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. . . And Photos 2007 - 6/16
***** article. Nobel Prize of Literature Jose Saramago: “The repression from Israel is the worst form of Apartheid. Nobody has the faintest idea of what is going on here, even the best informed people. Everything is in pieces, the land is destroyed and nothing else may be planted. All this smells like a boot camp, like Auschwitz. The israeli have turned into NAZI JEWS” , he declared after a visit to Palestina in March, 2002.
article. The sick motivation behind the religious right’s Obamacare sabotage Wingnuts would rather millions live in destitution than concede government programs can accomplish great things.... And that’s precisely the state of affairs that the religious right yearns for. What they want is to build a theocracy from the ground up, where the poor and the needy are abjectly dependent on a church that can yank away the necessities of life if it judges them insufficiently compliant, and so the masses will have no choice but to be corralled and steered. Even today, we can see this conservative vision put into practice, and witness the terrible consequences that result when it blocks the government from helping the needy. Consider Mississippi, which is both the most religious and has the most churches per capita of any U.S. state. If rosy visions like Ernst’s were true, Mississippi would be the best place in the country to live. But in reality, it’s the poorest and (by life expectancy) sickest state.
And that’s precisely the state of affairs that the religious right yearns for. What they want is to build a theocracy from the ground up, where the poor and the needy are abjectly dependent on a church that can yank away the necessities of life if it judges them insufficiently compliant, and so the masses will have no choice but to be corralled and steered. Even today, we can see this conservative vision put into practice, and witness the terrible consequences that result when it blocks the government from helping the needy. Consider Mississippi, which is both the most religious and has the most churches per capita of any U.S. state. If rosy visions like Ernst’s were true, Mississippi would be the best place in the country to live. But in reality, it’s the poorest and (by life expectancy) sickest state.
article. Princeton Professors Open New Front in Campus Battle Over Israel. Should Hillel Take Sides Against 60 Tenured Faculty? Read more:
Princeton Professors Open New Front in Campus Battle Over Israel
Should Hillel Take Sides Against 60 Tenured Faculty?
***** article. As US media awake to a ‘nightmare’ Israel, NYT brings Blumenthal in from the cold - See more at:
As US media awake to a ‘nightmare’ Israel, NYT brings Blumenthal in from the cold - See more at:
article. Pacific trade pact chances 'significantly' better than 50-50: Obama. (Pr. Obama - with this all your credibility with me could be destroyed. I cannot conceive how TTP is anything but a gift of the world economy to the already criminally wealthy, corporate, fascist interests.
Pr. Obama - with this all your credibility with me could be destroyed. I cannot conceive how TTP is anything but a gift of the world economy to the already criminally wealthy, corporate, fascist interests.
***** article. Israeli Terrorists murder Palestine Minister. International Solidarity Movement “It was International Human Rights Day and we were going to plant olive trees in Turmusaya, on Palestinian land close to an illegal settlement outpost. We were completely non-violent but Israeli soldiers had gathered and made a line blocking us from the land, not allowing anyone to pass
nd. My fellow activist Rick Hohensee, different Causes than mine, but tremendous commitment, watched my stuff so I could go into the House Office Building on Capitol Hill to use the restroom which I badly needed to do. Of course there are guard stations inside every entrance. I respect the boundaries with the police and I am warmly respectful but make no effort to go beyond that. With very few exceptions the Capitol Police are very professional, and very nice human beings. I did not recognize these officers. Upon exiting I gave them a warm hope that they enjoyed the holidays. As I was walking out I heard one of the officers calling after me, so I turned and went back so I could hear. What is that flag, he asked looking at my hat? Palestine I said. Oh, that's excellent, he said knowingly and approvingly.
My fellow activist Rick Hohensee, different Causes than mine, but tremendous commitment, watched my stuff so I could go into the House Office Building on Capitol Hill to use the restroom which I badly needed to do. Of course there are guard stations inside every entrance. I respect the boundaries with the police and I am warmly respectful but make no effort to go beyond that. With very few exceptions the Capitol Police are very professional, and very nice human beings. I did not recognize these officers. Upon exiting I gave them a warm hope that they enjoyed the holidays. As I was walking out I heard one of the officers calling after me, so I turned and went back so I could hear. What is that flag, he asked looking at my hat? Palestine I said. Oh, that's excellent, he said knowingly and approvingly.
posted from Bloggeroid
article. Not guilty. The Israeli captain who emptied his rifle into a Palestinian schoolgirl
Not guilty. The Israeli captain who emptied his rifle into a Palestinian schoolgirl
***** (WOW. Maybe there IS a God.) We’re in the midst of a sea change in the American mainstream’s treatment of the conflict. US media are beginning to reflect the awareness that the two-state solution is over and that violence around Jerusalem and the West Bank is caused by occupation and fostered by rightwing intolerance inside Israeli political culture– the “nightmare” of greater Israel - See more at:
***** article. Washington Post. In the West Bank, even non-violent protests end in death. The Israelis "don’t want this type of struggle because if there is a non-violent movement it will weaken the occupation," Issa Amro, a Palestinian activist, told Israeli news site +972 magazine on Wednesday. "They say the occupation is there for security, but if the struggle is non-violent then they can no longer justify the occupation." Gabi Lasky, a leftist Israeli attorney who defends human rights activists and is also Tel Aviv city council member, says the protests serve as an illustration of how "the security forces defend the settlers and land thieves" and ignore Palestinian grievances. “Instead of ending the injustice they try and curb and prevent non-violent protests," Lasky tells +972. "In doing so, the security forces use violence against anyone who attempts to realize their most legitimate right — to protest. That’s what happened here. And this time, like in previous incidents, it ended with death.”
pic. The Middle Eastern cab driver just pulled up with a large container of pitted dates, and $5, for me. Touching my heart, deeeeeeeply. It is very cold here, and a wind gusting to 25mph, so I am literally tied in, my feet are tied and knees tied... to keep a sweatshirt around my feet, and a blanket around my legs. As he lovingly handed the plastic bag out of the window I had to say, "I'm sorry, I can't take it! I'm literally 'tied in.' Very unlikely he could have envisioned what I meant. The light was green to oncoming traffic, so he was at risk of a $100 ticket for 'standing' there to get the bag to me. There was a group of 5 in business suits, and such, waiting to cross, just to my left, including one in his 60's, silver hair, may have been a congress person. What I stand against, Israel's 67 year Terrorist attack on Palestine... is THE MOST POLITICALLY DEADLY ISSUE IN WASHINGTON, and surely all 5 standing next to me knew this. Thinking only of the cabbie I said to the group, 'Would one of you please get that bag for me?' It was easy to see in the hands of the cabbie. The silver haired man stepped over, retrieved the bag, and handed it to me. "Thank you so much friend, Thank you very much," I said sincerely, and appreciatively. I got sweet dates, and he got increased difficulty in looking away from the Terrorism by Israel that the entire US is funding.
The Middle Eastern cab driver just pulled up with a large container of pitted dates, and $5, for me. Touching my heart, deeeeeeeply. It is very cold here, and a wind gusting to 25mph, so I am literally tied in, my feet are tied and knees tied... to keep a sweatshirt around my feet, and a blanket around my legs. As he lovingly handed the plastic bag out of the window I had to say, "I'm sorry, I can't take it! I'm literally 'tied in.' Very unlikely he could have envisioned what I meant. The light was green to oncoming traffic, so he was at risk of a $100 ticket for 'standing' there to get the bag to me. There was a group of 5 in business suits, and such, waiting to cross, just to my left, including one in his 60's, silver hair, may have been a congress person. What I stand against, Israel's 67 year Terrorist attack on Palestine... is THE MOST POLITICALLY DEADLY ISSUE IN WASHINGTON, and surely all 5 standing next to me knew this. Thinking only of the cabbie I said to the group, 'Would one of you please get that bag for me?' It was easy to see in the hands of the cabbie. The silver haired man stepped over, retrieved the bag, and handed it to me. "Thank you so much friend, Thank you very much," I said sincerely, and appreciatively. I got sweet dates, and he got increased difficulty in looking away from the Terrorism by Israel that the entire US is funding.
***** nd. As you know, I am a devoted fan of the Man Jesus, and therefore, a hater of so called chr'stianity. His saying that, 'why do you call me good; only the Father is Good,' long perplexed me, and it does no longer perplex me. He was saying, in other ways, Loving is Good, God is Loving, Loving is God... only, ONLY... Loving is good. I am but a container for Loving, the Father... and so can, and should, you be too... for the Joy of it, the Loving of it, the potential-for-a-future-for-humanity... of it.
As you know, I am a devoted fan of the Man Jesus, and therefore, a
hater of so called chr'stianity. His saying that, 'why do you call me
good; only the Father is Good,' long perplexed me, and it does no longer
perplex me. He was saying, in other ways, Loving is Good, God is
Loving, Loving is God... only, ONLY... Loving is good. I am but a
container for Loving, the Father... and so can, and should, you be
too... for the Joy of it, the Loving of it, the
potential-for-a-future-for-humanity... of it. THIS is the GOSPEL. FULL STOP.
***** nd. Dr. Mads Gilbert is a Norwegian doctor renowned for his heroic work in Gaza. On 8 August, Dr. Gilbert returned to his hometown, Tromso in Norway which, as he pointed out, the Nazis had occupied for seven years. He said, "Imagine being back in 1945 and we in Norway did not win the liberation struggle, did not throw out the occupier. Imagine the occupier remaining in our country, taking it piece by piece, for decades upon decades, and banishing us to the leanest areas, and taking the fish in the sea and the water beneath us, then bombing our hospitals, our ambulance workers, our schools, our homes. "Would we have given up and waved the white flag? No, we would not! And this is the situation in Gaza. This is not a battle between terrorism and democracy. Hamas is not the enemy Israel is fighting. Israel is waging a war against the Palestinian people's will to resist. It is the Palestinian people's dignity that they will not accept this. "In 1938, the Nazis called the Jews Untermenschen - subhuman. Today, Palestinians are treated as a subhuman people who can be slaughtered without any in power reacting. "So I have returned to Norway, a free country, and this country is free because we had a resistance movement, because occupied nations have the right to resist, even with weapons - it's stated in international law. And the Palestinian people's resistance in Gaza is admirable: a struggle for us all."
Dr. Mads Gilbert is a
Norwegian doctor renowned for his heroic work in Gaza. On 8 August, Dr.
Gilbert returned to his hometown, Tromso in Norway which, as he pointed
out, the Nazis had occupied for seven years. He said, "Imagine being
back in 1945 and we in Norway did not win the liberation struggle, did
not throw out the occupier. Imagine the occupier remaining in our
country, taking it piece by piece, for decades upon decades, and
banishing us to the leanest areas, and taking the fish in the sea and
the water beneath us, then bombing our hospitals, our ambulance workers,
our schools, our homes.
we have given up and waved the white flag? No, we would not! And this
is the situation in Gaza. This is not a battle between terrorism and
democracy. Hamas is not the enemy Israel is fighting. Israel is waging a
war against the Palestinian people's will to resist. It is the
Palestinian people's dignity that they will not accept this.
"In 1938, the Nazis called the Jews Untermenschen - subhuman. Today, Palestinians are treated as a
subhuman people who can be slaughtered without any in power reacting.
I have returned to Norway, a free country, and this country is free
because we had a resistance movement, because occupied nations have the
right to resist, even with weapons - it's stated in international law.
And the Palestinian people's resistance in Gaza is admirable: a struggle
for us all."
nd. Israel is a United States sponsored, paid for, 100% supported terrorist attack on Palestine, everyday, for 67 years now. The CIA report is simply another distraction from this truth. America is the number one terrorist state in the world. Are you okay with this?
Israel is a United States sponsored, paid for, 100% supported terrorist attack on Palestine, everyday, for 67 years now. The CIA report is simply another distraction from this truth. America is the number one terrorist state in the world. Are you okay with this?
posted from Bloggeroid
nd. I wonder whether it says more about you or me that so little of what I create, or share, is shared by you with your friends.
I wonder whether it says more about you or me that so little of what I create, or share, is shared by you with your friends.
posted from Bloggeroid
***** The terrorist cult that is Christianity dares to call Islam a terrorist religion??!! The cult that is right wing Judaism played a central role in the murder of the man Jesus. The cult known as Christianity crucified, destroyed, and destroys, Jesus example and teaching by turning him into a fantasy God. That same cult Christianity has murdered hundreds and hundreds of millions of Jesus family in North and South America Africa America and around the world in his name; and does so as we speak with infinite savagery, demonic forever, to God's children in Palestine. !!! The terrorism, torture, torment just released attributed to the CIA, conveniently shielding Congress both parties, was created and done explicitly by those who carried it out and who ordered it, in Jesus name, the name of Christian values. 'Your lips say Lord Lord but your hearts are far from me.' . And that Cult that is Christianity dares to call Islam a terrorist religion?!!!! Islam is far more embracing, loving, respecting of Jesus in both word and deed than Christianity or right wing Judaism ever were, both of them in their own way hate the man; daily desecrating and destroying his example and teaching .
* The terrorist cult that is Christianity dares to call Islam a terrorist religion??!! The cult that is right wing Judaism played a central role in the murder of the man Jesus. The cult known as Christianity crucified, destroyed, and destroys, Jesus example and teaching by turning him into a fantasy God. That same cult Christianity has murdered hundreds and hundreds of millions of Jesus family in North and South America Africa America and around the world in his name; and does so as we speak with infinite savagery, demonic forever, to God's children in Palestine. !!! The terrorism, torture, torment just released attributed to the CIA, conveniently shielding Congress both parties, was created and done explicitly by those who carried it out and who ordered it, in Jesus name, the name of Christian values. 'Your lips say Lord Lord but your hearts are far from me.' . And that Cult that is Christianity dares to call Islam a terrorist religion?!!!! Islam is far more embracing, loving, respecting of Jesus in both word and deed than Christianity or right wing Judaism ever were, both of them in their own way hate the man; daily desecrating and destroying his example and teaching .
posted from Bloggeroid
nd. You know, the disgusting, revolting, hideous cowardice of incessant whining at Pr. Obama about Keystone... is the equivalent of lobbying Netanyahu to slaughter Palestinians. Both were going to do those things... anyway. F'ck,,, and every fool jerking off alongside them... whining at Pr. Obama who is DOING his job... to avoid doing theirs. (My bad... they are digging their OWN graves with this criminally laughable cowardice.)
You know, the disgusting, revolting, hideous cowardice of incessant whining at Pr. Obama about Keystone... is the equivalent of lobbying Netanyahu to slaughter Palestinians. Both were going to do those things... anyway. F'ck,,, and every fool jerking off alongside them... whining at Pr. Obama who is DOING his job... to avoid doing theirs. (My bad... they are digging their OWN graves with this criminally laughable cowardice.)
***** nd. Jesus teaching was converted from a Path to Life... to a path to Death (Lust, Selfishness, Affloholism, Greed, Hate...) when it was made into 'Chr*stianity...' Jesus as Cult-God. Neither Islam, or Judaism... made that HIDEOUS ERROR, and to that degree are Infinitely more Godly, Christ-like... than Chr'stianity.
***** nd. Jesus teaching was converted from a Path to Life... to a path to Death (Lust, Selfishness, Affloholism, Greed, Hate...) when it was made into 'Chr*stianity...' Jesus as Cult-God. Neither Islam, or Judaism... made that HIDEOUS ERROR, and to that degree are Infinitely more Godly, Christ-like... than Chr'stianity.
***** (click for detail. pic) The Three and Only Habits of Profoundly Joyful People: 1. From the Soul, 2. In 100% Lived Solidarity, 2. Serving, our Global Neediest Family. With every breath. Loving, for the Joy of it. FULL STOP. [Can you think of any exceptions?] The life’s devotion of the Loving parent is to preserve this as the TOTALITY of their child, for their JOY. (important detail. Click)

ps: I've arrived at, and live, every breath, the Path of Infinite Joy (and Hell of bearing the world's Suffering)... because I'm one of the only ones, a one in a million... that never 'admired,' but rather... 'ENVIED...' what I Knew to be the Supreme Quality of Life of the likes of my dad, Jesus, King, Teresa of Calcutta, Malala, Gandhi, Eleanor Roosevelt, Alice Paul, Rosa Parks, Abe Lincoln's of history.... I was obsessively greedy to have a quality of life like that... so greedy... and so undeservedly Spiritually over-privileged... that after 45 years of squandering what I'd been given... I found the Path... and have lived it with increasing understanding... every since. I Live in the hopes of being one more in this short list of those who are Envied... and make people enlightened-GREEDY. (Yes, I've failed at this pretty miserably so far, but, well, I'll keep at it.)
nd. If I were a young man, and wise, I'd make a life almost anywhere else in the world besides the US. The fight here, is over; the quality of life for all... will only decline. Americans don't want to be saved, so what is the point of trying to help them? But for me, this remains the right place. My generation unleashed the downfall, and it is here I can best fight to slow the destruction of, well, at least, the Palestinians.
If I were a young man, and wise, I'd make a life almost anywhere else in the world besides the US. The fight here, is over; the quality of life for all... will only decline. Americans don't want to be saved, so what is the point of trying to help them? But for me, this remains the right place. My generation unleashed the downfall, and it is here I can best fight to slow the destruction of, well, at least, the Palestinians.
***** VIDEO: "THE LAB," 2013. THE ONLY CREATURES MORE SAVAGE THAN THE ZIONIS WERE, HUH, THE HUNS, MONGOL HOARDS? NAZIS. And I think the Nazis were somehow LESS savage than these subhuman creatures.
VIDEO: "THE LAB," 2013. THE ONLY CREATURES MORE SAVAGE THAN THE ZIONIS WERE, HUH, THE HUNS, MONGOL HOARDS? NAZIS. And I think the Nazis were somehow LESS savage than these subhuman creatures.
article. Netanyahu (Satanyahu) says only IDF (Israel Demonic Forces) in West Bank will ensure peace. ... Insures HELL, POLICE STATE HELL... FOR PALESTINE, YOU ZIONI PIG! STFU!!!! (YOU GOING TO ALLOW HAMAS TO POLICE THE 78% OF THE LAND YOU STOLE????)
nd. "You are reaching over a man's food," the new fellow at the shelter snarled threateningly this morning. There is a common table, extra food is placed there, and there was a box of muffins with one left. I reached to take it not noticing the man sitting on one end of the table, or the largely empty dish at the other end. I did NOTHING wrong, or inconsiderate. A weird looking white guy is quite a bit less safe in this near 100% black shelter these days, I'm sure. Oh well.
"You are reaching over a man's food," the new fellow at the shelter snarled threateningly this morning. There is a common table, extra food is placed there, and there was a box of muffins with one left. I reached to take it not noticing the man sitting on one end of the table, or the largely empty dish at the other end. I did NOTHING wrong, or inconsiderate. A weird looking white guy is quite a bit less safe in this near 100% black shelter these days, I'm sure. Oh well.
nd. I am a devoted follower of the Example and Teachings of Jesus. Born and raised in 'Chr'stianity,' now 63 years of age, I sense more people that are like Jesus, Christlike, among Jews and Muslims... than I sense among Chr'stians.
I am a devoted follower of the Example and Teachings of Jesus. Born and raised in 'Chr'stianity,' now 63 years of age, I sense more people that are like Jesus, Christlike, among Jews and Muslims... than I sense among Chr'stians.
nd. About 5:30 pm tonight, as I was working, and shivering, in front of the White House in hour 7 today... all of a sudden the officers announce that the street was 'closing,' everyone on to the far sidewalk. This is not an unusual occurrence, for any of wide variety of security reasons. This time, however, the reason became quickly obvious as the sound of angry 'demonstrators' approaching became evident. It was a 'Ferguson,' et al inspired demonstration. It was disgusting. Hate demonstrating against hate. Violence demonstrating against violence. Black trash demonstrating against white trash. It was half an hour earlier than I'd planned on leaving the park, but seeing as how it was getting dark, and I had to move already... I packed up my stuff. But before I left I screamed at the demonstrators blanket hate speech and taunting of the assembled men and women iniform, at the top of my huge voice, 'All the police are bad? ALL THE POLICE ARE BAD??? THAT'S BIGOTRY. THAT'S BIGOTRY.' I saw little else I could do so I finished my packing, and left. Hate begets hate. So ugly. So sad. But please understand: One of the only encouraging signs I've seen in America in decades is the demonstrations, white and black, against Police / SOCIETY bias against people of color. It is a horrible problem (more a SOCIETY problem, but the police are the implementers, and have the guns) and it is right and necessary that the public stands up, but I think it is way too little way too late. So I am not against the protests, per se, but this one was just an excuse to hate. Disgusting. Ugly. Bigoted. Ignorant... exactly like the white discrimination against black. Disgusting. Ugly. Bigoted. Ignorant...
About 5:30 pm tonight, as I was working, and shivering, in front of the White House in hour 7 today... all of a sudden the officers announce that the street was 'closing,' everyone on to the far sidewalk. This is not an unusual occurrence, for any of wide variety of security reasons. This time, however, the reason became quickly obvious as the sound of angry 'demonstrators' approaching became evident. It was a 'Ferguson,' et al inspired demonstration. It was disgusting. Hate demonstrating against hate. Violence demonstrating against violence. Black trash demonstrating against white trash. It was half an hour earlier than I'd planned on leaving the park, but seeing as how it was getting dark, and I had to move already... I packed up my stuff. But before I left I screamed at the demonstrators blanket hate speech and taunting of the assembled men and women iniform, at the top of my huge voice, 'All the police are bad? ALL THE POLICE ARE BAD??? THAT'S BIGOTRY. THAT'S BIGOTRY.' I saw little else I could do so I finished my packing, and left. Hate begets hate. So ugly. So sad....
But please understand: One of the only encouraging signs I've seen in America in decades is the demonstrations, white and black, against Police / SOCIETY bias against people of color. It is a horrible problem (more a SOCIETY problem, but the police are the implementers, and have the guns) and it is right and necessary that the public stands up, but I think it is way too little way too late. So I am not against the protests, per se, but this one was just an excuse to hate. Disgusting. Ugly. Bigoted. Ignorant... exactly like the white discrimination against black. Disgusting. Ugly. Bigoted. Ignorant...
But please understand: One of the only encouraging signs I've seen in America in decades is the demonstrations, white and black, against Police / SOCIETY bias against people of color. It is a horrible problem (more a SOCIETY problem, but the police are the implementers, and have the guns) and it is right and necessary that the public stands up, but I think it is way too little way too late. So I am not against the protests, per se, but this one was just an excuse to hate. Disgusting. Ugly. Bigoted. Ignorant... exactly like the white discrimination against black. Disgusting. Ugly. Bigoted. Ignorant...
nd. Two days ago I was at the prestigious Georgetown Univ Hospital (Washington DC) for a pre-cancer operation consultation. At one point a nurse said, 'would you like a soda, or crackers? Would you like a Coke, or Gingerale?' 'Well, I said, 'Not Coke, I don't drink Coke because they...,' 'Support Israel,' she finished my sentence. 'You are right,' she said. 'How about a Ginger Ale?' I was wearing my Palestine hat so she had a clue, but she didn't need to say anything and she sure didn't need to express her agreement. Earlier, at the hospital, as I was getting in the elevator with some young interns. One was wearing a skull cap, and pretty badly twisted his neck as he craned to try and see my hat... shocked and appalled... and threatened... that anyone would dare wear a Palestine hat in totally Zionist Occupied Washington.
Two days ago I was at the prestigious Georgetown Univ Hospital (Washington DC) for a pre-cancer operation consultation. At one point a nurse said, 'would you like a soda, or crackers? Would you like a Coke, or Gingerale?' 'Well, I said, 'Not Coke, I don't drink Coke because they...,' 'Support Israel,' she finished my sentence. 'You are right,' she said. 'How about a Ginger Ale?' I was wearing my Palestine hat so she had a clue, but she didn't need to say anything and she sure didn't need to express her agreement. Earlier, at the hospital, as I was getting in the elevator with some young interns. One was wearing a skull cap, and pretty badly twisted his neck as he craned to try and see my hat... shocked and appalled... and threatened... that anyone would dare wear a Palestine hat in totally Zionist Occupied Washington.
Article. Dr. Madds Gilbert, banned for life from Israel as a security threat: "AJ Aljazeera: For outsiders and observers, what do they not know? What narrative are the people not getting? Gilbert: They are not getting the narrative of people, at one point several million people. They don’t really realise that these are people that have been incarcerated for seven years - that the average age is 17.6 years, that a child ghetto of 1.2 million children and young people are being denied the right to escape the bombs, to fly, because they cannot get out. They’re denied the right to travel, the right to eat enough for supper and breakfast, that they are chronically malnourished from the siege. They don’t know the horror of the injuries, that the people of Gaza are exposed to and the children and the civilians are seeing. Because this is concealed, this is concealed in a mist of deviation from the hasbara, from the Israeli propaganda machine that is saying ‘oh they are only terrorists, they are hiding behind the civilians, and they’re shooting at Israel’. What people don’t get is that it is Israel that is attacking Gaza and Gaza and the Palestinian people are exercising their right to resist."
Article. Dr. Madds Gilbert, banned for life from Israel as a security threat: "AJ Aljazeera: For outsiders and observers, what do they not know? What narrative are the people not getting? Gilbert: They are not getting the narrative of people, at one point several million people. They don’t really realise that these are people that have been incarcerated for seven years - that the average age is 17.6 years, that a child ghetto of 1.2 million children and young people are being denied the right to escape the bombs, to fly, because they cannot get out.
They’re denied the right to travel, the right to eat enough for supper and breakfast, that they are chronically malnourished from the siege. They don’t know the horror of the injuries, that the people of Gaza are exposed to and the children and the civilians are seeing.
Because this is concealed, this is concealed in a mist of deviation from the hasbara, from the Israeli propaganda machine that is saying ‘oh they are only terrorists, they are hiding behind the civilians, and they’re shooting at Israel’. What people don’t get is that it is Israel that is attacking Gaza and Gaza and the Palestinian people are exercising their right to resist."
They’re denied the right to travel, the right to eat enough for supper and breakfast, that they are chronically malnourished from the siege. They don’t know the horror of the injuries, that the people of Gaza are exposed to and the children and the civilians are seeing.
Because this is concealed, this is concealed in a mist of deviation from the hasbara, from the Israeli propaganda machine that is saying ‘oh they are only terrorists, they are hiding behind the civilians, and they’re shooting at Israel’. What people don’t get is that it is Israel that is attacking Gaza and Gaza and the Palestinian people are exercising their right to resist."
A respected sister of mine, in reference to a disturbing news item, said, 'This is the beginning of the end of America.' My reply: 'It is the middle of the end... we are decades past the beginning of the end.'
A respected sister of mine, in reference to a disturbing news item, said, 'This is the beginning of the end of America.' My reply: 'It is the middle of the end... we are decades past the beginning of the end.'
***** I spent 25 years as a business executive - being, working with, consulting with... 1000's of business leaders. In all that time I met no more than 2 or three that wanted to hurt their clients, or other people. IN ALL THAT TIME I MET NOT ONE THAT WOULD PAY A PERSONAL PRICE, WOULD PERSONALLY SACRIFICE THEIR OWN WELL-BEING FOR THEIR CLIENTS. NOT ONE. (EXACTLY LIKE FACTORY FARMERS... THEY DON'T DESIRE TO HURT, EXPLOIT, KILL, ENSLAVE, USE UP, DESTROY... THEIR ANIMALS... BUT THAT IS WHAT THEY SPEND THEIR LIVES DOING, TO SERVE THEMSELVES AND THEIR 'LOVED ONES.' Like the cancer in my chest, they are not malevolent... they are just 100% self-centered... and that, it turns out, is the deadliest thing on earth.) IF YOU THINK CORPORATIONS, GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS, MEDIA, HOLLYWOOD... ARE DOING ANYTHING, ANYTHING... ANYTHING... BECAUSE IT BENEFITS YOU... THEN YOU REALLY SHOULD GET YOUR HEAD OUT OF YOUR.... It is probably too late... but at least you'll have an infinitely better view in the time left.
I spent 25 years as a business executive - being, working with,
consulting with... 1000's of business leaders. In all that time I met
no more than 2 or three that wanted to hurt their clients, or other
ONES.' Like the cancer in my chest, they are not malevolent... they are
just 100% self-centered... and that, it turns out, is the deadliest
YOUR.... It is probably too late... but at least you'll have an
infinitely better view in the time left.
nd. Jesus: 'The community, 'church,' if you will, that I die to start, would have been purely, simply, only... so purely Loving, Inclusive, Unconitionally Loving... that over time, everyone on earth would have wanted to join. You have resisted and completely defeated my attempt; substituting in my name a near infinite variety of beliefs and practices I died to replace.'
Jesus: 'The community, 'church,' if you will, that I die to start, would have been purely, simply, only... so purely Loving, Inclusive, Unconitionally Loving... that over time, everyone on earth would have wanted to join. You have resisted and completely defeated my attempt; substituting in my name a near infinite variety of beliefs and practices I died to replace.'
***** Hmmm. Israel used extreme care to not kill civilians in Gaza. Wow, I'd have thought 'extreme care to not kill civilians' would have meant: 1. Not dropping one ton bombs on the most densely populated area on earth; 2. 'Protecting' Israel from tunnels as Egypt did, EASILY, shutting them down where the entered Israel; 3. NOT INSTIGATING THE ROCKETS BY VIOLATING THE CEASE FIRE HUNDREDS (HUNDREDS) OF TIMES, DOZENS OF WAYS (DOZENS) BEFORE HAMAS DID EVEN ONCE (FACT. FACT. FACT...); 4. NOT DESTROYING 80% OF THE BUSINESSES, FACTORIES, IN GAZA; 5. NOT DESTROYING HUGE AMOUNTS OF THE LITTLE AGRICULTURAL LAND THERE; 6. NOT SAVAGELY STEALING THE CRUMMY 22% OF PALESTINIAN'S ORIGINAL LAND, EVERY DAY, PIECE BY PIECE. 7. NOT 100%, CRUELLY, CYNICALLY, BLATANTLY FABRICATING THE 'PRETEXT' FOR BOMBING GAZA (fabricating, FABRICATING, the lie that A. 3 teens were missing (Israel knew day 1 they were dead), B. That Hamas organized it - knowing 100% certainly that Hamas did NOT).... ISRAEL WANTS PEACE: I. EVERY PIECE OF PALESTINIAN LAND THAT IS HABITABLE; II. EVERY PIECE OF PALESTINIAN METABOLISM THAT IS NOT YET SADISTICALLY CRUSHED, BRUTALIZED, INCINERATED, DESTROYED.... ISRAELS 'FATHER' IS THE 'FATHER OF LIES'... THE BIBLE SPEAKS OF THE FATHER OF TRUTH... AND THOSE WHOSE FATHER IS THE GOD OF LIES.
Hmmm. Israel used extreme care to not kill civilians in Gaza. Wow, I'd have thought 'extreme care to not kill civilians' would have meant: 1. Not dropping one ton bombs on the most densely populated area on earth; 2. 'Protecting' Israel from tunnels as Egypt did, EASILY, shutting them down where the entered Israel; 3. NOT INSTIGATING THE ROCKETS BY VIOLATING THE CEASE FIRE HUNDREDS (HUNDREDS) OF TIMES, DOZENS OF WAYS (DOZENS) BEFORE HAMAS DID EVEN ONCE (FACT. FACT. FACT...); 4. NOT DESTROYING 80% OF THE BUSINESSES, FACTORIES, IN GAZA; 5. NOT DESTROYING HUGE AMOUNTS OF THE LITTLE AGRICULTURAL LAND THERE; 6. NOT SAVAGELY STEALING THE CRUMMY 22% OF PALESTINIAN'S ORIGINAL LAND, EVERY DAY, PIECE BY PIECE. 7. NOT 100%, CRUELLY, CYNICALLY, BLATANTLY FABRICATING THE 'PRETEXT' FOR BOMBING GAZA (fabricating, FABRICATING, the lie that A. 3 teens were missing (Israel knew day 1 they were dead), B. That Hamas organized it - knowing 100% certainly that Hamas did NOT).... ISRAEL WANTS PEACE: I. EVERY PIECE OF PALESTINIAN LAND THAT IS HABITABLE; II. EVERY PIECE OF PALESTINIAN METABOLISM THAT IS NOT YET SADISTICALLY CRUSHED, BRUTALIZED, INCINERATED, DESTROYED.... ISRAELS 'FATHER' IS THE 'FATHER OF LIES'... THE BIBLE SPEAKS OF THE FATHER OF TRUTH... AND THOSE WHOSE FATHER IS THE GOD OF LIES.
Any of you that want for my work in DC to continue can contribute and thereby stave off the major threat to my work to Free Palestine (well, besides my cancer, that is) - funds for wifi next year. The major stress, distraction, from my work is worry that those funds will run out, crippling my efforts (I'm typing this using the wifi from in front of the White House.) Anyone wishing to make a donation message me and I'll tell you how. Feel free to share this.
Any of you that want for my work in DC to continue can contribute and thereby stave off the major threat to my work to Free Palestine (well, besides my cancer, that is) - funds for wifi next year. The major stress, distraction, from my work is worry that those funds will run out, crippling my efforts (I'm typing this using the wifi from in front of the White House.) Anyone wishing to make a donation message me and I'll tell you how. Feel free to share this.
***** nd. In case you missed it, Muslims and Arabs are our new 'n'ggers' that it is Patriotic for Amerikkkans to HATE! Thank you zionist-controlled Media and Hollywood for that! What would Amerikkkans be without someone we could Religious, RIGHTEOUSLY... HATE?!?!?!?!? (Christian Nation MY ASSSSSSS!)
In case you missed it, Muslims and Arabs are our new 'n'ggers' that it is Patriotic for Amerikkkans to HATE! Thank you zionist-controlled Media and Hollywood for that! What would Amerikkkans be without someone we could Religious, RIGHTEOUSLY... HATE?!?!?!?!?
***** nd. As near as I can tell from a lifetime of study and practice, the only reason we are here, from every credible perspective, is to personally pay the price, 100% of our lives, for the advancement of the neediest humans, all of creation. Full Stop. Joy is the reward for making the attempt. Pleasure, meaninglessness, boredom, apathy, addictions, frenzy, depression, anxiety, debt, fear, hatred, loneliness, psychosis, emptiness... are the rewards for not.
***** nd. As near as I can tell from a lifetime of study and practice, the only reason we are here, from every credible perspective, is to personally pay the price, 100% of our lives, for the advancement of the neediest humans, all of creation. Full Stop. Joy is the reward for making the attempt. Pleasure, meaninglessness, boredom, apathy, addictions, frenzy, depression, anxiety, debt, fear, hatred, loneliness, psychosis, emptiness... are the rewards for not.
nd. Listen up. President Obama would Free Palestine if he could, but he cannot, not with 100% of congress, 100%... down on their knees in front of the Zionists; and NOT with virtually no American citizens paying the price for it to stop. PR. OBAMA WOULD FREE PALESTINE IF HE COULD, BUT HE CAN'T. WORLD CITIZENS (YOU?) COULD FREE PALESTINE, BUT THEY WON'T... THEY WON'T PAY THE PERSONAL PRICE TO DO SO. AT LEAST HAVE THE DECENCY TO SHUT UP ABOUT PR. OBAMA. AT LEAST DON'T HIDE THE REAL PROBLEM... WE THE SH*TIZENS.
Listen up. President Obama would Free Palestine if he could, but he cannot, not with 100% of congress, 100%... down on their knees in front of the Zionists; and NOT with virtually no American citizens paying the price for it to stop. PR. OBAMA WOULD FREE PALESTINE IF HE COULD, BUT HE CAN'T. WORLD CITIZENS (YOU?) COULD FREE PALESTINE, BUT THEY WON'T... THEY WON'T PAY THE PERSONAL PRICE TO DO SO. AT LEAST HAVE THE DECENCY TO SHUT UP ABOUT PR. OBAMA. AT LEAST DON'T HIDE THE REAL PROBLEM... WE THE SH*TIZENS.
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