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. . . And Photos 2007 - 6/16
Showing posts with label Girls and Women the Key. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Girls and Women the Key. Show all posts
***** OH GOD,OH GOD, OH GOD. Malala at UN: The Taliban failed to silence us CNN
Death fast terminated. I see nothing left to save..
i dont see anything to save. our heartlesness? our fleshworship? our cruel rapatios plundering western culture? we walkjng dead flesheating zomdies? oh malala diane wilson.... imean ihave heakthy tissue in my body but should it be saved? no. more when i can get to a full keyboard. we are an unmitigated scurge blivht on creation. we laugh at repenting. gaia will exterminate us now and this is right and just.
HELP ME. This is your final chance. I'll be gone, then it's to late.
I need you to download, and seed these, keep them running on your computer so others can access them, forever. Do or don't do. It's tween you and Creation now. But I'm the only source on these, and soon I die.
As of right now, all of the following show as having zero or only 1 seed. Uh, that would be me.
Yes, some are dupes. Seed them anyway. Some look like dupes but are audio book vs ebook....
Last and final call. What'll it be, lips-ervice, or life-service?
MITs Dr. Romm, Joseph - Hell and High Water
Pr. Obama, Newtown, 'They're all our children'
A Womans Crusade [mp3] Alice Paul -- Walton - ScanSoft Daniel re
Battle in Seattle - Waging All-out Unviolent War for Humanity
Groundbreaking Stern Report [flv] Economics Global Warming
Rebellious Rosa Parks [mp3] Theoharis - ScanSoft Daniel reads
Peace and Nonviolence Essays [mp3] Guinan - ScanSoft reads
Groundbreaking Stern Report [mp3] Economics Global Warming
Planet of the Apes [1968] GOD DAMN YOU ALL
[Still] An Inconvenient Truth. [ 9 yrs left to completely resolv
Ecocide's Death Fast Day 16, Canadian Embassy DC 04.13.13 Loving
Blood on the Tracks - S. Brian Willson Audio Book
Actionable Essentials 1 EBOOK His Key Statements - Dr. Hansen NA
Zinn and Zinn - A People's History of the United States
An Inconvenient Truth (mp3, mp4) Too Inconvient for U to STAND
Just Do It [mp3, vid] UK Activist, World-class Characteristics
Actionable Essentials 1 MP3 His Key Statements - Dr. Hansen NASA
No Balls, No Change - Suffragists (2004) Iron Jawed Angels
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975) Reality 2012
Malala, NYT Doc - Class Dismissed - Pakistan Girls Schooling
Palin Nation (2012) War Against Competence - Game Change
King of Bain - When Mitt Romney came to town
Iron Jawed Angels (mp3, vid) Epitome of Unviolent Warriors
S. Brian Willson Essays - Zinn, Chomsky Colleague IN ACTION - mp
Revolutionary Nonviolence [w txt] Declaration Unviolent War - Da
From Yale to Jail - Dave Dellinger - Join Him or Step Aside
Autobiography - S. Brian Willson - Text Included
World According to Monsanto (2008) Ultimate Psychopaths. Will yo
Autobiography - S. Brian Willson - Text Included
World According to Monsanto (2008) Ultimate Psychopaths. Will yo
As of right now, all of the following show as having zero or only 1 seed. Uh, that would be me.
Yes, some are dupes. Seed them anyway. Some look like dupes but are audio book vs ebook....
Last and final call. What'll it be, lips-ervice, or life-service?
MITs Dr. Romm, Joseph - Hell and High Water
Pr. Obama, Newtown, 'They're all our children'
A Womans Crusade [mp3] Alice Paul -- Walton - ScanSoft Daniel re
Battle in Seattle - Waging All-out Unviolent War for Humanity
Groundbreaking Stern Report [flv] Economics Global Warming
Rebellious Rosa Parks [mp3] Theoharis - ScanSoft Daniel reads
Peace and Nonviolence Essays [mp3] Guinan - ScanSoft reads
Groundbreaking Stern Report [mp3] Economics Global Warming
Planet of the Apes [1968] GOD DAMN YOU ALL
[Still] An Inconvenient Truth. [ 9 yrs left to completely resolv
Ecocide's Death Fast Day 16, Canadian Embassy DC 04.13.13 Loving
Blood on the Tracks - S. Brian Willson Audio Book
Actionable Essentials 1 EBOOK His Key Statements - Dr. Hansen NA
Zinn and Zinn - A People's History of the United States
An Inconvenient Truth (mp3, mp4) Too Inconvient for U to STAND
Just Do It [mp3, vid] UK Activist, World-class Characteristics
Actionable Essentials 1 MP3 His Key Statements - Dr. Hansen NASA
No Balls, No Change - Suffragists (2004) Iron Jawed Angels
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975) Reality 2012
Malala, NYT Doc - Class Dismissed - Pakistan Girls Schooling
Palin Nation (2012) War Against Competence - Game Change
King of Bain - When Mitt Romney came to town
Iron Jawed Angels (mp3, vid) Epitome of Unviolent Warriors
S. Brian Willson Essays - Zinn, Chomsky Colleague IN ACTION - mp
Revolutionary Nonviolence [w txt] Declaration Unviolent War - Da
From Yale to Jail - Dave Dellinger - Join Him or Step Aside
Autobiography - S. Brian Willson - Text Included
World According to Monsanto (2008) Ultimate Psychopaths. Will yo
Autobiography - S. Brian Willson - Text Included
World According to Monsanto (2008) Ultimate Psychopaths. Will yo
***** [Updated] OMG. LOL: Tolstoy, Paley: "Imagine a flock of pigeons..." (MORE)
From A Calendar of Wisdom
Download here:
A Calendar of Wisdom [EBOOK] L. Tolstoy, Gandhi's Teacher
February 23
Imagine a flock of pigeons in a corn field. Imagine that
ninety-nine of them, instead of pecking the corn they
need and using it as they need it, start to collect all they
can into one big heap. Imagine that they do not leave '
much corn for themselves, but save this big heap of corn
on behalf of the vilest and worst in their flock. Imagine
that they all sit in a circle and watch this one pigeon^ who
squanders and wastes this wealth. And then imagine that
they rush at a weak pigeon who is the most hungry among
them who darest to take one grain from the heap without
permission, and they punish him.
If you can imagine this, then you can understand the
day-to-day behavior of mankind.
[[[UH, you, me, we're the "vilest and worst in their flock."
No? 4 billion of our brothers, sisters, children... live on
$4 per day or less, SOLELY, SIMPLY, ENTIRELY because
we that have more than that, think it is OK. Diane is an
exception. Maybe young Scott. Know any others? I don't.
Yes, yes, yes, we can continue our denial, and it'll all be ok.
Start with me. But, uh, not anymore for our kids, grandkids,
great.... The clock's just got seconds left now,
for them. The Game we've been playing for several hundred
year now, of unbridaled, insane affloholism, is over now.
The only question that remains, and YOUR LIFE will be
the answer to it: Will the Game we leave to our children
and grandchildren and... be:
A. Unmitigated Hell on the Earth we Ecocided; or
B. The Heaven that Jesus, Teresa, King, Gandhi, Malala,
Diane, Emma Goldman, Barack and Michelle... saw, and
gave 100%, Everything, to secure for our kids. They haven't
been able to, nor ever will be able to succeed, without your
all, too, your 100%, your total commitment. But they can't
fail (our, your kids) if you totally dedicate yourselves. Now.
It is up to you. It is ALL up to you now.
vid Dr. Hansen - Averting Ecocide. We're the generation
that wrecked it all, once and soon, certainly now, for all; and due to timing,
we're the only ones that can put it back together. I go on very
soon to Our Creator, SheHeIt. I've little time left to do my part,
but I'll greedily, joyfully, use every breath I'm given to
do that!]]]
Download here:
A Calendar of Wisdom [EBOOK] L. Tolstoy, Gandhi's Teacher
February 23
Imagine a flock of pigeons in a corn field. Imagine that
ninety-nine of them, instead of pecking the corn they
need and using it as they need it, start to collect all they
can into one big heap. Imagine that they do not leave '
much corn for themselves, but save this big heap of corn
on behalf of the vilest and worst in their flock. Imagine
that they all sit in a circle and watch this one pigeon^ who
squanders and wastes this wealth. And then imagine that
they rush at a weak pigeon who is the most hungry among
them who darest to take one grain from the heap without
permission, and they punish him.
If you can imagine this, then you can understand the
day-to-day behavior of mankind.
[[[UH, you, me, we're the "vilest and worst in their flock."
No? 4 billion of our brothers, sisters, children... live on
$4 per day or less, SOLELY, SIMPLY, ENTIRELY because
we that have more than that, think it is OK. Diane is an
exception. Maybe young Scott. Know any others? I don't.
Yes, yes, yes, we can continue our denial, and it'll all be ok.
Start with me. But, uh, not anymore for our kids, grandkids,
great.... The clock's just got seconds left now,
for them. The Game we've been playing for several hundred
year now, of unbridaled, insane affloholism, is over now.
The only question that remains, and YOUR LIFE will be
the answer to it: Will the Game we leave to our children
and grandchildren and... be:
A. Unmitigated Hell on the Earth we Ecocided; or
B. The Heaven that Jesus, Teresa, King, Gandhi, Malala,
Diane, Emma Goldman, Barack and Michelle... saw, and
gave 100%, Everything, to secure for our kids. They haven't
been able to, nor ever will be able to succeed, without your
all, too, your 100%, your total commitment. But they can't
fail (our, your kids) if you totally dedicate yourselves. Now.
It is up to you. It is ALL up to you now.
vid Dr. Hansen - Averting Ecocide. We're the generation
that wrecked it all, once and soon, certainly now, for all; and due to timing,
we're the only ones that can put it back together. I go on very
soon to Our Creator, SheHeIt. I've little time left to do my part,
but I'll greedily, joyfully, use every breath I'm given to
do that!]]]
Malala Yousafzai discharged from hospital. The Guardian
CNN | - ‎3 hours ago‎ |
Yousufzai left Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham, England, on
Friday. In the past two weeks, the girl famous for advocating that girls
in Pakistan be educated -- which stoked the ire of her attackers --
proved her incredible strength by ...
The Guardian | - ‎3 hours ago‎ |
The hospital said Malala
would continue her rehabilitation at her family's temporary home in
Birmingham and visit occasionally for outpatient appointments.
Malala: 'I want every girl, every child, to be educated' Daily Beast
Daily Beast | - ‎6 hours ago‎ |
you can see that I'm alive. I can speak, I can see you, I can see
everyone and today I can speak and I'm getting better day by day.
01.26.13 Chemo again looking unlikely. Seems on Living arrangements I was way optimistic. My bad.
01.26.13 Chemo again looking unlikely. Seems on Living arrangements I was way optimistic. My bad.
So, you, YOU, learn you need chemo over 6 months. You do nothing with your life, your days now, of any importance, so of course, you accept arrangements that will make you 100% unproductive in the world for those 6 months, right? I didn't think so. And if you like, you can take the picture further, you are in a life and death fight for your next 200 billion kids, and the next 6 months are the most crucial by a large order of magnitude for their future....
NO COMPLAINT! NO REGRET. I've made my choices beginning more that a decade ago, and for no amount of money would I change them, or change places with anyone on earth - as frankly, I see no one else, well, maybe Diane, Malala, maybe someone else too, with the level of Joy, Passion, Peace of Heart, Loving... that I have in every breath (cept for the last 4 days or so where I fell HARD off the Path. Back on now, pretty much.)
But to my naive surprise, it is looking like chemo is not to be, for me. Looks like the alternative for 'living' arrangements during the 6 month treatment, I was aware of, too, would require that I "rest" for 6 months - no Phone work for 6 months for Organizing for Action; noVigiling (to this I was resigned); no computer / internet work (? - might be tolerated, but would it be welcome? Would my wifi work from there?)
I was foolishly imagining that on the 10 days out of every 14 that the cancer doc figures I'd be functional, that I could be at least working out of libraries, and maybe vigilling during the day. Based on info I've just received, doesn't look like that is the case - once in the "infermary," welcome to be 'out,' only for treatments, and then back resting - a 'Death sentence,' Dead, for 6 months - the most pivotal 6 months to avert Ecocide.
I'm hoping to hear that the kind soul keeping my gear for me in DC will be able to meet me Monday afternoon to do a hand-off. If so, or by Wed at the latest, hat will enable me to resume the Vigil in front of the Canadian Embassy immediately, and to do a little final ascertaining of the specifics of this "infirmary." If I'm too pessimistic, I should know that by mid week, and would immediately attempt to re-establish the testing and treatment regimen that has been recommended for me. Otherwise, I'll Joyfully devote what time I have left to the vigilling, on-line activism, and if and when they offer it, devoting every second I can to Organizing for Action; as YOU should, too.
'I've spoken of my last 4 days Depression. MUCH to be Depressed about.' Loving
***** NYT 01.26.13: Withdraw Meaningful work, Drive Yourself, or others, Insane
So, you, YOU, learn you need chemo over 6 months. You do nothing with your life, your days now, of any importance, so of course, you accept arrangements that will make you 100% unproductive in the world for those 6 months, right? I didn't think so. And if you like, you can take the picture further, you are in a life and death fight for your next 200 billion kids, and the next 6 months are the most crucial by a large order of magnitude for their future....
NO COMPLAINT! NO REGRET. I've made my choices beginning more that a decade ago, and for no amount of money would I change them, or change places with anyone on earth - as frankly, I see no one else, well, maybe Diane, Malala, maybe someone else too, with the level of Joy, Passion, Peace of Heart, Loving... that I have in every breath (cept for the last 4 days or so where I fell HARD off the Path. Back on now, pretty much.)
But to my naive surprise, it is looking like chemo is not to be, for me. Looks like the alternative for 'living' arrangements during the 6 month treatment, I was aware of, too, would require that I "rest" for 6 months - no Phone work for 6 months for Organizing for Action; noVigiling (to this I was resigned); no computer / internet work (? - might be tolerated, but would it be welcome? Would my wifi work from there?)
I was foolishly imagining that on the 10 days out of every 14 that the cancer doc figures I'd be functional, that I could be at least working out of libraries, and maybe vigilling during the day. Based on info I've just received, doesn't look like that is the case - once in the "infermary," welcome to be 'out,' only for treatments, and then back resting - a 'Death sentence,' Dead, for 6 months - the most pivotal 6 months to avert Ecocide.
I'm hoping to hear that the kind soul keeping my gear for me in DC will be able to meet me Monday afternoon to do a hand-off. If so, or by Wed at the latest, hat will enable me to resume the Vigil in front of the Canadian Embassy immediately, and to do a little final ascertaining of the specifics of this "infirmary." If I'm too pessimistic, I should know that by mid week, and would immediately attempt to re-establish the testing and treatment regimen that has been recommended for me. Otherwise, I'll Joyfully devote what time I have left to the vigilling, on-line activism, and if and when they offer it, devoting every second I can to Organizing for Action; as YOU should, too.
'I've spoken of my last 4 days Depression. MUCH to be Depressed about.' Loving
***** NYT 01.26.13: Withdraw Meaningful work, Drive Yourself, or others, Insane
They now want to kill many Malalas The Guardian
They now want to kill many Malalas
The Guardian | - ‎2 hours ago‎ |
the teachers and health workers serving the village of Sher Afzal
Banda, there were few things more mundane than their daily return
journey to work.
***** MALALA: Pakistani girl shot by Taliban released by UK hospital CTV News
CTV News | - ‎53 minutes ago‎ |
-- Three months after she was shot in the head for daring to say girls
should be able to get an education, a 15-year-old Pakistani hugged her
nurses and smiled as she walked out of a Birmingham hospital.
Gang Rape Victim Dies: "Unless a seed falls to earth and dies it does not bear fruit." Jesus
Our bodies are nothing. NOTHING. God, I know how nuts, quaint, cute,
shallow, callous... that sounds. But it IS NOT; in the only time-frame that matters, Eternity, our bodies mean NOTHING, count for NOTHING, matter NOT AT ALL. Our Spirits, what Force, Loving, we can
be the conduit for, IS EVERYTHING.
With Luke watching, remember when Obi Wan lowered his sabre to allow Darth's blow?
Did Obi Wan cease to exist at that point? He got stronger. "Unless the
seed falls to earth and dies, it bears no fruit."
Now, that 'death,' (GIVING 100% TO OUR NEEDIEST) may take place over 80+ years, like Teresa of Calcutta, over 21 years like Rachel Corrie, 50 years like Diane Wilson, or `15 like Malala... but it is only in dying for our global neediest that we find Life, Joy, Peace of Heart - "dying for" meaning - giving 100%, every last breath, out of Love, for the Joy of it.
As Victim of Gang Rape Dies, 6 Men Are Charged With Murder
New York Times | - ‎41 minutes ago‎ |
DELHI - As protests grew in India on Saturday over the death of a young
woman who was raped in New Delhi this month by several men in a moving
bus, the police said six men accused of attacking her had been charged
with murder.
World observes Malala Day today The News International
The News International - ‎14 hours ago‎ |
UNITED NATIONS: The United Nations has announced to observe 'Malala Day' today (Saturday) under its supervision across the world in the honour of child activist from Swat, Malala Yousafzai, who was shot in the head by the Taliban. UN Secretary General ...
Suspect's sister apologizes for attack on Malala CNN
CNN - ‎2 hours ago‎ |
"Please convey a message to Malala,
that I apologize for what my brother did to her," Rehana Haleem told
CNN on Sunday in an exclusive interview here about her brother, Attah
Ullah Khan, 23.
Malala's parents overjoyed after first visit in UK hospital CNN
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