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Just arrived back at one of the camps. All the camps we are now informed and told they will be cleared tomorrow. The campaign......

Just arrived back at one of the camps. All the camps we are now informed and told they will be cleared tomorrow. The campaign is fairly optimistic that their legal rights will prevent that. My current goal is not to get arrested tomorrow. I don't see how that could make me more useful. Actually, tonight I would be in the casino but they're full. So my current plan is to get out of Harm's Way maybe even early in the morning, walk or ride to the casino, sit in the lobby, and have a room there tomorrow night. Of course the only way to be at all safe would be to get out now, but I am not in the habit of being bullied or frightened.


Standing Rock update: it's 5 minutes after 5 in the afternoon. More than three hours after......

Standing Rock update: it's 5 minutes after 5 in the afternoon. More than three hours after I expected to be arrested. I've got hypothermia. It's quite interesting. To my knowledge I could walk out of the camp right now and Escape six months in prison, a felony charge, and possible severe physical abuse now and then prison. I can't do it. I can't do it. I can't cooperate with the evil that is being done to our Native American brothers and sisters, even if they can. I can't do it. I can't cooperate with this evil anymore. This state, our country, our economy, totally Antichrist. I can't cooperate with it. Isn't that wild?

Standing Rock update: Everyone wants to be a revolutionary, but no one wants to be the revolution.

Standing Rock update: Everyone wants to be a revolutionary, but no one wants to be the revolution.

### The smoke is from a bunch of children playing Indian and burning buildings from what I can tell. Nothing to worry about. Certainly nothing that the oil industry needs to worry about.

### The smoke is from a bunch of children playing Indian and burning buildings from what I can tell. Nothing to worry about. Certainly nothing that the oil industry needs to worry about.

Standing Rock update: a group of so-called Warriors just walked past, about......

Standing Rock update: a group of so-called Warriors just walked past, about an hour after the deadline to leave the camp but they're leaving. These are Warriors, they really consider themselves that and who knows, maybe they are. But by what measure? They've had a lot of food. They've had a lot of sex. They've had a lot of adulation. They had a lot of fun. They've been playing Warrior that's for sure. They've had a lot of power on security and other things and maybe done some good with that. I don't know enough to judge them, but I certainly have my questions. If we repeat what happened at this camp 10000 times what the hell impact is that going to have other than to possibly kill the oil industry with laughter at our cowardly, historically insignificant, impotent efforts?

### I'm sorry, do you really think that we just fought an important battle? Incidentally, I'm sitting in front of my tent expecting that.......

### I'm sorry, do you really think that we just fought an important battle? Incidentally, I'm sitting in front of my tent expecting that my $12,000 vehicle will shortly be destroyed and that I will be manhandled at best and spend months in prison by the time it's all done. By what f****** historical measure did we just fight an important fight? We showed up for months worth of camping? Months of free food?  Months of playing Indian? This compares to the march in the Selma Bridge how? The march on the darsana saltworks how? Tahrir Square how? Well, okay, the women in the water facing mace and brutality, yes that counts for something. That was one day. Maybe there were one or two other days. My God, don't we love our children enough to face how massively far we continue to fall short? Until we do this we can't get serious about what it's going to really take.

Standing Rock update: I am not here for Native rights. I am not here.......

Standing Rock update: I am not here for Native rights. I am not here for treaty rights. That's far too little far too late. I'm here for human rights. Any of us that are fighting for anything other than human rights and maybe creation rights, but that's probably a strategic non-starter that is too esoteric, anyone that is not fighting for human rights in whatever arena is strategically wasting their time. Am I against native rights? Am I against treaty rights? Of course not! Am I against the right of children and current citizens to clean water? Of course I'm not. But for us to put these fragmented issues front and center is way too little way too late. Human rights is what we morally need to be fighting for and strategically if we did that paying a big enough price people might begin to understand that there is only one set of Human Rights and the people receiving the least are receiving what we all can expect in the future.

Standing Rock update: not that anyone should care but me, but I am greatly saddened at the lack of character in all but a few my native sisters.......

Standing Rock update: not that anyone should care but me, but I am greatly saddened at the lack of character in all but a few my native sisters and brothers. Yes, it is no worse than what I see in most populations. My God, it is so understandable. But it is so rare that any is a revolutionary Force. Why am I saddened by this? Because I hoped it would be different. A strength of the culture I believe is a desire to unite with the spirit of the universe. But we humans unite more strongly, more powerfully, with more wisdom, more courage, more grace, more decency when we primarily Unite toward the well-being of the neediest,  human and nonhuman. I see this as a fundamental weakness of native cultures, their focus is too abstract and too removed from Humanity. An additional terrible weakness is a focus on mysticism, not unlike Christianity for example, but both are thereby crippling of their adherents because they bleed energy away from the real Battle Ground which is the spirit within human individuals and in common. If there's a constructive reason for me to share this it is in the off chance that a sister or brother, particularly native, cares to take it to heart and to try and Lead to a more hopeful way of being.

Standing Rock update: The battlefield, 100% of the battlefield, on which the future of humanity,  of creation,  will be finally lost or won, is 0% physical, 100% spiritual. This has always been true. We have always pretended......

Standing Rock update: The battlefield, 100% of the battlefield, on which the future of humanity,  of creation,  will be finally lost or won, is 0% physical, 100% spiritual. This has always been true. We have always pretended this was not true. The most powerful creatures known in the universe are the two legged humans. Where our individual and Collective spirit is, there we go. Only through a massive and sustained Global shift in the spirit of humanity is there any prayer for a decent future. I hope to remember this on today, February 22nd here at Standing Rock. If my body, my life limb and treasure, can be used so that the terminal savagery of our fascist greedy Antichrist satanic Collective spirit in this sick country and world, if my body can be used by Savage perpetrators, possessed by their evil spirit, if my body life limb and treasure can be used to sicken the spectators to the final destruction of their children's future, if I can use my body to help them become sick and at the evil of their passivity, and possibly to sicken even one or two of the perpetrators, immediate or distant, crushing us today, then I hope to be glad of that. I think I will be glad of that.

I have heard what I understand to be native story. A grandfather and a grandson are speaking, the grandfather says to the grandson, there are two wolves fighting each other within you,  a good wolf, and a bad wolf. The grandson thinks for moment and says to his grandfather, grandfather, which of the Wolves will win? Grandfather answers, the one that you feed. The story is broader than that in its implications. With each breath, with each action or omission of ours, we feed one of those two wolves in those who are impacted by our lives. Everything depends on which ones we choose to feed.

Even Napoleon saw this: 
"Do you know, Fontanes, what astonishes me most in this world? The inability of force to create anything. In the long run the sword is always beaten by the spirit."

Written as I am here here on self-assigned duty at the composting toilet complex taking out bags of s***, sweeping, feeling the sawdust bins, making certain there's enough toilet paper.... I like to serve. This is a nice way to to lovingly serve my sisters and brothers here, and there by the world, as best I can see to do at the moment.


"Glory" (1989) - 54th Infantry Pre-Battle Song("Oh, My Lord")

Standing Rock update: If we keep retreating, if we always Retreat, if we usually Retreat, how.....

Standing Rock update: If we keep retreating, if we always Retreat, if we usually Retreat, how can we ever expect to win? If we always disengage when the ultimate price must be offered, how can we ever expect to win? If they will gladly destroy our lives and we refuse to have our lives destroyed, how can we ever win?

A mass permanent revolution of loving possessing the world's people is the only hope for a future worth living. This by any and every objective measure.......

A mass permanent revolution of loving possessing the world's people is the only hope for a future worth living. This by any and every objective measure that I know. The loving revolutionary in this world that is self-extinguishing due to vast oceans of evil, the loving revolutionary makes of their life as powerful an antidote, as powerful a cure as possible. Possibly being chemo drugs such as have held my cancer at Bay, possibly being chemo drugs is no picnic. Being the loving revolutionary is no picnic and if it is one is not a loving revolutionary. The loving revolutionary relentlessly places their life limb treasure such that the savagery, hatred, inhumanity, Godlessness, satanic nature of those people and institutions possessed by evil might become so sickening  at the site of their own evil that the all-important spectators cannot tolerate the sickness and begin to act, and even some of those most possessed by the evil become the so sickened by seeing their own evil so that they act to cure it. This is the best description I know of those throughout history that has been loving revolutionaries. I believe that this understanding just expressed advances the thought process of how to fight evil. It came to me as I slept. I believe that my soul is committed to being that type of chemo, to being that type of antidote, that type of cure and I expect it to be living hell. I will be glad when my life is over, when I have breathed my last breath. But I will not hasten that by my own action intentionally despite the relief that I would get from that. I have no belief in a life after this one for me or for anyone else. I never have near as I can recall. I have no interest in it. In part I have no interest in it because I can't imagine a heaven that would be a place I'd like to be. But yesterday I received a wonderful thought. I do find it morally clarifying to imagine such Concepts as heaven and hell and how you get to one or the other. Anyway what popped into my mind, I have no recollection why, what popped into my mind was that there are no angels in heaven. It was a wonderful thought. I was so glad for it. I am so glad for it. Of course there would be no angels in heaven. Why, you may ask? Well, an Angel would want to be here on Earth and would return here to try and lessen the suffering.

I heard what I considered to be a credible rumor of violence from within the camp tomorrow when the gestapo raids. I have no knowledge.......

I heard what I considered to be a credible rumor of violence from within the camp tomorrow when the gestapo raids. I have no knowledge beyond that. What I do know is that violence begets violence, begets hate. What I also know is that if your neighbor uses violence in no way does that reflect on you. Correct? If I were to see such a thing I would act against it as I have before. I have a zero-tolerance policy for violence by anyone toward anyone. I expect to be working the compost toilets as I have been regularly and would not be anywhere in the vicinity of people conducting violent or nonviolent actions. Oceti is where I live now. This is my community. This is my family. I have been invited to be here by by native sisters and brothers who have the Supreme right to this land and I am here as their invited guests with all moral right to do so.


Standing Rock update: I don't know how long this will last, and......

Standing Rock update: I don't know how long this will last, and it is not Central to what seems to be sustaining me. But every once in awhile now I almost smile when I realize that I am finally truly actually standing with the oppressed of the world and not just for them. I almost can see me sharing a mutual smile with my Palestinian sisters and brothers, as a key example, as we are about to be crushed under the boot of the fascist state. It really is a nice feeling. Isn't that odd? Similarly, and I have written this before, most recently a day or so ago, I definitely find that on either side of me are folks like Jesus, Steve Biko, Gandhi, King, Alice Paul, and so many such Fighters. Again, it's a nice feeling. Will it be enough to sustain me through the torture ahead? Through the terror ahead? I think so but I don't know.

A well-meaning acquaintance wrote: "You are a decent soul James. You always were. You don't need to wait for an arrest. Do you......

A well-meaning acquaintance wrote:  "You are a decent soul James. You always were. You don't need to wait for an arrest. Do you have a way to leave before the 22nd? Because if you do your time would be much more valuable building something that can make the future better for humanity."  My reply:  "The only thing that can save the future, the only thing needed, the only thing lacking, is adults that stand for their children's Future No Matter What. This is what I am building. How can you not see that? Albert Schweitzer was right, example is not the major thing in influencing people, it is the only thing."

Standing Rock update: I started the day aware that I did not know why people were staying, the dozen or several dozen that seem like they'll be here until the Gestapo arrives to destroy us. Some.......

Standing Rock update: I started the day aware that I did not know why people were staying, the dozen or several dozen that seem like they'll be here until the Gestapo arrives to destroy us. Some of you have noticed a series of video interviews of people. Now I know why the stoutest souls are staying. It's not so much that they have a common idea. It's not exactly that they have a common heart. They have a common feature of their heart, their soul. It simply will not let them abandon the future of creation but rather demands that they keep their feet riveted in the way.

Standing Rock update: Isn't it odd? There may be dozens of us that are brutalized, incarcerated, imprisoned, on the 22nd and Beyond, or whenever......

Standing Rock update: Isn't it odd? There may be dozens of us that are brutalized, incarcerated, imprisoned, on the 22nd and Beyond, or whenever it happens, and yet I feel very much alone. I mean, wouldn't I expect to have a small community at least of those of like mind? The words that I have written recently and that I continue to write about the spiritual battle, there are some beautiful souls here that like what I write but I know of none that share the thoughts that I have within them, at all closely. This is not a criticism of anyone including me. But it is a curious fact to me. And it would certainly be easier if I had those that were of more like mind alongside of me. But most importantly I find it curious. I do think that among a few there is a distinct similarity of soul. A distinct inability to turn away from the dictates of the goodness in our soul rather than acceding to the wishes of the evil within our soul. This is surely a very important similarity. But I find it odd that does not extend beyond that. Oh, and to be sure the souls with whom I have much in common here are relatively few from what I can see. There is so much acting out of decades and centuries of abuse, so understandably, but so not what the revolution is, so old, so much what the status quo is.

### I so totally do not understand this negotiating with powers that have no right from Creator, from good, from Justice, from Humanity, over this camp. It is......

### I so totally do not understand this negotiating with powers that have no right from Creator, from good, from Justice, from Humanity, over this camp. It is to give them that power, to state that they have it. This is wrong, this is evil, this should cease. They are going to do what they were going to do. I am not moving from this high ground. I wish no more negotiations with them and I do not acknowledge their deadline. They have no jurisdiction here. They have no jurisdiction over me. Not on this land. Not while they Embrace their father who is pure evil. I have moved above any risk of flooding.

Standing Rock update: "My father is good. My father does not therefore allow me to cooperate with your father who is evil. You have no jurisdiction over me. As your brother I am forbidden.....

Standing Rock update: "My father is good. My father does not therefore allow me to cooperate with your father who is evil. You have no jurisdiction over me. As your brother I am forbidden to help you do evil." Other than my name and birthdate and my residence which is oceti sakowin, I suspect that these words are all I will be able to utter to my sisters and brothers in uniform, and the court system, and prison.... I do not think this will please them. But I can see no option for me. I do not anticipate a moral requirement to  physically resist their savagery,  their brutality.  I see no way that I can cooperate with whatever forms and procedures they direct me to follow.  I do not suspect that this will go well for me physically.  At some level I think, I hope, that I am finding myself accepting that I am already physically crucified,  dead.  Unfortunately I do not expect to be completely  dead to the psychological and physical torture that I expect they will zealously inflection on me,  but often, all too alive to it. Maybe these words come to me because they are similar to the words of Jesus at his crucifixion. But I think they come to me because I have worked my entire adulthood to become a decent soul, I am a decent soul, and these words,  this truth, this reality, this clarity would occur to a decent Soul at the time of their crucifixion.


Standing Rock update: alert, this is not some news flash. It's something that I've been aware of a long time and I'm just now sharing. Never again would I attend a nationalistic, racist, event. Not to say.......

Standing Rock update: alert, this is not some news flash. It's something that I've been aware of a long time and I'm just now sharing.

Never again would I attend a nationalistic, racist, event. Not to say that all of the natives here are nationalistic or racist, some are absolutely opposed to that. But too many are and they are not called out. How is racism and nationalism the revolution? It is unconditional surrender to nationalism and racism, hierarchy no matter how much it is denied.

Dr. King said something like, I have a dream that one day people will be recognized by the content of their character, not the color of their skin, their nationality, their history of Oppression, ethnicity,  spiritual tradition,  etcetera etcetera etcetera.

I do not deny the right of people who have been oppressed to act that out in many ways.

What I do deny is that anything other than recognizing and valuing people by the content of their character, nothing less than that is any sort of revolution. And far too much of Standing Rock has been all about nationalism, race, Etc.

It is Revolution that is Dead on Arrival.

So is there no hope here? There is hope here. Why? Because many people here simply operate on the basis of character, kindness, loving, service, and it seems to be impossible for them to do anything other than this. This includes native and non-native people alike.

This small collection that operate in this way, they are whatever hope there may be, they are the evidence of what Revolution there can be. The only thing that can be called revolution, in truth. Universal family, Universal Brotherhood, Universal unconditional loving, by whatever name or none.

Oh, and what utter insanity, Madness, stupidity has been the efforts to make the Lakota way displacing of,  super ordinate over,  supremely respected versus, the spiritual Traditions that brought this amazing Rainbow Coalition of people together. How can there be such a stupidity where on the one hand the disparate spiritual Traditions, the Myriad spiritual Traditions that brought people here, That there would then be an effort to subordinate them under something different,  some other tradition? What could be more f****** stupid,  self-defeating, self-destructive, than that? If it is no a Dapl plot  they must be all the more delighted at us doing it to ourselves.

Our creator, Who Art in our deepest Soul, holy is your name. Thy kingdom comes as thy Loving is done on Earth as.....

Our creator, Who Art in our deepest Soul, holy is your name. Thy kingdom comes as thy Loving is done on Earth as we would do  if we had no earthly fear.  Give us all this day our daily bread, that is, our vision for this day of how to best serve our neediest on Earth. Lead us not into self-centeredness, but Deliver us into solidarity with the neediest. For loving is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.

Creator, the Deep Soul Within Me, is my shepherd, I shall not want. He make the......

Creator, the Deep Soul Within Me, is my shepherd, I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in Green Pastures. He leadeth me beside the Still Waters. He restoreth my soul. He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his namesake. Low,  though I walk through the shadow of the Valley of Death I shall fear no evil, for thou art with me. Thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. Thow prepared a table before me in the presence of mine enemies. Thou anountest my head with oil. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life And I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

Standing Rock update:  Evil laws, people, States, Nations, have no jurisdiction over me. Evil being inJustice, unloving, hatefulness. I will not........

Standing Rock update:  Evil laws, people, States, Nations, have no jurisdiction over me. Evil being inJustice, unloving, hatefulness. I will not cooperate with these. Non-cooperation with these is a duty to myself, to Creation, to those in The Possession of evil. My prayer fast from food will begin at noon on the 21st. the prayer fast is my petition of Creator within each of us  to restore loving, Justice, goodness, kindness , Universal family , to earth. It will be finished when I am restored to the land, tent, sleeping bag, cot, solar bicycle car and trailer that Creator justly,  lovingly,  gave me, here at Oceti,  or to the equivalent, elsewhere. James 'Wage Loving' McGinley