Israel furious at S. Africa invitation of Hamas delegation
***** Zionist thinking is Nazi thinking... supremacist, hyper-nationalistic, brutish, delusional, sociopathic....
***** Zionist thinking is Nazi thinking... supremacist, hyper-nationalistic, brutish, delusional, sociopathic....
UN: Gaza could be 'uninhabitable' by 2020 if trends continue
PSYCHO-STATE ISRAEL...FOR REAL. Israeli parents show pictures of their children with signs they have made calling for the execution of terrorists.
***** HOLOCAUST SURVIVOR: "Call the Zionists what they are: NAZI CRIMINALS....If we want to stay real human beings, we must get up and call the Zionists what they are: Nazi criminals,” Meyer said. The hate of the Jews by the Germans “was less deeply rooted than the hate of the Palestinians by the Israeli Jews,” he observed.

In last interview, Auschwitz survivor urged Palestinians “not to give up their fight”
Shame shame shame on every one of us for allowing mass murderer Netanyahu to spew these lies and get away with his horrors. Israel breaks international law and intercepts Gaza Freedom Flotilla.
The Israeli Zionist hit me in the head in front of the White House just now. In my.......
The Israeli Zionist hit me in the head in front of the White House just now. On my 18 block walk to the White House this morning I thought of something I had not thought of in a long time. It is well documented that among the most painful things for the human being is to be ignored. Eye contact is one of the greatest rewards that one can give another. This is measured, established, scientific fact. Depriving someone of eye contact, especially when they want it, or seek it, is among the most disturbing, painful, things that one can do. The group of Israeli Zionists encircled my signs for several minutes, taunting me, calling me liar, calling me Nazi..... I made no eye contact. I made no notice of them whatsoever as they spat their venom. As they got ready to leave one came over and squatted down inches from my face. I kept my attention in my work. He was taunting me. His hand shot out and he swatted my head. I immediately screamed for the officers. Officer! Officer! The young, handsome, African American Secret Service agent who greeted me with a warm smile and an enthusiastic hand shake when I arrived at 9 o'clock this morning is the one who first saw and came over. That man assaulted me, the one in the blue shorts and grey shirt, I said, pointing to the man in the group now 50 yards away and walking, slinking away as fast as they could. Do you want to press charges, the officer asked me? no, I said, I want him to understand that this is not Israel, there are laws here, there is civilization here, at least a little. In less than 30 seconds five officers were calmly but firmly involved. Immediately the man and his friends denied what they had done, lying, lying, lying, and lying. The officer who first got involved immediately said to them, of me, "I know this man. He would not lie." ( which is true. ) Several minutes later after the officers had spoken to the man, again, this time another officer, asked me if I wanted to press charges. No I said. As I returned to my station an officer said, I apologize for that happening. I said, "no apology needed whatsoever. Thank you for your help. I wanted them to understand that this is not Israel. There is some rule of law here." As I have often written, over many years now, my respect and admiration for the Secret Service is immense. If American liberals had half of the decency and courage of these folks the world would no longer have any problems.
UN report condemns Israel as violator of children's rights over Gaza conflict
SPDF: When the police start acting like a gang A journalist learns that if you photograph Border Policemen committing a felony, you’ll probably end up paying for it.
**** CRUCIAL.PLS READ. 'if Israel dropped its guns, not a single resident would be alive within days....... more
**** CRUCIAL.PLS READ. 'if Israel dropped its guns, not a single resident would be alive within days. If Syria, Hamas, the PLO, and Hezbollah droped their guns, there would be peace in the middle east.' ( this comment from a high school classmate from the white, criminally elitist, Wall Street banker suburb in northern New Jersey, Short Hills, in which I was raised and indoctrinated to my life of sociopathic white overprivilege, exploitation, subjugation... ).
MY REPLY. 'You are right. I stand corrected. You make a good point.
That's why the white plantation owners in the south needed to oppress, enslave, subjugate the n******. That's why the white European colonists needed to exterminate upwards to 100 million native Americans. That's why the white Europeans in South Africa needed to so savagely oppressed the blacks, stealing their resources, stealing their land, from those non white savages. That's why the white Australians have needed to exterminate and opress the Aborigines. That is why you white supremacists needed to exterminate upwards of 100 million blacks in the Congo. It is why you needed Jim Crow in the south, and your oppressive, white racist police forces across the United States today.
And yes, as you correctly assert, that is exactly why Israel today needs to imprison the rightful owners of the land between the river and the sea, those by nature, genetically, inferior, savage, godless Arab Muslims who demonstrated their subhuman, savage, evil, warlike, terrorist... nature by having the audacity to live peacefully with the 3% minority Jews for thousands of years in the land of Palestine, in their 500 villages, and their relatively advanced, civililized, peaceful, Godly, culture. It is why Israel needed to preemptively mount a massive terror campaign, Plan Dalet, in November of 1947, mount 30 to 50 atrocities including the rape of women, the summary execution of old men, pregnant women, children, such as in Deir Yassin, in November of 1947, expelling through terror and force 250 thousand of the native inhabitants against all international law, against the UN Charter that allowed for the creation of Israel, and against their explicit promises to the United Nations . It is why, among the population that unlike Europe had welcomed them as protection from the Nazis, it is why they needed to carefully and aggressively build military units in anticipation of the ethnic cleansing, incremental genocide, campaign that Ben Gurion engineered and preemptively launched in November 1947, and it is why every day since with ever increasing savagery, the white Israelis have needed to persecute, torment, terrorize, and terminate the Palestinians.
Unless you sociopathic white state terrorists oppress, exploit, rape, colonize, ethnically cleanse, mass murder , exterminate... the non-whites, they will kill you, you a assert, over, and over, and over, and over.... .
The only slight problem with what you say is that your argument is based on three things that are just ever so slightly questionable:
1. Ignoring that you white supremacists are the ones that actually do the mass murder, state terrorism, consummate deceit, consummate lives, unending exploitation, unending terrorism ,
2. It is not their behavior, the non-whites, but you're pathological rhetoric, insane, savage lies and propaganda about what the non-whites will do, that suggests that they would kill someone. Not their behavior. But hey, who's going to value their behavior over your lies, deceit, and propaganda. Of course what you whites say matters, and what they don't do, as inconvenient for us that may be, doesn't matter.
3. The non-whites ( any and every oppressed, occupied, population ) by international law have the right to resist by any and every means available the war criminality of you white, racist, bigoted, sociopathic, state terrorist colonizers, oppressors, exploiters,, robbers, subhumans... .
Have a nice day