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Showing posts with label Discipline. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Discipline. Show all posts


I don't enjoy basketball but I am aware that in the game the only way to win is to be honest about the time left on the clock. A team that allows themself the illusion that they have more time than they do always loses. I do not allow myself that luxury. That is one of the reasons that I fight alone.

I don't enjoy basketball but I am aware that in the game the only way to win is to be honest about the time left on the clock. A team that allows themself the illusion that they have more time than they do always loses. I do not allow myself that luxury. That is one of the reasons that I fight alone.


***** James, how would you suggest we... Fill in the blank... Free Palestine, stop global warming, stop fascism in America...? My reply: If I want a Mercedes, new, from a showroom, it really doesn't matter whether I go in with dollar bills, the checkbook, a............

***** James,  how would you suggest we...  Fill in the blank...  Free Palestine,  stop global warming,  stop fascism in America...?  My reply: If I want a Mercedes, new, from a showroom, it really doesn't matter whether I go in with dollar bills, the checkbook, a credit card, a bank check... Etcetera. What matters is the amount. And, oh by the way, if I instead of the amount I go in with lip service, conversation, begging, demanding, taunting, demonstrating, tantruming, Facebook posting, article writing, meeting, 2 hour demonstration... They might tolerate it for a few moments and then they rightfully are going to get me arrested, and no onlooker will object. Lip service, words... wanting... whining, demanding... does not achieve anything worthwhile, though it does give you the total Destruction of one's credibility, moral potential, respect in the eyes of onlookers , worthiness in the eyes of onlookers. Contrary to the criminally insane dictum of my boomer generation, there is no free lunch! When enough of us heroically, lovingly, courageously, selflessly, seriously... pay enough of our own personal lives to be the price of freeing Palestine it will happen. Lip service doesn't help, in fact, it disperses our energy, gives us the delusion that we're making any difference, and totally destroys our credibility in the eyes of potential joiners. An individual, then individuals, then tens of thousands of individuals devoted their very being to get rid of Mubarak and finally it was enough. The same in the American Civil Rights Movement. The same in getting rid of South African apartheid. It is not how we pay the price. It is that we pay the price. I cannot pay the price of anyone else, but I can, or cannot, pay the entire price of my own life.


vid. I SCREAMED AT THE 'BLACK LIVES MATTER' MOB AT THE WHITE HOUSE: "YOU ARE BIGOTS, IGNORANT, HATEFUL... JUST LIKE THOSE YOU PRETEND TO PROTEST." This was last weekend, a mixed race group of young toughs came storming to the north side of the White House late in the day, where, as I am now, I was fighting to Free Palestine. The came storming into the park, a nasty, hateful mob... screaming at all the police. I hate all bigotry, ignorance, savagery... from anyone... to anyone. But especially if it is toward the Secret Service, who over the years I've watched conduct themselves with immense self-discipline, respectfulness, immense decency... a level which if practiced by even 1% of those liberals that considered themselves activists, well, I could on retirement. This good, decent man Clancy is representative of all I've seen in these good folks of the Secret Service.

I SCREAMED AT THE 'BLACK LIVES MATTER' MOB AT THE WHITE HOUSE: "YOU ARE BIGOTS, IGNORANT, HATEFUL... JUST LIKE THOSE YOU PRETEND TO PROTEST."  This was last weekend, a mixed race group of young toughs came storming to the north side of the White House late in the day, where, as I am now, I was fighting to Free Palestine.  The came storming into the park, a nasty, hateful mob... screaming at all the police.  I hate all bigotry, ignorance, savagery... from anyone... to anyone.  But especially if it is toward the Secret Service, who over the years I've watched conduct themselves with immense self-discipline, respectfulness, immense decency... a level which if practiced by even 1% of those liberals that considered themselves activists, well, I could on retirement. This good, decent man Clancy is representative of all I've seen in these good folks of the Secret Service.


***** Stunning protest in Brazil aganist Police 'disapearing' folks. ARTICLE.

***** Stunning protest in Brazil against Police 'disarming' folks

Klear Ly shared Global Revolution LIVE's photo.
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Rio de Janeiro today to protest against police disappearing people. Info:


nd 'Only those Dying to make a difference ever do - All Religions - monks have would-be entrants wait 24/7 at the door, ignored, for weeks, literally before allowing consideration for entry - Monasteries of all Religion. Their version of Marine Boot-camp, or Med School Internship. Yoda, too. See Library Tab, "The Ways and Power of Love," Harvard's Pitirim Sorokin.' Loving

nd 'Only those Dying to make a difference ever do - All Religions - monks have would-be entrants wait 24/7 at the door, ignored, for weeks, literally before allowing consideration for entry - Monasteries of all Religion. Their version of Marine Boot-camp, or Med School Internship. Yoda, too.  See Library Tab, "The Ways and Power of Love," Harvard's Pitirim Sorokin.' Loving


D85 40H 'SL's Planning, Plans, Goals, Expectations....' SL txt, vid

D85 40H 'SL's Planning, Plans, Goals, Expectations....' SL

In the largely despicable, foolish, cultish, non-integrity field of psychology there are a few gems from time to time in this potentially most important of areas, given as the only universe you or I will ever know is the inside of our own nervous system. 

Maybe you know of the methodology for typing people by four classifications - amiable,expressive, analytical, I'm not remembering what the third [driver],  what the fourth is.  Well, Gen. Eisenhower was typed as an analytical, and I've been typed, correctly, the same way.  We're extremely slow learners because every new thing we learn we work to fit in with everything else that we know, changing what we already know or enhancing it.  Very labor-intensive, time intensive process.  But it's what, the way, I want to be.  I believe there is truth to be known, and it's very complex.  Although much less so than one might think.  There are essential truths to be known, they must,they are wholes, they must be understood as a whole.  This is how I work, and in my measurement of attempting to be accountable to eternity's children, including today's, what they need from me, and need for us to โ€˜get it,โ€™ to understand how things work, and to fix the things that are crippling their future based on truth based on how things work, and can work. 

Well. Eisenhower said 'plans are worthless but planning is everything.'  'Plans are worthless.  Planning is everything.'  Now he was a general.  I guess he was, certainly the highest Allied Cmdr. I don't know the rank system.  So not that it was a luxury afforded him, but was in fact afforded to him that his job ultimately was integral with planning.  So he was freed from on-field command.  He was freed from living in the actual trenches so to speak.

And reflecting on myself after a dozen years of devoting myself, donating myself, no longer prostituting myself, devoting myself to our global neediest, I'm only now getting into serious planning.  I've been in serious study, serious reflection, and serious attempts to help do my job which is to work for these children, and it's your job too.  But it's only now, in recent days, the last several weeks that I'm moving into serious planning; it's tremendously helpful.  I don't look askance on the fact that it's taken me so long to get here, there have been street fights Iโ€™ve had to fight, there've been things I've had to learn before I had the ingredients for planning. But I, but I'm into it now and oh boy is it having the chance of accelerating who I am, what I need to bring the world very significantly, it is,  Not that this chart would necessarily show it.

 Toward the middle of the chart  maybe you can make out there are some  places that have a bluer, clear blue area, and elsewhere, well the way I coded this chart, it's that those sure blue would be a five on a scale of  5 to -5 .  This chart is about, black areas are -5, indicating a total void, total void in my hopefulness of life, of providing life, cultivating life.  Sure blue would be wow,  I've really arrived.  So this chart from right to left,  these are multitime per day  readings I take on myself, this dashboard.  There's been a general movement from being useless, or toxic. There aren't any black areas on the left, all-black areas, there aren't any dark red areas, both of which are in the negative to neutral//worthless; no bright blue on the far left, I got a long way to go, but it's trending in the right direction. 

You plan in your life, whether it's how get to the airport on time, or have enough money for your child's education, or your retirement, and on and on and on. You plan the things that are important to you.    Well, what's important to me is the future of eternity's children, and how I can best be the miracle they need me to be toward that end, and well, I thank God that I'm in that planning stage finally.  So the far right is, I don't know, in some respects where I've been these last dozen years, slightly helpful zeros, ones, on a scale of -5 and +5. Now, I'm in kind of solid plus 2, 3 territory.

And the yellow areas on the left here, on this dashboard of mine, are my best articulation of my daily and monthly goals now, and the other items relate to those goals, and if I'm highly focused, and dedicated to all these items, then the likelihood of the yellow areas becoming reality by the end of the year, and staying significant reality in the meantime, increase dramatically.  So, the first yellow area being Dashboarding, being prayerful in The Lord's Prayer which properly prayed, which no one does, but I do now,  thanks to Tolstoy, it's almost another vehicle for planning, for being on plan, being on task, for optimally spending what I am, which is my time, as you are your time, by the way, nothing else.  Dasboarding, and the Lordโ€™s Prayer help me target where I want to spend every second, every breath. 

The second being a second yellow area, talks about a book, video blogging, broadcasting.  God damn this twisted notion that Jesus Was the Way. Jesus didn't say was โ€˜theโ€™ way, not in his words not in his deeds. He said there was a way, He was the only one living it, in that sense He was The way, He is the way.  As Gandhi said, 'be the change you wish to see in the world;' meaning, you must be the way, you must be the solution.  So others can see it, live it. So this second yellow area has to do with me being and being visible, as this Way.

Video blogging, the book, are both ways of driving me toward clarity, and of being that Way, actualization, what  Jesus talked, and walked.  It's not true because He said it, it's true because it's True.  Jesus spoke of burning brightly.  Putting the lampstand were it will be seen well.  Washington DC is pretty visible place so I drive myself toward spending as much time as possible in front of the White House, so that I more become that that lampstand, provided that these other pieces can take place.

And my fast, the hunger strike. is a way of burning brightly, and as a brother and sister to eternity's children, and to you, of putting myself in the way of the harm, to shield eternity's children.  

And clinically obsessed, that being a healthy thing, in this case, with Derrick Jensen and his book, Deep Green Resistance, and I'm determined to do a rewrite, edit, of that book, for the benefit of the authors and for the benefit of those who otherwise will head off in a deadly, unintended direction. 

Next goal in yellow is to achieve and manitain a fast, relentless onslaught; being the change we must see in the world is being the producing at a frenetic pace, not for the sake of being frenetic, the producing to be contributing at a frenetic pace.  Apple Corporation is a convenient example, they produce extraordinary output at a frenetic pace.  I wish they'd stop, it distracts us from the world's issues.  Objectively their value is because they produce what's valued at a frenetic pace.  That's what I must be and you must be.

An additional element is to work into a schedule these next two months as much time left, as much on a daily basis as I think I can, a massive amount of learning.  I've ammassed many valuable audio books when on vigil, not doing these other things, hopefully in front of the White House  I can be studying history's greatest minds, history's greatest souls,  weaving those fibers into my own; becoming what we need to see in the world โ€“ all of us.