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Showing posts with label Conditional Family. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Conditional Family. Show all posts


***** Jesus: Hear me! The 'Hand of God' is Conscience, Wisdom, empathy, Heart, Soul, Spirit, Loving, Serving, Solidarity. Your 'capitalism' explicitly and zealously and Religiously commands you to surrender to that Other's 'Hand,' Greed, Mammon, Flesh, Head, Deceit, Lies, Hostility, Exploitation, Destruction, Alienation, Self-centeredness, Division, Systems, Institutions. And this is finally destroying you. As I warned it would.

***** Jesus:  Hear me! The 'Hand of God' is Conscience, Wisdom, empathy, Heart, Soul, Spirit' Loving, Serving, Solidarity. Your 'capitalism' explicitly and zealously and Religiously commands you to surrender to that Other's 'Hand,' Greed, Mammon, Flesh, Head, Deceit, Lies, Hostility, Exploitation, Destruction, Alienation, Self-centeredness, Division, Systems, Institutions. And this is finally destroying you. As I warned it would.


***** SPDF Day 39: Is No One COMMITTED to Palestine? Outside of Palestine I see dozens or even thousands of involved citizens....

SPDF Day 39:  outside of Palestine I see dozens or even thousands of involved citizens. I am not sure that I see any that are committed. There is no hope, there has never been any hope, except when citizens were committed.  'The chicken is involved, the pig is committed.'


***** Friends, I am praying that you read this, deeply, and comment, if you feel deeply about it: Our species’ epitaph may well read: the human species died out because of 1. recreationalized sex (the finally global addiction for which men finally betrayed and destroyed everything), and 2. the cancer of “nuclear family (the OTHER finally global addiction for which men finally betrayed and destroyed everything), (click for more pls)

Friends, I am praying that you read this, deeply, and comment, if you feel deeply about it: 

Our species’ epitaph may well read: the human species died out because of 1. recreationalized sex (the finally global addiction for which men finally betrayed and destroyed everything), and 2. the cancer of “nuclear family (the OTHER finally global addiction for which men finally betrayed and destroyed everything),
The virulent, malignancy that is the cultural notion of “nuclear family” is only seriously explored in one movie that I know of:  Episode III: Revenge of the Sith.  Yes.  My recollection is that we see young Anakin Skywalker, fall in Love with Padme, then fall  OUT of Love in to Lust with her as his ‘wife,’ and the insanity of Lust turns him into it’s instrument, it’s insane ‘slave’ … and like every addict… eventually… he will destroy everything, EVERYTHING, EVERYONE… to protect his ‘fix,’ his ‘Family.’
“Nuclear Family” is our Padme. It was MY Padme.  There is no one, no population, no duty, no decency, no humanity... we won’t ignore, neglect, sacrifice, torture, terrorize and ultimately kill to protect our ‘Padme,’ our ‘Nuclear Family,’ me and mine.
No. It WAS not always that way.  There are still indigenous tribes (like those we ALL were ‘designed’ for) where the concept of ‘nuclear family’ is incomprehensible to them, as are it’s components – ‘me,’ and ‘mine.’  ‘Us,’ ‘We,’ ‘Ours’… are the only types of conceptions they have.  You know, like all ‘healthy,’  non-cancerous, tissue.
No. It IS not always this way.  MLK Jr. who had his ‘nuclear’ family under death threat all the time because he LIVED for his ‘Universal Family.’  Gandhi… virtually every ‘Saint,’ in every religion…..  everyone who is ‘Christlike,’ and maybe ‘Muhammad-like,’ or morally ‘Jewish.


If you are honest, Truthful, and that costs you friends and family, then what you are left with is your only True friends and family, if you ever had any to begin with. This has been my experience, without exception, and with each that has fallen away I feel lighter, faster, more healthy, less drained... with more energy for Loving. Note: 1. One can never lose True friends and family, right? 2. It makes me sad that we are not ALL Friends, Family... every creature. Deeply sad. But this is less and less the case in this deathly culture. The saving grace for me is refusing to not be a Friend TO every creature, as best as my limited means and abilities allow.

If you are honest, Truthful, and that costs you friends and family, then what you are left with is your only True friends and family, if you ever had any to begin with.  This has been my experience, without exception, and with each that has fallen away I feel lighter, faster, more healthy, less drained... with more energy for Loving. Note: 1. One can never lose True friends and family, right? 2. It makes me sad that we are not ALL Friends, Family... every creature. Deeply sad. But this is less and less the case in this deathly culture. The saving grace for me is refusing to not be a Friend TO every creature, as best as my limited means and abilities allow.