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Showing posts with label Insanity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Insanity. Show all posts


***** Noam Chomsky. "It is hard even to find words to capture the scale of the crimes they are contemplating. A small but telling example is a 500-page environmental

It is hard even to find words to capture the scale of the crimes they are contemplating. A small but telling example is a 500-page environmental.... assessment produced by Trump’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration calling for cancelling new automotive emissions standards. They have a sound argument. The study projects that by the end of the century temperatures will have risen 4 degrees Centigrade. Auto emissions don’t add that much, and since the game is pretty much over, why not have fun while we can — fiddling while the planet burns.


"Your new book is going to be called ‘The Myth of Normal: Illness and Health in an Insane Culture’. Just how insane is our culture? Well....

"Your new book is going to be called ‘The Myth of Normal: Illness and Health in an Insane Culture’. Just how insane is our culture? Well, it depends on how you want to define ‘sanity’. If you look at sanity as something that’s congruent with human nature and human needs… Human needs for meaning, connection, validation, belonging and transcendence. These are human needs. This society is insane because it utterly tramples on those human needs. That’s what makes it insane. When somebody’s normal in this society, they are conforming to an insane standard, hence the title of the book. I’m writing another book with my son, and it will be entitled ‘Hello Again: A fresh start for adult children and their parents’. Very often adult parent-child relationships are so fractured that by the time they become adults, we don’t even know how to relate to our parents and visa versa. That book is about bridging that inter-generational gap and helping each generation to take 100 per cent responsibility for their role in the dynamics."


Fundamentalist Christians, in love and truth I say, indeed you have a father, it is absolutely obviously clearly the father of Destruction, and Jesus had the other one. The father of creation. You are children of the devil. Repent. Return to your original father, creator. Article

Fundamentalist Christians, in love and truth I say, indeed you have a father, it is absolutely obviously clearly the father of Destruction, and Jesus had the other one. The father of creation. You are children of the devil. Repent. Return to your original father, creator.


Extreme morality, decency, ethics, Humanity, is it's the only necessary and essential element for a joyful world with little suffering. We don't like that answer. F*** the children and their future.

Extreme morality, decency, ethics, Humanity, is the only necessary and essential element for a profoundly joyful world with little suffering. We don't like that answer. F*** the children and their future. F*** creation. It's over, on our watch.

