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Showing posts with label DEMhypocrites. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DEMhypocrites. Show all posts


I have 1683 listed FB friends. If I can't drive that down to about 10, in the months the oncologist gives me to live, I've failed you all. Liberals, wake the f*ck up. As the young, heroic, Egyptian GOOGLE exec said 2 years ago, "Revolutions are not won on the internet. They are won in the streets."

  1. I have 1683 listed FB friends. If I can't drive that down to about 10, in the months the oncologist gives me to live, I've failed you all. Liberals, wake the f*ck up. As the young, heroic, Egyptian GOOGLE exec said 2 years ago, "Revolutions are not won on the internet. They are won in the streets."

GRAPHIC: "What if we no longer call it politics. What if we call it "your child's life." Then will you be interested?"

Eric Schechter shared Occupy the NRC (Nuclear Regulatory Commission)'s photo.


***** (detail) 'As Creation's my witness, I Pray for GOP 2014 taking House AND Sentate 2014...(here's why).

Pr. Obama has my Love, and Respect, but he has totally lost my confidence, and therefore so have the Dems with their: unconditional surrender to fossil fuels (YES, Pr. Obama's recent speech is unconditional surrender to ecocide - scientific FACT), Guantanamo torture, NSA unconstitutional unAmerican spying, Monsanto revolving door, cowardly demonic drones....

My point?

Unless I see an about face, I'd want see the Republicans back in power, House AND Senate, in 2014.

WHAT you say?????

Yes. The GOP will destroy the US economy. That will destroy the world economy, grinding the earth-rape and earth-plunder ecocide machine to a crawl. Nothing else can save the future of Creation, for the next 200 billion kids.

Nothing. Be honest, NOTHING can get YOU do try and stop it, with your very life, and nothing less has a Prayer. Right? RIGHT?

GOP 2014 is the only hope for Creation. SHARE THIS, or de-friend me. OK? Now.


***** !!!!! Just died, 92 yr old Holocaust Rescuer of 1,200: "Humanity has understood nothing [from the Holocaust]. Religious, tribal, national wars continue. The world continues to be in a sea of blood."

"Humanity has understood nothing [from the Holocaust]. Religious, tribal, national wars continue. The world continues to be in a sea of blood."

pic Nero fiddled. We facebook. I’d forgotten why I wasn’t spending time on FaceBook much. The last 4 days have reminded me. All talk. No action. Just more posts. ‘Revolutions do not happen on the internet. They happen in the streets,’ Wael Ghonim (paraphrase) just one, big, time killing, creation killing, social, circle-jerk. “example is not the major thing in influencing people. It is the only thing.” Albert schweitzer

pic From [FB], More Trees, Less Assholes: Knowing the problem is half the solution ! From, StartLoving1: ‘Knowing the problem is [THE ONLY] half [OF THE] the solution [THAT THE LIP-SERVICE LEFT CARES TO KNOW, NO MATTER THE COST TO THEIR KIDS AND GRANDKIDS.]!

From [FB], More Trees, Less Assholes: Knowing the problem is half the solution ! From, StartLoving1: ‘Knowing the problem is [THE ONLY] half [OF THE] the solution [THAT THE LIP-SERVICE LEFT CARES TO KNOW, NO MATTER THE COST TO THEIR KIDS AND GRANDKIDS.]!