Ever since the birth of my first biological I struggled with oh, well, the double standards idea. James, if it's right for your biological, why isn't it right for everyone? And the issue of devoting all my time to my Biologicals and not to others. I've made progress toward that over the years, but with significant progress last night or this morning. Something that had not clicked together in trying to see this whole picture. James, in at least Western culture, with your biological, of course you have a responsibility, and there's proximity, but there's something else that James just caught a glimpse of these last 12 hours or so. There is a legal right, a permission, by the culture, to intervene in the life of another if it is legally your child, that is not allowed in any other relationship. Room for creativity and contribution that is artificially inhibited, limited, prevented by our culture in every other relationship. Ants are much more extreme opportunity to influence another Soul than is available in any other relationship.