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Showing posts with label Civil War II. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Civil War II. Show all posts


Crazy talk: Rick Santorum out-denies the climate deniers and spins eco ... Grist Magazine

Crazy talk: Rick Santorum out-denies the climate deniers and spins eco ...

Grist Magazine -
He makes Newt Gingrich's moon-colony plans sound plausible and Mitt Romney's climate flip-floppery look presidential. While Mitt and Newt have both felt compelled to repudiate their former concern for climate change, Santorum can boast that he's a ...

Obama car czar calls Romney clueless on auto bailout USA TODAY

Obama car czar calls Romney clueless on auto bailout

By Todd Spangler/USA TODAY and Detroit Free Press The former head of President Barack Obama's auto industry task force said today in an interview that if Mitt Romney seriously believes GM and Chrysler would have survived without federal financing in ...
Romney Says Obama Bailout Harmed, Not Helped, Auto Industry


Romney Campaign: Santorum Is A Serial Liar

SL's coment to WSJ: Obama Budget Doubles Down on Clean Energy

SL comment - 
This is not the American way!  We refuse to use energy that doesn't cost the blood of our children in the middle east, and US wind and sun require none of their blood!  It is simply un American!  It is patriotic to unnecessarily send our kids to die unnecessarily, right?  And if we allow the American public to demand science in this area, well, it will be hardly any time at all before they are demanding that the externalities of carbon fuels be handled the way cancer, health costs finally were handled with cigarettes, where the offender, the polluter pays.  And if we want to kill 14,000 Americans with coal pollution to avoid the vicious ire of the coal industry, well that's our business, non-foreign-terrorist deaths are totally ok.  And hey, they are our children, so if we want to hand them a dead ocean devoid of life, 50% of the world's species gone by 2075 - THEY ARE OUR KIDS.  NO ONE SHOULD BE ABLE TO TELL US TO STOP.  This is the land of the Free-to-do-to-others-whatever-we-want-if-we-have-the-money-to-get-away-with-it!  Love it, or leave it!

‘Tinfoil Hats Have Become A Common, If Not Mandatory, GOP Accessory’ NYT


Obama Wall Street Fundraising Evaporates As Donors Flee To Romney Huffington Post

Obama Wall Street Fundraising Evaporates As Donors Flee To Romney

Huffington Post -
The Huffington Post examined campaign contributions from four highly influential finance sectors to both Obama and Romney. Using categories compiled by CRP, the 20 most politically active commercial banks, hedge funds, securities firms and "private ...
In Mass. Senate race, GOP's Brown embraces Obama as he tries to blunt surge by ...
As Republicans battle, Obama keeps eye on independents

0:44 Romney Sings America un Beautiful HD youtube

House GOP Tells White House To Let Polluters Spew Greenhouse Gases Without Limit

Limbaugh Operatives Encourage Abusive Hate Mail At Female, Evangelical Climate Scientist

Independent Journalist - Josh Fox’s Statement On His Fracking Hearing Arrest


Mitt Romney: 'Im not concerned about the very poor' Politico

Mitt Romney: 'Im not concerned about the very poor'

Politico -
Mitt Romney said Wednesday he's “not concerned about the very poor.” Romney told CNN's Soledad O'Brien during a morning interview after his Florida primary win that his focus is on the middle class - and not on the “very poor.