Do I fear, hate, loathe, despise you, or are you a Christian? Is Jesus your lord and savior?
These were not the words, but they were the content of a brief dialogue with a thirtysomething white man today in town. It was shockingly revealing. Christianity is a way for this person, and most liked him, just simply be on the winning team. They experience being losers otherwise. This gives them license, even a duty, to hate and feel Superior to everyone providing the wrong answer. It is simply a means of having a license to hate and feel Superior. There are few exceptions.
Silence is complicity. Silence is murder. U.S. opposes UN resolution against death penalty for same-sex relations. Link
BIAS, against any individual or group is discrimination, bigotry , Racist, elitist, evil, unacceptable, dehumanizing, sin. No honest, no........
BIAS, against any individual or group is discrimination, bigotry , Racist, elitist, evil, unacceptable, dehumanizing, sin, anti-Christ. No honest, no sane, individual can believe or assert that America, that the u.s. people, that law enforcement, the government, is not biased against exactly those who Jesus Championed, exactly those who Jesus elevated, exactly those who were the Center of Jesus family. The disadvantaged, the minorities, poor, the different, the marginalized, the weak, the unreligious, the unpopular, those of a different faith, the non-conformist.... That one received such negative bias, or the group that receive such negative bias, not for an instant does it justifying or forgive bias against in return. Love those who persecute you. Do good to those who persecute you. They will know you by how you love. I don't know about your father, but my Father loves every individual exactly the same , and experiences immense pain with even a disrespectful, harmful, unkind word thought or uttered toward one of His children. Okay, he loves those who experience bias against them, more. As you do unto the least of these, the least of these my Family, every creature, you do unto me.
Bigotry and racism, even the slightest hint of bigotry and racism is precisely, exactly, completely, totally the perfect thing to do if one wants to be anti Christ. The exact center and the Heart of his.......
Bigotry and racism, even the slightest hint of bigotry and racism is precisely, exactly, completely, totally the perfect thing to do if one wants to be anti Christ. The exact center and the Heart of his ministry was embracing those that others had made Outcast, the Sinners, the sick, the weak, the poor, the neglected and abused, the unbelievers, the criminals, the government, those shamed and Damned by the religious of the day. How much more unforgivable, sinful, today when we have known of his example for two thousand years. Unforgivable. Soul killing. Desecration of Christ when done by those that claim to follow him. "I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians. They are so unlike your Christ." "There would be no more Hindus if Christians would practice their faith." Gandhi. "I think the greatest obstacle to people becoming Christian is those who preach the gospel and do not follow it." Teresa of Calcutta "We need to preach the gospel, every day, all day long, and occasionally, use words, to do so." Francis of Assisi
Help requested: if you know who is playing in this year's Super Bowl, please make absolutely certain, not to tell me. Yes, I am not kidding. I always hated our worship of this type of competition, from my earliest memory. It is absolutely how we prepare our children and ourselves for colonial wars, and justifying the wars of economy that we participate in against each other, thinking that it is virtue. I hate it.
Help requested: if you know who is playing in this year's Super Bowl, please make absolutely certain, not to tell me. Yes, I am not kidding. I always hated our worship of this type of competition, from my earliest memory. It is absolutely how we prepare our children and ourselves for colonial wars, and justifying the wars of economy that we participate in against each other, thinking that it is virtue. I hate it.
San Bernardino Killings Unleashing Right Wing Wave of Fear Mongering, Islamophobia and War Fever
If you have even a shred of respect or regard for the hatemonger Islamophobe Bill Maher please unfriend me right now. Right now. Right now. Thank you. Muslim fever goes viral: After Paris and San Bernardino, Islam-bashing is back and bigger than ever
Jerry Falwell jr., Liberty University President Urges Students To Carry Guns And ‘End Those Muslims’
The ugly Islamophobia in the media coverage of the San Bernardino shooting
The ugly Islamophobia in the media coverage of the San Bernardino shooting
Muslims Targeted By Anti-Islam Backlash In Days After Paris Attacks
An antichrist nation America has always been. How else can you categorize a country that exterminates 20 - 100 million Native Americans, enslaved African Americans, built itself both north and south based on slavery genocide and colonialism, enslaves more of its citizens that is its weakest citizens than the rest of the world combined , leads the developed world in child poverty , worships money also known as Mammon, has in recent decades murdered up to 4 million Muslims, spends more on weapons also known as death then the rest of the world combined, is the prime force behind the 68 year genocide of Palestinians ...?
An antichrist nation America has always been. How else can you categorize a country that exterminates 20 - 100 million Native Americans, enslaved African Americans, built itself both north and south based on slavery genocide and colonialism, enslaves more of its citizens that is its weakest citizens than the rest of the world combined , leads the developed world in child poverty , worships money also known as Mammon, has in recent decades murdered up to 4 million Muslims, spends more on weapons also known as death then the rest of the world combined, is the prime force behind the 68 year genocide of Palestinians ...?
Paul Krugman: The GOP base “actively hates improving the lives of Those People”
***** Zionist thinking is Nazi thinking... supremacist, hyper-nationalistic, brutish, delusional, sociopathic....
***** Zionist thinking is Nazi thinking... supremacist, hyper-nationalistic, brutish, delusional, sociopathic....
***** I'm pro life: Pro my idea of life, that I insist on imposing on yours. My ability......
I'm pro life: Pro my idea of life, that I insist on imposing on yours. My ability to kill your life to protect mine. My ability to kill the lives of others to protect my life. My ability to imprison, terrorize, subjugate, subordinate, impose, force upon... to enforce my idea of how life should be. Yes, I am pro-life. My life. Screw yours.
***** For almost all christians Christianity is a fantasy game where you get to (REALLY) kill, oppress, abuse, exploit, enslave... people, Jews, Palestinians.......
***** For almost all christians Christianity is a fantasy game where you get to (REALLY) kill, oppress, abuse, exploit, enslave... people, Jews, Palestinians, blacks, Muslims, Arabs, Vietnamese, Hispanics... and at the very least you get to feel superior to all those who do not ascribe to your so-called beliefs (sociopathic delusions), and to play for eternal real estate in the sky. And almost all Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists... Use their religion for their own form of this bloody fantasy game.
Franklin Graham slams Obama guest list. The guests are transgender activists Mateo Williamson and Vivian Taylor, the first openly gay Episcopal bishop, Bishop Gene Robinson and Sister Simone Campbell, an activist nun who leads a group criticized by the Vatican for its silence on abortion and euthanasia.
***** HOLOCAUST SURVIVOR: "Call the Zionists what they are: NAZI CRIMINALS....If we want to stay real human beings, we must get up and call the Zionists what they are: Nazi criminals,” Meyer said. The hate of the Jews by the Germans “was less deeply rooted than the hate of the Palestinians by the Israeli Jews,” he observed.