Homeless Campground Set To Open Near Downtown San Diego. Link
Standing Rock update: I am not here for Native rights. I am not here.......
Standing Rock update: I am not here for Native rights. I am not here for treaty rights. That's far too little far too late. I'm here for human rights. Any of us that are fighting for anything other than human rights and maybe creation rights, but that's probably a strategic non-starter that is too esoteric, anyone that is not fighting for human rights in whatever arena is strategically wasting their time. Am I against native rights? Am I against treaty rights? Of course not! Am I against the right of children and current citizens to clean water? Of course I'm not. But for us to put these fragmented issues front and center is way too little way too late. Human rights is what we morally need to be fighting for and strategically if we did that paying a big enough price people might begin to understand that there is only one set of Human Rights and the people receiving the least are receiving what we all can expect in the future.
***** Matthew Desmond Will Change the Way You Relate to America's Poverty Crisis Desmond's new book 'Evicted' takes us into the poorest neighborhoods of Milwaukee to tell the story of eight families on the edge.
Ontario to test guaranteed minimum income to ease poverty
***** The True human rights activist is the ultimate 'starving artist.' Creating Human Right is Life itself for them... the ultimate Art, Life, form. Jesus, Gandhi, MLK Jr, Alice Paul .......
***** The True human rights activist is the ultimate 'starving artist.' Creating Human Right is Life itself for them... the ultimate Art, Life, form. Jesus, Gandhi, MLK Jr, Alice Paul .......
***** What are human rights? Things that are not right to violate.
***** What are human rights? Things that are not right to violate.
***** When the last Palestinian rights are finally destroyed, once and for all, your human rights will have been totally destroyed as well......
***** Covertly or overtly they were neglect to not band together to stand up for each other's rights to whatever degree was necessary. This is the problem with Palestine and we Americans. Until it is way too late......
***** Covertly or overtly they were neglect to not band together to stand up for each other's rights to whatever degree was necessary. This is the problem with Palestine and we Americans. Until it is way too late we will not face the fact that there is only one set of human rights, the human rights that apply to all of us and therefore are defended by all of us. We are allowing those human rights in the final stages of destruction in Palestine. When we finally look up the human rights of us all will be nothing but feces at our feet. Or rather, choking our throats.