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Showing posts with label Buddha. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Buddha. Show all posts


What I am concluding is that I don't want my life. What...

What I am concluding, this conscious competence is only coming within the last day or so, is that I don't want my life. What... a pitiful little thing. And now I am carefully catching myself when I experience it as my life. Because it is bad? Because it feels inferior


Video log. This is what Jesus, Confucius, Buddha, Sorokin, Tolstoy were onto.

The three segments are here. If anything happens to me this is what I had to say. If I'm given more time which seems likely I will be writing much more about this. Don't say I didn't share.


The terminal failure of the great moral Sages was Blindness to what they lived: Loving for Joy is always the ultimate experience.

It has been said that fish are the last ones to discover water...

But even in the material hell unfolding for all it is not too late for the self to have that Joy and thereby to show others that it is possible. This is the work that is needed. It is the only work that could have saved us all, but it can still save the one, or the two. Let's get on with it.

I answered my own question post the other day. What might have prevented fascism? The rise of loving, our mammalian brain, in charge of head and Flesh. All prophets told this.

What might have prevented fascism? The rise of loving, our mammalian brain, in charge of head and Flesh. All prophets told this.


Update. If I said nothing else to you.... The complete, law of Love, law of violence. L Tolstoy.

I do know that about Tolstoy. No life and writings of Tolstoy, then, no Gandhi (Tolstoy's, the kingdom of God is within you) and quite possibly no Martin Luther King jr. ( the law of love and the law of violence L Tolstoy) 

Important correction, update. Where's the document now in front of me visually everything from chapter 12 or 13 on word has a very high percentage of correctness. The entire book is worth reading. And also the appendix is extremely helpful.

This is just a JPEG. The video is below. 


I pledge allegiance to the same as Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha, Confucius, before me. To serving the neediest souls in solidarity. For the joy of it. And to every individual, and group, dying to do the same. And to none other.

I pledge allegiance to the same as Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha, Confucius, before me. To serving the neediest souls in solidarity. For the joy of it. And to every individual, and group, dying to do the same. And to none other.


Extremely important update. Joy is the answer, LSGIABeing is the way.

What if there might be a cure for cancer? What if you see what might be a cure for cancer? You go for it? I mean do you try and develop it? What if it turns out you were a fool? What if you have almost zero chance, one in a trillion?

Ever since the birth of my two biological offspring I have been operating on a theory that joy is the answer.  

As a young, socially crippled, socially unable, socially repugnant young executive in high-tech, I have operated on the theory that Joy is the answer. That human beings as the most powerful creatures known in the universe, that their output and the Purity, goodness, creativity, brilliance, of their output could only be maximized when they were aligned with the pursuit of joy, not pleasure, not happiness, not Comfort,  not wealth, not even personal survival, etc etc etc,  but only when aligned with the opportunity for joy. And in Industry despite how incredibly unpalatable I am personally, the results were impossibly astonishing.

And where is the opportunity for joy? Probably unlike anything else in the Human Experience there is a sure and certain answer. Totally within the control of each individual regardless of circumstances. So it can be extremely difficult and seem impossible, it is never beyond the grasp of any individual.

I believe that a man like Jesus referred to it as Soul, having the soul in charge, living out of the Soul. Serving from the soul in solidarity with the neediest. Living out of our capacity to be, by whatever words or none. But our language has been so corrupted over the centuries that I suggest that this cumbersome assembly of words, loving soul of goodness in action being is necessary. 

Nothing blindly is done by me, to a fault, and each step along the way this Theory, that joy is the answer, has been studied by me, challenged by me, practiced by me, refined by me, at each step of the way I remain willing to throw it out. But instead every day week month year decade teaches me that it could be the cure to everything important to the human species and now to all species that we are Exterminating.

It is too late to save the human species and the rest of the species were destroying. The cancer caused by not pursuing joy as a species, except the one in a million, is far too advanced.

But there is still you, there is me, and there is the one in a million that we might  impact,  to help resurrect  their joy, to save them from the prevailing joylessness, to resurrect their LSGIA Being. 

I had no idea that not only be human giant Jesus, the colored guy, not the white fiction, but not only Jesus but all of the Giants of humanity, Confucius, Buddha, Etc were pointing in this direction if not grasping it fully. In fact Jesus the colored guy, the real one, maybe the one that did grasp it. Fight every historical measure he had zero interest in a life after this one if he believed there was one. By all reliable scholarship he was convinced that each individual could find and live a life of Joy, Heaven if you will, in this one.

The other giants like Confucius, Buddha, Mohammed, it seems that it was more instrumental for them although my study is far from complete. They saw it as a way, what I call loving soul of goodness in action being, they saw this as a way of ending the Carnage that each of them were living in culturally. Jesus did forsee the Jews were going to be destroyed but it seems that he was not seeing that that could be stopped, but that each individual despite the oppression and impending destruction by the Romans, that each individual could live in joy, Heaven, every breath, despite their impossible circumstances.

To me this is way more than the equivalent of curing cancer. And I expect to be redoubling my pitiful inadequate efforts to try and work on Bridging the Gap.
Much of it for the coming weeks will be online, trying to improve what has already been created by me, my blog, and, as a more effective cure, in the unlikely event of the one-in-a-million susceptible to cure wanders into them.

All thoughtful , constructive, serious comments, contributions, insights from you are welcome.


For those few serious human beings, indescribably important.

On my third reading now, beginning a detailed annotation and digestion.

If like Karen Armstrong you are a great spirit, International scholar on the world's religions, unlike me, then this book is not important to you.

If you do not have an undying Agony over the pain in the world, Unstoppable for most, but not for all, then this book is of no importance for you.

If you think that so-called spirituality, religion, is either just a personal choice or something to fight over, this book is of no value to you.

But Armstrong clearly sees it differently by implication, and I'm finding it Beyond invaluable. She understands that the giant founders of the world religions were creative Geniuses, inventors, regardless of how they thought of themselves. They created Solutions to improve upon the Life of human beings and all of creation, by creating a vision, an understanding, of how to be that was a less painful, more joyful, less destructive, integration between the truth of our human being, and the physical and cultural environment in which we live.

I do not know of a more important book, or body of information to study and go beyond, in this 2019 world for the serious human being needing to personally grow to be of Greater service to creation.

It is legally free for download here.

Often I have thought of myself as that character in Close Encounters of the Third Kind, driven mad by a vision that grasped him that he did not understand, in his living room sculpting he knew not what. Armstrong's understanding is not new to me, but the exhausive scholarly insightful underpinnings are. It is gasoline on my fire.

Almost exactly a year ago an iteration of that Fire Within Me, The Vision Within Me, took a large step forward, much larger than I realized up until this moment, I'm seeing now, here. We have all got a lot of work to do.]


Frustrating and hurtful this nice man finds me, or, our interactions..... >>>

Frustrating and hurtful this nice man finds me, or, our interactions.

There are few people that are drawn to interacting with me and of that tiny population this man's hurt and frustration is pretty typical.

Some thoughts occur to me on this this morning that seemed worth capturing here. Some of it I've written before, but much of it is new Clarity and I'm grateful to this man for speaking clearly and honestly to me.

It is never my intention to hurt or frustrate, but rarely if ever is avoiding that my purpose either. Knowing the possibility if not likelihood, rarely if ever do I seek to draw people into engagement with me. Drawing people into engagement with me is left to creator, whatever creator is.

Notice. Anyone that reads this and considers the following seriously will know that they've done so because it will cross their mind that I am stark raving mad. It will at least cross their mind. Seriously.

In a way I suppose I'm called to be a tour guide, or, an Expedition leader. And a ragingly unsuccessful one at that. But in fiction so were characters like Yoda and obi-wan. And were Buddha, Confucius, Jesus alive today they would consider themselves the same, ragingly unsuccessful tour guides, Expedition leaders.

Oh, they have gigantic fan clubs, but virtually no followers, no joiners, no folk standing alongside them or even trying to go beyond. No one envies them which is all they would have wanted.

The shirt worn by me says, I serve alongside this outsider soul and it has a cross indicating that the soul is the person Jesus. Not long ago a person identified them self to me, very friendly, as a pastor, a Baptist pastor. I was reading your shirt, he said. I serve him too!.

But the shirt very definitely does not say anything about serving Jesus, but rather serving alongside, two profoundly different things. I didn't cite how Jesus told the so-called apostles that they had become friends, brothers, not servants.

Pathologically, we want to be fans, We want to be fans, we want to follow whatever that means, but we want not to stand alongside, let alone, go beyond, with all of our might!

Projection is one of the major mechanisms that we unconsciously use to protect ourselves from the frightening task of coming along side such people. We're terrified of the self measurement that that would bring on sadly never knowing that life and growth only would come about in that way.

This brilliant post came across my Facebook feed yesterday. The same idea regarding Buddha was in the very brief study I made of him several decades ago.

He was possessed by the same Madness, the same Insanity, LOL, that possessed Jesus, Confucius, and others of their ilk. And me. All experienced that they encountered what would save the world, but more importantly, what was Heaven itself on Earth. Optimal Human Experience. The most enviable way of being. The most gratifying way of being.

And no one can see it. We twist ourselves into knots using projection to convince ourselves that the immature selfishness that our culture invokes in us is what they tried to lead us to, or, that that immature selfishness and its associated pleasures is the best we can do until life after this one.

As the subject of fan clubs they have been wildly successful! As the tour guides, the expedition leaders, that they gave their lives to be, they have been total failures. Like me.

And as for me, Expect nothing other than this from me. Ask nothing other than this from me. As absurd as it must seem, I wrote yesterday of the depression I frequently feel, I experience my quality of life as more enviable than anything I see elsewhere on earth. My mission, my soul purpose, is to become a better and better tour guide exactly to that. And rarely, and less and less everyday, will I feed into the projection of others that I really think there are alternatives. I don't.

Ignore me. Detach from me. Disagree with me. But don't expect that I'm going to depart from my mission, and to, for whatever good reason, help people feel good about the alternative ways of being that they have selected. It's not going to happen. I'm not going to lie.


Vaillant.... The Buddha taught, “As with her life a mother cares for her own, her only child, so in your hearts and minds let there be boundless love for all creatures great and small.”4 That was the faith that the Buddha spent forty-five years of his life trekking the length and breadth of India to share with all he met.

The Buddha taught, “As with her life a mother cares for her own, her only child, so in your hearts and minds let there be boundless love for all creatures great and small.”4 That was the faith that the Buddha spent forty-five years of his life trekking the length and breadth of India to share with all he met.