I don't enjoy basketball but I am aware that in the game the only way to win is to be honest about the time left on the clock. A team that allows themself the illusion that they have more time than they do always loses. I do not allow myself that luxury. That is one of the reasons that I fight alone.
I don't enjoy basketball but I am aware that in the game the only way to win is to be honest about the time left on the clock. A team that allows themself the illusion that they have more time than they do always loses. I do not allow myself that luxury. That is one of the reasons that I fight alone.
***** James, how would you suggest we... Fill in the blank... Free Palestine, stop global warming, stop fascism in America...? My reply: If I want a Mercedes, new, from a showroom, it really doesn't matter whether I go in with dollar bills, the checkbook, a............
***** James, how would you suggest we... Fill in the blank... Free Palestine, stop global warming, stop fascism in America...? My reply: If I want a Mercedes, new, from a showroom, it really doesn't matter whether I go in with dollar bills, the checkbook, a credit card, a bank check... Etcetera. What matters is the amount. And, oh by the way, if I instead of the amount I go in with lip service, conversation, begging, demanding, taunting, demonstrating, tantruming, Facebook posting, article writing, meeting, 2 hour demonstration... They might tolerate it for a few moments and then they rightfully are going to get me arrested, and no onlooker will object. Lip service, words... wanting... whining, demanding... does not achieve anything worthwhile, though it does give you the total Destruction of one's credibility, moral potential, respect in the eyes of onlookers , worthiness in the eyes of onlookers. Contrary to the criminally insane dictum of my boomer generation, there is no free lunch! When enough of us heroically, lovingly, courageously, selflessly, seriously... pay enough of our own personal lives to be the price of freeing Palestine it will happen. Lip service doesn't help, in fact, it disperses our energy, gives us the delusion that we're making any difference, and totally destroys our credibility in the eyes of potential joiners. An individual, then individuals, then tens of thousands of individuals devoted their very being to get rid of Mubarak and finally it was enough. The same in the American Civil Rights Movement. The same in getting rid of South African apartheid. It is not how we pay the price. It is that we pay the price. I cannot pay the price of anyone else, but I can, or cannot, pay the entire price of my own life.
vid. I SCREAMED AT THE 'BLACK LIVES MATTER' MOB AT THE WHITE HOUSE: "YOU ARE BIGOTS, IGNORANT, HATEFUL... JUST LIKE THOSE YOU PRETEND TO PROTEST." This was last weekend, a mixed race group of young toughs came storming to the north side of the White House late in the day, where, as I am now, I was fighting to Free Palestine. The came storming into the park, a nasty, hateful mob... screaming at all the police. I hate all bigotry, ignorance, savagery... from anyone... to anyone. But especially if it is toward the Secret Service, who over the years I've watched conduct themselves with immense self-discipline, respectfulness, immense decency... a level which if practiced by even 1% of those liberals that considered themselves activists, well, I could on retirement. This good, decent man Clancy is representative of all I've seen in these good folks of the Secret Service. http://www.nbcnews.com/nightly-news/new-secret-service-chief-joseph-clancy-let-us-prove-ourselves-n267341
***** Stunning protest in Brazil aganist Police 'disapearing' folks. ARTICLE.
Klear Ly shared Global Revolution LIVE's photo.
nd 'Only those Dying to make a difference ever do - All Religions - monks have would-be entrants wait 24/7 at the door, ignored, for weeks, literally before allowing consideration for entry - Monasteries of all Religion. Their version of Marine Boot-camp, or Med School Internship. Yoda, too. See Library Tab, "The Ways and Power of Love," Harvard's Pitirim Sorokin.' Loving
VIDEO: Occupy DC: Occupy DC: Police give 3 months extreme restraint
Occupy DC: Police give 3 months extreme restraint Violence, Vicious Police Retaliation.
D85 40H 'SL's Planning, Plans, Goals, Expectations....' SL txt, vid
Toward the middle of the chart maybe you can make out there are some places that have a bluer, clear blue area, and elsewhere, well the way I coded this chart, it's that those sure blue would be a five on a scale of 5 to -5 . This chart is about, black areas are -5, indicating a total void, total void in my hopefulness of life, of providing life, cultivating life. Sure blue would be wow, I've really arrived. So this chart from right to left, these are multitime per day readings I take on myself, this dashboard. There's been a general movement from being useless, or toxic. There aren't any black areas on the left, all-black areas, there aren't any dark red areas, both of which are in the negative to neutral//worthless; no bright blue on the far left, I got a long way to go, but it's trending in the right direction.