The hope of Standing Rock is the many Divine Souls that have been called here from all over the world. The weakness of Standing Rock is the absence of all leadership of competence and devoted decent intent. The rare exceptions prove the prevailing overwhelmingly prevailing rule.. Oh, there are dozens and dozens that assert themselves as leaders. Some are sort of trying. Most are various layers of drunk on their position of power and keeping and enjoying that power rather than devoting themselves to winning the war so their motives and the impact of their efforts is commensurately dangerous, damaging, damaged , deflating , deadly. The incompetence is fully understandable. No training, no experience, no track record, no centrally excellent leadership to learn from. Well, that's not true. No excellent indigenous leadership to learn from and because the dozens and dozens of appointed leaders operate primarily out of ego they are thereby prevented from learning from those who know better, and especially to learn from their own mistakes which they are because of ego unwilling to even acknowledge. Rather they resent them, those non-indigenous that could help them, they Target them, denigrate them, and also the indigenous who don't go along with them. No different than the corporations they revile. Again, totally understandable. Totally deadly. But there is a collection of divine Souls here, mostly non-indigenous. And something may come of them staying and fighting and intermixing and energizing and educating one another for as long as they are together. Those strong Souls are strengthening the brightness of each other's flames and that certainly counts for something. I had forgotten that the Jedi were led by consummate evil and it wound up in their destruction. This has been true of most non violent revolutions or promising social revolutions throughout history that the top was rotten and initial successes turned into festering death. And there is growing concern that the indigenous leadership are selling out to the government betraying the reason that thousands of people have come here. Time will tell.
Standing Rock update: this is the largest collection of healthy Souls that I have ever personally witnessed. It is a substantial collection of evil, corrupt, destructive Souls as well. Although......
Standing Rock update: this is the largest collection of healthy Souls that I have ever personally witnessed. It is a substantial collection of evil, corrupt, destructive Souls as well. Although I did not anticipate this, I realize it could hardly have been otherwise. Being good does not require intentionality nor does being evil. I consider neither to be a compliment nor slander. I consider it a very crucial, the most crucial, responsibility of discernment, first, within ourself, but then responsibly among our companions. And which collection of souls stands the strongest will determine of what impact or none for the good this stand at Standing Rock turns out to be. And of course, in every one of us, the spirit of good and the spirit of evil exists. So too the effectiveness of Standing Rock for good or for evil depends upon within each of us causing the good to burn so bright that it all but extinguishes the evil, and thereby helping that fire of good rage and win out within those around us. I think the Outlook is very dim but it is the fight most worth fighting that I see on Earth right now. Here at Standing Rock. But also everywhere.
Read this. James, a very well intended kind friend wrote, you think that you are all being set up for a Slaughter at Standing Rock, so that you are an example to anyone that.....
Read this. James, a very well intended kind friend wrote, you think that you are all being set up for a Slaughter at Standing Rock, so that you are an example to anyone that would make the mistake of considering nonviolent resistance in the future. Keep your thoughts positive. There's no way they can do that to you all. My reply: I know you intend well, as do I. Please let's both remember that. No one that is not here with their life In Harm's Way has the right to offer optimistic thoughts to anyone that is here. No one has the right to judge that this is not a life-and-death situation that is not here. What, they say to themselves after 1 or 10 or hundreds of us are hurt or maimed or destroyed for Life legally or dead... , oh goodness it was worse than I thought, I didn't know? Well, if I had known I would have.... That is immoral, unrighteous, and in most cases sheer cowardice. No. No one not here has the right to minimize the risk.
A note to a dear girl that has been in my life for more than forty years: This will be short because my battery is dying. last night was arrival at Standing Rock after 2 months of traveling. 7 o'clock......
A note to a dear girl that has been in my life for more than forty years: This will be short because my battery is dying. last night was arrival at Standing Rock after 2 months of traveling. 7 o'clock in the rain in the dark on the verge of hypothermia. after sweating from pedaling all day. Exhausted. a kind young man helped me into the refugee camp, LOL, and moments later I was in a sleeping bag under 4 blankets. One of my key garments is a hooded sweatshirt and when I awoke this morning it was wet with sweat. a snowstorm hit over the night with fairly high winds. I've been carrying a waterproof army bag with some warm undergarments in anticipation of this cold weather and haven't checked it in months. It was a problem but that hooded sweatshirt was wet because it is key to my warmth. I expected there was nothing in that army bag that would be helpful to me. I laughed a belly laugh when I opened it and saw this red fleece jacket that you sent me. it is just the warmth that I needed. I think we are being set up for a Slaughter here so that anyone in future years that thinks about nonviolent resistance will know not to do it. This could be goodbye. James