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Showing posts with label Goodness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Goodness. Show all posts


Ms Susan, the Truck Stop owner, had two wonderful stories.

 in addition to what's mentioned in the video here, at one point  Susan said have a happy journey, to which I replied, in this world of suffering I don't want to be happy. I want instead to be joyful by trying to make it better. She wasn't offended by what I said, at the time she didn't want to hear it, maybe she'll be able to think about it later.


These shoes look previously owned, does that affect the price, James asked? Reese said, try them on and see if they fit first....

 At least eight times if not a dozen James has checked Amazon where previously he has succeeded in purchasing clipless cycling shoes. But along with all other  bike parts the flood of cycling purchases with the beginning of covid has emptied the pipeline and just nothing suitable is available.

James has been able to keep cycling because of some wonderful bike shops but they're not all great, some of them are really snooty, enough, that James finds it distasteful and he tries to avoid them.

pedaling for many hours every day he has wanted to replace the cycling shoes that burned up with the rest of Sol. 

In this town here in Tennessee he would not have guessed it was a cycling Mecca but he noticed a bike shop on the right hand side and chose to stop in.

A cheerful young man emerged from the back, and listened carefully as James explained he was looking for an affordable pair of clipless shoes that he could wear all day long.

Within moments Reese had me trying on $100 pair which James knows is a very affordable price point. But Reese said, I'm going to go in the back and see what else we have. 

The ones I was trying on were very acceptable but they lacked the tread for all-purpose shoes but they were fine.

Though they were a little bit narrow, though the socks I was wearing were a bit thick because it was cold up in the mountains two days ago.

Try these on if you like, Reese said. Only with casual interest, because they looked like great shoes, James said, they look previously used does that affect the price? He was eagerly trying them on as he asked. See if they fit and then we'll discuss it. 

perfect James said. 

They're yours, Reese replied. I like what you're doing. I like your vehicle.

Among the followers of Jesus they said, if you would follow what Jesus said it's going to cost you everything material in life, everything. But it will give you a hundredfold in this life, and I'm certain what they meant was, the few lives Souls will be found much more frequently. What a joy.


Led by Israel, decades-long war on goodness, morality, has been raging. Make of yourself a Channel of goodness, work hard at it.

The war, the gaslighting, is being waged on you and yours. Unless you fight it with everything you've got all memory of goodness will be lost.

And it is a war that your head and your flesh want to lose. For them ignorance is bliss. And for your soul, your very life itself, death. 


Protect ignite soul log July 9, 10. My dear friend bill, James, I don't want you to go, But you need to go and touch the lives of others have you as you have mine. Hopefully....

Protect ignite soul log July 9, 10. My dear friend bill, James, I don't want you to go, But you need to go and touch the lives of others have you as you have  mine. Hopefully.... he is a good enough friend that should he


We have devoted ourselves to developing everything except for what we needed, extreme....

We have devoted ourselves to developing everything except for what we needed, extreme goodness and Humanity which was entirely possible. The heaven of that is still available to every individual, but collectively it is centuries too late.


It was never time to be political, but that's all we've done and look it where....

It was never time to be political, but that's all we've done and look it where
it's gotten us. What if we tried doing the right thing? What if we took the consequences of doing the right thing, and then doing it again, and then doing it again, even if we knew we were going to fail? This is exactly what all the great souls in the history of the world have done, pleaded with us to do, died for us to do.

There is nothing left for us to lose materially except our denial and delusion. There is everything to be gained, in this process we would regain our souls. And this applies to any individual that makes the attempt.


Vaillant.... The โ€œWayโ€ of Confucius led neither to Heaven nor to Yahwehโ€™s favor,but rather to a โ€œcondition of transcendent goodness.>>>

In a China torn to pieces by tribal
strife, Kong Qiu (551โ€“479 BCE)โ€”whose name in the West is Confuciusโ€”worked out the moral principles of the New Testament 500 years before Christ and 2,500 years before Schweitzer and Gandhi. The โ€œWayโ€ of Confucius led neither to Heaven nor to Yahwehโ€™s favor,but rather to a โ€œcondition of transcendent



Important consideration. I think that the pursuit of immediate Justice.....

Important consideration. I think that the pursuit of immediate Justice is typically defeating of more goodness in the world. This just hit me although I think maybe my nervous system has known for most of my life. Walking to internet this morning on a largely empty high speed Road a column of cars approached me as I was as close to the curb as I could be. No cars coming the opposite direction. Three of the four cars naturally gave me a wide berth. The third car in the column did no such thing giving me not an inch. It was so outrageous had I had a hammer in my hand I would have swung it to the side to damage the car in Justice. I'm not happy about that reaction but I'm not unhappy either. It would have been just and maybe even brought more Justice into the world. But it would not have brought more goodness into the world and probably the opposite, hatred, anger. And if I had had a hammer in my hand with that thought occurring to me in that instant I would not have swung it at the car. Now that I see the choice, thankfully in this instance, and now in the future, I definitely prefer the possibility of more goodness in the world, even at the expense of increased immediate Justice. I may find exceptions to this but I think this will be a general principle for me gladly going forward. Although I've never heard this above outlined sentiment expressed, I suspect it is at the root of the nonviolent action advocated for by Tolstoy and Gandhi. They were fairly explicit that what they refer to as non-violence was love in action.


nd. I am finding that the most Godly, Good, Humane group of size that I see on earth I see are our Muslim brothers and sisters... despite all odds they have withstood the onslaught of our corrupt western culture so rife with greed and self-centeredness. This is a finding that greatly surprises me. I also find that the most extremely Humane, Good people on earth, the small handful, are Jews, like this young woman, Jewish Voice for Peace, Norman Finkelstein, Noam Chomsky, Gideon Levy, Amira Haas, Max Blumenthal, Glenn Greenwald, Henry Seigman, Heidi Epsteain, Hajo Meyer, Israel Shahak, the Israeli Refuseniks, Breaking the Silence..... Unimaginable Humanity. I find the most evil on earth the Judeo / Christian white fundamentalists - christians in the US and jews (zionists) in Israel and the US - F'ing Sociopaths, Clinically, and they are about to destroy everything because they have no serious opposition.

I am finding that the most Godly, Good, Humane group of size that I see on earth I see are our Muslim brothers and sisters... despite all odds they have withstood the onslaught of our corrupt western culture so rife with greed and self-centeredness. This is a finding that greatly surprises me.  I also find that the most extremely Humane, Good people on earth, the small handful, are Jews, like this young woman, Jewish Voice for Peace, Norman Finkelstein, Noam Chomsky, Gideon Levy, Amira Haas, Max Blumenthal, Glenn Greenwald, Henry Seigman, Heidi Epsteain, Hajo Meyer, Israel Shahak, the Israeli Refuseniks, Breaking the Silence..... Unimaginable Humanity. I find the most evil on earth the Judeo / Christian white fundamentalists - christians in the US and jews (zionists) in Israel and the US - F'ing Sociopaths, Clinically, and they are about to destroy everything because they have no serious opposition.