What Israel is doing, funded by the US, is the legal definition of genocide.
972 is a United States, reasonably mainstream, reasonably conservative, Jewish magazine. I'm not trying to prove a point, but it would absolutely totally shock most Americans the degree to which many many many many many American Jews are of the same view that I express and fighting with unspeakable courage. This is our apartheid South Africa, our Cry Freedom, of 2021, and 2014 when James did his hunger strike on Capitol Hill against the genocide of the Palestinians, yes, the legal definition of genocide. The movie Cry Freedom comes to mind, and oh my God the Jewish Saints in Israel that every day that passes that they haven't been assassinated is amazing, their courage, their honesty, Gideon Levy, Amira Hass, the academic Illan Pappe.... . They paid every personal price and they can't be quiet on this genocide.. what's going on literally today in Israel, their barbaric escalation, is so heinous that Elizabeth Warren has come out against it. That's political suicide, but she couldn't remain silent, bless her heart.

Creator damn everyone in the middle class and above the horde resources which Creator intended for the least of these.
Your mouth becomes a minefield the
Made in the Creator's image.. Two little Amish boys, maybe six
Oh my goodness, I keep week! In a little town, hardly anyone around, all of a sudden a small stand of food intake stood on the left hand side near center of town. Amish. No traffic, turn left into the parking lot. Standoffish at first. James cooking with a warm smile. A woman came over, 4, local. Red, the book God will not come through observation or be cold it is within you. She looks puzzled. By now the two young son that come over they look puzzled, and James / the smile that was inside him brimming over. Their smiles just erupted, shy, close to their dads legs, but just on fire. Where are you going to Dad ask? Find teacher said, the son of man has nowhere to rest his head oh, I travel the country trying to screw a soul here there. Be careful out there he said kindly. A wonderful job you're doing with these young ones it seems, James said. Such beautiful smiles. I try he said sincerely. James should have said, clearly they're in the image of my father. Voice typing while traveling. Error checking maybe later.