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Showing posts with label INSHE Warriors. Show all posts
Showing posts with label INSHE Warriors. Show all posts


I don't know how long it will last, although I suspect it could be permanent. At least for the moment.....

I don't know how long it will last, although I suspect it could be permanent. At least for the moment I have reached a new level in my spiritual strength as a human rights activist. I have the sense of looking forward to each and every opportunity where by simply being a decent human being I draw the savagery of my sisters and brothers, and corporate and government entities, that they might visit it on my body for simply being decent. Gandhi's faith is the same as mine, 100% in the force of the truth revealed. Primarily a force on the nervous systems of onlookers , but even the force that can help cure perpetrators. There is no other revolutionary way to fight.

It's odd, for 10 years the words wage love have been tattooed on my cheeks. But only in the last day or so have I come to have that unfold more fully. We know that someone who wages violence, a good soldier, is nearly Unstoppable. If they're on an important Mission, they take a bullet to the leg, if their comrades are any danger, they will fight on. And if they take a second bullet, they will fight on until totally unable. This is what it means to wage war. Waging love it's exactly the same. I have just been massively Savaged by the state. Can I respond any less relentlessly than one Waging War? I wage loving. I am a loving revolutionary. I am a wager of loving. I cannot imagine that anything can stop me from doing that as long as I can take a breath.


Standing Rock update: The battlefield, 100% of the battlefield, on which the future of humanity,  of creation,  will be finally lost or won, is 0% physical, 100% spiritual. This has always been true. We have always pretended......

Standing Rock update: The battlefield, 100% of the battlefield, on which the future of humanity,  of creation,  will be finally lost or won, is 0% physical, 100% spiritual. This has always been true. We have always pretended this was not true. The most powerful creatures known in the universe are the two legged humans. Where our individual and Collective spirit is, there we go. Only through a massive and sustained Global shift in the spirit of humanity is there any prayer for a decent future. I hope to remember this on today, February 22nd here at Standing Rock. If my body, my life limb and treasure, can be used so that the terminal savagery of our fascist greedy Antichrist satanic Collective spirit in this sick country and world, if my body can be used by Savage perpetrators, possessed by their evil spirit, if my body life limb and treasure can be used to sicken the spectators to the final destruction of their children's future, if I can use my body to help them become sick and at the evil of their passivity, and possibly to sicken even one or two of the perpetrators, immediate or distant, crushing us today, then I hope to be glad of that. I think I will be glad of that.

I have heard what I understand to be native story. A grandfather and a grandson are speaking, the grandfather says to the grandson, there are two wolves fighting each other within you,  a good wolf, and a bad wolf. The grandson thinks for moment and says to his grandfather, grandfather, which of the Wolves will win? Grandfather answers, the one that you feed. The story is broader than that in its implications. With each breath, with each action or omission of ours, we feed one of those two wolves in those who are impacted by our lives. Everything depends on which ones we choose to feed.

Even Napoleon saw this: 
"Do you know, Fontanes, what astonishes me most in this world? The inability of force to create anything. In the long run the sword is always beaten by the spirit."

Written as I am here here on self-assigned duty at the composting toilet complex taking out bags of s***, sweeping, feeling the sawdust bins, making certain there's enough toilet paper.... I like to serve. This is a nice way to to lovingly serve my sisters and brothers here, and there by the world, as best I can see to do at the moment.


Standing Rock update: If we keep retreating, if we always Retreat, if we usually Retreat, how.....

Standing Rock update: If we keep retreating, if we always Retreat, if we usually Retreat, how can we ever expect to win? If we always disengage when the ultimate price must be offered, how can we ever expect to win? If they will gladly destroy our lives and we refuse to have our lives destroyed, how can we ever win?


***** Friends, I owe it to us all, I owe it to the Future, to be really clear. I consider my harshness out of extreme tough love, a virtue. My virtue? A virtue. I'm at War. I am at all out War for.......

Friends, I owe it to us all, I owe it to the Future, to be really clear. I consider my harshness out of extreme tough love, a virtue. My virtue? A virtue. I'm at War. I am at all out War for the future of all creation. How would you expect a warrior, me, or anyone, to be? What kind of intensity? What kind of dedication? What kind of devotion? What kind of Demands on them self? What kind of seriousness of purpose, Focus? What kind of personal risk? What kind of personal pain? A soldier in the midst of a firefight, you do not expect harshness of such an individual? Would you not question , Wonder at, have doubts about, a soldier in the midst of a firefight that was unwilling, and never seen to be, extremely profoundly harsh even toward beloved fellow soldiers? I sure the f*** would. I consider myself a soldier though a soldier of peace,  as did Gandhi before me. I say again, until we see millions of soldiers, soldiers, soldiers, soldiers ... of Peace there is not a f****** shred of Hope. Millions, millions, millions, millions.... I can't be Millions. But I will be one. If you are not or cannot become one who Embraces what I'm saying you probably should detach from me for your own peace of mind and so that we use each other's time well and do not misuse it.


### I would say that in my learning, experience, practice, observation, the true activist devotes their every breath to attempting to pay as much as possible of the price NOW, whatever price, including the ultimate price, for a better world... for others. I can think of.......

### I would say that in my learning, experience, practice, observation, the true activist devotes their every breath to attempting to pay as much as possible of the price NOW, whatever price, including the ultimate price, for a better world... for others. I can think of no exceptions. This is what they showed with their choices without hesitation. This is what they prepared and prepared and prepared and prepared... to do. Gandhi's words on the subject, 'I'm talking about the love of a mother for her child.' Anyone that is seriously interested in this topic that has not watched the PBS documentary, Freedom Riders, has really disabled themselves.


***** Avoiding unpleasantness is not the reason for denial, not the primary reason. Avoiding unpleasantness is not the reason that we limit how much ugliness we are willing to see on Facebook, how much unpl......

***** Avoiding unpleasantness is not the reason for denial, not the primary reason. Avoiding unpleasantness is not the reason that we limit how much ugliness we are willing to see on Facebook, how much unpleasantness we allow to become Central in so-called activism or in the nature of the so-called activism we have been willing to practice these last forty years or so. The primary function of denial is not to avoid unpleasantness, it is to avoid becoming loving, it is to avoid Gandhi's Truth Force, to avoid what happens when Awful Truth makes it past our denial system and hits our heart. It activates our heart, it hijacks our nervous system, and turns us near irresistibly into Insanely Humane (INSHE) Warrior antiviolent Servants of righteousness, Servants of what is Right, Servants of what our human family most needs of us, what all of our fellow life forms need of us. God forbid.... So, as the central one of our many contributions to the extermination of all life on Earth, we f****** baby boomers, our central contribution has been the activism-ino-ism of the last 40 years which is so careful to be sure that we conduct ourselves in a way that it is attractive, it is fun, it is Pleasant, it is something that people want to do, to 'join' ( a social club with a thin veneer of activism )... thereby scrupulously and absolutely avoiding bringing online truth Force, the heart, soul Force, loving... the only force in the universe that could overcome the largest mercenary force that Earth has ever seen. Brilliant. Murder.


I am all work and no play. I'm as much fun as a root canal. I make it my business to live my life in the imagined presence of the most persecuted people on earth and I thereby act accordingly. I look ridiculous, unkind......

I am all work and no play. I'm as much fun as a root canal. I make it my business to live my life in the imagined presence of the most persecuted people on earth and I thereby act accordingly. I look ridiculous, unkind, unpleasant, unkempt because no one sees the jury in front of whom I live my life, or the Raging Battlefield on which I live.


I just don't seem to have it in me to work for justice. Sanders, and those working with him, do, but I just don't find it in me. I have it in me to.....

I just don't seem to have it in me to work for justice. Sanders, and those working with him, do, but I just don't find it in me. I have it in me to work, every breath, for loving, but for me, a just world, that is not loving, I just don't have it in me to work for, and I think it's an illusion, I don't think you can arrive at, and I certainly don't think you can maintain, a just world, that is not first, loving.  I don't have it in me to work for justice, first. If you work for loving you may get the healthy, vibrant, joyful, living, self perpetuating, lovely child ... Justice. If you work for Justice at best you will get a stillborn child. At least that's my understanding of how it has always worked and always will.


***** As I wrote the other day I feel like I've taken yet another huge step in the direction of understanding that the Empire is unstoppably disintegrating, hence the world we have known is disintegrating. And that is truly a blessing. The suffering will be.......

***** As I wrote the other day I feel like I've taken yet another huge step in the direction of understanding that the Empire is unstoppably disintegrating, hence the world we have known is disintegrating. And that is truly a blessing. The suffering will be such as the world has not yet seen but it is absolutely necessary. The only thing I'm pretty sure of is that we will be less crushing on creation as it unfolds. Whether a better Humanity emerges on the other side I don't know. Whether enough Humanity awakens sooner and non-violently takes charge of deliberately dismantling the Empire that is crushing everything remains to be seen, profoundly unlikely, but oh that would be building a better future. One thing for sure is that those of us who are loving will learn more everyday about how to be living with as little destruction created by ourselves as possible. There is much joy in that. This increasing Clarity is very helpful step for me. But it still leaves me to adjust to how then I am to be loving to the world. I'm working on it. I feel that it is moving me back in the direction of devoting my life to the one in a million of my sisters and brothers that are profoundly and quite purely simply agents of loving, Insanely Humane (INSHE) Warriors. Wagers of Loving. They are the healthy cells and helping them grow and infect others is maybe the only positive thing that I see to do. And trying to be one of them. Loving is quite literally the only thing that I value. And such people invariably devote their very being to getting in the way of the harm being done to the most powerless, the most innocent, the most victimized, the most abused... The Palestinians and others. That's where my family is. That is where I find them. In the way of the greatest harm. That is the only place that I feel at home.


***** What I feel most certain of is that cataclysmic change as Earth has never seen before is upon us. Most centrally it is the disintegration of the corporate economic Elite ( we the 10% White colonialist ) Empire of insane materialism Crashing Down as Mother Earth refuses to support it any longer. As Mother Earth refuses.........

***** What I feel most certain of is that cataclysmic change as Earth has never seen before is upon us. Most centrally it is the disintegration of the corporate economic Elite ( we the 10% White colonialist ) Empire of insane materialism Crashing Down as Mother Earth refuses to support it any longer. As Mother Earth refuses to Shield us from our own self-destruction. At the moment I am repulsed by my inclination to try and Stave off this disintegration , repulsed  because the notion of such an attempt is disgustingly futile, and because it would be to interfere with a necessary good, the dismantling of the empire that is destroying everything. But I am drawn to the notion that by way of metaphor I think of as the Jedi that we know from the movies. Individuals who had learned to become powerful channels of the force, loving, Wagers of Loving , that somehow were instrumental in allowing some measure of decency to continued among creatures. I am drawn to try and be such a Jedi, a warrior, an Insanely Humane Warrior , an INSHE Warrior and thereby, and through additional effort, to try and encourage and Foster others to do the same. What I know remains unclear within me is to what degree such Warriors can help work the miracle of humans taking the initiative in this matter of dismantling the Empire. This would be a miracle, an incredible Mercy, the potential birth of Heaven on Earth , and the only merciful way out. I see not a shadow of this happening. But I recognize it as the only major hope.