INDIA - The farmer suicides allegedly due to the problems associated with Bt cotton and Monsanto
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Showing posts with label Monsanto. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Monsanto. Show all posts
At least 20 people have been injured in clashes in Argentina between union members and environmental activists, who were protesting the construction of a plant by the biotech giant Monsanto.
Devon Nola commented on this.

These vipers have their goons everywhere. Monsanto is the devil and needs to be stopped.
Argentinians have faced capitalist goons before. Monsanto won't stop them.
Argentinians have faced capitalist goons before. Monsanto won't stop them.
pic: March Against Monsanto Oct 12 2013!
This is a Global Call To Action!
March Against Monsanto Oct 12 2013!
Event List:
PIC: Beloved Brothers and Sisters in Uniform (the only major group in America I respect - you put your bodies where your beliefs are): Soon you will decide the fate of America. They’ll send you for we the people, soon. If you don’t say, “no,” and round up the enemy, instead - Wall Street, Monsanto, Congress, Corporate Rapists... - then the Republic for which your sisters and brothers have bled and died, will perish from the Earth. Your brother forever, no matter what, (Start) Loving
***** nd Pr. Obama has lost me, forever, I suspect: Zero Leadership on Fossil Fuel Ecocide, Pardoning Bush Cheney Rice Rumsfeld, Raising a Domestic Army to control US - defend the Corpses, Monsanto, Guantanamo, Manning, Snowden, Lying about NSA (a Constitutional Lawyer). I think his family is threatened with death, or the equivalent. Either way, he is simply a wholly captive stooge for the Global Corporate State now.
***** nd Pr. Obama has lost me, forever, I suspect: Zero Leadership on Fossil Fuel Ecocide, Pardoning Bush Cheney Rice Rumsfeld, Raising a Domestic Army to control US - defend the Corpses, Monsanto, Guantanamo, Manning, Snowden, Lying about NSA (a Constitutional Lawyer). I think his family is threatened with death, or the equivalent. Either way, he is simply a wholly captive stooge for the Global Corporate State now.
***** YOU NEED TO SEE THIS. Seeds of Death, Monsanto. Documentary. Now.
***** (detail) 'As Creation's my witness, I Pray for GOP 2014 taking House AND Sentate 2014...(here's why).
Obama has my Love, and Respect, but he has totally lost my confidence,
and therefore so have the Dems with their: unconditional surrender to
fossil fuels (YES, Pr. Obama's recent speech is unconditional surrender
to ecocide - scientific FACT), Guantanamo torture, NSA unconstitutional
unAmerican spying, Monsanto revolving door, cowardly demonic drones....
My point?
Unless I see an about face, I'd want see the Republicans back in power, House AND Senate, in 2014.
WHAT you say?????
Yes. The GOP will destroy the US economy. That will destroy the world
economy, grinding the earth-rape and earth-plunder ecocide machine to a
crawl. Nothing else can save the future of Creation, for the next 200
billion kids.
Nothing. Be honest, NOTHING can get YOU do try
and stop it, with your very life, and nothing less has a Prayer.
Right? RIGHT?
GOP 2014 is the only hope for Creation. SHARE THIS, or de-friend me. OK? Now.
HELP ME. This is your final chance. I'll be gone, then it's to late.
I need you to download, and seed these, keep them running on your computer so others can access them, forever. Do or don't do. It's tween you and Creation now. But I'm the only source on these, and soon I die.
As of right now, all of the following show as having zero or only 1 seed. Uh, that would be me.
Yes, some are dupes. Seed them anyway. Some look like dupes but are audio book vs ebook....
Last and final call. What'll it be, lips-ervice, or life-service?
MITs Dr. Romm, Joseph - Hell and High Water
Pr. Obama, Newtown, 'They're all our children'
A Womans Crusade [mp3] Alice Paul -- Walton - ScanSoft Daniel re
Battle in Seattle - Waging All-out Unviolent War for Humanity
Groundbreaking Stern Report [flv] Economics Global Warming
Rebellious Rosa Parks [mp3] Theoharis - ScanSoft Daniel reads
Peace and Nonviolence Essays [mp3] Guinan - ScanSoft reads
Groundbreaking Stern Report [mp3] Economics Global Warming
Planet of the Apes [1968] GOD DAMN YOU ALL
[Still] An Inconvenient Truth. [ 9 yrs left to completely resolv
Ecocide's Death Fast Day 16, Canadian Embassy DC 04.13.13 Loving
Blood on the Tracks - S. Brian Willson Audio Book
Actionable Essentials 1 EBOOK His Key Statements - Dr. Hansen NA
Zinn and Zinn - A People's History of the United States
An Inconvenient Truth (mp3, mp4) Too Inconvient for U to STAND
Just Do It [mp3, vid] UK Activist, World-class Characteristics
Actionable Essentials 1 MP3 His Key Statements - Dr. Hansen NASA
No Balls, No Change - Suffragists (2004) Iron Jawed Angels
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975) Reality 2012
Malala, NYT Doc - Class Dismissed - Pakistan Girls Schooling
Palin Nation (2012) War Against Competence - Game Change
King of Bain - When Mitt Romney came to town
Iron Jawed Angels (mp3, vid) Epitome of Unviolent Warriors
S. Brian Willson Essays - Zinn, Chomsky Colleague IN ACTION - mp
Revolutionary Nonviolence [w txt] Declaration Unviolent War - Da
From Yale to Jail - Dave Dellinger - Join Him or Step Aside
Autobiography - S. Brian Willson - Text Included
World According to Monsanto (2008) Ultimate Psychopaths. Will yo
Autobiography - S. Brian Willson - Text Included
World According to Monsanto (2008) Ultimate Psychopaths. Will yo
As of right now, all of the following show as having zero or only 1 seed. Uh, that would be me.
Yes, some are dupes. Seed them anyway. Some look like dupes but are audio book vs ebook....
Last and final call. What'll it be, lips-ervice, or life-service?
MITs Dr. Romm, Joseph - Hell and High Water
Pr. Obama, Newtown, 'They're all our children'
A Womans Crusade [mp3] Alice Paul -- Walton - ScanSoft Daniel re
Battle in Seattle - Waging All-out Unviolent War for Humanity
Groundbreaking Stern Report [flv] Economics Global Warming
Rebellious Rosa Parks [mp3] Theoharis - ScanSoft Daniel reads
Peace and Nonviolence Essays [mp3] Guinan - ScanSoft reads
Groundbreaking Stern Report [mp3] Economics Global Warming
Planet of the Apes [1968] GOD DAMN YOU ALL
[Still] An Inconvenient Truth. [ 9 yrs left to completely resolv
Ecocide's Death Fast Day 16, Canadian Embassy DC 04.13.13 Loving
Blood on the Tracks - S. Brian Willson Audio Book
Actionable Essentials 1 EBOOK His Key Statements - Dr. Hansen NA
Zinn and Zinn - A People's History of the United States
An Inconvenient Truth (mp3, mp4) Too Inconvient for U to STAND
Just Do It [mp3, vid] UK Activist, World-class Characteristics
Actionable Essentials 1 MP3 His Key Statements - Dr. Hansen NASA
No Balls, No Change - Suffragists (2004) Iron Jawed Angels
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975) Reality 2012
Malala, NYT Doc - Class Dismissed - Pakistan Girls Schooling
Palin Nation (2012) War Against Competence - Game Change
King of Bain - When Mitt Romney came to town
Iron Jawed Angels (mp3, vid) Epitome of Unviolent Warriors
S. Brian Willson Essays - Zinn, Chomsky Colleague IN ACTION - mp
Revolutionary Nonviolence [w txt] Declaration Unviolent War - Da
From Yale to Jail - Dave Dellinger - Join Him or Step Aside
Autobiography - S. Brian Willson - Text Included
World According to Monsanto (2008) Ultimate Psychopaths. Will yo
Autobiography - S. Brian Willson - Text Included
World According to Monsanto (2008) Ultimate Psychopaths. Will yo
Tracking Plan B blog - War Room 040512
Tracking Plan B - Lester Brown's
- WOW: Los Angeles Approves Solar Feed-In Program
- World's Greatest Evil? Opposition to Biotech Giant Monsanto Growing Worldwide, New Report Shows
- START LOVING blog - Unviolent Warfare 040412
- Desertification Affects One Billion People Worldwide
- !!! Listen up. Old news. Credible NEW SOURCE: Ice age thaw may serve as global warning: First greenhouse gas spiked, then ... Washington Post
- White House, EPA Need National Plan to Save Sea Life, Curb Ocean Acidification Center for Biological Diversity
- URGENT. ACTION ALERT: Bodies to Block Coal Exports West Coast Aug 10-20. JUST DO IT.
- URGENT. THIS SUN. PBS. Earth - The Operators' Manual
- For Owners of Electric and Hybrid Cars, a Cash Payoff Is Years Away New York Times
- Forest Killer Asia Pulp & Paper loses another customer: Danone Yoghurt
- New Action Plan to Wipe Out Illiteracy by 2020 Sacramento Bee
- First fall in global aid for 14 years Irish Examiner
- 'Graduate' 1.2 Billion People Out of Extreme Poverty Huffington Post
- GOPig Barton wrong AGAIN. Will he Care? Nah: Study: Carbon Dioxide Increase Caused End of Ice Age U.S. News & World Report
- Tar Sands baby, Kill: Japan's Strongest Storm Since 1959 Slams Into Tokyo RegionBloomberg
- Coal baby, KILL: 'Very unusual' start to tornado
- 30-year-old global temperature predictions close to spot-on Register
- Contrarian NOAA Meteorologist Martin Hoerling: Freak Heat Wave 'A Darn Good ... ThinkProgress
- Global Warming Brings More Lyme Disease, Ticks Huffington Post
- HUH? Australian Climate change department to shed jobs Business Spectator
- Climate change sinks the Matterhorn Fraser Coast Chronicle
- URGENT: The Island President (2011), Trailer youtube
Posted: 04 Apr 2012 04:01 PM PDT
Los Angeles Approves Solar Feed-In Program - 6 hours ago Los Angeles has approved a solar feed-in tariff (FIT), the first large city in the US to do so. Feed-in tariffs are the most effective way to quickly expand renewable energybecause they allow solar system owners (homeowners and businesses) make money ... Rooftop Solar Energy Program Wins Critical
Posted: 04 Apr 2012 03:43 PM PDT
Opposition to Biotech Giant Monsanto Growing Worldwide, New Report Shows - 15 hours ago "Who will hold Monsanto responsible for the global depletion of biodiversity, soil erosion, and violations of peasant rights wrought by the application of petroleum-based inputs required by industrial agriculture?
Posted: 04 Apr 2012 03:28 PM PDT
START LOVING - INSHE WARRIORS, WE'RE DEAD TILL WE ARE ONE. Loving, here: I DON'T KNOW WHERE WE ARE. Status Report 040412 But NOT with Pr. O: Inherited Family fortunes of FDR, JFK, Gore and Kerry Compared to Romney Canada Free Press - Elementary Teacher Ends 12-Day Hunger Strike about Funding Levels Hunger strike at JNU for sanitation workers' rights Hindustan Times
Posted: 04 Apr 2012 03:14 PM PDT
Desertification Affects One Billion People Worldwide - 8 hours ago By Lama S Jallow, 4 April 2012 Desertification directly affects one billion people worldwide particularly in Africa, where two-thirds of the land cover consists of drylands and deserts, says Sirreh Njie, who was deputising for the FAO country
Posted: 04 Apr 2012 03:12 PM PDT
Ice age thaw may serve as global warning: First greenhouse gas spiked, then ... Washington Post - 4 hours ago When the last ice age peaked about 25000 years ago, the ice sheet extended to Iowa and New York City, Shankun said. The ice sheet was actually so large that it was unstable, said study co-author Peter Clark of Oregon State University.
Posted: 04 Apr 2012 02:13 PM PDT
White House, EPA Need National Plan to Save Sea Life, Curb Ocean Acidification Center for Biological Diversity (press release) - 3 hours ago As part of its new Endangered Oceans campaign, the Center is calling on the White House to direct the EPA to use the Clean Water Act to produce a detailed national action plan combating the acidification
Posted: 04 Apr 2012 02:02 PM PDT
Posted: 04 Apr 2012 01:55 PM PDT
Earth: The Operators' Manual <<< click
Posted: 04 Apr 2012 12:10 PM PDT
For Owners of Electric and Hybrid Cars, a Cash Payoff Is Years Away New York Times
Posted: 04 Apr 2012 11:53 AM PDT
Asia Pulp & Paper loses another customer: Danone - Apr 2, 2012 Danone added that it now planned to pursue a zero deforestation initiative in its sourcing policies with details to come later. Yoghurt for forests! Danone drops Asia Pulp and Paper, plans zero
Posted: 04 Apr 2012 11:29 AM PDT
Global Leaders Urged to Support New Action Plan to Wipe Out Illiteracy by 2020 Sacramento Bee - 4 hours ago The CEO of the World Literacy Foundation Mr Andrew Kay said, "We have created a pathway which its main purpose is to eradicate illiteracy by the year 2020. You can't put a price-tag on literacyThe Guardian (blog) WLF urges Turkey to support new anti-illiteracy action
Posted: 04 Apr 2012 11:29 AM PDT
First fall in global aid for 14 years Irish Examiner - 1 hour ago The Commissioner went on: "EU aid has pulled millions of people out of poverty and saved countless lives over the last ten years. Global Progress Threatened by Aid CutsMarketWatch (press release) First global aid cut in 14 years will cost lives - OxfamdefenceWeb In Depth:Value of OECD aid drops for first time in
Posted: 04 Apr 2012 11:27 AM PDT
What It Will Take to 'Graduate' 1.2 Billion People Out of Extreme Poverty Huffington Post - 5 hours ago A new report from the World Bank brings welcome news on the global poverty front. Despite the worldwide recession of the late 2000s, the total number of people living in extreme poverty has actually gone down in recent years -- so much, in fact, ...
Posted: 04 Apr 2012 11:18 AM PDT
Study: Carbon Dioxide Increase Caused End of Ice Age U.S. News & World Report - 25 minutes ago Joe Barton, in an attempt to discredit Al Gore's
Posted: 04 Apr 2012 10:39 AM PDT
Japan's Strongest Storm Since 1959 Slams Into Tokyo RegionBloomberg
Posted: 04 Apr 2012 10:23 AM PDT
'Very unusual' start to tornado
Posted: 04 Apr 2012 08:37 AM PDT
30-year-old global temperature predictions close to spot-on Register - 14 hours ago In the ongoing debate over climate change, it's at times a good idea to check in with historial predictions made by climate modelers and see how well they have been able to predict global warming - which is exactly what a pair of researchers at the ...
Posted: 04 Apr 2012 08:36 AM PDT
Contrarian NOAA Meteorologist Martin Hoerling: Freak Heat Wave 'A Darn Good ... ThinkProgress - 37 minutes ago By Brad Johnson on Apr 4, 2012 at 10:45 am Martin Hoerling, a National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration meteorologist, argues that the freak March heat wave which most climate scientists are attributing to global warming is something to be ...
Posted: 04 Apr 2012 08:36 AM PDT
Global Warming Brings More Lyme Disease, Ticks Huffington Post - 2 hours ago Experts say that increasing temperatures and altered precipitation patterns that accompany climate change are already playing at least a partial role in the spread and intensity of zoonoses -- infectious agents that begin in animals and account for an ... Bracing for a Hungry Tick SeasonNew York Times (
Posted: 04 Apr 2012 08:09 AM PDT
Climate change department to shed jobs Business Spectator - 13 hours ago More federal public service job cuts are expected to be announced after the Department of Climate Change said it would shed a third of its staff. Climate change isn't over yet, so why are we cutting climate change jobs?The Conversation More jobs to go after Climate Department cutsHerald Sun
Posted: 04 Apr 2012 08:06 AM PDT
Climate change sinks the Matterhorn Fraser Coast Chronicle - 12 hours ago But now, the mountain - one of Europe's tallest and most celebrated peaks - is falling to bits due to climate change, according to a new scientific report.
Posted: 04 Apr 2012 08:01 AM PDT
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Scientists Warn EPA on Monsanto Corn Rootworm International Business Times
International Business Times - 4 hours ago
Spencer is one of 22 academic corn experts who sent a letter dated March 5 to the Environmental Protection Agency telling regulators they are worried about long-term corn production prospects because of the failure of the genetic modifications in corn ...
So, when the board of directors of Monsanto asked its scientists to figure out whether global warming was real, and whether it would cause problems for farmers, it got its answers.
Monsanto (Still) Denies Superinsect Problem, Despite Evidence Mother Jones
Mother Jones - 1 hour ago
Back in August—as I reported here—something strange began to happen in isolated Iowa corn fields: otherwise-healthy corn plants were falling over, their roots devastated by a ravenous insect called the corn rootworm.
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