Article, in Delhi, India, the rich swim in water, the poor fight for a drop.... This is why the rich don't care about global incinerating. 1. As Rich by definition they are sociopathicly addicted to stuff. 2. This means they don't even fight for their biological children. 3. They sure as hell care about you, they care for you to suffer and die. Really. It is part of their disease.
You slept in 14 degree weather last night, alone, substantially vulnerable to the elements, creatures, and evil-doers that could do it without a chance of being caught? Regularly you speak of the depression you go into. https://photos.app.goo.gl/ftCgjg9HA1FMdKev5
I only fear money. Teresa of Calcutta. They had Jesus killed for money. Continued. I James don't fear money however....
I only fear money. Teresa of Calcutta. They had Jesus killed for money. Continued. I James don't fear money however.... never have I cared about money.
But in a way I suppose I should fear money because I have seen with my own eyes how it corrupts many of the few good Souls I have ever known. Some of those with whom I have been the closest, in whom I saw the most good. When they have seen the choice between taking advantage of me for money, huge amounts, or small amounts, or protecting me and our friendship, the money has out. and there have been exceptions, one a late-in-life resurrection, quite sure, quite magnificent. What would a person give in exchange for their soul?
Where are the articles on this? Where are the surveys? Extremely important lesson. My Fury was great at this middle age hippie here in Yucca Valley. His response to the horror of millions.....
Where are the articles on this? Where are the surveys? Extremely important lesson. My Fury was great at this middle age hippie here in Yucca Valley. His response to the horror of millions..... of climate refugees as the coastal cities flood he said, well, they have lots of money, if they want to come here and give me money for my land that's fine. I was horrified. But when he drove away I realized he taught me something. It may be that, it's certainly is, that many millions of middle Americans look with some combination of Glee and greed at what the coastal cities going underwater will mean from them personally materially. Their land value and personal wealth will Skyrocket.
We crucified Jesus then, and every day since, over one little word, the word, all. Do unto others all you would have them do unto you. Leave off the word all and we love him. Include the word all and we f****** kill him.
We crucified Jesus then, and every day since, over one little word, the word, all. Do unto others all you would have them do unto you. Leave off the word all and we love him. Include the word all and we f****** kill him.
Among the very nicest, any level of immorality is Justified to protect our over privileged. Among the very nicest of us, not one of the million is the exception to this. They call me a saint when I give to the poor, I call me a communist when I asked why there are poor. South America St..
Among the very nicest, any level of immorality is Justified to protect our over privileged. Among the very nicest of us, not one of the million is the exception to this. They call me a saint when I give to the poor, I call me a communist when I asked why there are poor. South America St..
You need to stop talking about the bad stuff other folks do if you personally consume at much Beyond a third world level.
You need to stop talking about the bad stuff other folks do if you personally consume at much Beyond a third world level.
Interesting perspective. I find their sense of entitlement disgusting. This from the long time resident of Berkeley, about the elites. She is homeless.
Interesting perspective. I find their sense of entitlement disgusting. This from the long time resident of Berkeley, about the elites. She is homeless.
The Pursuit of Money and Natural Resources: The Untold Story Behind Myanmar’s Rohingyas.........
Extreme morality, decency, ethics, Humanity, is it's the only necessary and essential element for a joyful world with little suffering. We don't like that answer. F*** the children and their future.
Extreme morality, decency, ethics, Humanity, is the only necessary and essential element for a profoundly joyful world with little suffering. We don't like that answer. F*** the children and their future. F*** creation. It's over, on our watch.
***** To the core of 6 or so individuals in DC government and nonprofits that I see working so honestly, courageously, humanely , intelligently, selflessly, in solidarity with the homeless and or poor in the DC region: I remain with you in spirit and gratitude, but my body, not so much. I'm called to Explorer For Life, Spirit, Humanity, reverence for life, Wonder, awe, willingness to stand for the next Generations... I'm called to explore and see if this exists in sufficient quantity in US to give........
To the core of 6 or so individuals in DC government and nonprofits that I see working so honestly, courageously, humanely , intelligently, selflessly, in solidarity with the homeless and or poor in the DC region: I remain with you in spirit and gratitude, but my body, not so much.
I'm called to Explorer For Life, Spirit, Humanity, reverence for life, Wonder, awe, willingness to stand for the next Generations... I'm called to explore and see if this exists in sufficient quantity in US to give the next Generations a future. Sadly it is clear to me that it absolutely is not available in sufficient quantity in Washington DC, present company I hope, excepted.
I really have no hope that it's out there but it's the only thing that can save us if kindled or rekindled and I need to go give it a shot. My primary Mentor, the man Jesus, said, love as I have loved, and I shall continue to try to do just that, for the nowhere else to be found joy of it. For the nowhere else to be found piece of heart of it. For the nowhere else to be found Hope of it.
It has totally absorbed me these recent weeks preparation including technical leading-edge enhancements to the Free Palestine Solar Fusion Bike Car Sailer. Hence my absence from the otherwise very important meetings.
Tomorrow morning as early as 3 a.m. to avoid the murderous DC traffic I expect to be pedaling My Way South. Plan A currently within me is to return by mid-november from the most southern portions of Florida before the weather gets too bad up here, for a few months rest, to briefly rejoin you, and to prepare for a year or so Journey.. But Plan B also seems to be quite active and that is to continue around the country for a year or several years doing what I can.
Again, as I reflect on this call with in my chest, the words of my brother Jesus come to mind, I came to bring a fire and oh how I wish it were raging. That's how I feel. I've got to continue to try. LOL. Yes, it is absolutely ridiculous. But I cannot not try.
It has been a privilege to work with each of you. You might think that I'm abandoning ship, or was never serious to begin with. I've never been more serious than in the work that I attempted to do alongside of you and it is exactly because of how important that work is that I am called to go do what I'm called to do.
I have come to think of what you do as sort of the mash unit in the middle of the war. Unless some folks cause the war to stop the mash unit cannot succeed.
And stopping the war, stopping the war of soon terminal to all life on Earth mindless greed that we all in this culture consider virtue, will require an anti-violent army. I must go see if one can be raised.
In life it is inescapable that each moment we seek to feel psychologically full, and there are only two ways to pursue that: 1. Having, 2. Being. In our culture......
In life it is inescapable that each moment we seek to feel psychologically full, and there are only two ways to pursue that: 1. Having, 2. Being. In our culture we are taught that there is only one way, having. In truth, there is only one way that can succeed, that can make us feel constantly full, being. Did you know that Americans are the most self-medicated people there have ever been? Did you know that for decades Americans have been roughly 4% of the world's population consuming roughly 25% of the world's resources?
Criminalizing the hustle: Policing poor people’s survival strategies from Eric Garner to Alton Sterling
''The disappearance of jobs has sparked political anger, feeding opioid addiction, alcoholism and early death, and, among the commentariat, fomented bewildered discussion about the state of white working class people. But the disappearance of work hit black people first and hardest, decimating industries at the very moments when African-Americans, after centuries of marginalization, had only just got their foot in the door.
In the Baton Rouge area, says Spence, the minority male unemployment rate in 2014 was 2.7 times higher than for whites.....
The contemporary era of policing and mass incarceration emerged precisely to confront black people with limited or no access to formal work. As the sociologist Loïc Wacquant puts it, “in the wake of the race riots of the 1960s, the police, courts, and prison have been deployed to contain the urban dislocations wrought by economic deregulation and the implosion of the ghetto as ethnoracial container, and to impose the discipline of insecure employment at the bottom of the polarizing class structure.”''
***** It was only about a year ago I came across a thought that had never occurred to me. People of color are the color of Earth, natural. People like me without color of the freaks, the color of death, bones.
It was only about a year ago I came across a thought that had never occurred to me. People of color are the color of Earth, natural. People like me without color of the freaks, the color of death, bones.
Striking Photos Of WWII Refugees Escaping to Safety In Syria
### There's really only one obstacle to Justice for our homeless sisters and brothers. We as a culture quite broadly want every Justice for our homeless sisters and brothers. Every Justice except for the only one that matters, economic Justice, because economic Justice requires the redistribution of wealth, and the best Among Us are unwilling to have more than a penny or two Avail wealth go to those in need. I'm not condemning us. Although I think we are condemning ourselves.
### There's really only one obstacle to Justice for our homeless sisters and brothers. The obstacle is not greedy corporations. The obstacle is not the government. We as a culture quite broadly want every Justice for our homeless sisters and brothers. Every Justice except for the only one that matters, economic Justice, because economic Justice requires the redistribution of wealth, and the best Among Us are unwilling to have more than a penny or two of our wealth go to those in need, let alone the substantial if not massively distribution that conscience, that Humanity, that heart requires. I'm not condemning us. Although I think we are condemning ourselves. Personally my life is devoted to restructuring this value system Within Myself, and I recognize that in doing so I fashion of my life my only possibility for so influencing others in the same direction. And I do so not for any Noble goal. I do so because there in lies the only life of joy and true meaning. I do what I do for the ultimate greed of it.