Hear me. The conservatives have no opposition party. Democrats just another party of selfishness. Fundamental otherishness would be the opposition. It has never been tried or seriously considered. Not since Jesus proposed it, and was killed for it.
Hear me. The conservatives have no opposition party. Democrats just another party of selfishness. Fundamental otherishness would be the opposition. It has never been tried or seriously considered. Not since Jesus proposed it, and was killed for it.
### Yes, I am usually so scathing , so critical , so pessimistic about the future. Yes. But I think I am seeing a level of Citizen work that I certainly have not seen in fifty years or more. Millions.......
### Yes, I am usually so scathing , so critical , so pessimistic about the future. Yes. But I think I am seeing a level of Citizen work that I certainly have not seen in fifty years or more. Millions of citizens here and abroad turning attention away from selfish short-term pleasures to matters of Greater importance to the collective. This is important at least for themselves and for those around them. Joy is in the attempt to reduce the world's suffering. The individuals devoting more of their lives to this task become a demonstration of the path to those around them.
***** Those who believe in Heaven after this life never knew they could make this Life Heaven... (more)
***** FB friend: "James, Good to see someone so devoted." My reply: "I appreciate the kind and encouraging words. I tried self-centeredness for, oh, 45 years or so. It sucks. So since then I've tried other-centeredness, and it is a Joy. That's it. Those are the choices. The only hope for the world's future is, and has ever been, that one by one, we start a mass flip from self-centeredness (me and mine) to other-centeredness (lived solidarity with the global neediest). That's really the only choice each of us has to make of any consequence whatsoever. All of the rest is a consequence of that. In that we choose to be cancer, or healthy tissue."
nd Henceforward, the lucky child is the unborn child.
Tolstoy: "True faith comes into your heart out of siÂlence and solitude." Wise Thoughts for Every Day (see Tabs)
Wise Thoughts for Every Day (see Tabs)
*****01.25.13 My Personal Agony of late - I'm minding the Creator's Business, not my own. LOL.
As reported here: