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Showing posts with label Loving Spirit of Goodness in Action-ism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Loving Spirit of Goodness in Action-ism. Show all posts


Warning, alert, to friends. Too often I have failed you, though I am learning, I have failed you by enabling Tendencies to not focus on important work that no credit to me I'm involved with by incessant reminders to you and by posting on all too easily available entertaining Facebook. I have been moving.....

Warning, alert, to friends.

For all blog posts click HERE

Too often I have failed you, though I am learning, I have failed you by enabling Tendencies to not focus on important work that no credit to me I'm involved with by incessant reminders to you and by posting on all too easily available entertaining Facebook. I have been moving in the right direction and I anticipate that will continue, that is, more and more my posts will be only on my blog. On the right hand side there is a small window where one's email address can be placed for an Anonymous daily summary of posts to that site. If there is anything about this you don't understand and you care to ask please let me know. By the way, within days or even hours of having access to wifi, in about a week, if not before, this blog will be transformed into a repository for the restart of Jesus Quest, establishing his religion of loving Spirit of goodness in action ism, if Creator intends to grant me the time and Life to be a catalyst for this.

Put 2. Dave Schwenk messenger dialogue today

Dave Schwenk  messenger dialogue today

Dave:  Hi James, I love the stories and getting back to Tolstoy. Thanks so much for this gift. Reading the letters now. Quite excited about it. I thoroughly enjoyed Pursuit of Happiness. Tolstoy conveys such wisdom in simple and quite artistic tales. The images of the shoemaker looking out his window at the passing shoes...what a great portrayal of our mission. Interesting that he fixes shoes. Helps people continue on their way, does a fair job...that God is in all of them, and very much in those who suffer. I think when we make that leap of faith, that conviction that this is the correct way for our world, then all else must somehow fall into is the path of the true warrior.

James:  rarely have I been moved with such gladness as in reading your note and then sensing that for the moment at least you are alongside me and I alongside you in this journey at this moment

despite all this study these recent weeks I woke up in the middle of the night realizing I had not a clue of what to do with my life it was very distressing

and then within an hour quite unexpected I'm quite sure I saw what the rest of my hours days weeks years will consist of and I'll be posting of that today creator willing please watch carefully

Dave: It is wonderful to share the journey, James. I am glad my words had some impact on you. I am growing convinced the only way out is through absolute adherence to the principle of service to others/nonviolence/love/disruption of the capitalist beast. The time is now. I prepare myself for the journey. You are leading me to literature and thoughts that must be guided through the love of goodness and teachings of Jesus and Krishna and most religions -- as Gandhi stated they all carry the same message. I have always felt you appeared in my life for a reason and  I singled you out as probably the most important person to learn from on that DS march. I feel the need for a retreat into the woods or somewhere for meditation before charting my course...look forward to reading about your vision today.

James:  I am so glad when your comments are on Facebook because this dialogue is important to be available to others. I read your comment above with immense gladness and great trepidation. Without the gladness and respect I would not feel the trepidation. What you're saying would not matter to me but it does. No credit to you I think that you matter right now. So I will be blunt and speak the truth until I determine it is unwelcome from you. The truth as I see it Of course. But wirh that qualification I don't mean to diminish, I have spent decades attempting to see the truth and I experience that I've gotten closer than most.

The profound Revelation that I saw in these letters between Tolstoy and Gandhi and the letter to a Hindu was both of them articulating what I have never before seen clearly articulated before from any of them. I guess I remember King alluding to it several times. The purpose for them of nonviolent action was to reestablish the Beloved Community, not in form although form would possibly follow, but in spirit. This has what has been f****** totally lacking from so-called nonviolent actions ever since King was murdered by the system, probably CIA at the direction of the administration and the evil powers that be in presence of the insane irresponsibilities of we citizens.

So-called nonviolent action has been turned into a weapon used by the flesh to establish desirable fleshly conditions. How many centuries have to go by before we face that this is treating the symptom and not the disease? In his early years of fighting King probably evidenced this better than anyone I can think of including Gandhi. Then he lost his way and figured that material conditions were the immediate goal, rather than the consequence of Beloved Community established. And possibly material conditions are the ultimate goal as is getting rid of a temperature of 106 in a dying child a goal but it is not the central goal. Curing the disease of the child is the goal. We cannot, must not, absolutely must not with any breath lose focus on the disease which is the absence of the loving Spirit of goodness in action in the heart of men. To me this was the brilliant expression in this exchange between Gandhi and King that I have never put into words before. Please try and hear deeply what I'm saying, if that is at all desirable, not that you would agree but that you could see clearly what I'm trying to express.

I cannot stop at the moment to proof read these comments but maybe in an hour.

Dave:  Yes. Because people are willing to be a rebel on Saturday and a slave Monday to Friday and see no damage in that. I appreciate and welcome your honesty. I drift in thoughts and imagination when inspired by others so it is very helpful to have someone sharing with me…

James: As tantalizing as it is we cannot must not absolutely must not make our goal stopping the corporate state. Because that will distract us from the only thing that could stop the corporate state, every breath going toward expanding the spirit of loving goodness, the loving Spirit of Goodness in action, in the heart of people. We must now allow no breath within ourselves to deviate from that, and I shall not.

Dave:  I do see that of what you write and know it in my heart.

James: I am dictating this as I walk to the spot where I have found Fairly reliable internet at which I should be in about 15 minutes.

Dave: I agree with that assessment and am adjusting to that reality -- the goal cannot be focused on just defeating the corporate state. That would be the ultimate outcome of opening the hearts of people. Let the acts of goodness speak for themselves and have faith in the wisdom of those like Gandhi, Tolstoy, King, and Jesus who came before us…

James: in a moment I'll be able to stop and read your recent comments I have not read a word yet because I'm walking.  but please bear that in mind as I share this thought Jesus was primarily motivated because of the misery created by the Roman Empire crushing those already in misery in its way. Jesus the seed crystal for the greatest agents of change we have ever seen Tolstoy Gandhi King Schweitzer and a few others. Jesus never advocated or acted himself for political change or material change in the environment. He worked for a change within the hearts of Human beings. Should Jesus be blindly followed? No one and nothing should be blindly followed. Even the loving Spirit of goodness within us. But if we are not totally completely absolutely humble in the face of the greatest inspiration that humankind has yet had, the man Jesus and those like him, then we are nothing, no hope, not serious.

Dave: I agree with that

James: All I look for in dialogue with others is an honest search for the truth, not my truth, not their truth, but the truth which can be better found when serious hearts are searching for it together then when any individual is left to their own device.

It is with great gladness and relief that I read your two or three comments above.

What I said I would be writing of I will identify for you now and unfold this morning I hope. And then for the rest of my days I expect to be unfolding it with my deeds and words more fully that others might share in if they like. In fact, if it is not a collaboration of which I am the keeper until I find someone more able, then it will certainly make no difference but I will try anyway.

I don't know what I am. But I think I am the type of being that a Francis of Assisi was. And we're told, I think in truth, that he heard a call that I presume he did not understand but he attempted to follow, build my church. As I say I woke in the middle of the night so desperately frustrated that after weeks I was totally clueless as to what I should do with my life, how I could be of any service to Creation. And then, obvious now that I think of it after reading the exchange between Gandhi and Tolstoy, particularly Tolstoy letter to a Hindu, the call I received was, James, resume my work and that of others mentioned in tolstoy's letter to a Hindu, resume the work of building my church, and the best I can think to name that church which I think is important, that religion, is loving Spirit of Goodness-ism. This call from Jesus, the spirit of Jesus. Never any words. I never get words in this type of thing. What I get is the fully-formed concept. Certainly nothing I anticipated or crafted.

And that church, the Temple of that religion, is totally and only, exclusively, each individual in which that Spirit, the loving Spirit of Goodness in action, is embodied with every breath. This is what Jesus set out to do, nothing more, nothing less, nothing else.

Dave:  I am thrilled to hear of the call. It is a product of your intense study and sharing over the last weeks/months/years...I am anxious to hear more...I started the following words before receiving your latest messages, so please excuse if things seem to jump back and forth, but that is what happens in messenger...Are you familiar with Rev. Barber from North Carolina? I worked with him some in 2016. He is the real deal. He is launching a Poor People's Campaign in the vein of Martin Luther King. Rev. Barber speaks from the high grounds of moral justice and deeds. He is first and foremost about action about helping the poor and oppressed, service to others, love, community...he has been at it since he was a child and faced abuse as one of the first black children in a desegregated school in NC. I highly recommend reading his book, The Third Reconstruction: How a moral Movement is Overcoming the Politics of Division and Fear. If you have a way to download it, I will buy it for you.

James: I'm quite sure that if I have any assets one of them is having to learned discipline Within Myself the ability to see truth that I might otherwise be hesitant or not Desiring to see. This comes to mind with Reverend Barber, by full disclosure. Dave had just urged me to read his book. I'll call him Barber, I don't like titles, I detest titles, they are the thing of Empire, profoundly destructive. Throughout my adulthood my spirit has been tuned, no credit to me, to be extremely sensitive to those spirits that are, I'll say, of creator, of the loving Spirit of goodness, and those that are not. In business oddly I was trained by my own trial and error  to be attuned to this without those words to find those who with me could work what I thought were important miracles to work in businesses, which regularly happened as a consequence of my catalytic role. As I glanced in the direction of Barber I havd hoped to find such a spirit, to sense such a spirit, and I have not. But I cannot afford, and do not want to afford, to ignore or discount you at this point. Hopefully I will find the book on Amazon Kindle in which case I can download it almost immediately delayed only by my ability to get WiFi so that I can download the windows version and crack it so I can have it read to me. So it might be a week before I can start but then I will make it a priority until such time as I discover that I was wrong and it is of the spirit or that I was correct and it is not of the spirit as I see it. I will be utterly thrilled to discover that I was mistaken. We desperately need living Saints today by whatever Creed or none. Ultimately, the only way to cure the disease is enough living Saints, what we are all born to be, the children of Creator, the embodiment Every Breath of Creator spirit.

I suspect that I want to today almost immediately publish our dialogue in part or in full on my blog and more clearly on Facebook that others might / take. Please tell me if you object.

Dave: I do not object.

{ Dave strongly urged that I read a book by William Barber a minister activist in South Carolina. He offered to buy it for me which was very kind. I indicated that logistic Lee that wouldn't work but that I do accept donations. This followed from that. He indicated that he would be doing so.}

James: Gandhi said of himself, and I take him to be an honest person, he said of himself that he was the most cowardly individual on Earth, paraphrase. I experienced myself the same way. When I was a child I knew that I would much rather die than experience pain including the psychological and physical pain of material deprivation. My Hardware hasn't changed and probably not my software overall since that time. But my understanding of life, of where Joy is to be found, is something I did not anticipate profoundly changing for me. And as I have honed my ability to see opportunities for joy, and to pursue those, they have transcended what otherwise was the paralyzing fear of my fleshly and mental spirit. I don't know if everyone can find the same path, but I know that it is a path available to some, I am too greedy not to walk it myself, and to improve my ability to do so, and I am too greedy to not try and illuminate the path for maybe someone else now or in the future. This has been and will continue to be the focus of my each breath.

Dave: It helps to hear of the difficulties you face(d) and the inner conflict you overcame. This aids others like me.

James: This comes to mind as I think of anyone providing a donation. I haven't any desire but to use any penny at my disposal towards the goals discussed in this dialogue. This is amazing to me. I was the most selfish, but physically selfish, uninformed individual for most of my decades. I simply have become more enlightened greedy. I'm not perfect at this but I think I'm near perfect at it. This enlightened greed. One possible exception is when I was at a campground near Yucca Valley there was a $8 per day lunch, or $10 per day dinner at a all you can eat Chinese buffet. I understand these buffets as medicine for my body, loads of vegetables, healthy starches, fruit. And I would make this my one meal for the day. I can't be sure that I needed to go there every day. That may have been selfish Indulgence, so small I'm not particularly concerned but I am aware. If I ever try to afford myself the luxury of being perfect, as I'm afraid I find many prior religious greats attempting to be, then I have ceased being any hope. The purpose of Our Lives needs to be helping others, not some spiritual masturbation of personal perfection.

<3. Thank you for the encouraging words about my sharing. A major discouragement in recent years has been realizing the truth expressed by Jesus that I have never wanted to face, that the gate is narrow and few will enter in. I suspect I will never have the wisdom or courage to fully accept his position on this though all of history says that he is correct. But to your point about the helpfulness of me sharing my own walk, the reason I do so is, I am not convinced that my nervous system is so different than anyone else. And clearly Jesus and Gandhi and Tolstoy had a similar perception, that in finding the path for themselves that it could be relevant to the nervous system of some other people.

LOL. Let's try and stay on Facebook as much as possible so this dialogue can be shared.

Dave: Yes, I call it that as well, spiritual masturbation...the poet William Blake wrote in The Marriage of Heaven and Hell, "Improvement makes strait roads, but the crooked roads without Improvement, are roads of genius."

Ok, we can get back to FB, Yes, your path is very relevant to other people

James: <3. I don't think this is over emphasizing or over acknowledgement. Look how expensive in terms of time the dialogue you and I are having today is. It is true of my entire adulthood that my only interest is in trying to be a piece, a catalyst, for an impossible miracle that needs to happen for the lives of many people. It is unlikely that will ever change for me. I live only for the largest emergency I can try and address. That is the only place I find life, joy, the ability to keep going in the face of such virtually total harror and evil on 2018 earth. Therefore I value each second, each breath, the way most people value $1,000. This is not an exaggeration. My point being, for me, this dialogue today is extremely expensive and way more than valuable enough to justify the expense. It is a tremendous gift.

Dave: I feel the same. I threw all else aside for this. Gladly. Nothing is more important, and you are helping me in a time of spiritual conflict and yearning.

Dave Schwenk Facebook dialog....

From this profoundly important post and the comments within it from Facebook:

Dave Swank: James Mcginley I love the Tolstoy farm referred to in the forward, which "Gandhi viewed as a centre of spiritual purification and penance for the final campaign — a campaign Gandhi feared might
never  have  carried  the  day  were  it  not  for  the  Tolstoy  Farm. The Farm was an ethical/social experiment in communal living"...that inspires me to imagine a place for spiritual purification now. Creating detox camps for deprogramming from the permanent lie of American Empire and then building our spiritual conviction into the strength needed for what is required of us -- the light of goodness and kind acts combined with a fierce offensive against the global elites destroying our planet. We have to be ready to die. Who is ready to answer that call now? People can't just jump from one reality to another in a matter of days and give up the comforts they've been trained all their lives to covet, and then to fight for something they haven't given much of a thought. But if we had three or four months of retreat and education and unplugging from the machine to offer  -- a stripping away of the illusions that prevent us from absorbing the absolute horror of our current predicament and trajectory -- coupled with creative planning for disrupting the raping of our planet, we just may become the powerful warriors we need today. The battle ahead dwarfs all of human history, yet where is the urgency? How many truly and deeply understand Martin Luther King when he says "if a man has not discovered something that he will die for, he isn't fit to live." I am not yet there but I am getting closer...imagine if we had a retreat where refugees of the capitalist nightmare could go for deprogramming and meditation, where they could discover the unity of all life and heal their souls in woods or deserts, where they could come to know what was worth dying for...and what would then deliver new life...and then emerge from this retreat prepared to sacrifice all for our children our planet our people. One hundred such committed warriors could strike fear into the hearts of our pampered and cancerous elite. One thousand could shut down banks, strip mines, pipelines and refineries. Ten thousand could disrupt Washington and 100,000 at the mansions of the Koch Brothers, Rex Tillerson, Warren Buffett, Jamie Dimon, and Paul Ryan would begin the revolution to kill capitalism before it kills us.

Dave:   And I don't imply any violence in that last sentence. I mean attacking capitalism and confronting the people killing us all, face to face so they know us and understand we will tolerate it no longer. Pay them all a visit or two…

Jamas:  I think this may be redundant, my comment, because I think our dialogue may have moved his past this, but just in case, I did not understand you to be advocating physical violence. So my passionate warning about your comment was not with respect to some Specter of physical violence. The passion was entirely from the prospect of a lost breath, or two lost breaths. To take the example a little bit too far, grant me that license, every second that I mistakenly spend on trying to reduce the fever of my dying child is a second I have lost to cure the disease causing the fever. Whether it is saving the world which I think is a gift to us that objectively we should forget, even though it may be Savage, indeed, we should afford ousself that luxury to forget saving the world and focus 100% on saving our own Souls, finding the courage to ignore how such words, saving Souls, have been bastardized, to create of our souls what is born in every infant to be, the host of pure loving Spirit of Goodness, that we thereby do the most good we possibly can, becoming the Cure ourselves.

And in doing so absolutely do so with the purpose of saving the world just as the medical team is mobilized to their limit to save the child but wasting not one second, not one breath, on the fever, the symptom.

But I speak a little too hastily. Our focus should be secondarily on saving the world, but we should be able to find every bit of motivation, urgency, speed, we need with the thought that the best we can do might be just to save one additional soul from an existence without the Supreme Joy of incarnating the loving Spirit of goodness in action.

I wonder if you have any idea, you probably do, I think you've alluded to experiencing it yourself, how incredibly helpful it is to be in dialogue with you at this moment, with someone seriously searching in similar directions. An incredible blessing.

I have every reason to think that this will not continue with you. That is not a reflection on you it is a reflection on my life experience. Never have I found a partner that was long term but thankfully many short-term partners. I pray for the reverse, but all I know is that at the moment this is profoundly helpful. When the call came this morning I realized that it probably would make zero impact, that it would impact no one beside myself, which is all ultimately I'm responsible for doing, making a tool to live my own life is helpful as possible. But I also realized, as I think I alluded earlier today, that I yearn to be the keeper of, the Catalyst for, building this religion, rather, building the fertile ground, the open source tools for building the hot house for this religion, the loving Spirit of goodness in action ism. There will never be any breath where that is not my desire and where I will not pay whatever personal price is called from me to cause that collaboration with others to happen. And in doing so I will be as responsible and even ruthless as this all important  mission for creation is. It will be stillborn otherwise, if it is not an ongoing collaboration with the world's most serious Souls, but again I will continue the effort if largely or totally alone if only to guide my own life.

Dave: Yes, this dialogue is confirming the direction of my thoughts and providing me with clear insight into our purpose in this dying world. I believe the final collapse is well under way. Current events show this in apocalyptic visions of fire and ice and nature reducing man's arrogance to rubble. We need a miracle. So I struggled all fall to choose the way forward, considering devoting all my time to fighting pipelines in PA, or building community centers of resistance and sustainable living. I even thought of walking across the country in search of a few kindred souls who would help me lay siege to Washington...all striving, all turning up little that resonated in my heart. I follow James Mcginley closely, for he is one of the few -- two, three? -- that I have met who has devoted himself totally to goodness and justice and walking the talk, or riding the bike as James is doing...all true revolutionaries are wandering refugees and exiles... it is no mystery that I have been led back to dialogue with James. I met him on the Democracy Spring walk in 2016 and later showed up at his modest flat in DC some months later to learn more and share. Among discussions of Gandhi and King, James articulated my disappointment with marches/staged arrests, etc. and my sense of how the left played into the hands of the power elite. I fear so much of the way the "resistance" is structured now does not provide a viable path to transcendence from our miserable state. There is a fundamental flaw that is never addressed -- the moral dilemma of living in our modern world, shackled as we are to products and consumption that perpetuate horrific suffering. Our current predatory system could never exist without our participation. Just look how vicious the oligarchs become when we threaten their flow of money, as the BDS Movement boycotting Israel has shown. Not only have they told us it is illegal to boycott (consider the implications of that for a moment), but they have now banned 20 organizations from Israel, including our dear friends at Codepink. These dear people are the spirit of peace. Why are they such a threat to Israel? Ladies dressed in pink? Because they have advanced an agenda of non-participation, BDS movement, that denies the system of our complicit guilt. Another incident that infuriated the architects of our false reality is when Colin Kaepernik took a knee and challenged the symbols of our empire...when people no longer believe in the bullshit of the flag the whole fucking thing will collapse. And this from a black man! They devote so much energy into the illusion of freedom and democracy -- into the illusion that elections matter and that demonstrations without sacrifice will change the world -- because the continuation of crony capitalism depends on our suspended belief. So back to my point...we must accept the reality of our situation and what it demands of us. We cannot be rebels on the weekend and slaves to our consumer society all week. We are at that critical existential moment of end times where the forces of good and evil are clearly felt to anyone with a heart. It is all or nothing time. No one wants to face that or the implications involved with that. Face it now and build your spiritual strength or perish in the collapse. I was directed to Krishna in October for a reason and the Bhagavad Gita...I turned again to the life of Jesus, which I have studied throughout my life...and James led me to these writings between Gandhi and Tolstoy. And the message is clear: embrace goodness, love, selflessness, service to others. That is the sole mission we must do to be a ray of light in this world. So many of us despair at the suffering we see and our powerlessness to do anything about it -- without realizing that the power is within our hearts, and that once we surrender completely to goodness and love, once we abandon the failed institutions and permanent lies that secure us to the decks of this sinking ship, when we do that, we create the conditions for the miracle to happen. Surely, we need a miracle now. But that is beyond me. I will continue to resist and continue to disrupt pipelines and the pageantry, but I know that the true way forward -- for me -- is renunciation of this sick society, a total severance that can be achieved through exile and simple living and our own self-sustaining communities. This is long and rambling but I wanted to share my experience and how liberating this knowledge is for me -- I have far to go but I know the path. Once I give it all up -- and how painful that can be, the comforts, the illusions, the protests of my ego -- I believe I will find liberation and nothing to fear. I know this in my heart. If you made it this far, thank you.

James Mcginley thanks for those words in your message about short-term partners. I understand and accept what will be, but I know my path keeps drawing me back to you for a reason. Thanks for sharing so much. It gives me strength, inspiration, and light in these dark days.

James: Dave Schwenk, your words are filled with such truth in this comment above and so beautifully stated that it brings great emotion to me. With one profound exception, please don't take this personally. It can be done, renunciation, Gandhi did it, but it is not our nature to renounce. I will fight that in what I see as otherwise promising efforts including Within Myself with all of my strength. And this is not a problem, only falling into the Trap as a problem. It is within our nature to greedily go for the optimal experience that we know to go for. In fact, this seems to be an immutable law, we cannot do otherwise then go for each breast being as experientially optimal as possible. We absolutely can have the renunciation that you want, my life is a testament to that and I’d have thought it impossible. But never ever could I have done it through an attempt to renounce. The consequences has been to renounce! What I have attempted to do is greedily understand where Joy comes from. It comes from the opposite direction of pleasure. And every breath, regardless of material circumstance, Joy feels preferable to pleasure. This explains Jesus going to and being on the cross. This alone explains Gandhi saying, do you not know that I am never so joyful as when I am suffering  for my fellow-creatures? Paraphrase. This explains Martin Luther King Jr saying, she who does not know what she would gladly die for is not equipped to live. Paraphrase. And as best I can now described the north star of causing my body to produce the chemical reaction of joy, it is to fully embody the loving Spirit of goodness in action. I will now post your beautiful words on my blog and Facebook page with this disclaimer. As always if I take Liberties it is never intentional just let me know and I will remove.

Dave: James I thought of this point while I was writing, because you raised this distinction before with the same conviction. I am thinking on it. I so much welcome your comments. They lead me to consider different perspectives and can save me a lot of mistakes. I hope you will remain open to my feedback.

James: If Ever I for any breath am not open to your feedback I have ceased being of any hope to my own life or to anyone else's. I understand myself, I experience myself as being willing to pay any and every personal price to grasp the essential truths as quickly as possible and as fully as possible. Whatever pain of ego or physical body might be involved is irrelevant to me and this has been true for many many many years. As I experience myself.

. I expect to be going through and editing our dialogue before my voice typing errors through the course of this afternoon and posting on my blog and Facebook page in summary

My life's work now..... Religion of, Loving Spirit in Action ism....

Proliferating, developing, substantiating with knowledge developed these last two thousand years, Jesus religion of, Loving Spirit in Action-ism, I suspect will consume every breath of mine till I have no breath left now. Rather, spearheading an effort, attempting to be Catalyst in an effort, keeper of an effort but not owner, 2 pick up where Jesus and his earliest followers, and the creator of most of the world's great religions, see the all-important Tolstoy letter to a Hindu, is what I will be doing with each breath I'm quite sure. And to embody. Example is not the major thing in influencing people, it is the only thing. Albert Schweitzer.

My life's call may have come today.  As Francis of Assisi heard the call to rebuild the church ,  I have heard the call at midnight  to pick up  the work that Jesus and a few of his followers, extremely few,  began  of  developing and  spreading his religion  which I think I understand is called something like,  Loving Spirit of Goodness in Action-ism.

Today is such an explosive creative Avalanche for me that among other things I may be having some redundant posting here on the blog and or on Facebook. I must run that risk.

And as your loving brother, in responsibility, I suggest to you that you stop whatever you're doing and you follow closely on my Facebook page and subscribe to my blog right hand side for the free Anonymous daily summary of posts. There, I've done my part. The rest is up to you.

And yes, some of you will receive a periodic reminder from me as you have. Though this will be less and less. One of the most painful lessons that life keeps keeps teaching me is that I hurt possibilities for the future when I enable the reticent Behavior even among, maybe especially among, those in whom I see the most promise. I am everyone's brother, especially the most promising that I see, I am not their mother.

Although I'm constrained a bit at the moment, thankfully I found internet here in the desert with a mile hike each way, but I do not have access to WiFi which I would need for my laptop to be useful. Point being that much of the initial creative work will occur at the blog, but greatly hampered until in a week from now I have WiFi and laptop, that was created by me more than 10 years ago with an interesting title, rather an interesting URL which is long and cumbersome, Jesus God good Etc and Jay. Jay being the name I was called for most of my decades. This is the riddle that I was tantalized with the blog that long ago. The relationship between God and good and Jay. Only in the last couple of days as the word good, and goodness, have rocketed to the north star that I think we all need to find and that Jesus was trying to point us to and the other great religious leaders, only in the last couple of days has the puzzle of that URL begun to come clear to me. Life is interesting. God is good. Good is God. The spirit of loving goodness, loving the spirit of goodness, he is loving God. Loving the spirit of goodness in action is the only worship of God that God wants. It is the only true worship of God, creator. This is so obvious. How is it taking me 66 years to see the clarity, though my heart has been pushing me in this direction since my earliest memories.

In days now that suggest to me that there is a reason I was given my pitiful life, I am involved with a dialogue at this link that has unfolded in particular today and I urge you to Avail yourself of it. Much.....

In days now that suggest to me that there is a reason I was given my pitiful life, I am involved with a dialogue at this link
that has unfolded in particular today and I urge you to Avail yourself of it. Much of it is encapsulated eloquently with my correspondent of today, Dave Schwenk , below with an important caveat that I mentioned below his long an eloquent comment. 

From Dave just now:  This dialogue is confirming the direction of my thoughts and providing me with clear insight into our purpose in this dying world. I believe the final collapse is well under way. Current events show this in apocalyptic visions of fire and ice and nature reducing man's arrogance to rubble. We need a miracle. So I struggled all fall to choose the way forward, considering devoting all my time to fighting pipelines in PA, or building community centers of resistance and sustainable living. I even thought of walking across the country in search of a few kindred souls who would help me lay siege to Washington...all striving, all turning up little that resonated in my heart. I follow James Mcginley closely, for he is one of the few -- two, three? -- that I have met who has devoted himself totally to goodness and justice and walking the talk, or riding the bike as James is doing...all true revolutionaries are wandering refugees and exiles... it is no mystery that I have been led back to dialogue with James. I met him on the Democracy Spring walk in 2016 and later showed up at his modest flat in DC some months later to learn more and share. Among discussions of Gandhi and King, James articulated my disappointment with marches/staged arrests, etc. and my sense of how the left played into the hands of the power elite. I fear so much of the way the "resistance" is structured now does not provide a viable path to transcendence from our miserable state. There is a fundamental flaw that is never addressed -- the moral dilemma of living in our modern world, shackled as we are to products and consumption that perpetuate horrific suffering. Our current predatory system could never exist without our participation. Just look how vicious the oligarchs become when we threaten their flow of money, as the BDS Movement boycotting Israel has shown. Not only have they told us it is illegal to boycott (consider the implications of that for a moment), but they have now banned 20 organizations from Israel, including our dear friends at Codepink. These dear people are the spirit of peace. Why are they such a threat to Israel? Ladies dressed in pink? Because they have advanced an agenda of non-participation, BDS movement, that denies the system of our complicit guilt. Another incident that infuriated the architects of our false reality is when Colin Kaepernik took a knee and challenged the symbols of our empire...when people no longer believe in the bullshit of the flag the whole fucking thing will collapse. And this from a black man! They devote so much energy into the illusion of freedom and democracy -- into the illusion that elections matter and that demonstrations without sacrifice will change the world -- because the continuation of crony capitalism depends on our suspended belief. So back to my point...we must accept the reality of our situation and what it demands of us. We cannot be rebels on the weekend and slaves to our consumer society all week. We are at that critical existential moment of end times where the forces of good and evil are clearly felt to anyone with a heart. It is all or nothing time. No one wants to face that or the implications involved with that. Face it now and build your spiritual strength or perish in the collapse. I was directed to Krishna in October for a reason and the Bhagavad Gita...I turned again to the life of Jesus, which I have studied throughout my life...and James led me to these writings between Gandhi and Tolstoy. And the message is clear: embrace goodness, love, selflessness, service to others. That is the sole mission we must do to be a ray of light in this world. So many of us despair at the suffering we see and our powerlessness to do anything about it -- without realizing that the power is within our hearts, and that once we surrender completely to goodness and love, once we abandon the failed institutions and permanent lies that secure us to the decks of this sinking ship, when we do that, we create the conditions for the miracle to happen. Surely, we need a miracle now. But that is beyond me. I will continue to resist and continue to disrupt pipelines and the pageantry, but I know that the true way forward -- for me -- is renunciation of this sick society, a total severance that can be achieved through exile and simple living and our own self-sustaining communities. This is long and rambling but I wanted to share my experience and how liberating this knowledge is for me -- I have far to go but I know the path. Once I give it all up -- and how painful that can be, the comforts, the illusions, the protests of my ego -- I believe I will find liberation and nothing to fear. I know this in my heart. If you made it this far, thank you.

My crucial comment in caveat:

Dave Schwenk, your words are filled with such truth in this comment above and so beautifully stated that it brings great emotion to me. With one profound exception, please don't take this personally. It can be done, Gandhi did it, but it is not our nature to renounce. I will fight that in what I see as otherwise promising efforts including Within Myself with all of my strength. And this is not a problem, only falling into the Trap as a problem. It is within our nature to greedily go for the optimal experience that we know to go for. We absolutely can have the renunciation that you want, my life is a testament to that and I'd have thought it impossible. But never ever could I have done it through an attempt to renounce. The consequence has been to renounce! What I have attempted to do is greedily understand where Joy comes from, Roy Bean the ultimate human Experience, emotion. It comes from the opposite direction of pleasure. And as best I can now described the north star of causing my body to produce the chemical reaction of joy, it is to fully embody the loving Spirit of goodness in action. I will now post your beautiful words on my blog and Facebook page with this disclaimer. As always if I take Liberties it is never intentional just let me know and I will remove.