Overthrow of the head and flesh by the Soul / heart, the only true Revolution possible. Pic
We have a Triune Brain, Reptile (Flesh, selfish), Homo Sapiens (Head, selfish), Mammalian (Soul, Heart, Altruistic, Otherish, Altruistic). This is the science, neuroscience, ethology, primatology, psychology, anthorpology.
The only possible revolution is to put the Soul, Heart, in charge.
The Titanic we, WE, are sinking, is the necessary certain result of the Head and Flesh in charge. They DO NOT KNOW, CAN NOT CARE ABOUT, future of creation. DON'T TAKE MY WORD FOR IT. THINK ABOUT IT. Only the Heart, Soul, is designed and capable of CARING for the future of creation. This is what my life, and this site, have been about for the last 10 years.
The proof of the head and flesh (Reptilian brain) in charge. Trump and his hoards are the Reptile people. No?? The Democrats, Liberals, are the Head... Silicon, Cerebral, gutless, heartless, intellectual people. NO?!?!?!?!?
THE Revolution, Soul/Heart in charge, HAS NEVER BEEN TRIED. Jesus tried to start it and BEFORE HIS BODY WAS COLD, his 'followers' genned up a Religion of Head and Flesh under his brand. The exceptions prove the rule.
Why wage this Revolution?
1. Waging it is the only Joy.
2. Waging it is the only possibility of Joy for those you can influence.
3. Waging it is the only way to possibly provide a good future for future generations, though ecocide, armageddon, is now beyond avoiding, but the survivors....
Get on with it.
For more, click on the 'tags' below for more posts and information. Explore this site, posts at the right timeline, tags at the bottom left.. I am a pitiful instrument, but am 40 years ahead of the 2018 science. I know what I'm talking about. Ignore this at your peril, a the peril of all whom you influence.
Regardless, never say I didn't do my best for you. I have, and will continue to do so.
My life remains devoted, every breath, to this revolution. Subscribe at the upper right, to the daily email summary. Or not. I cannot do your part, nor will I anymore try. You can lead a horse to water....
Liberalism is nothing new. Just a different set of ground rules for who is over privileged and who is underprivileged.
Liberalism is nothing new. Just a different set of ground rules for who is over privileged and who is underprivileged.
I love the truth above everything because the truth is necessary to love everything, and anything. I do not know the group that loves truth more than it loves its own Darkness. The.......
I love the truth above everything because the truth is necessary to love everything, and anything. I do not know the group that loves truth more than it loves its own Darkness. The........ conservative town breathtakingly kind and supportive to this mission, but then they found out that I call out conservative to behavior that I find destructive. And then it went dead. And the same thing happened in a very liberal town. Breathtakingly supportive. And then things went dead. I am not conservative. I am not liberal. I stand with the truth that gives life as best I can, and I call out what I think leads to death. I do not know the group that loves truth more than its own Darkness.
***** I have never been so wealthy, because these last four weeks , from trying to do good, I was poor and helpless. My first five decades I.........
I have never been so wealthy, because these last four weeks , from trying to do good, I was poor and helpless. My first five decades I had material wealth that makes me cringe with regret. These last four weeks I have had the wealth of community such as I never imagined I would live to see. Part of it is lds. I could never share their origin beliefs in my soul. Not possible for me. Nor would I want to. But as my teacher Jesus said, they will know you by how you love, and these folks love. They are denomination was seems to be producing loving people such as I have never hoped to see. Part of it is living among those who have not embraced our cultural ways , our worship of material wealth. Here in this part of the country the true economy is profoundly different, deep opposite. In my Northern sophisticated life the first, second, third, fourth lines of defense are money. Here in the country South Part I have been in those lines of Defence are neighbors, friends, strangers who you know and don't know. These folks are so much more Rich than we poor over privileged Northerners. So much more wealthy. And, hear this, we Northerners endure our economy for the pitiful Pleasures it gives us. The economy down here that I have witnessed is intrinsically joyful. Infinitely more than we Northerners, there is intrinsic worth and what these folks do. Growing stuff. Feeding folks. Helping folks. Serving folks. Building Community with folks. Flow is a concept that every video game programmer knows. Mahalo csikszentmihalyi University of Chicago found that the human being is the most gratified when it is totally absorbed in the challenge, Pursuits, for which she or he has adequate skill, like a video game, but those whose whole life is like that AR living a life that makes a difference to their neighbors, a positive difference. The most joyful population he and his researchers found in the world was a farming community off-grid, out of all communication, in the northern Italian Alps. That's what I've been in these last 4 weeks. Tens or hundreds of years ahead of us. Perfect? Oh my goodness no. The only thing that shouts louder than their protests that they are not racist or bigoted as their racism and bigotry. That must change. For their very Souls that must change. But they are way ahead of us sophisticated Northerners. Their economy is infinitely more Rich, more sustainable , more Godly. Part of the ugliness that they do evidence, may be a large part, is out of the fear of the ever more powerful Northern Elite crushing all that is Good, Godly, Christlike , that they have. It is understandable that they would act out hateful, in horror and Terror. had I not been poor, vulnerable, helpless because I was trying to help others, I would never have encountered this. What a Divine gift. What a divine blessing. I will be infinitely wealthier because of this, forever.
***** If our citizen cowardice and inaction, if our liberal Citizen inaction and cowardice, are not to blame for the world's problems then there is no hope because no one can set things right except for we American citizens, we liberal American citizens. To someone that is outraged that I.....
***** If our citizen cowardice and inaction, if our liberal Citizen inaction and cowardice, are not to blame for the world's problems then there is no hope because no one can set things right except for we American citizens, we liberal American citizens. To someone that is outraged that I would not send Obama to Louisiana until they stop denying climate change: I'm an American, I live in America, I believe that America5 deserves and Americans deserve need Untold misery for our criminal neglect and how we allow our government to trample people all around the world. That means that I would suffer for that to happen. I take responsibility for the actions of my government. The buck stops with me. In my book, and in the real world, the buck stops with we citizens. You need not feel the same. But that's how I feel and that's how I act..... and to a long time friend who is horrified at my stance on this, I reject citizens blaming what is 99.99 9% of what we f****** liberals do. Oh, except ourselves, we never blame ourselves. I embrace total responsibility, personal responsibility, personal f****** citizen no excuse buck stops here responsibility. If you are only understanding that now about me, thank goodness you are understanding it now. I am happy to be rejected, I welcome being rejected, unfriended, whatever, by all who do not Embrace this. It is totally right and just that those who do not Embrace this would unfriend me. James
Somebody please clue me in. I mean, why the hell would non Highly Educated whites (substantially employable at decent wages) not, I repeat, not, want Trump? He's a straight-out fascist. He's a white supremacist. He.....
Somebody please clue me in. I mean, why the hell would non Highly Educated whites (substantially employable at decent wages) not, I repeat, not, want Trump? He's a straight-out fascist. He's a white supremacist. He addresses them like they are the most important, whereas the Liberals have made it clear they are the least important for decades now, they think he will change the game to give them power. He will. What's not to understand?
### Our men and women in uniform have been put in an impossible situation because we f****** liberals haven't had the balls to do anything to stop the death spiral of this country for the last 40 years. They are our victims. We are the villains. We have much to repent for. Much to pay for. Soon it will be too late for us to start.
### Our men and women in uniform have been put in an impossible situation because we f****** liberals haven't had the balls to do anything to stop the death spiral of this country for the last 40 years. They are our victims. We are the villains. We have much to repent for. Much to pay for. Soon it will be too late for us to start.
***** Dear Democratic Party, I’m Leaving You and I’m Taking the Kids
### I think the house action on gun control was a cynical ploy to drum up votes for establishment Democrats in November. There from 5:30 this morning it .......
### I think the house action on gun control was a cynical ploy to drum up votes for establishment Democrats in November. There from 5:30 this morning it took me until 2 o'clock this afternoon to come to this conclusion but I see it as nearly inescapable. There was nothing about strategy after today. And when they came to talk to us outside the house throughout the morning and at the closure they were far too likely to stress how important it was to vote for Democrats in November, especially Hillary. They do not have a strategy for getting gun control legislation. They see a strategy for establishment Democrats winning in November especially Hillary. F*** them all. These are the same bastards that with few exceptions, with John Lewis at the head of them, happy to sacrifice Palestinian children of color on the altar of establishment democracy winning elections. F*** them all.
### Extraordinary moral stature. The great change agents, the Agents of positive change, throughout history are of an extraordinary moral stature. Indisputable, right? How.........
### Extraordinary moral stature. The great change agents, the Agents of positive change, throughout history are of an extraordinary moral stature. Indisputable, right? How many activists since the assassination of Martin Luther King don't totally reject measuring themselves, let alone being measured by others, against that same yardstick? Practically all, they incinerate anyone that dares go there. Moral stature is everything to the true would-be Catalyst for moral change. And it doesn't even make it into the discussion, into the consideration, into the planning these last fifty years in America. Everything but. This is why there's no hope.
The political, cultural and judicial system in a capitalist state is centered around the protection of property rights. And, as Adam Smith pointed out, when civil government “is instituted for the security of property, [it] is in reality instituted for the defense of the rich against the poor, or of those who have some property against those who have none at all.” The capitalist system is gamed from the start.'' Chris Hedges. See article.....
***** Avoiding unpleasantness is not the reason for denial, not the primary reason. Avoiding unpleasantness is not the reason that we limit how much ugliness we are willing to see on Facebook, how much unpl......
***** Avoiding unpleasantness is not the reason for denial, not the primary reason. Avoiding unpleasantness is not the reason that we limit how much ugliness we are willing to see on Facebook, how much unpleasantness we allow to become Central in so-called activism or in the nature of the so-called activism we have been willing to practice these last forty years or so. The primary function of denial is not to avoid unpleasantness, it is to avoid becoming loving, it is to avoid Gandhi's Truth Force, to avoid what happens when Awful Truth makes it past our denial system and hits our heart. It activates our heart, it hijacks our nervous system, and turns us near irresistibly into Insanely Humane (INSHE) Warrior antiviolent Servants of righteousness, Servants of what is Right, Servants of what our human family most needs of us, what all of our fellow life forms need of us. God forbid.... So, as the central one of our many contributions to the extermination of all life on Earth, we f****** baby boomers, our central contribution has been the activism-ino-ism of the last 40 years which is so careful to be sure that we conduct ourselves in a way that it is attractive, it is fun, it is Pleasant, it is something that people want to do, to 'join' ( a social club with a thin veneer of activism )... thereby scrupulously and absolutely avoiding bringing online truth Force, the heart, soul Force, loving... the only force in the universe that could overcome the largest mercenary force that Earth has ever seen. Brilliant. Murder.
The pursuit of justice is a wonderful breeding ground, a wonderful excuse, for hatred among those doing the pursuit toward whoever their targets are. The arrogance, hatred, hypocrisy in current 2016 so-called activism........
The pursuit of justice is a wonderful breeding ground, a wonderful excuse, for hatred among those doing the pursuit toward whoever their targets are. The arrogance, hatred, hypocrisy in current 2016 so-called activism is throwing this in my face as I so wish it was not. Without love, it is hatred. If anyone is being dehumanized, discriminated against against, victimized, it is not loving, just more of the same old hatred. Not Revolution. More of the same. Just an attempted change in who is doing the oppressing and who is oppressed.
***** Climate activists taunting the police, my sisters and brothers all. I want that world of your hatred and taunts toward the police, even less than I want the world of climate change. I'd.......
Climate activists taunting the police, my sisters and brothers all. I want that world of your hatred, nastiness, immaturity, Tantrums, Self righteousness, hipocricy, over privilege, and taunts toward the police, even less than I want the world of climate change. I'd rather see we humans go extinct as we are doing, and as we will continue to do if this is the best activism you can find to do, and let the rest of the species get a chance to live without us. This, despite the fact that there are few people alive that have offered and paid a higher personal price to stop global warming than I.
***** My fellow progressives, Sanders supporters, opponents of ecocide: regardless of what else they say or do, none of us that consumes more than our fair share of global resources is an opponent of ecocide, but rather a fierce agent thereof. No one; but rather the most disgusting and leathal of hypocrites. The law of morality and.......
***** My fellow progressives, Sanders supporters, opponents of ecocide: regardless of what else they say or do, none of us that consumes more than our fair share of global resources is an opponent of ecocide, but rather a fierce agent thereof. No one; but rather the most disgusting and leathal of hypocrites. The law of morality and the law of ecology finally now reject the delusion that they are two different things. Oh, we are able to continue in our delusion, our hypocrisy, but not without causing the final cataclysm to run its course. Gandhi understood the Golden Rule to be, '...to steadfastly refuse to have what billions cannot have.' True Revolution, now, is all that will save us. The revolution is not , more Justice for we, all of us, grotesquely overprivileged Americans, which by every global standard we are. The revolution is Justice for the least of these our Global sisters and brothers. You, I, have a simple test. Are we truly, actually, really, in truth, living at or near the Golden Rule as stated by Gandhi, which is the measure of our Brotherhood, our solidarity, or sanity, our decency, our worthiness, our loving, or not? Are we consuming more than our absolute need, as measured by our neediest sisters and brothers on Earth? Are we consuming more than our share, as measured by our neediest sisters and brothers on Earth? Those of us that continue to live our grotesque hypocrisy richly deserve the cataclysm that will befall our children. Our children, and our Global neediest sisters and brothers, however, do not. Only living full solidarity with the global media is the revolution. That is the only Revolution that has ever been possible, and the only one yet to be tried.
***** Suddenly I feel profoundly less alone. I consider Norman Finkelstein the most important nonviolent Warrior in the last 30 or 40 years , certainly the most heroic, qualified, determined, capable.... And here he is at the top of his powers totally and completely marginalized, an outsider, rendered a non-participant by this sickest of all cultures, this most disgusting shadow of a left liberal movement. Yes, suddenly I feel much less alone. ''Norman Finkelstein on Sanders, the first intifada, BDS, and ten years of unemployment.''
The cowardice and inaction of liberals for the last 30 years or more has left the police as the s*** sweepers. Ours is the shame. The police are The Fall Guys for the Liberals criminal inaction and when it comes to the clintons, criminal actions.
The cowardice and inaction of liberals for the last 30 years or more has left the police as the s*** sweepers. Ours is the shame. The police are The Fall Guys for the Liberals criminal inaction and when it comes to the clintons, criminal actions.