself!) I expect my Flesh to perish in coming weeks, a year or so before the cancer would have taken it, I recon, from this Ecocide's Death Fast (best explained here, and here).
I'm consuming what liquids are offered me by the 'church folk' that come by, some of whom are quite Christ-ian. On average, in liquids, like coffee with a little cream, I expect to be at about 200 calories per day, instead of the 2000 calories my body needs in this bitter cold 24/7. Other than that, zero cal vitamin or electrolyte drinks, vitamin, and iron pills - otherwise I'm kept awake for hours by the cancer driven anemia and the resultant restless leg syndrome).
Due to the kindnesses of my sister Cathy, Beverly, Christ-ian church folk, Nicholas the Christ Mass Angel for we Homeless in DC with his huge deliveries of self-purchased warm stuff, my street friend Delbert from Texas (in the best sense, think Gomer Pyle; Forest Gump....)... I have all the warm clothing (the boots and finger-mitts are awesome, Cath), about 8 hours per day SOLAR power even on these short winter days (till 3-5 days of clouds come along :-( ), enabling me to stay productive on the computer, for now.
How long will I remain lucid, productive? Don't know. Probably MOST of the next 4 weeks or so, tho more and more I'll lose hours per day to nausea, weakness, loss of focus. Only one of my earlier Fasts, 4 years ago on Capitol Hill, was in such bitter cold, and then I had regular breaks inside. Uncharted territory for me.
My days now are spent:
1. Remaining Spiritually Powerful - that's my entire hope to us, to be a channel of Loving, the Creator, to us. (That's the only way any of us can be of use.) So, I use the Personal Trainer, daily (see 1st tab, top of page).
2. To serve TWO purposes, as an extension of point 1, I'm creating another 'book,' another Personal Trainer: "Jesus Teaching's on Living: Personal Trainer." The 2nd most important book on earth, for today (this being the 1st) is Tolstoy's "The Gospel in Brief," the writing of which
*. caused him to choose 30 more years of writing, on this subject, instead of immediate suicide, and
*. Created, from a cowardly, selfish young law student, in England, the man we know as Gandhi; and may well have created MLK Jr, as well.
A. The first purpose is to spend quality time with "Gospel in Brief," to work it further into my DNA,
B. By building a Personal Trainer (to be used daily, guided spread sheet along the lines developed for "Resurrecting Your Unviolent Warrior") I get the immersion (this is about my 9th reading of "Gospel, 3rd in a month); I create a way, like the "Resurrecting" Trainer, to work it into my bones; and a way to offer to others the ability to Train themselves.
I expect to also complete an associated Book/Trainer using Jesus' Teaching's on Living from the infinitely more widely known, but criminally adulterated, mutilated gospels - I'll use the Catholic Bible NAB.
3. A dear friend is helping me secure several more crucial books for the LIBRARY, and oddly you may think, that takes hours per day of my time, for the next week possibly.
4. Updating both blogs, especially Start Loving, so it is as good, complete, accesible a repository of what I've come to Understand and Value, as possible, to share with you, or those who come after, as well as I can.
Completing any of this will depend on what my body does.
How will this all end for my body? Don't know. The cancer is killing me from one end, for sure without the 6 months of chemo, I'm told, tho mercifully, since I've healed from the surgery, I remain symptom free so far, as long as I take the daily iron pills for the anemia (tho the major incision is still seeping a little, after 5 weeks?). The Ecocide's Death, Fast, is killing me from the other end. (No. What's Killing me is that we all sit watching Ecocide go unstoppable, and DO NOTHING.) In DC, tho my choice is to be allowed to have the Death Fast take my last breath in 40-60 days time; doubtful with all the security here in DC that that will be allowed. Institutionalization in St. E's Mental Hospital is my guess after I refuse calories when hospitalized weeks from now; a Living Death institutionalized, for the rest of what months I have before the Cancer has it's way. (St. E's probably won't be quite as comfortable, kind, Loving... LOL, as the hospice (Joseph's House, run by the same folks as run the Christ-ian Christ House that was so instrumental to my recovering from my November 30th cancer surgery, removing 2 of the tumors, and 1/3 of my colon); St. E's won't be quite as nice as what I was envisioning after I got the cancer diagnosis and realized that stopping the Vigil here at the Canadian Embassy, 24/7 7 months now, was out of the question; but before I received (thank God!!!) the vision of the Ecocide's Death Fast as a much better way to spend my Life!!! No matter. St. E's it is likely to be, not Joseph's House. Hmmm.
Oh, the specter of the Pr. Obama Inaugural Jan 21 hangs over my plans a bit. I may be forced, or may simply choose, to accept Hospitality and maybe up/back transportation from Philly friends for the days immediately before and after. Have to see what develops.
Well, I had zero idea that this long update Post was coming. But, here it is.
Massive emails from me yesterday to a select few - it was a HUGE news and Revelation day for me.
NOTE: I expect to do little of that outbound emailing going forward, knowing that those that care about this Campaign will Subscribe to the daily update email from this blog - see the little window at the far right of this page toward the top, where you anonymously put in your email address. Blogger / Google securely handles the rest.
With much Joy, and even a tiny bit of Hope for our Kids,
Loving (Pickles, TFC, LOL. Inside joke.)
My starting weight is about 162 judging from recent weighings attendant to the recent cancer surgery recovery. This is about 10 lbs, 20 days worth of fat, lighter than my start of earlier Fasts / Hunger Strikes. Hmmm.
Got an early warning 2 nights ago as to the perils of Fasting in the cold - with wind the temp is between 24 and 35 degrees F. Body heat is no more! Metabolism is forced to higher level than when it is warmer to try and compensate - faster fat burn. Hmmmm.
Spirit is the strongest of any Fast yet, for me, because I've learned so much more, as recorded in the last 4 weeks or so (here, and here). Huge growth. It is sooo Joyful, Peaceful, Passion-filled, Loving, and Hopeful for my 204 billion kids.
The notion that Jesus captured so well in the following quote, as did the lives of - blacks of the US '30s embodied in standing to by lynched, Steve Biko, Rachel Corrie... - "Lest a seed die, and fall to earth, it bears no Fruit." Every movement of extreme consequence requires such seeds, or it doesn't happen. I've always been called to be the tip of the spear, my entire life, all my years. This is what I was born for. This is what I've trained for. This is all I've ever wanted to do. Will my action bear Fruit? Probably not. Almost certainly not. But there is a chance created by me trying, and SO I SHALL.
And without some seeds dying, literally, NOW, and falling to Earth, to POSSIBLY bear the Fruit of OTHERS GIVING 100%, NOW!!!!! (uh, did I mention 100%???)... well, our present and future 204 billion kids are Ecocided (more text below vid. WATCH IT. 30 min. THIS IS THE TRUTH, BOTTOM LINE, THE READ DEAL. Make it full screen so you can see the pointer after a few minutes.)
Sure, my body, my Fleshly Spirit, is not so pleased with my current outlook but I AM NOT MY FLESHLY SPIRIT, NOR MY FLESH. I am the Spirit of the Creator, within me, and so are you. I treasure my Flesh, and have Respected and valued it Always. But it is not me. I am not it. (In "Avatar," was Jake HIS BODY? Which of the 2 bodies??? :-) ) I am the Spirit of Loving, the Creator in me, the Divine in which image we ALL are born - DNA given, psychological Truth. That is your TRUE Spirit, too. (Ask yourself. NO??? Am I wrong about you??? Was Jesus, Tolstoy, Gandhi, MLK Jr... wrong about you??? Ask yourself!) I expect my Flesh to perish in coming weeks, a year or so before the cancer would have taken it, I recon, from this Ecocide's Death Fast (best explained here, and here).
I'm consuming what liquids are offered me by the 'church folk' that come by, some of whom are quite Christ-ian. On average, in liquids, like coffee with a little cream, I expect to be at about 200 calories per day, instead of the 2000 calories my body needs in this bitter cold 24/7. Other than that, zero cal vitamin or electrolyte drinks, vitamin, and iron pills - otherwise I'm kept awake for hours by the cancer driven anemia and the resultant restless leg syndrome).
Due to the kindnesses of my sister Cathy, Beverly, Christ-ian church folk, Nicholas the Christ Mass Angel for we Homeless in DC with his huge deliveries of self-purchased warm stuff, my street friend Delbert from Texas (in the best sense, think Gomer Pyle; Forest Gump....)... I have all the warm clothing (the boots and finger-mitts are awesome, Cath), about 8 hours per day SOLAR power even on these short winter days (till 3-5 days of clouds come along :-( ), enabling me to stay productive on the computer, for now.
How long will I remain lucid, productive? Don't know. Probably MOST of the next 4 weeks or so, tho more and more I'll lose hours per day to nausea, weakness, loss of focus. Only one of my earlier Fasts, 4 years ago on Capitol Hill, was in such bitter cold, and then I had regular breaks inside. Uncharted territory for me.
My days now are spent:
1. Remaining Spiritually Powerful - that's my entire hope to us, to be a channel of Loving, the Creator, to us. (That's the only way any of us can be of use.) So, I use the Personal Trainer, daily (see 1st tab, top of page).
2. To serve TWO purposes, as an extension of point 1, I'm creating another 'book,' another Personal Trainer: "Jesus Teaching's on Living: Personal Trainer." The 2nd most important book on earth, for today (this being the 1st) is Tolstoy's "The Gospel in Brief," the writing of which
*. caused him to choose 30 more years of writing, on this subject, instead of immediate suicide, and
*. Created, from a cowardly, selfish young law student, in England, the man we know as Gandhi; and may well have created MLK Jr, as well.
A. The first purpose is to spend quality time with "Gospel in Brief," to work it further into my DNA,
B. By building a Personal Trainer (to be used daily, guided spread sheet along the lines developed for "Resurrecting Your Unviolent Warrior") I get the immersion (this is about my 9th reading of "Gospel, 3rd in a month); I create a way, like the "Resurrecting" Trainer, to work it into my bones; and a way to offer to others the ability to Train themselves.
I expect to also complete an associated Book/Trainer using Jesus' Teaching's on Living from the infinitely more widely known, but criminally adulterated, mutilated gospels - I'll use the Catholic Bible NAB.
3. A dear friend is helping me secure several more crucial books for the LIBRARY, and oddly you may think, that takes hours per day of my time, for the next week possibly.
4. Updating both blogs, especially Start Loving, so it is as good, complete, accesible a repository of what I've come to Understand and Value, as possible, to share with you, or those who come after, as well as I can.
Completing any of this will depend on what my body does.
How will this all end for my body? Don't know. The cancer is killing me from one end, for sure without the 6 months of chemo, I'm told, tho mercifully, since I've healed from the surgery, I remain symptom free so far, as long as I take the daily iron pills for the anemia (tho the major incision is still seeping a little, after 5 weeks?). The Ecocide's Death, Fast, is killing me from the other end. (No. What's Killing me is that we all sit watching Ecocide go unstoppable, and DO NOTHING.) In DC, tho my choice is to be allowed to have the Death Fast take my last breath in 40-60 days time; doubtful with all the security here in DC that that will be allowed. Institutionalization in St. E's Mental Hospital is my guess after I refuse calories when hospitalized weeks from now; a Living Death institutionalized, for the rest of what months I have before the Cancer has it's way. (St. E's probably won't be quite as comfortable, kind, Loving... LOL, as the hospice (Joseph's House, run by the same folks as run the Christ-ian Christ House that was so instrumental to my recovering from my November 30th cancer surgery, removing 2 of the tumors, and 1/3 of my colon); St. E's won't be quite as nice as what I was envisioning after I got the cancer diagnosis and realized that stopping the Vigil here at the Canadian Embassy, 24/7 7 months now, was out of the question; but before I received (thank God!!!) the vision of the Ecocide's Death Fast as a much better way to spend my Life!!! No matter. St. E's it is likely to be, not Joseph's House. Hmmm.
Oh, the specter of the Pr. Obama Inaugural Jan 21 hangs over my plans a bit. I may be forced, or may simply choose, to accept Hospitality and maybe up/back transportation from Philly friends for the days immediately before and after. Have to see what develops.
Well, I had zero idea that this long update Post was coming. But, here it is.
Massive emails from me yesterday to a select few - it was a HUGE news and Revelation day for me.
NOTE: I expect to do little of that outbound emailing going forward, knowing that those that care about this Campaign will Subscribe to the daily update email from this blog - see the little window at the far right of this page toward the top, where you anonymously put in your email address. Blogger / Google securely handles the rest.
With much Joy, and even a tiny bit of Hope for our Kids,
Loving (Pickles, TFC, LOL. Inside joke.)
Gang Rape Victim Dies: "Unless a seed falls to earth and dies it does not bear fruit." Jesus
Our bodies are nothing. NOTHING. God, I know how nuts, quaint, cute,
shallow, callous... that sounds. But it IS NOT; in the only time-frame that matters, Eternity, our bodies mean NOTHING, count for NOTHING, matter NOT AT ALL. Our Spirits, what Force, Loving, we can
be the conduit for, IS EVERYTHING.
With Luke watching, remember when Obi Wan lowered his sabre to allow Darth's blow?
Did Obi Wan cease to exist at that point? He got stronger. "Unless the
seed falls to earth and dies, it bears no fruit."
Now, that 'death,' (GIVING 100% TO OUR NEEDIEST) may take place over 80+ years, like Teresa of Calcutta, over 21 years like Rachel Corrie, 50 years like Diane Wilson, or `15 like Malala... but it is only in dying for our global neediest that we find Life, Joy, Peace of Heart - "dying for" meaning - giving 100%, every last breath, out of Love, for the Joy of it.
As Victim of Gang Rape Dies, 6 Men Are Charged With Murder
New York Times | - ‎41 minutes ago‎ |
DELHI - As protests grew in India on Saturday over the death of a young
woman who was raped in New Delhi this month by several men in a moving
bus, the police said six men accused of attacking her had been charged
with murder.
***** URGENT: 'Regarding Evil, Jesus is fundamentally mis-understood.' Loving.
Bottom Line:
The key strategic import, for the Unviolent Warrior, by whatever name is: Clearly conceive, construct, and carry out any and every "action" against evil, EXPLICITLY as Delivering Love, usually brutally Tough, to the Target. Will doing so radically and obviously change the characteristics and apparent nature of all actions? No, not "obviously." But Fundamentally. Is it "obvious" a bomb carrying a nuclear device, vs one that carries something else? Not to me. But it is fundamentally different in Truth and impact, none the less.
Were I to do another Hunger Strike, I would need to understand it as explicitly as I could as a delivery of Love to the target. I don't think I've ever thought of it in that way. If I did so, that would directly alter everything, including my Communication, Spirit, interactions, intended targets.... and I'm Certain it would make any future Hunger Strikes of Vastly more promise.
For now, I probably can't be more clear, or specific, tho I'll keep trying. :-)
The following may be obvious for years, to you, but it is massively new, Transformative Clarity, to me.
Through the undeserved Grace of the Creator, the Forces of Creation, my inklings of how to defeat Evil, so called nonviolence, what better is called Unviolent Warfare, Waging Love... has taken a fundamental leap for me in recent weeks, the greatest leap in maybe a decade, despite my daily practice and study of the issue all that time.
Surely Gandhi is the father of what the best understand as any worthwhile ideas of unviolent warfare these last 70 years or so. Many don't know who Gandhi's primary source of wisdom, Teaching, was. Jesus, by all accounts, as Jesus was discovered to Gandhi by the writings of Leo Tolstoy - "The Kingdom of God is Within You," in particular, and then many years of personal correspondence with Tolstoy, who Gandhi considered the greatest living example of Nonviolence (Unviolent Warfare).
Well, much of the time I had when able to focus during the recent 2 weeks of recovery from surgery has been a re-immersion in those same Tolstoy writings that created Gandhi.
Frankly, what I learned through this most recent re-study of these Tolstoy writings is NOT what Tolstoy concluded about Jesus teaching. I'm certain that Tolstoy got it wrong, or rather, that he understandably, did not take what he saw through all the way to it's correct end. I say this by way of full disclosure, and so as not to lay at Tolstoy's feet the following. I do not say this to diminish Tolstoy's writings on Jesus, writings that I consider to be the most important works yet available to man - that if deeply understood by thousands, or millions, would more than anything else I can see, Save humanity from the Ecocide and/or larger Technocice that is otherwise in the final stages of dooming all future humans to Earth as Living Hell. ("The Kingdom of God is Within You," "The Gospel in Brief," "The Law of Love and the Law of Violence," these three in particular."
What Tolstoy seems to say as Jesus most central and important point of all, of everything he taught and lived is that - The #1 Path to Humanity, Goodness, Personal Joy, Collective Heaven on Earth... the true, concrete victory over Evil is - DO NOT RESIST EVIL.
As far as it goes, this is patently wrong, incorrect, absurd, WRONG. And let me be clear again, I view Tolstoy as probably the most important intellect for Humanity since Jesus himself.
The shooter in Newtown should not have been stopped? Should not have been resisted? OBVIOUSLY, "Do not resist evil" is NOT what Jesus meant. OBVIOUSLY. Even in Tolstoy's writing:
* Jesus fashioned a whip and drove the money changers from the temple.
* Told the Apostles to secure swords, tho immediately admonished Peter for using one.
* Interposed himself, opposing the evil of those that would have stoned the woman....
And Gandhi's actions, based on Tolstoy's rendering's of Jesus' teachings, too, imply a perception that on it's face Tolstoy, and today's so called proponents of "non-violence" (willful "cowards" in my view, as I've written)... got it totally wrong.
Clearly what Jesus taught was NOT - Do not resist Evil - but rather -
B. RETURN GOOD, RETURN GOOD, RETURN GOOD... FOR EVIL; WHEN EVIL IS DONE TO YOU YOU, OR TO ANY OF OUR GLOBAL NEEDIEST FAMILY, OR TO ANYONE, OR TO ANY OF CREATION !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is what Jesus meant, and demonstrated throughout his life; and so with Gandhi, Diane Wilson, Rachel Corrie, MLK Jr.... AND THE FIRST RESPONDERS IN NEWTOWN!!!!! Huh, most would say! They used Violence! NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Violence is that which VIOLATES the Good, what is Right, Loving. YES, had the first responders acted out of Hate, intending do the Evil of Harming.... But no reports indicate this! They were putting their own Lives in the way, for GOOD. If I had been the crazed Lanza, SHOOT ME! For Good's sake, STOP ME! For LOVING's SAKE, SHOOT ME. PLEASE!!!!!! Right????? BUT OUT OF LOVE, COMPASSION, UNDERSTANDING... INCLUDING FOR ME AS LANZA, THE CRAZED KILLER!....
Despite a lifetime, and most intensely, more than a decade now of single-minded study and practice of Unviolent Warfare, I didn't see this until just 2 weeks go, deeply pondering Tolstoy's writing. This opens up huge avenues for me to refine approaches that I've taken, or considered; but now refined with what I can imagine will be Geometrically more hopeful prospects of success, than anything I've yet understood!!!!
This is the stuff of ALL, ALL, ALL... Unviolent, Nonviolent Actions: LOVING BOMBS. CARPET BOMBING WITH WEAPONS, WITH RESPONSES, OF 'TOUGH,' OR NOT-TOUGH LOVING, AS THE SITUATION DEMANDS. PERIOD. PERIOD. PERIOD. (Think cancelling out anti-matter with a sufficient amount of matter!)
Of course there is no expectation that any one such 'Loving Bomb' will suffice. Duh. But that it is vastly more the correct type of, characteristic of weapon, of response, of action than I've yet understood to become, to deliver... YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now, Jesus Gospel is this, His Teaching is this as I've recently shared - ***** vlog 'May I Teach You Jesus' Gospel? I 'get it' now.' Loving. Of the two categories of Spirit (psycholgically, neurologically speaking) within us, the Spirit of Loving is our True, DNA intended, Spirit to be dominant, ALWAYS, EVERY SECOND, over the alternative Spirit of Flesh (Selfishness); purely for reasons of optimal capacity, optimal adaptivity for the individual, and optimal adaptivity for the species, under EVERY, EVERY... circumstance; every breath, every second. Silly? This is just EXACTLY to say that in every instance, every breath, every second it is more adaptive, more advantageous for:
* Sanity (Loving) to Reign over Insanity (Loving being Clinical Sanity; Selfishness being Clinical Insanity - anti-social characteristics, even if our societal norms don't so say).
* Maximal INTELLIGENCE (Heart) to Reign over lower intelligence (Flesh/Head).
* Maximal VISION, INCLUSIVENESS of VISION (Loving, Solidarity, Brotherhood, Compassion, Understanding) to Reign over Narrowness of Vision (Animosity, Hatred, Ignorance of, Divorce from, Lack-of-Understanding of).
This new understanding will inform all of my future planning and actions; as I hope it has, and does, yours.
Pre-Emptive, and Re-active LOVING - Waging the Toughest Imaginable, most Relentless, NEVER Ceasing War of Loving against all evil, against EVERY evil act, EVERY evil circumstance, for the INFINITE JOY and HOPE of it, and for the certain, absolute Victory that only such weapons can and would bring.
The key strategic import, for the Unviolent Warrior, by whatever name is: Clearly conceive, construct, and carry out any and every "action" against evil, EXPLICITLY as Delivering Love, usually brutally Tough, to the Target. Will doing so radically and obviously change the characteristics and apparent nature of all actions? No, not "obviously." But Fundamentally. Is it "obvious" a bomb carrying a nuclear device, vs one that carries something else? Not to me. But it is fundamentally different in Truth and impact, none the less.
Were I to do another Hunger Strike, I would need to understand it as explicitly as I could as a delivery of Love to the target. I don't think I've ever thought of it in that way. If I did so, that would directly alter everything, including my Communication, Spirit, interactions, intended targets.... and I'm Certain it would make any future Hunger Strikes of Vastly more promise.
For now, I probably can't be more clear, or specific, tho I'll keep trying. :-)
The following may be obvious for years, to you, but it is massively new, Transformative Clarity, to me.
Through the undeserved Grace of the Creator, the Forces of Creation, my inklings of how to defeat Evil, so called nonviolence, what better is called Unviolent Warfare, Waging Love... has taken a fundamental leap for me in recent weeks, the greatest leap in maybe a decade, despite my daily practice and study of the issue all that time.
Surely Gandhi is the father of what the best understand as any worthwhile ideas of unviolent warfare these last 70 years or so. Many don't know who Gandhi's primary source of wisdom, Teaching, was. Jesus, by all accounts, as Jesus was discovered to Gandhi by the writings of Leo Tolstoy - "The Kingdom of God is Within You," in particular, and then many years of personal correspondence with Tolstoy, who Gandhi considered the greatest living example of Nonviolence (Unviolent Warfare).
Well, much of the time I had when able to focus during the recent 2 weeks of recovery from surgery has been a re-immersion in those same Tolstoy writings that created Gandhi.
Frankly, what I learned through this most recent re-study of these Tolstoy writings is NOT what Tolstoy concluded about Jesus teaching. I'm certain that Tolstoy got it wrong, or rather, that he understandably, did not take what he saw through all the way to it's correct end. I say this by way of full disclosure, and so as not to lay at Tolstoy's feet the following. I do not say this to diminish Tolstoy's writings on Jesus, writings that I consider to be the most important works yet available to man - that if deeply understood by thousands, or millions, would more than anything else I can see, Save humanity from the Ecocide and/or larger Technocice that is otherwise in the final stages of dooming all future humans to Earth as Living Hell. ("The Kingdom of God is Within You," "The Gospel in Brief," "The Law of Love and the Law of Violence," these three in particular."
What Tolstoy seems to say as Jesus most central and important point of all, of everything he taught and lived is that - The #1 Path to Humanity, Goodness, Personal Joy, Collective Heaven on Earth... the true, concrete victory over Evil is - DO NOT RESIST EVIL.
As far as it goes, this is patently wrong, incorrect, absurd, WRONG. And let me be clear again, I view Tolstoy as probably the most important intellect for Humanity since Jesus himself.
The shooter in Newtown should not have been stopped? Should not have been resisted? OBVIOUSLY, "Do not resist evil" is NOT what Jesus meant. OBVIOUSLY. Even in Tolstoy's writing:
* Jesus fashioned a whip and drove the money changers from the temple.
* Told the Apostles to secure swords, tho immediately admonished Peter for using one.
* Interposed himself, opposing the evil of those that would have stoned the woman....
And Gandhi's actions, based on Tolstoy's rendering's of Jesus' teachings, too, imply a perception that on it's face Tolstoy, and today's so called proponents of "non-violence" (willful "cowards" in my view, as I've written)... got it totally wrong.
Clearly what Jesus taught was NOT - Do not resist Evil - but rather -
B. RETURN GOOD, RETURN GOOD, RETURN GOOD... FOR EVIL; WHEN EVIL IS DONE TO YOU YOU, OR TO ANY OF OUR GLOBAL NEEDIEST FAMILY, OR TO ANYONE, OR TO ANY OF CREATION !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is what Jesus meant, and demonstrated throughout his life; and so with Gandhi, Diane Wilson, Rachel Corrie, MLK Jr.... AND THE FIRST RESPONDERS IN NEWTOWN!!!!! Huh, most would say! They used Violence! NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Violence is that which VIOLATES the Good, what is Right, Loving. YES, had the first responders acted out of Hate, intending do the Evil of Harming.... But no reports indicate this! They were putting their own Lives in the way, for GOOD. If I had been the crazed Lanza, SHOOT ME! For Good's sake, STOP ME! For LOVING's SAKE, SHOOT ME. PLEASE!!!!!! Right????? BUT OUT OF LOVE, COMPASSION, UNDERSTANDING... INCLUDING FOR ME AS LANZA, THE CRAZED KILLER!....
Despite a lifetime, and most intensely, more than a decade now of single-minded study and practice of Unviolent Warfare, I didn't see this until just 2 weeks go, deeply pondering Tolstoy's writing. This opens up huge avenues for me to refine approaches that I've taken, or considered; but now refined with what I can imagine will be Geometrically more hopeful prospects of success, than anything I've yet understood!!!!
This is the stuff of ALL, ALL, ALL... Unviolent, Nonviolent Actions: LOVING BOMBS. CARPET BOMBING WITH WEAPONS, WITH RESPONSES, OF 'TOUGH,' OR NOT-TOUGH LOVING, AS THE SITUATION DEMANDS. PERIOD. PERIOD. PERIOD. (Think cancelling out anti-matter with a sufficient amount of matter!)
Of course there is no expectation that any one such 'Loving Bomb' will suffice. Duh. But that it is vastly more the correct type of, characteristic of weapon, of response, of action than I've yet understood to become, to deliver... YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now, Jesus Gospel is this, His Teaching is this as I've recently shared - ***** vlog 'May I Teach You Jesus' Gospel? I 'get it' now.' Loving. Of the two categories of Spirit (psycholgically, neurologically speaking) within us, the Spirit of Loving is our True, DNA intended, Spirit to be dominant, ALWAYS, EVERY SECOND, over the alternative Spirit of Flesh (Selfishness); purely for reasons of optimal capacity, optimal adaptivity for the individual, and optimal adaptivity for the species, under EVERY, EVERY... circumstance; every breath, every second. Silly? This is just EXACTLY to say that in every instance, every breath, every second it is more adaptive, more advantageous for:
* Sanity (Loving) to Reign over Insanity (Loving being Clinical Sanity; Selfishness being Clinical Insanity - anti-social characteristics, even if our societal norms don't so say).
* Maximal INTELLIGENCE (Heart) to Reign over lower intelligence (Flesh/Head).
* Maximal VISION, INCLUSIVENESS of VISION (Loving, Solidarity, Brotherhood, Compassion, Understanding) to Reign over Narrowness of Vision (Animosity, Hatred, Ignorance of, Divorce from, Lack-of-Understanding of).
This new understanding will inform all of my future planning and actions; as I hope it has, and does, yours.
Pre-Emptive, and Re-active LOVING - Waging the Toughest Imaginable, most Relentless, NEVER Ceasing War of Loving against all evil, against EVERY evil act, EVERY evil circumstance, for the INFINITE JOY and HOPE of it, and for the certain, absolute Victory that only such weapons can and would bring.
Cancer update 12.08.12
This my first moments online since a week ago Thursday. Internet access remains severely restricted for some number of coming days.
Not much time - sorry for all the errors, etc, below.
Operation took place within 2 minutes of scheduled start - 7:15am Fri - took roughly 3 hours. Amazing. Awe-some. They feel that they were 100% successful in what they set out to do - remove 1/3 of my colon - the entire right side.
My head continues to spin with all the care, kindness, consideration I've received and am receiving - 1st at Howard University, and now at Christ House, again, where I've been since Thursday, about 1pm, and expect to remain through Monday at the earliest, Friday at the latest, at which point some short-sighted folks in the Phila area ( :-) ) are planning to keep me, in shifts, for the remaining 5 weeks of my recovery process, prior to the expected, first, 6 week regimen of chemo back here in DC, if and when I can secure care here for that.
I've healed to the point that of the 6 doses of Percoset I'm allotted for pain daily, yesterday I skipped 2 or 3 doses just to see where I was. :-) :-( I then took a dose, and will resume normal dosage, for now. I'm definitely healing. 3" up-down incision at my belly button, and 2 or 3 other much smaller incisions for the operation. Then, about 4 days ago, back to the O.R. for a medi-port in my upper chest - in anticipation of the chemo. Per normal, the big incision drains like a firehose (well, yes, that's an exaggeration, but not much. LOL. But that's beginning to subside too.)
Their first thought was that I'd be released this past Sun or Mon. Thurs noon was it finally. Doesn't seem that the delay is because I'm a super wimp - they say I'm not. Just a big, pretty big, operation.
So, they got all that they hoped to, and the only thing they could see remaining that concerned them is a 'spot' on my liver. They didn't biopsy it cuz it could be vascular and they didn't want lots of bleeding. A PET scan is used to spot small cancers and their elevated metabolism, but can't to that on the liver or anything else till a lot of the healing of op 1 is done cuz that, the healing, shows as elevated metabolism as well.
They don't, as of this past Fri, they don't have the biopsy back from the op. Takes five business days. Should know more early next week.
So, for the last 8 days I've done massive amounts of sleeping, some drug induced, much just repair work - sleep. Have done much audio book study - Tolstoy's "Gospel in Brief," and his "Kingdom of God is Within you," and John Ruskin's "Unto this Last," the basic works that created, that CREATED Gandhi. Have wanted to restudy these for over a decade, and this was my time. If we need more Gandhi's, and MLK Jrs... you need to read these too; like me. EVERYONE does. We haven't much time left.
MASSIVE Prayer, Meditation, Contemplation, Revelation.... I've taken dozens of audio notes - maybe I can transcribe them them tomorrow.
* My Religion, the 1, True Religion, by whatever name - Being Love, Christlike as best explained in Jesus' Gospel, the Tolstoy translation; and causing more Loving, with every breath, every move, every action, every transaction, every interaction. Hmmmm. Oh, did I mention EVERY? EVERY.
* The only True Revolution, ever humanly possible, by whatever name - the overthrow of all, ALL, ALL... Selfishness (think addictions, cuz that's what they are, and what they feel like, Pinoccio), 1st in self, and thereby in those around us if and when possible, and putting in charge instead our DNA given capacity for Universal Family, uh, UNIVERSAL FAMILY, 100% UNIVERSAL FAMILY, aka, Loving. You don't think it is possible? Well, ok, but then you are calling the fool, the ignoramus, frauds, idots... the world's Diane Wilson's, Teresa of Calcutta's, Dorothy Day's, Rachel Corrie's, Alice Paul's, Diane Nash's, Gandhi's, Jesus,' Kings... that proved and taught otherwise. Stop it. If you don't want to to it, Fine. But don't say you don't have the choice, cuz we ALL do. It is our NATURAL nature, Loving, given by our DNA. Oh, and our kids and grand kids are forever crucified by any further delay in the revolution. FOREVER. It is now, or never. Now, or Ecocide.
* Much more, but gotta go back to internet prison till tomorrow for a few hours.
Not much time - sorry for all the errors, etc, below.
Operation took place within 2 minutes of scheduled start - 7:15am Fri - took roughly 3 hours. Amazing. Awe-some. They feel that they were 100% successful in what they set out to do - remove 1/3 of my colon - the entire right side.
My head continues to spin with all the care, kindness, consideration I've received and am receiving - 1st at Howard University, and now at Christ House, again, where I've been since Thursday, about 1pm, and expect to remain through Monday at the earliest, Friday at the latest, at which point some short-sighted folks in the Phila area ( :-) ) are planning to keep me, in shifts, for the remaining 5 weeks of my recovery process, prior to the expected, first, 6 week regimen of chemo back here in DC, if and when I can secure care here for that.
I've healed to the point that of the 6 doses of Percoset I'm allotted for pain daily, yesterday I skipped 2 or 3 doses just to see where I was. :-) :-( I then took a dose, and will resume normal dosage, for now. I'm definitely healing. 3" up-down incision at my belly button, and 2 or 3 other much smaller incisions for the operation. Then, about 4 days ago, back to the O.R. for a medi-port in my upper chest - in anticipation of the chemo. Per normal, the big incision drains like a firehose (well, yes, that's an exaggeration, but not much. LOL. But that's beginning to subside too.)
Their first thought was that I'd be released this past Sun or Mon. Thurs noon was it finally. Doesn't seem that the delay is because I'm a super wimp - they say I'm not. Just a big, pretty big, operation.
So, they got all that they hoped to, and the only thing they could see remaining that concerned them is a 'spot' on my liver. They didn't biopsy it cuz it could be vascular and they didn't want lots of bleeding. A PET scan is used to spot small cancers and their elevated metabolism, but can't to that on the liver or anything else till a lot of the healing of op 1 is done cuz that, the healing, shows as elevated metabolism as well.
They don't, as of this past Fri, they don't have the biopsy back from the op. Takes five business days. Should know more early next week.
So, for the last 8 days I've done massive amounts of sleeping, some drug induced, much just repair work - sleep. Have done much audio book study - Tolstoy's "Gospel in Brief," and his "Kingdom of God is Within you," and John Ruskin's "Unto this Last," the basic works that created, that CREATED Gandhi. Have wanted to restudy these for over a decade, and this was my time. If we need more Gandhi's, and MLK Jrs... you need to read these too; like me. EVERYONE does. We haven't much time left.
MASSIVE Prayer, Meditation, Contemplation, Revelation.... I've taken dozens of audio notes - maybe I can transcribe them them tomorrow.
* My Religion, the 1, True Religion, by whatever name - Being Love, Christlike as best explained in Jesus' Gospel, the Tolstoy translation; and causing more Loving, with every breath, every move, every action, every transaction, every interaction. Hmmmm. Oh, did I mention EVERY? EVERY.
* The only True Revolution, ever humanly possible, by whatever name - the overthrow of all, ALL, ALL... Selfishness (think addictions, cuz that's what they are, and what they feel like, Pinoccio), 1st in self, and thereby in those around us if and when possible, and putting in charge instead our DNA given capacity for Universal Family, uh, UNIVERSAL FAMILY, 100% UNIVERSAL FAMILY, aka, Loving. You don't think it is possible? Well, ok, but then you are calling the fool, the ignoramus, frauds, idots... the world's Diane Wilson's, Teresa of Calcutta's, Dorothy Day's, Rachel Corrie's, Alice Paul's, Diane Nash's, Gandhi's, Jesus,' Kings... that proved and taught otherwise. Stop it. If you don't want to to it, Fine. But don't say you don't have the choice, cuz we ALL do. It is our NATURAL nature, Loving, given by our DNA. Oh, and our kids and grand kids are forever crucified by any further delay in the revolution. FOREVER. It is now, or never. Now, or Ecocide.
* Much more, but gotta go back to internet prison till tomorrow for a few hours.
GWDF2 D15H1 I find this to be a lifeless planet. Truly.
GWDF2 D15H1 I find this to be a lifeless planet. Truly. I see no signs of life. Rachel Corrie is dead. Steve Biko is dead. Gandhi and King are dead.
I see NO signs of life. Only an all-embracing desire for The Matrix - Right and Center, and LEFT.
A friend had me watch the movie Wall-e recently. We don't know how many hundreds or thousands of years he worked alone on a fully dead earth, until signs of life began to show, and then he took full advantage.
It may be that I too am to wait until such time as signs of life show up, preparing by writing, researching, vigiling at my Canadian Embassy outpost.
I don't know.
I see no signs of life.
As of this moment, I remain on "hold," as of today taking 1600-1800 calories per day to stay at my current 157, Day 15 weight.
I don't know what tomorrow brings.
Throughout most or much of his adulthood, England wanted nothing to do, NOTHING to do with Churchill; only when they saw existential threat, and then they wanted his help. What did he do in the meantime? Sharpened the saw, I'll guess.
Wall-e, aka Start Loving 200 Billion Kids Bangladeshis...
I see NO signs of life. Only an all-embracing desire for The Matrix - Right and Center, and LEFT.
A friend had me watch the movie Wall-e recently. We don't know how many hundreds or thousands of years he worked alone on a fully dead earth, until signs of life began to show, and then he took full advantage.
It may be that I too am to wait until such time as signs of life show up, preparing by writing, researching, vigiling at my Canadian Embassy outpost.
I don't know.
I see no signs of life.
As of this moment, I remain on "hold," as of today taking 1600-1800 calories per day to stay at my current 157, Day 15 weight.
I don't know what tomorrow brings.
Throughout most or much of his adulthood, England wanted nothing to do, NOTHING to do with Churchill; only when they saw existential threat, and then they wanted his help. What did he do in the meantime? Sharpened the saw, I'll guess.
Wall-e, aka Start Loving 200 Billion Kids Bangladeshis...
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