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Showing posts with label Largeheartedness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Largeheartedness. Show all posts


Vaillant.... The Buddha taught, “As with her life a mother cares for her own, her only child, so in your hearts and minds let there be boundless love for all creatures great and small.”4 That was the faith that the Buddha spent forty-five years of his life trekking the length and breadth of India to share with all he met.

The Buddha taught, “As with her life a mother cares for her own, her only child, so in your hearts and minds let there be boundless love for all creatures great and small.”4 That was the faith that the Buddha spent forty-five years of his life trekking the length and breadth of India to share with all he met.


vid. A simple act of caring. 3 min

SPDF vlog Day 33: My dearest loved ones, you were right. We never belonged together.

My very dearest loved ones, those few of you that have been in any proximity at all to me, be it for all of my 63 years, most of my 63 years, my last 40 plus years, all of your 30 some odd years, the last 15 years, or even just recent months,
We are not emotionally together now, we're emotionally separated now, and we were never spiritually joined.  True spiritual joining is so rare in this sick culture of ours, practically never happens, one in a million.

As I think of those of you who have been in proximity to my life no discredit to me, no discredit to you, we were never spiritually together except for maybe a moment here or a moment there in just one maybe three of the cases I can think of (with the exception of my Dad with whom I was intimately, and only, Spiritually United)..

It's not your fault.  It's not my fault.

I worship, I revere, I adore the truth no matter how painful it might be in the same way any drowning person reveres firm land coming under their feet.  That firm land makes Life possible, without it, only drowning is possible.  We are taught to tolerate and even find pleasure in drowning.  I never learned that lesson.  When I'm not standing on, when I don't understand, when I'm not grasped by the truth, I experience myself as drowning and in entire misery.

This Stop Palestines Death Fast campaign I am on has produced a final separation with maybe all of you.  One in particular, the person who I have loved above all, has finally manifest her separation from me totally, frigidly, sharply, finally, absolutely, Truly.  I view this with a sense of relief, gratitude, Joy... all of these separations, simply because the manifest the underlying truth that I think we all must have realized was there.  All of you to whom I am referring, to some degree we wanted to be spiritually together, to some degree we wanted to be in relationship, and to some degree you and certainly I realized that spiritual unity was not the Truth for us.

Several days ago I vlogged, wrote that for the first time I am recalling that I had extremely sharp eyes for spotting people that belonged on extreme performance teams that I needed to establish, and to spot those who did not belong on those teams.  And that as expert I was at that I admitted that I have been that much of a failure at spotting other relationships that should be or not the in my life, that could or, in the vast or total majority, could not work.

That same insight of just several days ago applies to what I am sharing here.  All of you who have been in some proximity to me, I can see now, using the eyes that I now know to select, I concede now that we had a mutual desire and affection, but that it never could have been; I see that totally, so clearly, now.  We are not destined to be on the same teams, on the same missions, devoted to the same goals.  I am a profoundly different species of human, sort of.  You are the profoundly different species from me.  You are the near total majority. I the near entire outsider, foreigner, alien.  You are of society. I am devoted to heal it.

No discredit to me.  No discredit to you.  No credit to me.  No credit to you.

I find this comforting, comforting with respect to my future, comforting with respect to feeling less clueless, less of a failure but that's not a problem with me.  But less of a failure in that I see that what I wanted so much, spiritual unity, was not a failure of my efforts, but a failure of my initial and ongoing perception, vision of what was possible, which is now being radically corrected.  And surely I don't see it as a failure on your part anymore than on mine.  Round pegs don't fit square holes, and versa visa.

My loving of you all is unconditional.  It is neither increased nor diminished by these insights of recent days.  My Loving of you is infinite.

What separates us exactly is the capacity for a life of unconditional loving.

Whatever life I have left will be devoted to being unconditional loving  for the possibility of thereby, and only in the way, spreading unconditional loving by example to you and others.

Yes.  Of course.  The odds are that I will continue to totally, profoundly, absolutely, pitifully fail.  But I'll not fail to try, with my every breath.


SPDF Day 30 vlog: On Sanity, and Insanity

I consider it insane to value our own survival over a decent quality of life for our fellow human beings.  I consider it sane to be glad to give our life if it might save even one other human being.

I consider the desire to control the lives of others is insane, pathological, and that sanity is the willingness to pay joyfully with one's life if necessary that others can be free of the control of any one beside themselves.

I consider it insane to choose a life of pleasure over a life of service, and that sanity is exactly choosing the life of service over a life of pleasure.

I deem that our American culture is profoundly insane.

It seems to me that the only sane cultures that I see today are the indigenous Palestinians, although I can't yet reconcile how they keep having children in such a hellish environment, seems cruel and selfish; some of the indigenous of America and Canada  that are putting their lives in the way of the destruction of their/ our world. 

Among so called activists I see only the International Solidarity Movement as probably very sane; along with, possibly, Sea Shepherds.  The rest I see as wallowing in a self-gratifying lifestyle choice of doing what is safe and convenient, or even more so, but by not being willing and eager to pay the ultimate price for our fellow humans, as I said at the top, insane.


***** FB friend: "James, Good to see someone so devoted." My reply: "I appreciate the kind and encouraging words. I tried self-centeredness for, oh, 45 years or so. It sucks. So since then I've tried other-centeredness, and it is a Joy. That's it. Those are the choices. The only hope for the world's future is, and has ever been, that one by one, we start a mass flip from self-centeredness (me and mine) to other-centeredness (lived solidarity with the global neediest). That's really the only choice each of us has to make of any consequence whatsoever. All of the rest is a consequence of that. In that we choose to be cancer, or healthy tissue."

I appreciate the kind and encouraging words.  I tried self-centeredness for, oh, 45 years or so. It sucks.  So since then I've tried other-centeredness, and it is a Joy.  That's it.  Those are the choices.  The only hope for the world's future is, and has ever been, that one by one, we start a mass flip from self-centeredness (me and mine) to other-centeredness (lived solidarity with the global neediest).  That's really the only choice each of us has to make of any consequence whatsoever.  All of the rest is a consequence of that.  In that we choose to be cancer, or healthy tissue.
