“Radicalized capitalists are the terrorists,” Iron Eyes said in a Facebook post on Friday. “The unnatural outlier, the disease of all pursuits of life, liberty, happiness and spirit. Here they stand before God, criminalizing water protectors, privatizing water, preying on the impoverished, forcing a form of indentured servitude for capital exchange, committing genocide, and forcing people to kill each other for their own profits. Not in defense of land, water, people or even ‘country.’ We, sentient beings, are committing unforgivable murder on the innocent for their endless war machine, their death march.” article
The Pursuit of Money and Natural Resources: The Untold Story Behind Myanmar’s Rohingyas.........
Pic. HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY FOR THE .1% and their middle-class Uncle Toms!!!! Military Occupation for all the rest.
and their middle-class Uncle Toms!!!!
Military Occupation for all the rest.
Stop watching Hillary's lips and look at what she and Bill have done to the American people. Look. Look. Look. With their four hands they have done more to destroy, and transfer power and wealth to the elites, then Reagan Bush and Shrub combined.
Stop watching Hillary's lips and look at what she and Bill have done to the American people. Look. Look. Look. With their four hands they have done more to destroy, and transfer power and wealth to the elites, then Reagan Bush and Shrub combined.
History repeats itself 2015 fundamentalist Christian America is just like 1939 Germany before it. A census of Nazi Germany in May 1939......
History repeats itself
2015 fundamentalist Christian America is just like 1939 Germany before it.
A census of Nazi Germany in May 1939, six years into the Nazi era, and incorporating the annexation of mostly Catholic Austria into Germany, indicates that 54% considered themselves Protestant (including non-denominational Christians), and 40% Catholic.
nd. I just saw an article briefly about an upcoming conference to reduce the threat of a nuclear holocaust. I can think of nothing more merciful for humanity now than a global, thorough, total, nuclear holocaust, extinguishing everyone, everywhere, instantly. I can't. The near universal, inescapable suffering currently assured for us is beyond unbearable. (The only 'escape' will the 'transport,' 'Salvation,' to the Creator's Kingdom, for those 1 in a million in every faith and no faith at all that respond to the horror by moving into that part of ourselves which is Universal Loving - Serving the neediest, from the Soul, in Solidarity. Their material world will be Hell but their experiential, psychological, Spiritual world will be Heaven, Joy, Loving, total Peace of Heart.)
***** David Simon tells Bill Moyers: "There was a class war, and the poor people lost. We are Reagan’s children, and we are Thatcher’s children. There is no society, there’s just you. We bought this stuff hook, line and sinker and we are building that. We’re getting the America we’ve paid for.” David Simon tells Bill Moyers: ‘There was a class war, and the poor people lost’ | The Raw Story
Loving, here. I think there is a strategic place for suicide, in the near future, for some (detail)
Brother Joe,
Kind of you to share : Why Go On?—Three Reasons to Keep Living (article in the current JW magazine)
Thank you.
I don't think suicide is necessarily a problem. In fact, I think it is something,
a strategy, that we need to understand, in this 'end times' world, as having
a legitimate place - I think it does. I remember a NYTimes story years ago
during the Darfur Genocide we all did nothing to stop - the murders were, typically,
in a town they were exterminating - they had built a big fire and were throwing
the young boys in, alive, to die. The girls they were brutally gang-raping,
and then murdering...
two sisters sat on the edge of the deep well in town; as the rapists approached
them, they held each other's hands; leaned back, fell into the well, and were
killed - suicide.
I am NOT disparaging the JW article, at all! I'm only saying that there is a place,
too, for suicide in this Satanic, end-times new world. And there are times it should NOT
be done - a mistake.
The creator has shown me a way to try and help others - helping them find
a way off-empire, to the fringes, to live like a holocaust rescuer; and to advocate
that folks stop having babies. This Mission, Call, is already pulling me away from the extreme
personal pain, depression, thoughts of suicide, tho personally, I'm so ready
to leave.
But, not too many years from now when
the fascists come for me, to torture, or lock me away in some hole, to beat
me to death as a homeless person and eyesore, will I seek suicide as an
alternative? I think so. I hope so. Something I need to learn about, and think
Earth cannot sustain 10 billion people, where we are headed. In fact, with the
growing middle classes around the world, it can't sustain 5 billion, and we are
currently at 7.5 billion or so. That downsizing will be torture, war, starvation,
murder, Fascist fostered genocide.... - unrelenting. There is a place for suicide in that.
detail: ROBERT REICH: The TPP is NAFTA on steroids. Make a ruckus.
Loving, here. Considered suicide, last night. 100% out of the question for me, regrettably.
I've been very open with you over the years. Why wouldn't I share this with you? I think it would be very wrong of me to not, on many levels. It is something others go through, it should be talked about, or at least, shared.
This is NOT a cry for help.
1. Suicide is totally out of the question for me. I saw that within minutes. Regrettably.
2. No one can help me through this. Like a rescuer of children, during the Holocaust, this is something I must work through, and solve, myself, the internal psychological, spiritual war, and the external, pragmatic implementation and execution plans.
I lay awake last night for at least 6 hours before being able to sleep - 9pm until at least 3am. This is partly due to the chemo, I think, partly sinus issues, partly permanent changes in my sleep patterns I've not yet figured out, partly the abject terror I feel for myself, for all of creation in the face of 2, not one, unfolding Armageddons - Ecocide and US/global economic Fascism; and a 3rd, personal, armageddon for me - the prospect of another 10-20 years of solitude, extreme vulnerability, etc. Ugh. Shudder.
It is that last one, to do with abject terror, that had me consider, seriously, for a few moments, whether suicide, at some future date, might be the answer for my agony of terror.
Within recent weeks, my life has 100% imploded, in as much as, for me, 'Life' is living out one's world view, especially in terms of how to serve the neediest of Creation. It imploded with my total and complete abandonment of any and all hope that my fellow humans would rise to the occasion to avert these two Armageddons unfolding before our eyes at terrifying speed. I have the intellectual, experiential, let alone moral right, to abandon all hope, because more than one in a million I've been devoting my very being to averting them - ecocide by global warming for 5 years with my every breath, and for the last 6 months, Fascism (tho it is just recently that I've come to see it as Fascism replacing Democracy, in truth, tho not in name).
So, my life of the last 15 years - attempting to spark a mass salvation of human future, is no more. My being, of the last 15 years, is no more. That's a pretty big thing to deal with! All of my life's decisions (economic, living on the street, isolation, tattoos, destitution...)have made sense in view of my goals, my attempts, and now, they are behind me, forever. That's kind of a pretty big shock to the system, the understatement of the millennium.
My Soul, Heart, and mind work like this - they spin out way ahead of me crunching input that I've been cramming in, but crunching it way out of my control - and then they spit out impressions - and the one that hit me quickly last night, particularly sparked with the thought of suicide (sleeping pills or something) was recollections of the contents of one of the most awe-inspiring books I've ever read (several times), "Courage and Conscience," by psychologist Eva Fogleman, on non-Jewish rescuers during the Holocaust. Breathtaking humanity. Unimaginable. THEY LIVED UNIMAGINABLE TERROR (personal, and for others), I instantly recalled. Maybe they personally considered suicide to end their personal terror (unimaginable terror). But instantly they too would realize that this relief was out of the question for them, because there were people that needed their attempts at saving, not the masses, but the few, or the one.
It further hit me that some of them, tho this is pure speculation on my part, devoted earlier years, maniacally, trying to stop the 3rd Reich in its infancy, and like I, realized at some point, that the dream of that happening imploded before their eyes, and probably not to the eyes of others they knew. The early fighters to prevent 3rd Reich domination, and then, to affect rescue when it was too late to stop, were in both cases, the one in a million weirdos. Isolated. Alone.
This is just how I feel today as I type this, and I do not expect it to change. I don't see how I can live with this terror, hour in, hour out, for myself, for US democracy, for all but the middle-and upper classes economically, for all of creation. Sheer terror - no jobs, throw away people to the powers that be; abandoned as soon as prudent, controlled as brutally as is desired by their police forces... masses that have become too inconvenient, by the middle class corporatocracy and their masters. Hunger Games, here, now. Elysium, here, now. I see it, plain as day. Living nightmare.
And I would end it for myself; it is no life living with such terror - crushing. Crushing. But it IS life attempting to rescue the few that realize they need to be rescued (just the smallest of fraction of Jews in Germany came out of their denial enough to see that they and their loved ones needed rescue, desperately.)
Over time, my personal, sheer, terror of a another 10 - 20 years isolation, solitude, working along, in physical destitution, more and more a vulnerable target of the Fascist police force as insane, snowballing income inequality in the US manifests its utter barbarity... will be pushed to the background as I learn to conceptualize, internalize, and again make central to my life the terror I already feel for my fellow human beings, and fellow creatures: Where can the lucky few escape to - off-empire? How to help babies escape by helping their parent's see the abject cruelty in having babies in such a time: 'woe to the mother with child in the end times...,' Jesus was speaking of the impeding destruction of the Jewish peoples... and of today, globally.
If you've read this far, please, if you do anything further with it, ponder it deeply, not as my story, but as the story of a serious human being, a minor prophet, maybe. Please, do not ignore me on this point.
It is NOT important as my personal story. In that sense, it is for me to work out. I'll work it out, tho it is the most daunting task of my lifetime. Please, do not ignore me on this point.
If you, understandably, find you ignore my admonition on these last two points, please be understanding if any reply is not as gentle, or understanding, as you might otherwise expect. I'm a soldier, at war. It ain't easy. It can't be made easy. I'm at the early stages of becoming a Holocaust rescuer. It can't be made easy.
I suspect it will shortly, (last chemo session Monday), have me living back on the ever more hostile, dangerous, fascist streets of DC, back in front of the Canadian Embassy, maintaining a vigil marking the murder of creation, and advocating for parents to not have babies; all the while studying escape routes for those looking to live off-empire, blogging, etc.
Thanks for sharing this journey with me, as much as you have. Don't let it hurt, or overwhelm you. I don't need more folks to worry about than I already have.
Oh, if you have any question as to the source, nature, and or intensity of my terror, these will help you, if anything can. They are 95% or better in line with the current, mainstream science and economic consensus, a distillation of what I've been studying with scholarly rigor for years:
3 min: "We've passed the 59th minute."
WELL WORTH IT 2 hour plus documentary: vid. End of Empire, Civ, Life.
***** Loving's dialog with a dear, Wash, DC, Parent

[Note to a dear friend, an accomplished, impactful writer, in the DC area,
who has been a dear friend these last several years - this friend and
the friend's young family.]
My gauge of you is as an extraordinarily good, loving, responsible,courageous... parent and spouse. As such, I believe you would
have the desire, and strength, to want to see any harm coming in their
direction, sooner, rather than later. I have so wanted, in the case
of those for whom I care.
Such a parent, and spouse, would want to
see these, links below. Based on my lifelong background of sifting through
the minds and ideas of leading edge scientists in industry... and my 5 years
dedication to understanding global warming, ALL, links below, are from the standpoint
of the leading edge, MAIN STREAM scientists, these (below) ARE the
mainstream scientific and economic projections. Nothing the least
bit 'fringe' about them from the standpoint of the main stream
scientists, 97% of them. (100% fringe from the standpoint of Fox News,
the right wing media, and the fossil fuel $1b per year (recent main stream
articles) misinformation machine.)
And the one direction of their views, year in, year out, year
by year, for the last 30-40 years, is that any current year's data says
that their prior year projections of horror were, uh, too, way, way, WAY too
conservative. This never changes, year in, year out. Even the scientists
are subject to internal denial of the facts, science, and the implications.
It is overwhelmingly bleak, and terrifying:
10 min - very good, 2014 synopsis:
2 hour more in depth, what my 1000's of hours of main-stream research
confirms (2007, but very much correct on all the main points), and 99.9999% more
than all but 1 in a million citizens understand about where we are:
Scholarly papers -
Well footnoted to main-stream science, tho the author has taken a more courageous,
honest, more forthright take on the implications of the science than most others have
to date:
Gold Standard Scientific Position, 12.03.13, Nasa's James Hansen, et al:
What these articles and videos above do not cover, is the other Armageddon unfolding,
global fascism, police state, the end of democracy in America (Bill Moyers) Here, here, here, here.
Now, hold on for just a second before you decide I'm a loon. This below is main stream headlines
the last few days. Now, if 85 rich owning 1/2 the world, and the top 2% owning
virtually all of it, if this is not Fascism, the rich owning everything,
the rich (their money and power) 'owning' the
government officials, then, well, hmm, it IS Global Fascism, by whatever name or guise. These people don't
own the 50% because they have good intent; and it requires no 'conspiracy' theory; it is
only to say that 85, or 10,000 people with that much $$$,
near all the rest of us with any power (gov officials) are going
to be sure not to threaten, and to curry favor with, these people. Not one in a million
of us would risk family, education, job, status, comfort... by not pursuing
the money and favor of such money. Let's be real:
The World's 85 Richest Now Worth as Much as 3.5 Billion PoorestBusinessweek
85 richest people own as much as bottom half of population, report ...Opinion-Los Angeles Time
One Stat to Destroy Your Faith in Humanity: The World's 85 Richest ...TIME
World's 85 richest have as much money as 3.5billion poorest people ...Daily MailWorld's richest have same wealth as 3.5 billion poorestCNBC.com
Richest 1% own nearly half of world's wealthUSA TODAY
World's richest 85 people have as much as bottom half the population
McClatchy Washington Bureauetc....
The point? Armageddon, 2x, is unfolding before the eyes of every parent in
America -
1x Armageddon: Earth may only be habitable for another few generations, convulsions
beginning immediately; and the
2x Armageddon: Demise of Democracy in America, and the unfolding of
Global Fascism, a 4th Reich, tho unnamed, is unfolding before the
parent's eyes. It will be one life for the top 1-10% (the owners and their corpratocracy),
and another life entirely, rapidly becoming more bleak, for the rest, the expendables.
For the 'rest,' I'll spend the rest of my life sentence doing what I can to help.
More here, and unfolding here over time.
For many more years to come, most parents will not find the Loving to come out
of their comfortable denial. But some will find the Courage, the Loving, and begin
to figure out how to help their children grow, and find Joy, and mitigation of suffering,
in this terrible, terrifying, convulsing, collapsing, violent, vicious, deadly, and soon dead, new world. I'll do what little I can to help them.No need to reply to me.
Your Loving brother forever, no matter what.
------- Addendum-------
Comment from a young, in college FB friend, MW (initial CRUCIAL dialog, HERE):
'Awesome. Thank you. So depressing. Seems hopeless.'
'It is, materially, hopeless, ONLY because millions will not take the streets, unviolently, UNTIL THEY WIN A FUTURE FOR THEIR KID'S. But some of the most joyful people ever to have walked the earth, will be the folks of your generation that carve out a loving life of mutual community and service, off grid, sustainable, outside of empire. Folks are doing it. Within weeks I'll be diving in to begin understanding, cataloging, sharing, following, and if I'm lucky, joining and helping such communities.'
***** Loving, here: It is time to begin ending ourself as a species, on our own terms vs the terms of Ecocide and Fascism. I'll spend the rest of my life sentence doing my part to help others find as much joy, and as much avoidance of suffering through this now certain Armageddon, as possible. Three elements I'm quite sure to be central to my work: 1. Living, and leading toward Living in a way that gives more life than it takes; 2. Advocating that folks stop having babies when Armageddon is their virtually certain future; 3. Knowledge, awareness, agreements for individual and mutually assisted suicide - The Fascist Forces, and Wars over scarce resources will be cruel, brutal, and ever-present.
1. Living, and leading toward Living in a way that gives more life than it takes;
2. Advocating that folks stop having babies when Armageddon is their virtually certain future;
3. Knowledge, awareness, agreements for individual and mutually assisted suicide - The Fascist Forces, and Wars over scarce resources will be cruel, brutal, and ever-present.
Background documentary, here: http://jesusgodgoodetcnjay.blogspot.com/2014/01/life-ending-on-earth-life-at-end-of.html