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. . . And Photos 2007 - 6/16
The Revisionist Background of Jewish Terrorism in Israel by Joseph Heller
***** Autism rates aren't actually increasing
How Radical Change Occurs: Eric Foner
***** nd. Patriotism in Amerikkka means taking sides, one group against another. (Probably this is true in all 'patriotic' cultures.) In that case I am NOT Patriotic. How can I be against any part of my human Family? Now, BEHAVIOR, that is a different story. Inhuman Behavior I am mortal enemy to.
Patriotism in Amerikkka means taking sides, one group (country) against another. (Probably this is true in all 'patriotic' cultures.) In that case I am NOT Patriotic. How can I be against any part of my human Family? Now, BEHAVIOR, that is a different story. Inhuman Behavior I am mortal enemy to.
***** nd. I'm homeless. We need to stop throwing crumbs at feeding and sheltering we homeless... and step up to the real issue... expanding society so there is room socially and economically for we homeless to come in from the cold. This is Jesus Gospel - nothing more, nothing less, nothing else. THIS is the Only Revolution that can save Amerikkka or Earth now. Everything else is just more of the same.
***** I'm homeless. We need to stop throwing crumbs at feeding and sheltering we homeless... and step up to the real issue... expanding society so there is room socially and economically for we homeless to come in from the cold. This is Jesus Gospel - nothing more, nothing less, nothing else. THIS is the Only Revolution that can save Amerikkka or Earth now. Everything else is just more of the same.
***** Israel is not a democracy, Ben White. .... "The laws of the Israel are designed to ensure that any Jew in the world (regardless of whether or not they have any factual ancestral connection to the historic land of Palestine, now occupied by Israel) can "return" to Israel, while Palestinian refugees, who have been constantly kicked out of their homes by Israel since 1948, are entirely barred from returning to homes they or their grandparents were born in."
Israel is not a democracy
"The laws of the Israel are designed to ensure that any Jew in the world (regardless of whether or not they have any factual ancestral connection to the historic land of Palestine, now occupied by Israel) can "return" to Israel, while Palestinian refugees, who have been constantly kicked out of their homes by Israel since 1948, are entirely barred from returning to homes they or their grandparents were born in."
"The laws of the Israel are designed to ensure that any Jew in the world (regardless of whether or not they have any factual ancestral connection to the historic land of Palestine, now occupied by Israel) can "return" to Israel, while Palestinian refugees, who have been constantly kicked out of their homes by Israel since 1948, are entirely barred from returning to homes they or their grandparents were born in."
How to End Empire Economic crisis alone won’t end US imperialism. Only a political threat from below can do that. by Tariq Ali
***** Must must must must must must read. The World of Our Grandchildren Noam Chomsky discusses ISIS, Israel, climate change, and the kind of world future generations may inherit
The Satanization of saint Kayla. Muller...... These Zionists are evil incarnate and deeply proud of it. Read this and be sure you know how to see this consummate evil for what it is and stop being confused and disoriented by it.
Christian principles sacrificed in Bishop’s anxiety not to offend a pro-Israel hardcore. Stephen Sizer
Marriage is no cure for poverty
The existential threat as a pillar of Israeli policy By Zeev Sternhell Israeli society has always admired power. Contempt for Jewish weakness was the primary embodiment of the old principle of the negation of the exile. The country was conquered by force, together with the sophisticated exploitation of Arab weakness, and the state was founded in a storm of war
BDS vote narrowly fails at Stanford University,-in-Silicon-Valley/BDS-Vote-Narrowly-Fails-at-Stanford-University-390898
The World of Our Grandchildren Noam Chomsky discusses ISIS, Israel, climate change, and the kind of world future generations may inherit
Noam Chomsky: “The world that we’re creating for our grandchildren is grim”
Childhood Trauma Leads to Brains Wired for Fear
Vid. Elderly woman filmed confronting ISIS and branding them 'devil' before quoting Koran
"domestic law enforcement did not want to believe that white people could be terrorists—or even violent extremists—until Timothy McVeigh bombed the Oklahoma federal building in 1995. Then they shifted gears and focused on many domestic anti-government and ideological groups. But that focus changed, he said, after the 9/11 attacks in 2001, as law enforcement again saw radical Islam as the primary threat."
Angry, armed and white: Why Craig Stephen Hicks is the face of America’s violent extremism
America’s real racial terror: How lynch mobs & barbaric violence haunt us today
The rising tide of BDS on California's campuses
Lubya in the pines — a visit to an ethnically-cleansed Palestinian village!d3jLg1
Watch: Arsonists torched car of Salford Rabbi who spoke out over Israeli military action in Gaza
The Nazi commandments for a pure Aryan society
TIME: Israeli House Strikes Killed Mostly Civilians
Portugal Cut Addiction Rates in Half by Connecting Drug Users With Communities Instead of Jailing Them
No one’s talking about peace in Israeli election, U.S. liberal Zionists are warned!d2NvwE
Robert Reich: America is headed full speed back to the 19th century
Obama: Chapel Hill killings 'brutal and outrageous'
Major AP article. High civilian death tolls and Israel's war on Gaza
President Obama offers condolences to families of three slain Muslims
600 artists are joined by another 100. Over 100 artists announce a cultural boycott of Israel
FBI to investigate killings of 3 Muslims in N.C
Head Of Muslim Group: ‘If North Carolina Killer Describes Himself As An Atheist, Are We To Demand All Atheists Apologize For Him Like Muslims Have Had To Do?’
nd. Norman Finkelstein, an American historian and political scientist, also Jewish, reacted to the Charlie Hebdo identifier, saying “I am … Gaza.”
Norman Finkelstein, an American historian and political scientist, also Jewish, reacted to the Charlie Hebdo identifier, saying “I am … Gaza.”
**** The Death Of The Israeli Left - OpEd. Gideon Levy... "Courageous, steadfast groups like B’Tselem, Breaking the Silence, Rabbis for Human Rights, Physicians for Human Rights, Machsom Watch, Anarchists Against the Wall, Ta’ayush and even Peace Now have no real influence on the political map in Israel and face a systematic campaign of delegitimisation."
***** Anti-Israel Anglican priest ordered offline...... JE SUI STEPHEN SIZER. Dr. Sizer is the world scholarly authority on Christian Zionism. If you don't fight the unjust take-down of this great human being, well, they'll soon come for you, and it will be well deserved. ...
Anti-Israel Anglican priest ordered offline
JE SUI STEPHEN SIZER. Dr. Sizer is the world scholarly authority on Christian Zionism. If you don't fight the unjust take-down of this great human being, well, they'll soon come for you, and it will be well deserved.
JE SUI STEPHEN SIZER. Dr. Sizer is the world scholarly authority on Christian Zionism. If you don't fight the unjust take-down of this great human being, well, they'll soon come for you, and it will be well deserved.
pic. Please explain this to me: Islamophobia is right, just, deserved, based on the behavior of Muslims. Antisemitism is 100%, completely, absolutely, unconditionally in all cases unjust, incorrect regardless the behavior of Jews, no matter how evil. [If you say both are always unjust...stand accordingly.]
***** A Truth Most Jews Don't Want To Know About Anti-Semitism By Alan Hart......... "Rabbis Sacks and Miller and all who think like them are in complete denial of the link between Israel's actions which sometimes amount to state terrorism and the transformation of anti-Israelism into anti-Semitism." [Denial has nothing to do with it. They are waponized Israeli / Zioni propaganda mercenaries. They are doing their part of raping and plundering Palestines.]
A Truth Most Jews Don't Want To Know About Anti-Semitism By Alan Hart
"Rabbis Sacks and Miller and all who think like them are in complete denial of the link between Israel's actions which sometimes amount to state terrorism and the transformation of anti-Israelism into anti-Semitism." [Denial has nothing to do with it. They are waponized Israeli / Zioni propaganda mercenaries. They are doing their part of raping and plundering Palestines.]
"Rabbis Sacks and Miller and all who think like them are in complete denial of the link between Israel's actions which sometimes amount to state terrorism and the transformation of anti-Israelism into anti-Semitism." [Denial has nothing to do with it. They are waponized Israeli / Zioni propaganda mercenaries. They are doing their part of raping and plundering Palestines.]
Muslim Women Don't See Themselves as Oppressed, Survey Finds - New York Times. ................ (2006 article. No reason to think it would be different today.) "What do you admire least about the West?" was the general perception of moral decay, promiscuity and pornography that pollsters called the "Hollywood image" that is regarded as degrading to women.
***** nd. To my critics, young and old, tired of my incessant calls to total devotion, sacrifice, to the global neediest, NOW, regardless of personal cost: Fact - You are sacrificing one million times more by NOT waging this Revolution, the Only Revolution, 100% Lived Solidarity with the Global Neediest, the only True Revolution that has ever been possible. This is The Revolution that can, that could have, Saved a Future for you. No? Really? What good is whatever 'normal' next 5 years you are counting on, if the 'future' after that as a US democracy, a planet, in unstoppable death-throws... for you, and every young person ever in your life?
***** To my critics, young and old, tired of my incessant calls to total devotion, sacrifice, to the global neediest, NOW, regardless of personal cost: Fact - You are sacrificing one million times more by NOT waging this Revolution, the Only Revolution, 100% Lived Solidarity with the Global Neediest, the only True Revolution that has ever been possible. This is The Revolution that can, that could have, Saved a Future for you. No? Really? What good is whatever 'normal' next 5 years you are counting on, if the 'future' after that as a US democracy, a planet, in unstoppable death-throws... for you, and every young person ever in your life?
***** (can others verify this?) Those who claim that the history and the future of Israel and Jerusalem is all very well laid out in the bible need to understand one very important reality of the great book. The words Israel and Jerusalem mentioned in the bible are NOT named after the physical geographical places. Rather, the physical geographical places are named after these words. One of the meanings of the hebrew word ‘Israel’ would resolve to “honest man of God”. Similarly, one of the meanings of the hebrew word ‘Jerusalem’ would resolve to “place of peace” or “founded peaceful”. So, Jerusalem in Israel really means ‘the peaceful center of the honest man of God’.
***** pic. On April 9, 1948, members of Zionist paramilitary groups, the Irgun (led by Menachem Begin) and the Stern Gang (led by Yitzhak Shamir), entered the Arab village of Deir Yassin and massacred over 100 men, women and children. Deir Yassin had a population of about 600-750 people, and had a reputation for being a peaceful village. There were also reports of rapes and mutilations. Excerpt from The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine, by Israeli historian Ilan Pappé:
On April 9, 1948, members of Zionist paramilitary groups, the Irgun (led
by Menachem Begin) and the Stern Gang (led by Yitzhak Shamir), entered
the Arab village of Deir Yassin and massacred over 100 men, women and
children. Deir Yassin had a population of about 600-750 people, and had a
reputation for being a peaceful village. There were also reports of
rapes and mutilations.
Excerpt from The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine, by Israeli historian Ilan Pappé:
Excerpt from The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine, by Israeli historian Ilan Pappé:

1 nation, under israel. ...... Congressional Bill Introduced: Europe Must Reject Anti-Israel BDS in Free Trade Deal The Congress begins to consider a new bill requiring Europe to reject anti-Israel boycotts in order to enjoy free trade with the U.S.
25 Years Ago Nelson Mandela Walked Into Freedom
City agrees to be more respectful of homeless belongings
All-Black Little League Team Stripped of Title....... Racial and economic discrimination are alive and well in america.
***** Jon Stewart became our opiate: Time to confront Tea Party, 1 percent — without punchlines
A new study finds that more than 1 in 5 suicides the result of unemployment
Nd. The essence of a joyful life is meaningfully serving the body of humanity. Our culture, our intelligencia, are devoted to eliminating meaningful work to make room for mindless leisure and the consumption of stuff. This is literally suicide. species suicide.
The essence of a joyful life is meaningfully serving the body of humanity. Our culture, our intelligencia, are devoted to eliminating meaningful work to make room for mindless leisure and the consumption of stuff. This is literally suicide. species suicide.
posted from Bloggeroid
Report: Hundreds More of African Americans Lynched Than Previously Though
Israeli teens dressed as KKK and in ‘black face’ for mock lynching at school Purim party
AIPAC behind new US/EU trade legislation designed to thwart BDS
nd. The world's cultures and people are cancer. The few Good cells left are under attack. If one is not under attack, they are part of the cancer.
The world's cultures and people are cancer. The few Good cells left are under attack. If one is not under attack, they are part of the cancer.
***** nd. God is Unconditional Loving. Satan is Conditional Loving. Any questions?
God is Unconditional Loving. Satan is Conditional Loving. Any questions?
nd. Tho I detest all organized religions... I must say that the Muslim children I see are for the most part breathtakingly Godly, unlike the christian children I see that are various forms of Satanic by the time they are beyond infancy. The exceptions prove the rule.
Tho I detest all organized religions... I must say that the Muslim children I see are for the most part breathtakingly Godly, unlike the christian children I see that are various forms of Satanic by the time they are beyond infancy. The exceptions prove the rule.
***** nd. Three unspeakably Godly Muslim children executed today. Terrorism has no religion.
***** nd. Three unspeakably Godly Muslim children executed today. Terrorism has no religion.
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***** nd. Facebook contact prior to unfriending me: if everyone did what you do James it would be a disaster. My reply: the status quo is existential disaster, imminent, for America, for all of creation.
***** Facebook contact prior to unfriending me: if everyone did what you do James it would be a disaster. My reply: the status quo is existential disaster, imminent, for America, for all of creation.
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Nd. To all those not literally pitting their very lives against the existential evils now destroying America and the world I pray that 10 years from now, when all decent life has been lost, that they suffer the eternal hell of realizing that their courage today might have prevented the internal hell that their criminal cowardice brought down on us all.
Suspect Charged for Fatal Shooting of 3 Muslim Students in North Carolina
Today is the anniversary of Tom Hurndall's death. Tom was a 21-year-old British student and photographer who went to Gaza in 2003. On April 11, he watched as children playing nearby suddenly came under Israeli rifle fire. Most of the children fled, but three of them, aged four to seven, froze with fear. Tom rushed one to safety. When he returned for two little girls, an Israeli sniper shot him in the head. Israeli officials delayed his transport to specialized medical care for over two and a half hours. Tom remained in a vegetative state until his death 9 months later. Learn more: Watch an extremely moving report from a British TV news team that went to the scene shortly after his shooting: We urge you to pass out cards about him all this month to commemorate his profound heroism and our deep loss.!/32975139631/photos/a.10150277113639632.339082.32975139631/10152625150894632/?type=1
I was “part of a terror organization,” says Israeli pilot turned activist
***** The eternal struggle is between love and love. It is between unconditional, life giving love, often called God, and between conditional, life taking love, sometimes called Satan.!/story.php?story_fbid=10204979741006157&id=1620551416
Obama pays tribute to Palestine solidarity activist killed in Islamic State captivity
nd. Pretty much every liberal is a void that needs to be filled. Liberals find infinite excuses to be spectators rather than players.
Pretty much every liberal is a void that needs to be filled. Liberals find infinite excuses to be spectators rather than players.
***** The Terror We Give Is the Terror We Get: Chris Hedges..... MUST READ.... ***** MUST READ: "We fire missiles from the sky that incinerate families huddled in their houses. They incinerate a pilot cowering in a cage. We torture hostages in our black sites and choke them to death by stuffing rags down their throats. They torture hostages in squalid hovels and behead them. We organize Shiite death squads to kill Sunnis. They organize Sunni death squads to kill Shiites. We produce high-budget films such as “American Sniper” to glorify our war crimes. They produce inspirational videos to glorify their twisted version of jihad. The barbarism we condemn is the barbarism we commit. The line that separates us from the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) is technological, not moral. We are those we fight. "....
The Terror We Give Is the Terror We Get: Chris Hedges
***** MUST READ: "We fire missiles from the sky that incinerate families huddled in their houses. They incinerate a pilot cowering in a cage. We torture hostages in our black sites and choke them to death by stuffing rags down their throats. They torture hostages in squalid hovels and behead them. We organize Shiite death squads to kill Sunnis. They organize Sunni death squads to kill Shiites. We produce high-budget films such as “American Sniper” to glorify our war crimes. They produce inspirational videos to glorify their twisted version of jihad.
The barbarism we condemn is the barbarism we commit. The line that separates us from the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) is technological, not moral. We are those we fight. "....
***** MUST READ: "We fire missiles from the sky that incinerate families huddled in their houses. They incinerate a pilot cowering in a cage. We torture hostages in our black sites and choke them to death by stuffing rags down their throats. They torture hostages in squalid hovels and behead them. We organize Shiite death squads to kill Sunnis. They organize Sunni death squads to kill Shiites. We produce high-budget films such as “American Sniper” to glorify our war crimes. They produce inspirational videos to glorify their twisted version of jihad.
The barbarism we condemn is the barbarism we commit. The line that separates us from the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) is technological, not moral. We are those we fight. "....
nd. I fully expected to be on Capitol Hill today continuing the Free Palestine vigil. I awoke after massive sleep with diarrhea and feeling very weak. I don't know what the heck is going on, if it is physical, psychological, both, cancer, what???? My new normal seems to be weeks of incapacitation for physical work punctuated by a day or two where I can physically vigil.
I fully expected to be on Capitol Hill today continuing the Free Palestine vigil. I awoke after massive sleep with diarrhea and feeling very weak. I don't know what the heck is going on, if it is physical, psychological, both, cancer, what???? My new normal seems to be weeks of incapacitation for physical work punctuated by a day or two where I can physically vigil.
Florida university president who condemned boycott has financial ties to settlements
Whale Shows Amazing Appreciation After Being Rescued From Tangled Net
Israel "will do everything to thwart" Iran nuclear deal
Nd. Unsuccessful people prostitute their lives for a little bit of leisure. The successful devote their lives to people in need and find this choice so joyful that to them leisure time is a horrible waste.
Unsuccessful people prostitute their lives for a little bit of leisure. The successful devote their lives to people in need and find this choice so joyful that to them leisure time is a horrible waste.
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***** if you only read one thing this year. If there is anyone on earth that you love. This is the best Israel Palestine summery I have ever seen.
From Ash Madi: "Things I learned about Israel recently
1) Zionism is a political ideology that hijacked and betrayed the teachings and values of Judaism to justify a criminal colonial project based on the systematic ethnic cleansing of the native inhabitants of Palestine through organized terrorism. As such Zionism is to Judaism what ISIS is to Islam: an extremist criminal ideology based on a grotesque distortion of the values and spirit of religion. Zionism promotes Jewish supremacism over non-Jews in Palestine and is thus the pinnacle of irony and hypocrisy considering its proponents decry Nazism’s Aryan supremacism over non-Aryans in Germany.l
2) Zionist nationalism is based on a form of nationalism found in Eastern European nations such as Russia and Poland. This nationalism is based on ethnic ownership of the land. Poland is for ethnic Poles and Russia is for ethnic Russians. This contrasts with Western European nationalism found in places like France and the US where the land belongs to anyone who is a citizen of the state.
3) Zionism draws much of its arguments for the establishment of a Jewish state in Palestine from the 5 books of Moses and the book of Joshua. The latter is the story of how the ancient Israelites conquered the promised land of Canaan (present day Levant) under the leadership of Joshua and the full blessing of God by repeatedly perpetrating massacres of unfathomable barbarity against the Canaanites where no man, woman or child was left standing. The book of Joshua therefore legitimizes the use of ruthless violence by Zionists in their quest to conquer and dominate Palestine. The latest massacre of the people of Gaza through indiscriminate bombing of civilians, women, children, residential buildings, hospitals, schools and even shelters follows the spirit of the book of Joshua to a t. Conversely, Jews in the West have a more universalist approach based on the tradition of the prophets.
4) Before declaring the independence of Israel, zionists had already committed 16 gruesome massacres against the Palestinians and ethnically cleansed 200,000 of them. All of this happened before neighbouring Arab armies decided to intervene. The zionist narrative claiming Israel was gratuitously attacked by the Arab armies is a lie.
5) Israel is the only country in the world without a constitution (Britain has the Magna Carta rather than a constitution). This means the supreme court of Israel can just make up laws as it goes along as there are no official principles setting the framework of the law
6) The highest court in Israel has determined that “Israeli” is not an identity. As such Jewishness is the foundation of identity in Israel, not citizenship. Palestinians in Israel are considered simply "Arabs", since Palestinian identity is not recognized. However, this abstract pure Arab identity exists only in Israel. Everywhere else Arab people are Egyptian, Syrian, Lebanese, Jordanian, Iraqi and Palestinian.
7) The Israeli regime fully meets the internationally recognized legal criteria of apartheid as defined in the International Covenant on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid and which includes the following 6 categories of crimes: - Massive violation of human rights and civil rights - Imposition of inhumane living conditions, such as poverty - Society-wide legalized discrimination in areas such as finance, housing, employment, education, and access to cultural events - Isolating the victim group geographically, such as in ghettoes - Exploitation of labor, such as slavery or forced labor or discrimination in wages - Inhumane suppression of rebellion against apartheid
8) The apartheid state of Israel controls the entire land of Palestine from the river to the sea. On this land Jews are a minority with all the rights and privileges while Palestinians are a majority deprived of their most basic human rights. There are 4.55 million Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza and 1.68 million Palestinians who are "citizens" of Israel, for a total of 6.23 million Palestinians. On the other hand there are 6.12 million Jews including the 0.5 million Jewish settlers living illegally in the West Bank. In order to arrive at a fictitious Jewish majority, The state of Israel doesn't statistically count the West Bank and Gaza (that it de facto dominates completely) as part of Israel's territory while simultaneously counting the Jewish settlers of those territories as citizens of Israel. The effect of this gerrymandering is to make the 4.55 million Palestinians who live under Israeli occupation disappear magically. In other words a Jew in the occupied West Bank counts as a human being and a citizen, while a non-Jew counts as an invisible sub-human non-entity.
9) In the West bank Palestinians are subject to Israeli military law, while the Jewish settlers who live just next door are subject to Israeli civil law. Israeli soldiers in the West Bank can arrest, shoot and kill Palestinians without any repercussions, but they have no authority whatsoever on Jewish settlers. All over the West Bank there are roads and highways that are for Jews only and Palestinians are forbidden from using them.
10) Palestinians are subject to relentless persecution to the extent that they are not just punished for resisting, but also prevented from surrendering. Surrender entails that one is left in peace after surrendering. However Palestinians are not given that choice. They are humiliated, dispossessed and killed no matter what they do.
11) Palestinians in the West Bank are denied freedom of movement by being required to go through a multitude of Israeli checkpoints intended to humiliate and control them. Palestinians in need of medical assistance are required to have a permit to pass through checkpoints. These permits are issued to Doctors Without Borders who can then deliver them to Palestinians in need. However Israel frequently prevents Doctors Without Borders from entering the Palestinian territories and therefore the permits cannot be delivered to those who need them. This is a deliberate strategy by Israel to deny medical treatment to Palestinians.
12) During WW2 the Jews in the Warsaw ghetto smuggled food and weapons into the ghetto through tunnels. The Nazis called them terrorists. That's right, Jews who were simply trying to smuggle some food into their open air prison and some weapons to protect themselves against a supremacist regime bent on their utterly destroying them were labelled terrorists. And this is precisely what Israeli is doing today to the Palestinians who are locked into their open air ghetto prisons and labelled terrorists for resisting Zionist oppression and defending their dignity against unthinkable horror. c
13) The letter bomb, parcel bomb, barrel bomb, market bomb, and car bomb were all introduced into the Middle East by zionist terrorist paramilitary groups such as the Irgun, Lehi and Haganah. One of the most famous zionist massacres in Palestine is the massacre of Deir Yassin. The peaceful village which had declared neutrality during the 1948 hostilities was depopulated following the massacre of over 250 villagers, half of them women and children at the hands of Irgun and Lehi commandos. This event helped trigger the 1948 exodus of more than 700,000 Palestinians who were expelled from their homes or fled fearing other zionist massacres. The culture of terrorism and ethnic cleansing inaugurated and pioneered by zionist paramilitary groups and upon which Israel was founded continues to be the modus operandi of the ironically named IDF which is an aggressive occupation force specializing in terrorizing civilians.
14) Israel is among the top 10 exporters of weapons in the world. This is all the more remarkable considering it is a very small country that competes with much larger countries like the UK and China in terms weapons sales. One of the main selling points of Israeli weapons is that they are marketed as being “combat proven”. This means the weapons have been successfully tested on Palestinians. Israel is involved in the sales of weapons to 190 countries (there are only 193 countries in the world!). This means that many countries that appear on the surface to be enemies of Israel are actually customers of its weapons behind the scenes.
15) Israel sold weapons to Rwanda and Serbia while these countries were in the midst of horrific genocidal campaigns. So to spell it out clearly, the state of Israel which condemns the horrors of the Holocaust when genocide was committed by the Nazis against the Jews has absolutely no problem selling weapons to groups who are committing genocide against another people. It follows that for Israel it’s only genocide when Jews are the victims. When someone else is the victim it’s just a business opportunity.
16) The West Bank and Gaza are laboratories for the testing of weapons and population control techniques. Palestinians are the guinea pigs. The end users are people around the world whose police forces are trained by Israel and whose prisons are supplied by Israeli technology. This includes many western countries among which is Canada, by virtue of the Canada-Israel “Public Security” Agreement signed in 2008. When the police of a country is “Israelized”, it follows that its people are “Palestinianized”. The state of Israel is effectively becoming a template and ideal for state control and domination around the world, ranging from authoritarian China to the current far right Canadian government under Stephen Harper who is a notorious zionist extremist. The Palestinians are also becoming a template and ideal of subjugation and pacification to be gradually imposed on people around the world. The success of Apartheid Israel’s system of oppression and domination is a threat to the entire global populations who will find themselves increasingly “Palestinianized” as their governments adopt “proven" Israeli strategies and techniques of pacification and subjugation.
17) Many military and police officials from various countries including the US and China visit Israel to learn Israeli crowd control techniques, propaganda and warfare strategies. A Chinese general recently visited Israel to learn how the IDF framed and executed the massacre in Gaza. The Maryland police department among many others is trained by the Israeli police and military. Israel is also responsible for supplying weapons to various police departments around the world. These weapons are designed for crowd control and urban warfare and include armed drones, urban warfare vehicles and potent tear gas canisters all tested on Palestinians and sold to countries like Brazil and Singapore among others.
18) During Israel’s short existence since 1948, Israeli military experts have provided support to the following regimes: - Dictatorship of Manuel Noriega in Panama - Dictatorship of Sani Abacha in Nigeria - Dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet in Chile - Dictatorship of Nicolae Ceausescu in Romania - Dictatorship of Mengistu Mariam in Ethiopia - Dictatorship of Jorge Videla in Argentina - Dictatorship of Mobutu Sese Seko in Zaire - Dictatorship of Ne Win in Burma - Apartheid regime in South Africa - Paramilitary death squads in Colombia - The current government of China Keep this list in mind next time someone tells you Israel supports democracy.
19) Israel has nuclear and ballistic missiles capable of reaching as far as Europe in addition to German made Dolphin-class submarines capable of delivering cruise missiles with nuclear warheads. It also has 10 satellites in orbit spying on various parts of the world and the Middle East in particular.
20) Israeli soldiers are cowards who specialize in bullying unarmed civilians and mostly target women and children with rubber-coated bullets. They have a deliberate strategy of maiming children by targeting their eyes and kneecaps. They routinely kill peaceful Palestinian protestors by shooting them in the head during demonstrations. They carefully monitor the number of such casualties to ensure it remains just shy of what would cause international public outrage.
21) The so called “peace process” involving a “two state solution” has been a sham from the very beginning and was always intended as a decoy to buy time for Israeli to steal more land, build more settlements and create more facts on the ground under the cover of a vague interminable peace process that never went anywhere.
22) The two state solution is officially dead and buried after the failure of the Kerry initiative. Israel has fully assimilated the west Bank to the extent that trying to get it back in one piece for the establishment of a Palestinian state is the equivalent of trying to get your sandwich back after someone has swallowed it. The electricity, water and road infrastructures are unified across Israel and the occupied territories. Furthermore Israel never had the slightest intention of implementing a fair and just “two state solution” since it always refused to accept a fully sovereign Palestinian state with an army and sovereignty over its borders and air space. In other words the “two state solution” is just an empty formula used by Israel and its allies to describe a hypothetical future Palestinian ghetto under Israel domination, which is no different from the present situation in the occupied territories.
23) It follows that those who keep talking about the "two state solution” are either very naive or trying to mislead people by appearing to have the interests of the Palestinians at heart while actually attempting to salvage the idea of a supremacist Jewish state in Palestine by reinforcing the erroneous idea that peace will come from further segregating the Jews and the Palestinians, when in fact segregation is the root of the problem rather than its solution. Before the arrival of the zionists, Jews, Christians and Muslims in Palestine lived together harmoniously in a land that has always been a mixing place at the crossroads of continents and civilizations.'
24) The only viable alternative to the current Israel regime of occupation, apartheid and ethnic cleansing is a binational democratic state similar to Switzerland and Belgium. Such a state would guarantee equality for all and the right of Palestinians to return to their rightful homes anywhere in Palestine. A two state solution would not guarantee this fundamental right. If people from different ethnic and religious backgrounds can get along in countries like Canada and the US there is no reason why Jews and Palestinians can’t get along in a binational democratic state in Palestine. What stands in the way of peace is not Iran, ISIS, Islam or any other scapegoat that Israel is always so keen to distract the world with. The real and only obstacle is Zionist Jewish supremacism which is a vile ideology no different from white supremacism or Nazism. Slavery ended, segregation ended, Nazism ended, South African apartheid ended and Zionist apartheid and occupation must inevitably end too. Israel is on the wrong side of history, fighting a battle it can never win.
25) The condition for putting hatred behind and turning a new page is the acknowledgement by Israel of the historic injustice it committed against the Palestinians and reparations for the crimes perpetrated. This will be the beginning of a healing process that will allow Palestinians and Jews to live together peacefully as equals. -- Sent from Fast notepad
1) Zionism is a political ideology that hijacked and betrayed the teachings and values of Judaism to justify a criminal colonial project based on the systematic ethnic cleansing of the native inhabitants of Palestine through organized terrorism. As such Zionism is to Judaism what ISIS is to Islam: an extremist criminal ideology based on a grotesque distortion of the values and spirit of religion. Zionism promotes Jewish supremacism over non-Jews in Palestine and is thus the pinnacle of irony and hypocrisy considering its proponents decry Nazism’s Aryan supremacism over non-Aryans in Germany.l
2) Zionist nationalism is based on a form of nationalism found in Eastern European nations such as Russia and Poland. This nationalism is based on ethnic ownership of the land. Poland is for ethnic Poles and Russia is for ethnic Russians. This contrasts with Western European nationalism found in places like France and the US where the land belongs to anyone who is a citizen of the state.
3) Zionism draws much of its arguments for the establishment of a Jewish state in Palestine from the 5 books of Moses and the book of Joshua. The latter is the story of how the ancient Israelites conquered the promised land of Canaan (present day Levant) under the leadership of Joshua and the full blessing of God by repeatedly perpetrating massacres of unfathomable barbarity against the Canaanites where no man, woman or child was left standing. The book of Joshua therefore legitimizes the use of ruthless violence by Zionists in their quest to conquer and dominate Palestine. The latest massacre of the people of Gaza through indiscriminate bombing of civilians, women, children, residential buildings, hospitals, schools and even shelters follows the spirit of the book of Joshua to a t. Conversely, Jews in the West have a more universalist approach based on the tradition of the prophets.
4) Before declaring the independence of Israel, zionists had already committed 16 gruesome massacres against the Palestinians and ethnically cleansed 200,000 of them. All of this happened before neighbouring Arab armies decided to intervene. The zionist narrative claiming Israel was gratuitously attacked by the Arab armies is a lie.
5) Israel is the only country in the world without a constitution (Britain has the Magna Carta rather than a constitution). This means the supreme court of Israel can just make up laws as it goes along as there are no official principles setting the framework of the law
6) The highest court in Israel has determined that “Israeli” is not an identity. As such Jewishness is the foundation of identity in Israel, not citizenship. Palestinians in Israel are considered simply "Arabs", since Palestinian identity is not recognized. However, this abstract pure Arab identity exists only in Israel. Everywhere else Arab people are Egyptian, Syrian, Lebanese, Jordanian, Iraqi and Palestinian.
7) The Israeli regime fully meets the internationally recognized legal criteria of apartheid as defined in the International Covenant on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid and which includes the following 6 categories of crimes: - Massive violation of human rights and civil rights - Imposition of inhumane living conditions, such as poverty - Society-wide legalized discrimination in areas such as finance, housing, employment, education, and access to cultural events - Isolating the victim group geographically, such as in ghettoes - Exploitation of labor, such as slavery or forced labor or discrimination in wages - Inhumane suppression of rebellion against apartheid
8) The apartheid state of Israel controls the entire land of Palestine from the river to the sea. On this land Jews are a minority with all the rights and privileges while Palestinians are a majority deprived of their most basic human rights. There are 4.55 million Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza and 1.68 million Palestinians who are "citizens" of Israel, for a total of 6.23 million Palestinians. On the other hand there are 6.12 million Jews including the 0.5 million Jewish settlers living illegally in the West Bank. In order to arrive at a fictitious Jewish majority, The state of Israel doesn't statistically count the West Bank and Gaza (that it de facto dominates completely) as part of Israel's territory while simultaneously counting the Jewish settlers of those territories as citizens of Israel. The effect of this gerrymandering is to make the 4.55 million Palestinians who live under Israeli occupation disappear magically. In other words a Jew in the occupied West Bank counts as a human being and a citizen, while a non-Jew counts as an invisible sub-human non-entity.
9) In the West bank Palestinians are subject to Israeli military law, while the Jewish settlers who live just next door are subject to Israeli civil law. Israeli soldiers in the West Bank can arrest, shoot and kill Palestinians without any repercussions, but they have no authority whatsoever on Jewish settlers. All over the West Bank there are roads and highways that are for Jews only and Palestinians are forbidden from using them.
10) Palestinians are subject to relentless persecution to the extent that they are not just punished for resisting, but also prevented from surrendering. Surrender entails that one is left in peace after surrendering. However Palestinians are not given that choice. They are humiliated, dispossessed and killed no matter what they do.
11) Palestinians in the West Bank are denied freedom of movement by being required to go through a multitude of Israeli checkpoints intended to humiliate and control them. Palestinians in need of medical assistance are required to have a permit to pass through checkpoints. These permits are issued to Doctors Without Borders who can then deliver them to Palestinians in need. However Israel frequently prevents Doctors Without Borders from entering the Palestinian territories and therefore the permits cannot be delivered to those who need them. This is a deliberate strategy by Israel to deny medical treatment to Palestinians.
12) During WW2 the Jews in the Warsaw ghetto smuggled food and weapons into the ghetto through tunnels. The Nazis called them terrorists. That's right, Jews who were simply trying to smuggle some food into their open air prison and some weapons to protect themselves against a supremacist regime bent on their utterly destroying them were labelled terrorists. And this is precisely what Israeli is doing today to the Palestinians who are locked into their open air ghetto prisons and labelled terrorists for resisting Zionist oppression and defending their dignity against unthinkable horror. c
13) The letter bomb, parcel bomb, barrel bomb, market bomb, and car bomb were all introduced into the Middle East by zionist terrorist paramilitary groups such as the Irgun, Lehi and Haganah. One of the most famous zionist massacres in Palestine is the massacre of Deir Yassin. The peaceful village which had declared neutrality during the 1948 hostilities was depopulated following the massacre of over 250 villagers, half of them women and children at the hands of Irgun and Lehi commandos. This event helped trigger the 1948 exodus of more than 700,000 Palestinians who were expelled from their homes or fled fearing other zionist massacres. The culture of terrorism and ethnic cleansing inaugurated and pioneered by zionist paramilitary groups and upon which Israel was founded continues to be the modus operandi of the ironically named IDF which is an aggressive occupation force specializing in terrorizing civilians.
14) Israel is among the top 10 exporters of weapons in the world. This is all the more remarkable considering it is a very small country that competes with much larger countries like the UK and China in terms weapons sales. One of the main selling points of Israeli weapons is that they are marketed as being “combat proven”. This means the weapons have been successfully tested on Palestinians. Israel is involved in the sales of weapons to 190 countries (there are only 193 countries in the world!). This means that many countries that appear on the surface to be enemies of Israel are actually customers of its weapons behind the scenes.
15) Israel sold weapons to Rwanda and Serbia while these countries were in the midst of horrific genocidal campaigns. So to spell it out clearly, the state of Israel which condemns the horrors of the Holocaust when genocide was committed by the Nazis against the Jews has absolutely no problem selling weapons to groups who are committing genocide against another people. It follows that for Israel it’s only genocide when Jews are the victims. When someone else is the victim it’s just a business opportunity.
16) The West Bank and Gaza are laboratories for the testing of weapons and population control techniques. Palestinians are the guinea pigs. The end users are people around the world whose police forces are trained by Israel and whose prisons are supplied by Israeli technology. This includes many western countries among which is Canada, by virtue of the Canada-Israel “Public Security” Agreement signed in 2008. When the police of a country is “Israelized”, it follows that its people are “Palestinianized”. The state of Israel is effectively becoming a template and ideal for state control and domination around the world, ranging from authoritarian China to the current far right Canadian government under Stephen Harper who is a notorious zionist extremist. The Palestinians are also becoming a template and ideal of subjugation and pacification to be gradually imposed on people around the world. The success of Apartheid Israel’s system of oppression and domination is a threat to the entire global populations who will find themselves increasingly “Palestinianized” as their governments adopt “proven" Israeli strategies and techniques of pacification and subjugation.
17) Many military and police officials from various countries including the US and China visit Israel to learn Israeli crowd control techniques, propaganda and warfare strategies. A Chinese general recently visited Israel to learn how the IDF framed and executed the massacre in Gaza. The Maryland police department among many others is trained by the Israeli police and military. Israel is also responsible for supplying weapons to various police departments around the world. These weapons are designed for crowd control and urban warfare and include armed drones, urban warfare vehicles and potent tear gas canisters all tested on Palestinians and sold to countries like Brazil and Singapore among others.
18) During Israel’s short existence since 1948, Israeli military experts have provided support to the following regimes: - Dictatorship of Manuel Noriega in Panama - Dictatorship of Sani Abacha in Nigeria - Dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet in Chile - Dictatorship of Nicolae Ceausescu in Romania - Dictatorship of Mengistu Mariam in Ethiopia - Dictatorship of Jorge Videla in Argentina - Dictatorship of Mobutu Sese Seko in Zaire - Dictatorship of Ne Win in Burma - Apartheid regime in South Africa - Paramilitary death squads in Colombia - The current government of China Keep this list in mind next time someone tells you Israel supports democracy.
19) Israel has nuclear and ballistic missiles capable of reaching as far as Europe in addition to German made Dolphin-class submarines capable of delivering cruise missiles with nuclear warheads. It also has 10 satellites in orbit spying on various parts of the world and the Middle East in particular.
20) Israeli soldiers are cowards who specialize in bullying unarmed civilians and mostly target women and children with rubber-coated bullets. They have a deliberate strategy of maiming children by targeting their eyes and kneecaps. They routinely kill peaceful Palestinian protestors by shooting them in the head during demonstrations. They carefully monitor the number of such casualties to ensure it remains just shy of what would cause international public outrage.
21) The so called “peace process” involving a “two state solution” has been a sham from the very beginning and was always intended as a decoy to buy time for Israeli to steal more land, build more settlements and create more facts on the ground under the cover of a vague interminable peace process that never went anywhere.
22) The two state solution is officially dead and buried after the failure of the Kerry initiative. Israel has fully assimilated the west Bank to the extent that trying to get it back in one piece for the establishment of a Palestinian state is the equivalent of trying to get your sandwich back after someone has swallowed it. The electricity, water and road infrastructures are unified across Israel and the occupied territories. Furthermore Israel never had the slightest intention of implementing a fair and just “two state solution” since it always refused to accept a fully sovereign Palestinian state with an army and sovereignty over its borders and air space. In other words the “two state solution” is just an empty formula used by Israel and its allies to describe a hypothetical future Palestinian ghetto under Israel domination, which is no different from the present situation in the occupied territories.
23) It follows that those who keep talking about the "two state solution” are either very naive or trying to mislead people by appearing to have the interests of the Palestinians at heart while actually attempting to salvage the idea of a supremacist Jewish state in Palestine by reinforcing the erroneous idea that peace will come from further segregating the Jews and the Palestinians, when in fact segregation is the root of the problem rather than its solution. Before the arrival of the zionists, Jews, Christians and Muslims in Palestine lived together harmoniously in a land that has always been a mixing place at the crossroads of continents and civilizations.'
24) The only viable alternative to the current Israel regime of occupation, apartheid and ethnic cleansing is a binational democratic state similar to Switzerland and Belgium. Such a state would guarantee equality for all and the right of Palestinians to return to their rightful homes anywhere in Palestine. A two state solution would not guarantee this fundamental right. If people from different ethnic and religious backgrounds can get along in countries like Canada and the US there is no reason why Jews and Palestinians can’t get along in a binational democratic state in Palestine. What stands in the way of peace is not Iran, ISIS, Islam or any other scapegoat that Israel is always so keen to distract the world with. The real and only obstacle is Zionist Jewish supremacism which is a vile ideology no different from white supremacism or Nazism. Slavery ended, segregation ended, Nazism ended, South African apartheid ended and Zionist apartheid and occupation must inevitably end too. Israel is on the wrong side of history, fighting a battle it can never win.
25) The condition for putting hatred behind and turning a new page is the acknowledgement by Israel of the historic injustice it committed against the Palestinians and reparations for the crimes perpetrated. This will be the beginning of a healing process that will allow Palestinians and Jews to live together peacefully as equals. -- Sent from Fast notepad
***** Beware: Republican Jews on the warpath A campaign of intimidation is underway to stop Democratic lawmakers from skipping Netanyahu's upcoming Congress speech. God, save us from our Jews.
Iran's Khamenei hints ready to accept fair nuclear deal as talks proceed
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