I can't wish you happy new year because I've always found such manmade constructs so, well, manmade...unnatural, so foreign, artificial... alien... ungodly. My very Dna finds such things repugnant. Oh, I know how to find such things pleasurable, if I try real hard. But I find it so inferior to just trying to live in full solidarity with all.... Creation... Nature... not the little fragments we shatter Nature... Creation... into. Ungodly.
Health ministry: 2015 was the most difficult year for Gaza patients
New York Times’ Jodi Rudoren whitewashes Israeli minister’s call for genocide
Who is the Arch Racist: Hillary or the Donald?
Young Palestinian patriot cut down by Israeli bullet
Palestinian liberation is “key matter of our time,” say Black leaders
How Vermont is Banning Unused Food From Landfills and Giving It to the Hungry
Obama wiretapped a cunning and dishonest foreign leader, for the sake of world peace
Labeling Jews: Left-wing NGOs, wear a yellow star in the Knesset
Texas GOP Lawmaker: ‘Rape Is Nonexistent In Marriage, Take What You Want’
Rubio Outraged by Spying on Israel’s Government, OK with Mass Surveillance of Americans
Caetano Veloso Loves Israel, but Won’t Be Going Back
Israel bans novel on Arab-Jewish romance from schools for 'threatening Jewish identity'
Hillary Clinton is more right wing than you think: For progressives, a vote for her over Bernie Sanders is a waste
I owe it to my neediest brothers and sisters to face reality not some wishful fantasy. Indulging in wishful fantasy is for me to betray them. That, I will not do.
I owe it to my neediest brothers and sisters to face reality not some wishful fantasy. Indulging in wishful fantasy is for me to betray them. That, I will not do.
Video. Israeli Gestapo firing stun grenades, tear gas, at Palestinian children leaving their winter exams.
Sexbots, laundroids and killer drones: The robot revolution got real in 2015
Israeli forces have killed 142 Palestinians, and injured 15,620, since October 1
***** Without love, it is nothing. I believe this is factually true. If you consider for a moment that it is true, look around you, and see how much in our world is, nothing. Look at the history of our Western civilization, and see, that it is nothing.
***** Without love, it is nothing. I believe this is factually true. If you consider for a moment that it is true, look around you, and see how much in our world is, nothing. Look at the history of our Western civilization, and see, that it is nothing.
IOA confiscates 500 dunums in southern Nablus
478 Palestinian facilities demolished in 2015
Palestinian orphans in Nablus protest closure of charity supporting them
Last night was horrible, terrible. An avalanche of nightmares, dreams, images.. anxiety, inferiority , failure, accurate memories... how......
Last night was horrible, terrible. An avalanche of nightmares, dreams, images.. anxiety, inferiority , failure, accurate memories... how alien I have always been, what a fool I have always been seen as, so inadequate, so profoundly socially inept, in this Western culture. Agonizing. Debilitating. Only through force of will did I climb out of bed quite sure I would have to return shortly curled up in a fetal position, to try and work my way out of it. After I was up, after an hour or two, I received the gift of a different perspective. My perspective shifted from the scorn, ridicule, contempt... that the world has for me. It shifted to what I imagined the Creator thinks of me and what I do. It shifted to what I imagine Jesus thinks of me and what I do. And then I felt sane again.
Knesset passes dangerous settlement funding law — without a hitch A new law formalizes the outsourcing of rural settlement activity in the West Bank. A boon to the settlements, a blow to democracy — and the taxpayer.
The most popular baby name in Israel: 2014 slaughter of Palestinians. Fact.
The Second Amendment Was Never Meant to Protect an Individual’s Right to a Gun
We'll try anything and everything to make the world a better place, except the only thing that can do so. Changing our way of being.
We'll try anything and everything to make the world a better place, except the only thing that can do so. Changing our way of being.
Private Prison Exec Waves Off Criminal Justice Reform, Predicts More Profits
IDF admits spraying herbicides inside the Gaza Strip The army says aerial spraying was meant to ‘enable security operations.’ Palestinian farmers say hundreds of acres of crops were damaged or destroyed.
***** The Revolt of the Anxious Class
***** 10 Quotes From a Sioux Indian Chief That Will Make You Question Everything About “Modern” Culture
This 6-Year-Old Boy Chose To Help The Homeless Instead Of Getting Christmas Presents
Gaza: Israeli planes spray chemicals, ruin farmland
Fifty Churches Just Offered Safe Haven to Central American Refugees Facing Deportation
***** By living by the sword, by force and brutality, within our society we are psychologically deevolving, deconstructing, degenerating, disintegrating....
***** It is not truthfulness, but being on the winning side, but we value. Massively crucial political insight.
***** Instead of housing myself, I am able to donate all of my meager retirement funds to that about which I care of the most. Here is some of the list. It will change each month, slightly, & I am gratefully open to suggestions. My top priority is Palestine, but beyond that I care about all of the victims of US Empire. And it is my intent to completely and only support the insanely humane among us, that one in a million, upon whom all hope of anything good depends:
By wasting no money on housing or anything else for myself, about which I have miniscule interest, I expect to make similar donations, all of my meager monthly retirement, each month of the year. This is an indescribable joy for me, an immense privilege, a divine blessing that I don't deserve but I have.
Electronic Intifada,
International Solidarity movement,
Christian peace maker teams,
Palestine children's relief fund PCRF,
breaking the silence,
students for justice Palestine,
Syrian relief,
United Palestinian appeal,
Southern Poverty Law Center,
Sea Shepherd,
common dreams,
Welfare Association
In my experience the high highest percentage of ungodly, satanic, is among those calling themselves Jews, next those calling themselves Christians, and finally, a much smaller percentage still, those calling themselves Muslims. Christians, being an infinitely larger group than Jews, do infinitely more damage than any other religion, although those calling themselves Jews, pound for pound, do the most damage.
In my experience the high highest percentage of ungodly, satanic, is among those calling themselves Jews, next those calling themselves Christians, and finally, a much smaller percentage still, those calling themselves Muslims. Christians, being an infinitely larger group than Jews, do infinitely more damage than any other religion, although those calling themselves Jews, pound for pound, do the most damage.
In my experience the highest percent of godly among the religions are Jews, followed by Muslims. Christians are way down the list.
In my experience the highest percent of godly among the religions are Jews, followed by Muslims. Christians are way down the list.
Merry Christmas: Hundreds of Millions Crushed on the Cross. This is at least half true.
***** The Quran Speaks: ISIS and Islam are Opposites
Merry Christmas. The fourth Palestinian child killed by Israeli Gestapo, today. Today. Today. Merry Christmas. Enjoy your day.
Video: Israeli youths dance, stab picture of murdered Palestinian baby
Jewish settlers seize shop in Jerusalem’s Old City
Formerly interned Japanese Americans stand up against Muslim hate
European legal experts call on EU to stop trading with settlements
UN: 47% of Gaza households were food insecure in 2014
US stops British Muslim family from boarding flight to visit Disneyland
***** Gaza's children forced to work for a pittance amid war-torn ruins After three wars in six years, Gaza has the world’s highest unemployment rate, and children from families in dire poverty are sent out to work in the rubble
Montreal Jews and Muslims unite to help Syrian refugees
Video.Gaza is a graveyard, the mob gleefully chants.
Under heading 'I too am breaking the silence,' ex-Shin Bet chief and former northern police commander publish ad in favor of anti-occupation group, joining other security officials.
Among the greatest affirmations I have ever received, from someone the other day: "You are a true faithful Christian Jew and Muslim, you are an example of being a human being."
Among the greatest affirmations I have ever received, from someone the other day: "You are a true faithful Christian Jew and Muslim, you are an example of being a human being."
Israel’s sea blockade of Gaza motivated by gas finds
Palestinian home turned into observation post in al-Khalil
Howard Dean, you have earned our contempt, sir. Surprisingly Feisty Michael Steele To Howard Dean: 'You're Shilling for Hillary'
Paul Krugman: Donald Trump’s winning because GOP trained its base not to care about facts, truth
Israeli Gestapo IOA impedes implementation of 21 projects at al-Aqsa Mosque
Paul Krugman: Donald Trump’s winning because GOP trained its base not to care about facts, truth
Israeli left faces domestic ‘witch hunt.’ Group that exposes illegal military practices against Palestinians is the main target
Immigrant Detainees Accuse US of Using Sleep Deprivation During Hunger Strike
Force-Feeding Authorized for Detainees on Hunger Strike
Hillary Clinton Wants A “Manhattan-like Project” To Break Encryption On Your Smartphone
19 Palestinian students killed by IOF since early October
Students and academics challenge the ‘Palestine exception’ to free speech in the US
Clinton WH Counselor Says Party a "Dead Carcass" for Stifling Debate
Israeli navy forces kidnap Palestinian fishermen
The Creeping Villainy of American Politics
The assassination two decades ago of Yitzhak Rabin, the warrior who became Israel’s peacemaking prime minister, has proved one of the most successful in history. Nyt
The Right is furious over the alleged use of torture against the suspects in the murder of a Palestinian family. But is it any surprise that the tools used against Palestinians would eventually be used against Jews too?
Did Israel Just Start Another War with Hezbollah?
Hillary Clinton video. Lies upon lies upon lies
Susan Sarandon Joins Sea Rescue Team On Search For Refugees Headed To Greece
Israel arrests 90 students at West Bank university
Video. Dozens of Palestine maps from the 18 hundreds.
A Palestinian refugee, who gained international notoriety after a video of him playing a piano amid the destruction in a Damascus refugee camp went viral, has been given a prestigious human rights award in Germany.
Palestinian residents served as human shields on Sunday night to prevent a house demolition in Tamun town, south of the West Bank city of Tubas.
Hate attacks on U.S. Muslims are spiking — and where’s the outrage
Bernie Sanders was more popular than Trump, but the press ignores him
Robert Reich Explains How DNC Is Royally Screwing Over Bernie Sanders
Israeli storm troops IOF opens fire at Gazan farmers, carries out mock raids
***** The American Papers that Praised Hitler
“Hillary just terrified everyone”: Edward Snowden slams Clinton’s hawkish foreign policy in third debate
After 2,000 years, Christians in Gaza disappearing
CBS Edits Out Criticisms of U.S. Policy From Frank Luntz Focus Group With Muslim Americans
Israeli terrorists attack Palestinian farmer and his son
***** Israeli soldiers are breaking their silence. Video
Injuries as IOF violently disbands anti-occupation march in Qalqiliya
Israel launches massive attack - corrupt Wikipedia into a propaganda vehicle
***** Single most important body of research I've seen in my entire life. 40 assets. Search institute.org. A child deprived of an environment rich in 40 assets, social, emotional, intellectual... will be crippled, criminal, self destructive, destructive of others.... Jesus was correct, if we........
***** Single most important body of research I've seen in my entire life. 40 assets. Search institute.org. A child deprived of an environment rich in 40 assets, social, emotional, intellectual... will be crippled, criminal, self destructive, destructive of others....
Jesus was correct, if we love our brother as our self it will be heaven, otherwise hell. How long will you continue to blame the child? How long will you continue to punish the child for our having starved her?
I first encountered this information in 2000, as I had left my $300,000 a year career in the high-tech industry, as company president, for the field of elementary school guidance counseling, psychology masters. It was and is the most important body of research for all of humanity of which I am aware.
If you are an affluent community and some high school students drink and kill themselves in a car accident, you will call in the search Institute and restructure your entire community to increase the assets that your community provides. If you are not an affluent community you know nothing about this information. I know of no greater crime in our society than that this information is not widely known and widely implemented in all aspects of public policy. It is not by accident but it is not disseminated. We do not want to love our brother as our self. Too expensive. Consummate Satan likeness.
Using this information I created an out of school program in the district, Chester Pennsylvania, one of the 10 most failing school districts in the country, called the 1020 zone, which subsequently was copied in Harlem and has become a model program for the Obama administration, The Kids Zone.
If you can see why I am over rating this information, as I am certain that I am NOT, please bring it to my attention.
If you are not already familiar, I implore you to look at these 26 slides, and at all of the supporting links on this page at the link below.
The correlation between minimal assets for a child in their environment, and maximal assets in the environment of a child, are night and day, hell and heaven, Creator and Satan.
***** Thousands march in Tel Aviv against growing right-wing incitement Demonstrators took the streets of central Tel Aviv to show their support for Israeli human rights organizations under attack by right-wing incitement over the past weeks. Breaking the Silence executive director: ‘We were born into the occupation, we can be the ones to end it.’
Ex-IDF general takes out ad to support Breaking the Silence
Mort Sahl said Israel was not a partner to peace, 24 years ago
***** Comments pls??? By foregoing personal housing, all entertainment, vacations... and all other personal intoxications we waste our lives and resources on in this sick, morbidly self centered society... I can provide minuscule funding, every month, to all of these pro Palestine freedom causes. If you have any additional suggestions please let me know
***** Comments pls??? By foregoing personal housing, all entertainment, vacations... and all other personal intoxications we waste our lives and resources on in this sick, morbidly self centered society... I can provide minuscule funding, every month, to all of these pro Palestine freedom causes. If you have any additional suggestions please let me know.
elf insurance
vigil essentials
Healthcare incidentals
electronics emergencies
elf replacement beyond insurance
Electronic Intifada
International Solidarity movement
Southern Poverty Law Center
Union Mission
software applications
Christian peace maker teams
Jewish Voice for Peace
Common dreams
Palestine children's relief fund PCRF
Breaking the silence
Students for Palestine
Doctors Without Borders
Sea Shepherd
United Palestinian appeal
use of restroom facilities
food ( reimburse homeless food places that I use)
Israeli government bans soldiers against the war from visiting Israeli schools
Pro-Palestine Student Activists Face Cyberbullying, Backlash on US Campuses
***** Israeli Gestapo and exterminated 127 Palestinians in less than 3 months. With impunity. They have trained 9000 United States police officers, so far, to do the same to the people of color in their cities. Merry Christmas.
Muslim and Jewish Feminists Gather to Seek Common Ground
***** Humiliation is the Root of All Terrorism
***** magnificent words from Christian evangelicals: Refugees possess the image of God and, as such, are infinitely valuable to God and to us......
***** video. Canadian children welcoming Muslim children and refugees to Canada. The song and the story. Beautiful
***** North Dakota. Man braves bitter cold while homeless veteran stays in his home
U.N. Says 60 Million People Have Been Forced to Flee War
Video. Israeli Gestapo stomp Palestinian youth, Israeli citizens of illegal settlers, stomp the youth.
Zioni Mob Boss Sheldon Adelson faces new scrutiny as documents challenge his testimony Casino magnate’s trial remarks raised more questions than they answered about Las Vegas Sands’ connection with an alleged organised crime leader in China
Israel uses the wall to steal even more Palestinian land
Israeli Gestapo shoot to kill, deny first aid
Former University of California president comes out openly as Israel lobbyist
Americans don't want the truth. This is Colbert’s real problem: Conservatives aren’t the issue, it’s mainstream America
3 Palestinians survive Israeli vehicular attack
Israeli Gestapo: Palestinian shot dead, 41 shot in Gaza demo
Israel removes Arabic signage from Jerusalem
Israeli navy continues to attack fishermen north of Gaza
Video. 1917 Jewish forces with British assistance invade and take over Palestinian Tiberius killing or driving out the Christian and Muslim inhabitants.
Tennessee high school football player killed shielding 3 girls from gunfire
‘NPR’ does story on Adelson’s newspaper purchase without mentioning Israel
‘NYT’ and ‘Washington Post’ run professor’s articles defending settlements without stating he is a settler
European tourists staying away from Israel in droves
***** How Volunteers From All Over the World Have Transformed the Refugee Crisis on Lesbos
South Africa joins growing global movement to isolate Israel universities
***** JEWISH VOICE FOR PEACE, JVP. I would rather have money to support this group and several others, than a roof over my head, quite literally. So I am refusing the opulent subsidized housing that has become available to me.......
***** JEWISH VOICE FOR PEACE, JVP. I would rather have money to support this group and several others, than a roof over my head, quite literally. So I am refusing the opulent subsidized housing that has become available to me, I'll live in this homeless shelter until it closes and then on the streets, for the joy of having all of my meager, just above poverty level retirement funds, supporting this JVP organization and several others. Please consider supporting this organization, JVP. Some of you know that I see very few organizations or individuals worthy of the sacred name, activist. These folks continue to impress me. Thank you. James. https://actionsprout.io/BA3A31
Just came from the surgeon examining her handiwork of yesterday. She
don't tell. I'm supposed to be resting, but this is the last day before everyone leaves Washington DC on their holidays. So here I am at Farragut square on lobbyist K Street.
***** USD Professor Leads Silent Protest Against Anti-Muslim Rhetoric
This last Thursday, the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) adopted a draft resolution entitled “The right of the Palestinian people to self-determination”, and the result of the voting was 177 countries in favor of the Resolution.
Editorial: Some Jews leading the charge against Islamophobia
Israel claims evidence lacking in burning alive of Palestinian baby
Maybe there's just no room for human rights in Israel Those trying to delegitimize rights groups because their funds come from overseas are sending a very clear message: human and civil rights are not values that exist naturally in Israel.
More than 200 South African scholars pledge support for Israel boycott
Three farmers shot, injured south of Gaza
Jerusalem approves plan to build 891 housing units in neighborhood beyond
A Gallup poll in February 2015 found that the percentage of Democrats sympathizing with Israel more than Palestinians had fallen 10 points, to 48%, over the previous year.......
Palestinian-Canadian artist shot by occupation forces while photographing on the West Bank
Lillian Rosengarten’s wrenching memoir, Survival and Conscience: From the Shadows of Nazi Germany to the Jewish Boat to Gaza.
Palestinian teen succumbs to her serious wounds
***** "Algerian women will stand with Palestinian women till removing the occupation on our beloved Palestine," she wrote. "Your magnificent glory shines far above the skies," she......
2 Palestinians killed, 4 injured as Israeli troops roll into Qalandiya camp
Israeli bulldozers reduce Palestinian home to rubble in Galilee
White guys are killing us: Toxic, cowardly masculinity, our unhealable national illness
Danish pensions giant dumps German firm over ties with Israel
***** This is Normandy Beach for the Dark Side... moral and spiritual Global Armageddon:.......
This is Normandy Beach for the Dark Side... moral and spiritual Global Armageddon:
***** must read. If we are going to survive as a human race, we’re going to do it through civil society actively working for human rights, not promoting closed policies that mimic Nazi Germany or Communist Russia.........
Hooray! Cataract surgery has been reestablished for this Thursday, December 17th.....
Video. Israel is terrorizing their own liberals
Idle No More tiny house builds awareness of big problem. Small home to be shipped to Big River First Nation
Former Cuba Leader Fidel Castro Says 'Israel and US Fathered Isis'
Israeli Defence Minister Moshe Yaalon declares war on ex-soldiers’ protest group Mr Yaalon said the army had previously attempted to investigate incidents recounted in the group's testimony 'but they turned out to be groundless'
‘Martyrs’ Christmas tree at Al-Quds University angers Israelis
California Assemblyman Will Introduce Legislation to Combat BDS
Palestine flag removed from New York flag display
Video. Israeli invaders blaring Islamic hate messages at Palestinian residents
ISM calls for internationals to volunteer in Palestine
Longtime Conservative Actor Robert Duvall Is Abandoning The GOP ‘Mess’
***** Fascism: It's what all the cool kids are doing these days
It appears that I will not be regaining the sight in my left eye, after all. Although I began .......
It appears that I will not be regaining the sight in my left eye, after all. Although I began work, and put in hours, beginning in June when it became apparent that my current insurance policy would have to be replaced by a managed care policy, the city bureaucracy totally screwed up and I am informed more recently of two things: one, the hospital is bumping me from my December surgery date, presumably because I'm poor and they figure they won't get any repercussions by doing so, and 2. The city screwed up and is dropping my insurance the end of this month, without the transitionn I've been working on to Medicare for which I am fully eligible. My major concern is driving, which I must do for Palestine, but this vehicle, although wonderful, has inherent blind spots that make it difficult to see pedestrians at intersections, and with my left eye pretty useless, that compounds the problem.
My biggest concern is those that don't have the skills to advocate for themselves. The city is filled with well-meaning social workers, but beyond helping one make phone calls, due to the person not having a phone, or having no idea who to call, there is a profound lack of ability to get any results, and even worse, to recognize that lack of ability to get results, is quite staggering. There is a profound sense in this social work community that trying to help is enough. It is a horrible thing for all concerned.
Not that it matters, but I think that this profound failing of the Social Work community is at least largely a systemic problem. Underpaid. Under supported. Poorly led. Inadequately incentivized. Infinitely too few tools provided by we uninterested, unconcerned taxpayers. Radical Republican insurgency working to further destroy what safety net exists. And a social work profession that has a horrible temptation endemic. How does one hold oneself to a high level of performance outcomes when your supervisor is not going to do so, and when your clients with few if any exceptions are in a position to even know what competent performance is, let alone to demand it? And if they did demanded, who would listen? Consequently, with few if any exceptions the social worker is exactly going to hold themselves to the profoundly low standard of being pleasant, being courteous, making phone calls, and then accepting, oh well, at least we tried....... Christian nation? My ass.
Palestinian prisoners on fourth day of hunger strike
***** Why do so many Israelis hate Breaking the Silence? The organization of former Israeli soldiers is coming under attack from every direction these days — from the Israel’s president to the defense minister to the police. So what’s the deal?
The Palestinian village that refuses to give up on popular struggle Even after 11 years of struggle, the residents of Bil’in refuse to forget about the land that was taken from them
***** Obama’s ISIS czar says we can’t defeat extremism without resolving Palestinian issue
Hillary Clinton Is Whitewashing the Financial Catastrophe
Are toxins from Israeli bombs making Gaza babies ill?
***** Dying for a story: Brazil’s journalists are being killed at record rates
NYT, NetanYahu's Toilet, is where I am posted from early morning until mid evening with the free Palestine vehicle.
NYT, NetanYahu's Toilet, is where I am posted from early morning until mid evening with the free Palestine vehicle.
Video, Israeli invaders desecrate Palestinian mosque, under the protection of the Israeli storm troops
Israeli forces shoot 20 Palestinians during West Bank demonstrations over the weekend
***** Netanyahu Calls Palestinian Self-Defense “Terrorism”. Palestinians are Categorized as “Islamic Terrorists”
Paris deal: Epic fail on a planetary scale
Lol, as I said, it doesn't make any sense to me why I would have a roof over my head when billions do not. I can remember........
http://jesusgodgoodetcnjay.blogspot.com/2015/12/i-need-your-help-i-about-this-week-to.html .
***** Why mass shootings don't convince gun owners to support gun control
***** Final COP 21 text a disaster for the world’s most vulnerable and future generations
The female Fisher of Gaza. "No matter how much I have endured, and how much I will, I'm always ready for more."
Palestinian leader Ahmad Sa’adat from prison: We are struggling for democracy, liberation and justice for all
Israeli forces kill Palestinian in Gaza border clashes, injure 58
Oliver Stone: America Is The Real Threat To The World, Not ISIS
Israel attacks West Bank college twice in one week
Horrifying video. How is really Gustavo treats Palestinian girls
Haneyya: Only a generation armed with faith able to liberate
***** Regarding my plan for Solidarity, to refuse an apartment for me. Comments and dialogue thus far.
!!!! ARGH! !!!! The post said global media! What I intended......
1. !!!! ARGH! !!!! The post said global media! What I intended to say was global neediest!!!!!!!! "I have no hope in anything anymore, except in absolute lived solidarity with the global neediest and my joy is in doing so and in supporting the one in a million that seems to have found, or is showing the propensity to find, a similar path." I voice type and the post of this morning must have been between unintelligible and ridiculous with this error. If you read it with the error please consider reconsidering the post. http://jesusgodgoodetcnjay.blogspot.com/2015/12/i-need-your-help-i-about-this-week-to.html
2. Please do not have the idea that I am looking for an out, looking to escape, my plan A which is to turn down this opulent housing so that every penny can go to the few heroically fighting for Palestine, and so that I can have the joy of lived solidarity with them as much as possible which, to my understanding, is exactly and entirely the gospel as lived and taught by my primary hero, Jesus. I look up on my plan A with great joy and open arms. However, if there is a plan B that dramatically better serves humanity then I must consider that and for that I asked your input. http://jesusgodgoodetcnjay.blogspot.com/2015/12/i-need-your-help-i-about-this-week-to.html
3. Thank you to those who have responded to this morning's email already. I am very much hoping to hear from others of you. I believe that the following are most all of the exchanges that have been sparked so far:
SS: I read your post. Just mentioning that you can free up a space in the shelter for someone else to use, can be more effective, but particularly you will be able to share the space with anyone who needs it. Perhaps you will be able to offer it to a Palestinian activist, a worker with refugees, an actual refugee or family.... just because you would like it is actually not a good reason to turn it down.
JM: Huh? Turn it down because I would like it? That is the kind of fetish that I abhor. I believe that every human being on earth has the right to a roof over their head, because that is right. But that does not mean it is my job to provide that. Some people may be called to do so, I am NOT. As I thought I was clear in my post and in other posts my role is to inspire, instruct, inform, exemplify the true activist, total, complete, lived solidarity, the only revolution, the only hope that there has ever been. I may be failing miserably. I may continue to fail miserably but it is my role to try and do so. It is the only attempt that makes sense to me it is the only attempt that makes sense to me for any of us. It is so obvious to me that it is what we should all strive to do. And it is the choice that I prefer over any and every option I can think of. It is a betrayal of that role if I let anything distract me from it, & I shall not. And I do not think it's my role alone. I think it's the role that the likes of all of the people that I idolize called us to, yet we all insist on the trillion excuses why we should not follow their call. I may fail at everything but I will not fail to try and follow the call. It's amazing to me that no one seems to understand this from my communications and my work.
SS: I only mentioned that because you are so determined to do everything for others. So accepting a good and affordable place, even if it only means that you are more effective in your work, I think is a good plan. You know, you could do it as an experiment. If you don't find yourself more effective, you can give it up after the lease (or whatever) is up.
JM: Yes, I thought of that, taking it as an experiment. But I really have much data on which to make this decision, years here in DC, a lifetime, and the last 10 years or so to an extreme degree, studying the world and the landscape and how things are. And with the outreach that this post today represents I think that by weeks end if there is any new data for me to consider I will have it by then. <3
SS: Some of us undoubtedly responded to this: If, however, I needed the apartment to support profound humanity, a true activist(s), for example, or, Syrian refugees... It's up to you to follow whatever call there may be. But I do encourage you to say yes. I also suggest that your call out asking the question is a suggestion that you feel the possibility as well. Now you have replied, so I'll see what you wrote.
JM: Lol. I am very pleased to have the opportunity of plan a. But the outreach regarding this post was if there is a better plan B then I certainly want to know that. But plan a is not something I am looking to avoid. I face it with eager and open arms.
SS: Ah! I see. I don't have a better plan B. And I'm really happy this is coming your way. I'll watch for what happens.
SS: Maybe the edge of being homeless is what drives your creativity. I don't know.
JM: Not the edge of being homeless, but the edge of living in full solidarity with the neediest. The yearning for this is always been part of me. Part of me always hated the expensive house, that a woman that came and cleaned the house for us once a week, the country clubs, adults calling me mister and me supposed to call them by their first name because they were serving us. I always hated that while of course getting great pleasure at the same time from the privilege. When your brothers and sisters don't have homes, who wants to have a home? I don't understand that. I never did. I accepted it but I didn't understand it. Now I don't understand it and I refuse to accept it.
SS: Yes. That's absurd privilege. I never had that level, and my parents came from poor so I wasn't raised that way.
JM: My dad, the most godly man I have ever known, was from poverty and he never wanted privilege for himself but he thought that was the way to love us.
FA: I love u James Mcginley :) u r one in million
JM: Well, what extremely kind words. Very kind of you sister.
( FA, who is Pakistani): There is no point to what I'm about to tell you. When I was growing up it was in one of the wealthiest towns in the world, a suburb of New York City. I remember that my older sister, who went to a private school, had a friend that I met on several occasions. Her name was Fosia (sp???) And she was from Pakistan. She was an exchange student. I remember her being one of the most amazingly lovely souls that I have ever encountered.
FA: Good people find goodness everywhere may Allah bless u with good health n give u long life world needs people like u at this time specially
JM: My personal prayer, which I don't make, would be the creator would take me home tonight. I've long been tired of this world. But I find immense joy in the futile task of trying to make it better for others. So with every breath in this life sentence that I've been given I will try to do so.
FA: I respect ur thoughts everything is going on the way it has to be its difficult to live yes ur right but never give up stay strong people are awaking
JM: I live primarily for someone in the future. Because it is clear to me we refuse to awaken today.
FA: In sha Allah
DW: If you don't have someone in mind at this time it may be best to take it until you can offer it to others in need. Is there a chance that you could lose the option?
JM: I would lose the option. And I do not see any time to waste. Not a second. I know of organizations that are fighting with their very lives for Palestinians and money to their work would serve better than keeping a speculative option like this open.
NA: I agree with DW, take it until you see what u can do with it.
JH: My selfish rationalization is people might less respect the opinions of a homeless person. People might more respect the opinions of someone who demonstrates ability to care for therself. But I don't know.
JM: JH, thank you. I think you are exactly right, about people. But I have no hope in people. I live for, all of my hope, my only hope, is in the one in a million that is either out of the matrix, or potential for getting out of the matrix. The true, or latent activists. The one in a million, and not only would they not be put off, they would get it, they too are living, or leaning toward living full solidarity with the neediest, not charity, solidarity.
DN: You may have addressed this but, would you be able to / allowed invite others (say refugees etc that have been vetted) to live in / use this apartment / space also - if so then this could be the beginning of something like what I remember you had with Thomas years ago
Also no shame or harm in giving yourself access to a basic necessity -
Imho, it's you that are able to do the most good, not the meger ss funds - use some of them to take care of your vessel and continue to do good in the world - $ is $ - actions are actions - your actions / ability to continue actions should always trump $ matters
All that said, it would not surprise or disappoint me if you turn down this seemingly great opportunity - please just use your best judgement.
JM: You are always so kind.
Yes, it is my effort, it is our efforts, which are the only thing that has the potential to redeem the world. Not money. But I have a responsibility to use the money that I cannot avoid receiving to maximum benefit. If by moving out onto the street it was something like certain death, or certain massive impairment, that would be something I would have to look at. Does it mean greatly increased risks of all bodily sorts? Of course. But not sufficient to sway my decision. And increased risk to my well being is way off set by the current extra-judicial murders by America / Israel at a rate now of two children per day, murdered, shot with exploding bullets, executed by settlers and the Israeli Gestapo, with total impunity, totally no consequence, 1 - 2 children per day now. That way over balances any concern about my physical well being of a speculative nature.
AL: If it is subsidized you would not be able to have guests for long periods, so helping refugees by letting them stay at your place is out.
The best argument that I hear for taking the place is the "base of operations" model. You could use it as a meeting and planning place for a small group of people who are as committed as you are.
JM: I know almost none in the area, or in the country for that matter, that are radically committed. That is the entire problem. Charity? Yes. Solidarity, no way. It too was my understanding that because the housing is subsidized I could have no long-term guests, but the manager of this particular property told me explicitly otherwise. That does not mean he is correct.
AL: If the manager is cooperative you could find ways around the rules. They're the main ones checking in (at least that's how it works up here in Frederick). Worst case you'd lose the subsidy.
JM: Thanks for the advice. I have also been advised that immigrants are under terrible scrutiny and that someone that looks like me could be a detriment to any of them that got close to me such as housing. I am totally clueless what if anything anyone can provide to refugees. I wish I knew where to become better informed, less totally ignorant.
AL: I guess taking in a refugee would be difficult. Is there anyone you encounter during your daily routine who deserves and could benefit from having a roof over their head?
JM: I believe that the term, human rights, is correctly understood as that which is right. It is right that every human being have a roof over their head. But that does not mean that that is the fight that I am to fight, and it is not. Mine is to live in what I believe is the only revolution that has been ever possible, and exactly and precisely the revolution which Jesus intended to set in motion, and never did. That revolution is the revolution of lived solidarity with the global neediest, which is exactly what he did and exactly what he taught and exactly what we have refused to do. So I understand that it is my role to live that as absolutely as I can, and with any resources at my disposal to support the one in a million that is doing the same. Undoubtedly there are a few in the DC area that are doing the same but I have absolutely no visibility to them, and hence my outreach of earlier today. I am constantly on the lookout and I will continue to constantly be on the lookout. But as of now I don't see them. If I did that decision would be made by now and I would accept the property. Outside of DC I do see people that are standing fairly heroically for the people in Palestine and I envision that instead of taking the property I will devote all of what income I have to their work.
AL: Okay. I'm sorry I don't have other ideas. If I think of any I will let you know. My thoughts are with you and best of luck in making your decision.
JM: Barring any further information it is an easy decision. And it is a decision with which I am very happy. But if there is an even better decision then I wish to know that before it is too late.
***** Top Climate Expert: Crisis is Worse Than We Think & Scientists Are Self-Censoring to Downplay Risk
Israel's Actions In Palestine Are The Definition Of Apartheid
Why Zuck and other successful men wear the same thing every day
***** James Hansen, father of climate change awareness, calls Paris talks 'a fraud' The former Nasa scientist criticizes the talks, intended to reach a new global deal on cutting carbon emissions beyond 2020, as ‘no action, just promises’
Another winter in Gaza's makeshift homes
How long can Democrats denounce Trump and embrace Netanyahu?
74 Palestinians injured during Bethlehem clashes Friday
Armed 'Three Percenters' turn protests toward Muslim Americans
Our Founding Fathers included Islam
***** I need your HELP! I'm about, this week, to turn down permanent housing unless I can think of a good reason to take it.....
We are addicted to war: The simple statistics that help explain how the world views America
Palestinian female detainee declares hunger strike
Tikkun: Judaism is being exploited to justify institutionalized racism in Israel
'But James, there are many activists in Washington DC that you could work with and help. You really should get out and you need to try and find them. There are still some people in town from the Occupy movement for example. You really should try. You really should open your eyes....' My reply.......
'But James, there are many activists in Washington DC that you could work with and help. You really should get out and you need to try and find them. There are still some people in town from the Occupy movement for example. You really should try. You really should open your eyes....'
My reply, in an email, an hour or so later. (It took me awhile after this conversation to adjust to the fact that this young professional who has worked with me in a social work capacity for several years now thanks I am such a functioning idiot, quite literally. And, of course, I may be.):
There may be many, even many many, activists, worthy of the name in DC. Or, I may be correct, that there are 1, maybe two, maybe three worthy the name.
Without question your view is the widely held one and mine held almost by none. But one who has done immense scholarly work on this subject, chris Hedges, who to my eyes is the most important intellectual writing in the world today, his second most recent book, which I finished about a month ago now, is entitled death of the liberal class. I recommend it, and his most recent book, the wages of rebellion, that is, the virtually ultimate price that the true activists have to pay, I recommend those books above the dozens or hundreds of others that I value. In his book, the death of a little class, he documents that beginning particularly with Woodrow Wilson in the early 19 Hundred's the right wing began a campaign that by the late sixties had pretty well located and exterminated those who were worthy of the name activists by any historical measure. And they thereby implemented systems that have pretty well prevented all but one in a million potential True activists from emerging ever since.
This has been my view, to my increasing day by day horror, each day that I have been in DC as an activist for the last 8 years or so. And every week I get More data points that suggest it's worse than I thought it was the week before. What was amazing to me was that in benefiting from the scholarship that hedges shared it was so much worse, so much more systematic, and started so much earlier than I had realized.
In one of the Star Wars movies in an instant, in a coordinated instant throughout the galaxy all but one or two of the Jedi are wiped out. That's basically what has happened and those that consider themselves activists, my brothers and sisters all, today, are the faintest ineffectual shadows of what true activists, those who have the chance of working miraculous change in society, consist of. And even worse, they want not to know how far they are from being what they need. And it is so sad, the future doesn't really matter for old folks like me, but the young ones, don't even want to know what it would take to give themselves a future. They profoundly lack the courage to look in the mirror, to look at history, to realize that they are not measuring up, to give themselves the chance to see that they could measure up if they chose to apply themselves. That may be the saddest thing of all.
I love to try and be, with every breath, and/or to become, one of those one in a million, and try to inspire, support, enable... those who exist or are dying to become.
One of the clear leaders of the Occupy movement from McPherson Square was in town after a year or so two weeks ago. He and I had spent much time together in and around McPherson Square . He looked me up and we shared for about an hour and a half. As he was leaving he looked me in the eye and he said, in my whole life, you are my North Star.
The above was inspired by our brief conversation today. It is certainly not something to which I want or need a reply. FYI.
Enjoy your weekend. James
2 Palestinians killed, one seriously injured during Friday clashes
No media coverage. Muslims march against Isis in London.
Video. Zionist invaders blare hate speech at Palestinians and throw rocks while protected by Israeli storm troops
70,000 Muslim Clerics Issue Fatwa Condemning ISIS – Shattering the Bigoted Stereotype
Israel's Actions In Palestine Are The Definition Of Apartheid
***** Zionazis. Fascist police state. Student Felt 'Criminalized' After Campus Police Made Him Remove Palestinian Flag His lawyer says the school could be in violation of the Civil Rights Act.
***** Regarding our men and women in uniform: Anakin Skywalker was supremely good, until he was turned to the dark side. Those of us who love our brothers and sisters in uniform owe it to them to prevent the same from happening to them as best we can. Fascism has happened........
Regarding our men and women in uniform: Anakin Skywalker was supremely good, until he was turned to the dark side. Those of us who love our brothers and sisters in uniform owe it to them to prevent the same from happening to them as best we can. Fascism has happened throughout history, it will happen again, and it happens exactly when our brothers and sisters in uniform move to the dark side for its enticements and to avoid the consequences. And fascism ends when the men and women in uniform leave the dark side and return to the light. It is very very fragile.
***** The Quran Speaks: ISIS and Islam are Opposites
F*** you Obama. Obama calls on Abbas to condemn violence in Israel
Israel court says book on killing non-Jews not incitement
From a severed pig's head to a bullet-riddled Koran, attacks on Muslims are rising
***** The West’s Alliance With Saudi Arabia Fuels Islamism
Israeli tanks invade the Gaza strip, again
On Capitol Hill, the United States is a very, very white place
Israeli settlers prevent Hebron children from reaching primary school
American Muslims trump hate with love, raising $173k for San Bernardino victims in 6 days.
Opposing refugee resettlement is giving ISIS what it wants
Terrorism is an understandable response to western war in the Middle East, realist and left writers say
Israeli broadcaster, wife of deputy PM, backs Trump on Muslim ban
Salon.com. Selling desperate Syrian refugees’ body parts for profit: Israeli man arrested in Turkey for organ trafficking
A far-right, pro-Israel France? Expert says this is where all of Europe is heading
Israel exported $400k in gold to North Korea, against UN sanctions
Nobel Peace Prize laureates call for fight for Palestine solution
Greek Parliament to Recognize State of Palestine
Muslims are much less violent than Christians.
3 Palestinian teachers among the best 50 teachers in the world
Israeli Gestapo opens fire on Palestinians school bus, children wounded, traumatized, terrorized
Trump and Netanyahu to meet in Israel. Birds of a feather flock together.
Debunking the 3 D’s of Israeli hasbara – distortions, diversions and defamations
Beautiful female Muslim activists: I am tired of extremism being associated with Muslims when it is obviously associated with other groups even more so.
Video. Palestinian children being suffocated today by Israeli teargas in their school rooms.
***** Trump’s religion test for immigrants is standard practice in Israel
***** George Washington University GWU allows the flags to fly from dorm rooms, unless they are Palestinian. Palestinian pre med school threatened by administration for doing what countless other students do.
70 Palestinians injured in clashes in Bethlehem
Sweden: Palestinian Resistance not Terrorism
Israeli troops force Palestinian family off land during olive harvest
***** wow wow wow. The first time I've had a clue what is going on with Isis and the Middle East. Must read. November 17th, 2015. Falling into the ISIS strap. William R Polk.
***** Brookings conference on ‘future for Israelis and Palestinians’ featured zero Palestinians
Video. 3x imprisoned by Israeli Gestapo, 4th time Palestinian children travel to Arabs Got Talent to emotional and rave review.
These Muslims Just Raised $100,000 for San Bernardino Victims
American administration officials learned an important lesson from Israeli officials at Saban Forum this past weekend: As far as Israeli government is concerned, two-state solution is dead. Nonetheless, Americans will keep holding on to this formula, as it's easier than searching for other solutions.
***** Why aren't we looking into the Saudi role in San Bernardino attack? Shooter Tashfeen Malik was radicalized in Saudi Arabia, her Pakistani family said
Can George Washington University Ban the Palestinian Flag? Advocates say the university violated the Civil Rights Act when it ordered a student to remove a Palestinian flag hanging outside his bedroom window.
Sign the petition: George Washington University criminalizing Palestinian student for flying flag while students from other countries freely do so
Egypt drowns 14 workman trying to feed their families.
Gaza children leaving school to make money for their families
British war veterans throw down medals in opposition to Britain bombing Syria . video
A horde of Jewish settlers on Tuesday morning opened fire at a Palestinian citizen in an attempt to kill him near Yatta town, south of al-Khalil city.
Hillary is dying Palestine to Hamas, a Zionist propaganda shill.
***** Fascism is all the rage in Europe, and it’s coming to America
Tortured Palestinian prisoner found in Israeli jail with 28 cigarette burns on hands, chest and back
Trump proposal to ban Muslims from US relies on debunked poll from pro-Israel think tank
I can scarcely think of a greater desecration of my teachings than the reduction of my teaching of every breath, every second, every day Brotherhood to a once per year, one-day orgy. Jesus
I can scarcely think of a greater desecration of my teachings than the reduction of my teaching of every breath, every second, every day Brotherhood to a once per year, one-day orgy. Jesus
Muslim Women At Texas Restaurant Subjected To Insults; Other Patrons Sit Silent
Palestinian woman detained by Israel over poem
Israel's Six Day War was Goliath dismembering David. In the wake of Israel’s seemingly miraculous triumph in the Six-Day War in 1967, the country’s victorious soldiers were lionized as heroes. But in private, even just one week after the conflict, many of them didn’t feel that way. One describes feeling sick to his stomach in battle and collapsing into a trench.
Koch brothers and others spending millions per year on hate against Muslims, it appears. Palestinian minor loses eye by Israeli gunfire
Palestinian minor loses eye by Israeli gunfire
British royals ‘won’t visit Israel till conflict solved’
Severed pig’s head thrown at Philadelphia mosque door
Israel escalates the terror of its night time raids on Palestinian families
Former ISIS Hostage Nicolas Hénin: Welcoming Refugees is the Best Strategy Against ISIS
Anonymous, a message to Hillary Clinton. Video.
For the first 4 of my six decades I was a sexaholic. I am guilty, not as the little boy in this article is guilty, but not dissimilar either. More so my culture was........
For the first 4 of my six decades I was a sexaholic. I am guilty, not as the little boy in this article is guilty, but not dissimilar either. More so my culture was guilty, is guilty. A culture awash in alcohol will have many alcohol deaths. Cultural awash in guns, that fetishizes guns, will have many gun deaths. A culture awash in sex, promulgated by both sexes, at all ages, will have much inhumanity, crimes against humanity, due to sex. I have yet to see any substantial effort by the male gender, or the female gender, to seriously face this issue. Males wants to blame females, females want to blame males, but I see no one wanting to take on the fact that a culture awash in, that fetishizes, sex, will be a wash in sex crimes.......
Hillary Clinton warns of possible ISIS gains in Palestine
Little Girl's Only Wish For Christmas Is To Save A Turkey's Life
***** Hatred of Israel was reported motive for CA attack, but US press ignores the story
Although I can't imagine ever killing anyone, I realize that every day there are fewer and fewer humanoids that if they were dying by the side of road, I would stop to help them. I feel only sadness in saying this, but I.......
Although I can't imagine ever killing anyone, I realize that every day there are fewer and fewer humanoids that if they were dying by the side of road, I would stop to help them. I feel only sadness in saying this, but I realize it is true. All but one in a million humanoids in 2015 are already dead, already spiritually dead, already spiritually death. And also infants, and toddlers, are the exception, but by the time they are two or three or four or five they near certainly will be spiritually dead in this culture. I live for the living, and those few who still have a spark of life that could come to full blaze. There are so few, any more. But there never were a fraction as many as I thought there were. I've spent my whole life resisting the notion that Jesus meant what he said, the gate is narrow and few will enter in. He saw, he had the courage to see early in his life, what I am only finding the courage and wisdom to see now.
Video, Israeli Zionis desecrating Palestinian mosque
Make a donation today to support The Electronic Intifada’s fearless reporting on Palestine in 2016.
***** seen on Facebook. New test: replace the word Muslims, with the word Jews, and ask yourself if you sound like a f****** Nazi?
***** seen on Facebook. New test: replace the word Muslims, with the word Jews, and ask yourself if you sound like a f****** Nazi?
Republican Threatens Refugees: “I’ll Shoot Them Myself” To “End Their Miserable Lives!”
Clinton condemns boycott efforts against Israel
Israeli forces shoot, critically injure elderly woman in Gaza
Near Salfit, Palestinians try to save the last hill that is not yet occupied with a settlement
In Gaza, Kids With Cancer Have 'Virtually No Care.' One Group Hopes To Help
Israel’s cynical new strategy: Reframe Palestine debate as a religious battle, when it is really about civil rights
Israeli forces tear gas Hebron schools, raid medical center
Palestinian Performance Poet Speaks Powerful Truth to Power: 'We Teach Life, Sir', Rafeef Ziadah
IOF shoots Palestinian near Gaza borders
2 Israeli rockets slammed into blockaded Gaza
Is anyone else besides me deeply embarrassed and ashamed to be an American right now?
Is anyone else besides me deeply embarrassed and ashamed to be an American right now?
Israel, using torture and secret information jails Palestinian female MP, elected government official, human rights activist, feminist... For a year and a half.
***** video. 8 year old Palestinian girl journalist documenting Israeli terrorism.
Regarding immigration from Syria and the revolting argument that we should take care of our own first which, by the way, of course we do not and have no intention of doing: Yep, f*** Mary and Joseph. We need to take care of our own first. Oh, never mind, but we are the ones that destroyed their homes, their cities, their civilization, their economy.... Hehehehehe. Isn't being the Global colonial empire great?
Yep, f*** Mary and Joseph. We need to take care of our own first. Oh, never mind, but we are the ones that destroyed their homes, their cities, their civilization, their economy.... Hehehehehe. Isn't being the Global colonial empire great?
God damned Americans. Video. Israel exploding Palestinian homes in densely densely densely populated areas.
Muslim scholar Dalia Mogahed used Dylann Roof to make an important point
***** "James, please backup your bold statement that you find Muslims infinitely more Christlike than you find Christians to be." My reply: " I .........
***** "James, please backup your bold statement that you find Muslims infinitely more Christlike than you find Christians to be." My reply: " I don't make "bold statements," that is, I do not make the mistake of minding the business of others, what they think. I sometimes share what I have come to understand. You said please, so I will take a moment and share some additional thoughts. Until several years ago I never thought about Muslims, which means, that I took the Hollywood line, the media of line, which simply replaced what it did to Native Americans and about 60, 70, years ago started doing the same thing to Muslims, demonising them, making them subhuman targets. When I began researching, thinking, observing, and paying attention to my own personal encounters, I arrived in summary at what I shared above. Probably every day I personally encounter a new, for me, Muslim. Regarding this, and the other things I'll share here, I'll share what I understand to be Christ-like characteristics. You are welcome to agree or disagree. This is not a topic on which I intend to debate with you or anyone. Out of courtesy, I am simply replying to your question. In the Muslims I encounter I encounter profound modesty, and humility. Where I would expect to find Western Christian rage at being so savagely terrorized, raped, pillaged, exploited, humiliated, subjugated, raided, looted, destroyed... by the West these decades, I find deep generosity, hurt, peacefulness, acceptance, hurt and forgiveness. When I reflect on history it becomes much more striking to me. It is the Western so called Christians that perpetrated slavery in the Americas, that waged two world wars, that firebombed Dresden, and Tokyo, that delivered colonial terrorism to the Congo, to Vietnam, to Algiers, to Afghanistan, to Iraq, to Yemen, to India, that note to civilian cities in Japan unnecessarily.... It is the West that lives by the sword by any and every objective measure by many many many orders of magnitude. I could go on. Be well friend. One of my heroes is Gandhi and he arrived at the similar conclusion, I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. They are so unlike your Christ."
***** My loyalty to the humanoid species is at an end. My loyalty to the one in a million that is alive, or capable of life, remains. I believe that Jesus arrived at the same point, the gate is narrow, but few will enter in. Many are called, but few are chosen.
***** My loyalty to the humanoid species is at an end. My loyalty to the one in a million that is alive, or capable of life, remains. I believe that Jesus arrived at the same point, the gate is narrow, but few will enter in. Many are called, but few are chosen.
Muslims raise funds for families of California victims Collective of US Muslim groups raise nearly $30,000 over last two days for relatives after San Bernardino massacre.
20 People Now Own As Much Wealth as Half of All Americans The US is caught in a vicious cycle, with rising political inequality driving an ever-rising concentration of wealth at the top. By Joshua Holland
France plans to close up to 160 mosques in response to Paris attacks
San Bernardino Killings Unleashing Right Wing Wave of Fear Mongering, Islamophobia and War Fever
Top Obama aide: US firmly opposed to BDS movement
***** U.N. voted to partition Palestine 68 years ago, in an unfair plan made even worse by Israel’s ethnic cleansing
***** Hillary Clinton has developed a reputation as one of the most right-wing Democrats on Israel/Palestine.
More than 100 immigration detainees are on a nationwide hunger strike
The only possible Savior is a mass, sustained, mobilization of millions and millions of American citizens who take to the streets and for as many years as it takes to not leave until the non violent revolution is complete. Yes, this isn't going to happen. Yes, it is a pipe dream. But yes, it is the only way.
The only possible Savior is a mass, sustained, mobilization of millions and millions of American citizens who take to the streets and for as many years as it takes to not leave until the non violent revolution is complete. Yes, this isn't going to happen. Yes, it is a pipe dream. But yes, it is the only way.
Netanyahu responds to Kerry: Israel will not be a binational (democratic non-rcist, non-rogue, non-apartheid) state
Jewish settlers defile Aqsa Mosque amid calls for more break-ins
***** Not 40 living human beings could I think of this morning, as I awoke in the middle of the night pondering this. Creatures with a true spark of humanity, humaneness, the creator within.........
***** Not 40 living human beings could I think of this morning, as I awoke in the middle of the night pondering this. Creatures with a true spark of humanity, humaneness, the creator within.... The exception to this are children before the age of 3 and possibly two. I thought throughout my near here on earth, and those in the news alive today. Not 40 could I think of. The Matrix. If I had more experience among the materially poor, the socially poor, the intellectually poor, I would think of more. There is an inverse relationship. We die spiritually in proportion to our over privilege. Blessed are the poor.
1862 President Lincoln hung 38 Sioux Indians for protecting their land.
***** This is the single greatest indicator I can think of of how lost, corrupt, demonic, evil, satanic, godless, fascist, Antichrist... Amerikka has become, and why. More than 9000 law enforcement officers trained in Israel, so far. Link
***** This is the single greatest indicator I can think of of how lost, corrupt, demonic, evil, satanic, godless, fascist, Antichrist... Amerikka has become, and why. More than 9000 law enforcement officers trained in Israel, so far http://jesusgodgoodetcnjay.blogspot.com/2015/12/police-officers-are-being-tutored-by.html
Science confirms it: Your friends who find meaning in ‘pseudo-profound bullsh*t’ have lower IQs
2 Palestinians injured by Israeli gunfire, child loses left eye
IOF abuses Palestinians, storms their homes in al-Khalil
Dick Cheney's Bust Unveiled At The Capitol
Teens sleep outside to raise awareness, money for homeless initiative
Big gains expected for far-right as France votes in regional elections
Israel distributes demolition notices in Silwan
All but one in a million of us have learned, in our far too complex, far too large societies, to understand family as something that has to do with biology, and something that we can afford to limit to a small group of people like us. The only large groups of exceptions that I see are the supposed terrorist populations throughout history, who.......
All but one in a million of us have learned, in our far too complex, far too large societies, to understand family as something that has to do with biology, and something that we can afford to limit to a small group of people like us.
The only large groups of exceptions that I see are the supposed terrorist populations throughout history, who in fact, are the most godly among us who bear the brunt of our civilised, necessary, understandable, just protecting our loved ones... developed, civilized cultures incessant terrorism. I'm referring to the Hispanics, the Native Americans, the native Africans, the Palestinians, the Muslims... the truly compassionate peoples throughout history.
Giving away the Facebook fortune
If you have even a shred of respect or regard for the hatemonger Islamophobe Bill Maher please unfriend me right now. Right now. Right now. Thank you. Muslim fever goes viral: After Paris and San Bernardino, Islam-bashing is back and bigger than ever
Jerry Falwell jr., Liberty University President Urges Students To Carry Guns And ‘End Those Muslims’
Amsterdam abandons sister city agreement with Tel Aviv
Even with global warming 'propaganda,' Americans carpooling less, driving SUVs, George Will says
U.S. First Shields Its Torturers and War Criminals From Prosecution, Now Officially Honors Them Glenn Greenwald
Optimism, especially the naive optimism fed to us by the corporate state, engenders self-delusion and passivity and is the opposite of hope. Rebels who are self-aware, who are possessed of sublime madness, are also often plagued by a gnawing despair. When the movie producer Abby Mann, who wanted to film Martin Luther King’s life story, asked King facetiously, “How does the movie end?” King responded, “It ends with me getting killed.” As Mann recalled, “I looked at him. He was smiling, but he wasn’t joking.”36. Chris Hedges
Optimism, especially the naive optimism fed to us by the corporate state, engenders self-delusion and passivity and is the opposite of hope. Rebels who are self-aware, who are possessed of sublime madness, are also often plagued by a gnawing despair. When the movie producer Abby Mann, who wanted to film Martin Luther King’s life story, asked King facetiously, “How does the movie end?” King responded, “It ends with me getting killed.” As Mann recalled, “I looked at him. He was smiling, but he wasn’t joking.”36
Samantha Power, U.S. Ambassador to the UN, to address Haaretz conference in New York. Samantha Power is an epitome of evil, of corruption, the likes of which I can think of neither in history nor in literature. If you can think of her equal please let me know. To write the book on genocide, and then to be a primary agent of it, is beyond mind boggling. How one nervous system can do both things is beyond my comprehension, but there this evil creature is. Breathtaking. I'm referring of course to her book, the problem from hell, the definitive book on and against genocide, and of her action to be a primary agent of the American Israeli genocide of the Palestinians. Absolutely breathtaking.
London School of Economics. LSE chills Palestinian students’ speech on ‘intifada’ under pressure from Israel lobby
The ghettoization of Israel's 'mixed cities' The banality of the ghetto: The term ‘ghetto’ migrated from Europe’s Jewish communities to Israel’s ethnically mixed towns — both as an idea and an institution for controlling the Palestinians who remained in Israel after 1948.
Most Americans see Muslims like any other group after California shooting - poll
Muslims and Christians are more alike than different. See detail here
***** If Muslims are not people of peace then explain to me, why after decades of terrorism and torture at the hands of the West, there are not attacks on Westerners every second of every day? If they were Christians, or Israeli Jews, they would be doing many hundreds of times that. That is the fact. That is the history.
If Muslims are not people of peace then explain to me, why after decades of terrorism and torture at the hands of the West, there are not attacks on Westerners every second of every day? If they were Christians, or Israeli Jews, they would be doing many hundreds of times that. That is the fact. That is the history.
The denunciation of the rebel is a matter of self-preservation for the liberal class. For once the callous heart of the corporate state is exposed, so is the callous heart of its liberal apologists. And the rebel, who has few friends, is the constant target of the liberal establishment. Chris Hedges, death of the liberal class
The denunciation of the rebel is a matter of self-preservation for the liberal class. For once the callous heart of the corporate state is exposed, so is the callous heart of its liberal apologists. And the rebel, who has few friends, is the constant target of the liberal establishment.
San Bernardino Shooter Was Teased About Beard, Family Lawyers Say
***** Wwwwooowww. These Pranksters Read Bible Passages to People, Telling Them It Was the Qur’an; They Were Shocked
A survey conducted in the US has revealed that 37 percent of Americans support sanctions against Israel as a response to settlement-building. Of those, 27 percent support economic sanctions and 10 percent are in favor of even harsher measures. Among Democratic voters the proportion is even higher, with half supporting sanctions.
The Palestinians Fleeing Syria Are Among the Most Vulnerable Refugees Their special legal status leaves them stateless, even after decades of exile, and without the same rights as other refugees.
***** Noam Chomsky: We have to be careful about what we call "terrorist organizations." Anti-Nazi partisans used terror. So did George Washington's army, so much so that a large part of the population fled in fear of his terror - not to speak of the [Indigenous community], for whom he was "the town destroyer." It's hard to find a national liberation movement that hasn't used terror. Hezbollah and Hamas were formed in response to Israeli occupation and aggression
We have to be careful about what we call "terrorist organizations." Anti-Nazi partisans used terror. So did George Washington's army, so much so that a large part of the population fled in fear of his terror - not to speak of the [Indigenous community], for whom he was "the town destroyer." It's hard to find a national liberation movement that hasn't used terror. Hezbollah and Hamas were formed in response to Israeli occupation and aggression
***** Police officers are being tutored by Israel on how to employ the tactics that have brought death and serious injury to huge numbers of Palestinians in the past few months. Officers from 15 US police agencies recently traveled to the Middle East for lessons from their Israeli counterparts. For 10 days in late November, police officers from New York, Miami, the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s department, the Drug Enforcement Agency and US Customs and Border Protection observed the daily operations of the Jerusalem police, the Israeli Border Police and the Shin Bet secret service, all of which play a vital role in administering Israel’s system of control over Palestinians. The training junket was hosted by the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA), a neoconservative think tank that claims to have organized Israeli training sessions for some 9,500 law enforcement officials since 2004 through its Law Enforcement Exchange Program (LEEP).
Alarming research finds humans are using up far more of Earth’s water than previously thought
IOF kidnaps 14 West Bankers in dawn raids
The richest 10 percent of people produce half of the planet’s individual-consumption-based fossil fuel emissions, while the poorest 50 percent — about 3.5 billion people — contribute only 10 percent. Yet those same 3.5 billion people are “living overwhelmingly in the countries most vulnerable to climate change,” according to the report.
The ugly Islamophobia in the media coverage of the San Bernardino shooting
The ugly Islamophobia in the media coverage of the San Bernardino shooting
***** Jesus was a human. He gave us none of the outs that we give ourselves. He was an absolutist and he.......
***** Jesus was a human. He gave us none of the outs that we give ourselves. He was an absolutist and he told us to be the same. Love as I have loved. Do unto others all that you would have them do unto you. Pick up your cross. The good shepherd lays down her life for the sheep. As you do unto the least of these you do unto me. He gave us not one excuse, not one out, not one bit of leeway. Any more than in loving us he might have said, hey, it is okay if you usually do not eat poison, deadly poison, but it is ok if sometimes you do. Selfishness is poison. He told us that in every way possible. We don't like the answer so we deny deny deny deny deny deny. I never thought, & I still don't think, it was ever about forgiveness, being better than, being worse than..... I think it was always about joy or suffering. And I think he was trying to tell us that selfishness, although it seems like a good idea, is deadly, slow acting, poison. Of course, I might be wrong. But every day, every study, every experience... tells me that this is correct.
John Pilger on Paris, ISIS and Media Propaganda
***** utterly magnificent. Absolute must read. Israeli and U.S. state oppression are deeply interconnected. Tear gas used against protesters in Ferguson is the same used daily on Palestinians. Israeli police proudly train U.S. police in population control tactics, and vice versa. State-sanctioned killings and systemic racism play out in our city, as well as in occupied Palestine.
***** Pic. Live a full and total solidarity with the world's neediest.
I have come to believe that this is what Jesus lived and taught and that by violating it for 2000 years we have brought on ourselves near certain and total destruction of all that is good in the world. This gets clearer to me with every passing moment. The best of us convinces our self that it is okay to live with greater resources allocated to ourselves than to our neediest sisters and brothers. I believe that Jesus said, and lived, no.
Your thoughts? If Jesus were alive today, he and his immediate disciples, they would be A. Homeless and poor, B. Middle class, C. Upper class economically? Please respond. Would they live in full solidarity with the world's neediest, or not?
Your thoughts? If Jesus were alive today, he and his immediate disciples, they would be A. Homeless and poor, B. Middle class, C. Upper class economically? Please respond. Would they live in full solidarity with the world's neediest, or not?
Israeli invaders threaten to burn Palestinian family of 11 alive
The New York Post has no shame: The ugly truth about its outrageous “Muslim Killers” cover
Syed Farooq Is an American: Let’s Stop the Muslim vs. Christian Debate and Take a Look at Ourselves His terrible deed does not spring from an unknowable foreign culture. It is violence endemic to the United States.
From Jabotinsky to Netanyahu: How the Israeli right got its might A new book tells the story of how Zionism's outsiders became its power elite.
Top Israel advocate uses San Bernardino killings to attack Islam
Top Israel advocate uses San Bernardino killings to attack Islam
No mention in the US mainstream press. This is not an oversight, this is murder. Over 1,000 Israeli troops raid Jerusalem refugee camp to demolish home
FBI Report Highlighted White Supremacist ‘Infiltration’ of Nation’s Police Forces
Chris Hedges, Wages of Rebellion: Our terror is delivered daily to the wretched of the earth with industrial weapons. But to us, it is invisible. We do not stand over the decapitated and eviscerated bodies left behind on city and village streets by our missiles, drones, and fighter jets. We do not......
Chris Hedges, Wages of Rebellion: Our terror is delivered daily to the wretched of the earth with industrial weapons. But to us, it is invisible. We do not stand over the decapitated and eviscerated bodies left behind on city and village streets by our missiles, drones, and fighter jets. We do not listen to the wails and shrieks of parents embracing the shattered bodies of their children. We do not see the survivors of air attacks bury their mothers, fathers, brothers, and sisters. We are not conscious of the long night of collective humiliation, repression, and powerlessness that characterizes existence in Israel’s occupied territories, Iraq, and Afghanistan. We do not see the boiling anger that war and injustice turn into a cauldron of hate over time. We are not aware of the very natural lust for revenge against those who carry out or symbolize this oppression. We see only the final pyrotechnics of terror, the shocking moment when the rage erupts into an inchoate fury and the murder of innocents. And willfully uninformed, we do not understand our own complicity. We self-righteously condemn the killers as subhuman savages who deserve more of the violence that created them. This is a recipe for endless terror.
Why these shootings? Because we over-privileged liberals have allowed the economy for our less privileged white brothers and sisters to be destroyed so the only power they feel that they have, the only way they can compete, the only way they think they can win, is with guns. And who can say that they are incorrect?
Why these shootings? Because we over-privileged liberals have allowed the economy for our less privileged white brothers and sisters to be destroyed so the only power they feel that they have, the only way they can compete, the only way they think they can win, is with guns. And who can say that they are incorrect?
Israel fans flames as Palestinian death toll soars
Nightmares in Jalazone: Families deal with trauma following Israeli torture
Pediatric and intensive care patients injured as Israeli military fires tear gas into Jerusalem hospital
Renegade Police in Rural Alabama Accused of Mass False Arrests of Hundreds of Black Youths
Jerusalemite forced to demolish part of his home by the Israeli Gestapo
Three Israeli suspects in arson attack released
Israeli troops raid Shu’fat, cordon off homes of slain Palestinians
US ends phone data collection exposed by Edward Snowden
Israel to approve the largest settlement project in al-Buraq plaza
Politico has an article up about Republican candidates trying to win the support of the Republican Jewish Coalition in Washington this week, and the article never mentions Israel. Jewish conservatives are just another flavor of conservatives. But the fact is that the RJC and just about everyone named in the article cares primarily about Israel. So who’s fooling who?
Realistically, good people, for the thousands of years we've lived in such impossibly large groups, have lived as though it was unreasonable for goodness to prevail . I think we need to stop living so reasonably. I think we need to live as though now evil is no longer acceptable. I don't know what that means for me. I hope I have the wisdom and courage to live accordingly.
Realistically, good people, for the thousands of years we've lived in such impossibly large groups, have lived as though it was unreasonable for goodness to prevail . I think we need to stop living so reasonably. I think we need to live as though now evil is no longer acceptable. I don't know what that means for me. I hope I have the wisdom and courage to live accordingly.