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. . . And Photos 2007 - 6/16
I think I'll be doing 1/2 the laundary for my 250 brothers in the shelter from here on out - a way of Loving..
I think I'll be doing 1/2 the laundary for my 250 brothers in the shelter from here on out - a way of Loving..
Jesus made of his life, of his very being, and existential scream against the cruelty, inhumanity, lovelessness, walking deadness, ecocidiality... of Elysianism. I strive to do the same.
Jesus made of his life, of his very being, and existential scream against the cruelty, inhumanity, lovelessness, walking deadness, ecocidiality... of Elysianism. I strive to do the same.
***** Many people who are not homeless or near pennilessness... know of my computer, my weapon, being dead. Two, C and Pastor A who ministers at the homeless shelter EVERY Saturday night (and knows I detest most all of christianity), offered to replace it. One near-penniless activist offered to get it running. Today, two homeless people, TWO HOMELESS PEOPLE, who know nothing of my work... offered to replace it. Yes, all five offers were serious. Yes, I turned them down. I cannot accept support of me anymore (in such a needy world, I do don't matter). If anything mattered it would be my work, we destitute, but only d places any value on that; well, d and me. TWO HOMELESS PEOPLE OFFERED TO REPLACE MY COMPUTER TODAY... 'GIFTS,' THEY SAID. I'VE DONE NOTHING FOR THESE PEOPLE. WE BARELY HAVE EVER TALKED. THEY KNOW NOTHING OF MY WORK.
***** Many people who are not homeless or near pennilessness... know of my computer, my weapon, being dead. Two, C and Pastor A who ministers at the homeless shelter EVERY Saturday night (and knows I detest most all of christianity), offered to replace it. One near-penniless activist offered to get it running. Today, two homeless people, TWO HOMELESS PEOPLE, who know nothing of my work... offered to replace it. Yes, all five offers were serious. Yes, I turned them down. I cannot accept support of me anymore (in such a needy world, I do don't matter). If anything mattered it would be my work, we destitute, but only d places any value on that; well, d and me. TWO HOMELESS PEOPLE OFFERED TO REPLACE MY COMPUTER TODAY... 'GIFTS,' THEY SAID. I'VE DONE NOTHING FOR THESE PEOPLE. WE BARELY HAVE EVER TALKED. THEY KNOW NOTHING OF MY WORK.
In all of Creation there is one, and only one, group I am succeeding mightily at serving - the shelter's bed bug population.
In all of Creation there is one, and only one, group I am succeeding mightily at serving - the shelter's bed bug population.
***** It troubles me that among our few healthiest (activists) they so often gravitate toward 'symbolic' actions. I think this is profoundly well intended... and a deeply sad error, soon species-terminal error, of zero hope... from some of the only folks who could be hope to the future. I find no where in Life that a healthy, Godly, adaptive life-form every acts in a fundamentally 'symbolic' way. Of course, symbols are used and presented, but never as an end, by True Life.
***** It troubles me that among our few healthiest (activists) they so often gravitate toward 'symbolic' actions. I think this is profoundly well intended... and a deeply sad error, soon species-terminal error, of zero hope... from some of the only folks who could be hope to the future. I find no where in Life that a healthy, Godly, adaptive life-form every acts in a fundamentally 'symbolic' way. Of course, symbols are used and presented, but never as an end, by True Life.
I remember about 7 years ago, at a Catholic Worker house attending an evening with someone I saw as an immensely heroic, unimaginably courageous... elderly activist (his name escapes me). I was deeply moved by his talk, but also concerned - 'symbolic action' was so central to what he was saying (I forget how many years or decades he had spent in prison), I couldn't believe I was understanding this aspect correctly. So I asked him, afterward, 'Father, I mean, we, the forces of Light, are supposed to fight (unviolently) to 'win,' correct???' He didn't miss a beat - "No,": was his unequivocal answer. I think there are few True activists today that disagree with him in their hearts - I don't know how to understand their actions any other way, regardless of how self-sacrificial (paying the price) they may be.
I've done much study since then... Jesus fought to win. We are supposed to be fighting, in Love, unviolently... to win. Life fights to win - this is the Truth - it fights for the proliferation of ALL constructive Life and Life Forms. IT DOES - THIS IS WHAT CREATION DOES. Any and all deviation from this is Error, Sin, and now... DOOM, unless....
ps. Life, adaptive, creative Life that fights for Life to Win... WILL PREVAIL IN THE END.... This is a fact. The question is whether any but .00001% of all current species on earth, and the species homo sapiens... will be among the survivors... and the current Truth is, almost certainly not. (To Linda LeTendre, thanks for the inspiration.)
I remember about 7 years ago, at a Catholic Worker house attending an evening with someone I saw as an immensely heroic, unimaginably courageous... elderly activist (his name escapes me). I was deeply moved by his talk, but also concerned - 'symbolic action' was so central to what he was saying (I forget how many years or decades he had spent in prison), I couldn't believe I was understanding this aspect correctly. So I asked him, afterward, 'Father, I mean, we, the forces of Light, are supposed to fight (unviolently) to 'win,' correct???' He didn't miss a beat - "No,": was his unequivocal answer. I think there are few True activists today that disagree with him in their hearts - I don't know how to understand their actions any other way, regardless of how self-sacrificial (paying the price) they may be.
I've done much study since then... Jesus fought to win. We are supposed to be fighting, in Love, unviolently... to win. Life fights to win - this is the Truth - it fights for the proliferation of ALL constructive Life and Life Forms. IT DOES - THIS IS WHAT CREATION DOES. Any and all deviation from this is Error, Sin, and now... DOOM, unless....
ps. Life, adaptive, creative Life that fights for Life to Win... WILL PREVAIL IN THE END.... This is a fact. The question is whether any but .00001% of all current species on earth, and the species homo sapiens... will be among the survivors... and the current Truth is, almost certainly not. (To Linda LeTendre, thanks for the inspiration.)
***** I've just completed Ashley Montagues, 'Darwin, competition and cooperation.' It may come to pass that more evil has been done by this well intentioned man Darwin, through his profoundly incomplete theory, then by all of history's Hitler's combined. His theory is utterly correct and brilliant for the life form that is cancer - that form of life that is blind to all to future generations, including its own, insanely obsessed with its own immediate growth and satisfaction. Put forth by Darwin honestly and even brilliantly this Deathly incomplete theory has been and is gasoline poured on the blazing insanity of yesterday's and today's sociopaths. Exactly as seen in the human body, ferocious, 100 percent, devoted, self sacrificial, cooperation and equality of all members are the features of all adaptive life forms, species. 'Survival of the fittest' is the feature of terminal cancer.
* I've just completed Ashley Montagues, 'Darwin, competition and cooperation.' It may come to pass that more evil has been done by this well intentioned man Darwin, through his profoundly incomplete theory, then by all of history's Hitler's combined. His theory is utterly correct and brilliant for the life form that is cancer - that form of life that is blind to all to future generations, including its own, insanely obsessed with its own immediate growth and satisfaction.
Put forth by Darwin honestly and even brilliantly this Deathly incomplete theory has been and is gasoline poured on the blazing insanity of yesterday's and today's sociopaths. Exactly as seen in the human body, ferocious, 100 percent, devoted, self sacrificial, cooperation and equality of all members are the features of all adaptive life forms, species. 'Survival of the fittest' is the feature of terminal cancer.
Put forth by Darwin honestly and even brilliantly this Deathly incomplete theory has been and is gasoline poured on the blazing insanity of yesterday's and today's sociopaths. Exactly as seen in the human body, ferocious, 100 percent, devoted, self sacrificial, cooperation and equality of all members are the features of all adaptive life forms, species. 'Survival of the fittest' is the feature of terminal cancer.
posted from Bloggeroid
***** I am under deadly attack. (detail). The top 20 percent in this country, be it out of malice or mere blinding greed, are more and more stomping the life out of we destitute, around the world forever, and now here at home. Look around you and you will see that this is objectively, factually, undeniably true. We are not people to them, we are multicolored trash. You are under exactly the same attack. You just refuse to see it. If you remain in denial just a few more years, when you awaken it will be too late to save yourselves, and for your children and all creation a non horrible future will be out of the question.
* I am under deadly attack. The top 20 percent in this country, be it out of malice or mere blinding greed, are more and more stomping the life out of we destitute, around the world forever, and now here at home. Look around you and you will see that this is objectively, factually, undeniably true. We are not people to them, we are multicolored trash. You are under exactly the same attack. You just refuse to see it. If you remain in denial just a few more years, when you awaken it will be too late to save yourselves, and for your children and all creation a non horrible future will be out of the question.
------------Loving, Who precisely are the 20% and what are they doing that I can influence ... I don't "refuse to see it" but am perhaps unaware. BTW, Rex was served last Friday so he has until next Friday to reply to my petition. Doing what I know best. What else do you suggest?
------------DG, for me it is only within the last two weeks that this understanding above has taken a quantum leap within me and lodged deep in my being (I hope.) About 30 years ago, as you know better than I I suspect, some MIT professors(?) published, "Limits to Growth," and last year or so published an update confirming their findings that - we were (and at an accelerating rate continue) raping and plundering ourselves out of existence. They were showing us that on earth life had become a zero sum game - unless everyone lived according to their need, instead of to their greed (taking more than their global share), we were consuming ourselves QUICKLY, IMMINENTLY, out of existence. AT LEAST the top 20% economically in the US (and other Developed countries now) are consuming at 10's to 1000's of times our share (as I did my first 50 years or so). AT LEAST the top 20% economically, and possibly the top 60-80% (lower middle class and up). Earth is headed, as you know, quickly, toward 10 billion people. At the consumption of folks in India this can be sustained! At the consumption of Americans... earth can only support 2 billion people - TOTAL (we're currently over 7 billion). EVERYTHING... ANYONE... CONSUMES MORE THAN THEIR GLOBAL SHARE - IS STARVATION TO 5 TIMES AS MANY PEOPLE - IT IS MURDER, and now, not just of we humans, and we destitute masses of the world... but to all of earthly Creation.
posted from Bloggeroid
FB comments:------------Loving, Who precisely are the 20% and what are they doing that I can influence ... I don't "refuse to see it" but am perhaps unaware. BTW, Rex was served last Friday so he has until next Friday to reply to my petition. Doing what I know best. What else do you suggest?
Today I sent a small claim petition to the Denton County Justice of the Peace. T...he sole purpose of the petition is to trigger a conversation. My goal is to meet and talk, relying the petition content to guide a transparent discussion.
------------DG, for me it is only within the last two weeks that this understanding above has taken a quantum leap within me and lodged deep in my being (I hope.) About 30 years ago, as you know better than I I suspect, some MIT professors(?) published, "Limits to Growth," and last year or so published an update confirming their findings that - we were (and at an accelerating rate continue) raping and plundering ourselves out of existence. They were showing us that on earth life had become a zero sum game - unless everyone lived according to their need, instead of to their greed (taking more than their global share), we were consuming ourselves QUICKLY, IMMINENTLY, out of existence. AT LEAST the top 20% economically in the US (and other Developed countries now) are consuming at 10's to 1000's of times our share (as I did my first 50 years or so). AT LEAST the top 20% economically, and possibly the top 60-80% (lower middle class and up). Earth is headed, as you know, quickly, toward 10 billion people. At the consumption of folks in India this can be sustained! At the consumption of Americans... earth can only support 2 billion people - TOTAL (we're currently over 7 billion). EVERYTHING... ANYONE... CONSUMES MORE THAN THEIR GLOBAL SHARE - IS STARVATION TO 5 TIMES AS MANY PEOPLE - IT IS MURDER, and now, not just of we humans, and we destitute masses of the world... but to all of earthly Creation.
***** Must Read article. Eugene Debs: “Your honor, years ago I recognized my kinship with all living beings, and I made up my mind that I was not one bit better than the meanest on earth,” Debs said. “I said it then, as I say it now, that while there is a lower class, I am in it, and while there is a criminal element I am of it, and while there is a soul in prison, I am not free.”
“Your honor, years ago I recognized my kinship with all living beings, and I made up my mind that I was not one bit better than the meanest on earth,” Debs said. “I said it then, as I say it now, that while there is a lower class, I am in it, and while there is a criminal element I am of it, and while there is a soul in prison, I am not free.”
“Your honor, years ago I recognized my kinship with all living beings, and I made up my mind that I was not one bit better than the meanest on earth,” Debs said. “I said it then, as I say it now, that while there is a lower class, I am in it, and while there is a criminal element I am of it, and while there is a soul in prison, I am not free.”
Happiness is not about stuff. It is about serving.
Happiness is not about stuff. It is about serving.
posted from Bloggeroid
The real loneliness is living among all these kind people who only ask one to pretend. Edith Wharton
The real loneliness is living among all these kind people who only ask one to pretend. Edith Wharton
posted from Bloggeroid
***** FB Dialog. detail. "James, I met you about 3 1/2 years ago on my senior trip to DC... You are still an inspiration to me..." (detail)
C May 17: James, I met you about 3 1/2 years ago on my senior trip to DC. I doubt you remember me, because undoubtedly you meet countless number of youths. I have tagged a picture of you from all those years ago. I am wearing a white button down shirt. But I just wanted to say that I've been keeping up with your cause and posts on Facebook. You are still an inspiration to me.
I am going to a city not far from you soon, leading a group of students from my Southern state to run a sports camp in a refugee center and volunteer. I believe my group of students and I will be in DC the following Saturday. I would love a chance to introduce you to my students. I hope that you will be as much of an inspiration to them as you have been to me. Do you think this is at all possible? I know you are busy, but if I merit a reply I would be very grateful.
Loving May 20: C, I am grateful and humbled by your kind note. All of my activism is now indoors, on computer. If you have not carefully followed my recent posts I strongly advise that you do so here and if, after doing so, you still feel that meeting with me would be beneficial for your group, I'd be only too honored and glad to do so.
C: Ok i'll do that and let you know! Thanks for the response!
Loving: Heart
C: Some might say (professors and pastors), that you are devoted to a life that is, perhaps, the modern equivalent to a monastic life of the early Christian church. Would you say that A) you are explicitly? and B) you consciously accept a life of poverty to aid and raise awareness to "the least of these" ?
(Sorry if I am being 'pushy.' I am merely attempting to better gage the possible merits that would stem from a conversation.
Loving: In no way do I see you being pushy. I am nothing, explicitly. A life-long skier of the rockies described me as the greatest skier he had ever seen - me a guy from NJ. I was basically self taught by the mountains, surrendering my very being to learn the Truth of what was needed of me. What I do now is the same, to try and surrender my very Being to become of as much service to humanity, to the destitute in our family, as possible. You are right to look to the parallels as you did, but they, like me, could often times find no path to follow... and let Truth teach them the path... and so it is with me. I am certainly of they same type as some of them, and they of mine. There is only one Truth... be it in the external sciences... or the 'science' of our Souls, our psychology, our nervous systems... and the Divine. So those that are so drawn to the Truth that they'd pay any and all personal price to get near it... find the same Truth, the same Path... and look pretty similar to each other, and to onlookers.
I am going to a city not far from you soon, leading a group of students from my Southern state to run a sports camp in a refugee center and volunteer. I believe my group of students and I will be in DC the following Saturday. I would love a chance to introduce you to my students. I hope that you will be as much of an inspiration to them as you have been to me. Do you think this is at all possible? I know you are busy, but if I merit a reply I would be very grateful.
Loving May 20: C, I am grateful and humbled by your kind note. All of my activism is now indoors, on computer. If you have not carefully followed my recent posts I strongly advise that you do so here and if, after doing so, you still feel that meeting with me would be beneficial for your group, I'd be only too honored and glad to do so.
C: Ok i'll do that and let you know! Thanks for the response!
Loving: Heart
C: Some might say (professors and pastors), that you are devoted to a life that is, perhaps, the modern equivalent to a monastic life of the early Christian church. Would you say that A) you are explicitly? and B) you consciously accept a life of poverty to aid and raise awareness to "the least of these" ?
(Sorry if I am being 'pushy.' I am merely attempting to better gage the possible merits that would stem from a conversation.
Loving: In no way do I see you being pushy. I am nothing, explicitly. A life-long skier of the rockies described me as the greatest skier he had ever seen - me a guy from NJ. I was basically self taught by the mountains, surrendering my very being to learn the Truth of what was needed of me. What I do now is the same, to try and surrender my very Being to become of as much service to humanity, to the destitute in our family, as possible. You are right to look to the parallels as you did, but they, like me, could often times find no path to follow... and let Truth teach them the path... and so it is with me. I am certainly of they same type as some of them, and they of mine. There is only one Truth... be it in the external sciences... or the 'science' of our Souls, our psychology, our nervous systems... and the Divine. So those that are so drawn to the Truth that they'd pay any and all personal price to get near it... find the same Truth, the same Path... and look pretty similar to each other, and to onlookers.
"As to poverty, I've always thought it a horrible, mistaken fetish to seek poverty, no disrespect to anyone. I still feel that. BUT IF ONE SEEKS TO MAKE OF ONE'S VERY BEING - LOVING - WELL, THEN, POVERTY WILL BE THE RESULT, for a host of reasons... just as anyone that seeks to be great at skiing will become extremely supple of body, subservient to the mechanics, the needs of the hill, and the skis....
C: That is a very wise incite; poverty for the sake of poverty being a vice. But poverty as a necessary result of ultimate love, a merit.
Loving: ... and a devoted skier will suffer much cold, and be subject to extreme risk.. but not because they necessarily seek out or desire either.
... a consequence, a natural and near certain consequence.... and a profound boon. In fact, I think the one and only possible human Revolution is 100% solidarity with the destitute... and my last 8 months study of the most objective Jesus scholarship shows me that this is EXACTLY what his Religion was - 100% solidarity with the destitute, against Elysianism - think of the movie. And 100% Solidarity means participating 100% in and of the same life - Poverty. The good Captain, Brother, Mother, Father, Sister... does not abandon their 'family' under any circumstances... ever. Yes, they may 'run for help,' but only to personally return and race into the disaster. Right?
C: Exactly.
Loving: One can only become a master at serving the needs of the skis and mountain ONLY if one totally, 100%, immerses. One can only master serving our destitute family of creation by total immersion - not by reaching occasionally, when safe and convenient... through the bars of the cage.
C: That is a very wise incite; poverty for the sake of poverty being a vice. But poverty as a necessary result of ultimate love, a merit.
Loving: ... and a devoted skier will suffer much cold, and be subject to extreme risk.. but not because they necessarily seek out or desire either.
... a consequence, a natural and near certain consequence.... and a profound boon. In fact, I think the one and only possible human Revolution is 100% solidarity with the destitute... and my last 8 months study of the most objective Jesus scholarship shows me that this is EXACTLY what his Religion was - 100% solidarity with the destitute, against Elysianism - think of the movie. And 100% Solidarity means participating 100% in and of the same life - Poverty. The good Captain, Brother, Mother, Father, Sister... does not abandon their 'family' under any circumstances... ever. Yes, they may 'run for help,' but only to personally return and race into the disaster. Right?
C: Exactly.
Loving: One can only become a master at serving the needs of the skis and mountain ONLY if one totally, 100%, immerses. One can only master serving our destitute family of creation by total immersion - not by reaching occasionally, when safe and convenient... through the bars of the cage.
... as we've been tragically taught. Charity is the deadliest of sins, because it always displaces that which is Virtue - Solidarity - Serving, from the Soul, in Solidarity - Universal Family, Immediate Universal Family... by whatever name, or no name at all.
C: I do admire your devotion to Jesus and not simply to the religion. I believe there are far too many nominal "christians." I know this because I've worked in youth ministry all over the country, SC, TN, CA... The biggest thing I have noticed with my students in my city (who come from what is called "old city" or "old money") is that their materialistic tendencies often drive them, not their love of Jesus and appreciation to his cause. Is it their fault that they were born into a materialistic, wealthy, achievement based society? No. But sticking to it, unyielding to the mere mention of possibility that they are making idols of their affluence, frightens them.
Loving: Been there. Done that. :-( Took me 45 years to learn that it was all a lie... and the last 15 years to claw my way back to the Life, the Loving, the 100% Solidarity... into which we are all born.
Loving: Been there. Done that. :-( Took me 45 years to learn that it was all a lie... and the last 15 years to claw my way back to the Life, the Loving, the 100% Solidarity... into which we are all born.
C: I do believe my students would benefit from meeting with you.
Are you still living in DC?
Loving: If the Creator took mercy on me and asked me the one thing I would have Her/Him/It could well be that I would have every nominal christian realize that it was not "a Christian" that they wanted to be, but rather to BE CHRISTLIKE, CHRISTLIKENESS... WAS WHAT 100% OF THEIR BEING WOULD BE DEVOTED TO. I will never be a Christian... it has proven by scholarship and 2000 years of failure to NOT be Jesus religion. Jesus Religion by whatever name was Christlikeness, BEING LOVING, UNIVERSAL FAMILY, by whatever name, or no name at all. This is our only prayer now. These are objectively the end times. Unless we bring His culture, His ECONOMY of 100% LIVED DEVOTION, SOLIDARTY, TO AND WITH THE LEAST OF THESE - WELL, I'D RATHER NEVER HAVE BEEN BORN, THAN TO BE YOUR YOUNG STUDENTS, OR THEIR CHILDREN - with the planet in final death writhings that are the certain consequence of paying lip service to Jesus economy for so long.

... one final link -
C: Amen. The trouble is, it is not only the least of these that need Jesus. The affluent and pious and arrogant and materialist need him just as badly. I am having the trouble of "becoming all things to all people" so that they might be saved. I am having trouble discerning what it looks like to, like the apostle paul, when he says in 1 corinthians 9: 19 For though I am free from all, I have made myself a servant to all, that I might win more of them. 20 To the Jews I became as a Jew, in order to win Jews. To those under the law I became as one under the law (though not being myself under the law) that I might win those under the law. 21 To those outside the law I became as one outside the law (not being outside the law of God but under the law of Christ) that I might win those outside the law. 22 To the weak I became weak, that I might win the weak. I have become all things to all people, that by all means I might save some. 23 I do it all for the sake of the gospel, that I may share with them in its blessings."

Brother, I profoundly disagree, yet I take no offense at what you've said, and you must take no offense from what I say, and you must not think I'm telling you what to think or say... I'm sharing what has become clear to me. My Religion by whatever name is Christlikeness, NOT Christianity. There are many great physicists.... but only one Einstein, so far. Paul had much good to say, and much profound error written in his name by others. No, Jesus words - that 40% subset of the words and teachings and actions in the bible that the most objective scholarship says He Actually said... not the 60% put in his mouth by others, for whatever good reasons, no matter how wise.


C: I don't find that offensive at all. I welcome discussion and opposing/different views. It is how we grow as human: conflict.
That being said, would you be willing to meet with them if I deem it wise? If, either you or myself, think it would be prudent to avoid the meeting with the students, I would still love to see you when I can.
Loving: If I were a master Medical Doctor.. and I had a multi background team of interns, a variety of motivations among them... how do I best 'teach,' lead them? Maybe by leading them to the neediest cases... so powerful, that it cries out to their very soul... and that experience becomes their teacher? THIS is what Jesus did. Historically he probably NEVER ministered to anyone but the destitute. Doing so was Paul's lack of faith, vision, wisdom... error.
And what then of those med students that shied away from the blood, carnage, pain, suffering...? Jesus did NOT follow after the Rich Young Man. Nor would the med doctor go and coddle the reticent med students. Any such student would show then and there that at that moment, they really didn't want the life of the MD as much as they thought they would... and any further coddling of them would be a profound disservice to them... and to their prospective patients. "The gate is narrow, and few shall enter in, [EVER].' For the MD, for the person of Christ, to stand and coddle the reticent student... while the destitute are writhing in need... IS TO DAMN THE STUDENT... because it communicates from the teacher to the student a TOTAL REVERSAL, PERVERSION, OF THE CREATOR'S PRIORITIES... it confirms the mistaken notion of the "Rich Young Men" of the world that lif is for their pleasure, rather than the Truth - that the Only Heaven is the Heaven of Living the Family Emergency Response - Loving, with each breath, in Service... the most destitute we can possibly reach, and serve... in each and every moment. Is this not exactly what Jesus did? Did He not say, "Love as I have loved?" Did He stutter? Did he leave off - 'when it suits your fancy, convenience...? No.
This has been a Godly dialog. I leave it to you. If based on what we've said, what you've seen at my site... the future... you wish to meet, I'm sure I would find it a great Joy, and if not, your brother I will always be, unconditionally.
C: That means a great deal. Really. Unconditional, agape, hessed love is truly glorious to behold.
Loving: If the Creator took mercy on me and asked me the one thing I would have Her/Him/It could well be that I would have every nominal christian realize that it was not "a Christian" that they wanted to be, but rather to BE CHRISTLIKE, CHRISTLIKENESS... WAS WHAT 100% OF THEIR BEING WOULD BE DEVOTED TO. I will never be a Christian... it has proven by scholarship and 2000 years of failure to NOT be Jesus religion. Jesus Religion by whatever name was Christlikeness, BEING LOVING, UNIVERSAL FAMILY, by whatever name, or no name at all. This is our only prayer now. These are objectively the end times. Unless we bring His culture, His ECONOMY of 100% LIVED DEVOTION, SOLIDARTY, TO AND WITH THE LEAST OF THESE - WELL, I'D RATHER NEVER HAVE BEEN BORN, THAN TO BE YOUR YOUNG STUDENTS, OR THEIR CHILDREN - with the planet in final death writhings that are the certain consequence of paying lip service to Jesus economy for so long.

... one final link -
C: Amen. The trouble is, it is not only the least of these that need Jesus. The affluent and pious and arrogant and materialist need him just as badly. I am having the trouble of "becoming all things to all people" so that they might be saved. I am having trouble discerning what it looks like to, like the apostle paul, when he says in 1 corinthians 9: 19 For though I am free from all, I have made myself a servant to all, that I might win more of them. 20 To the Jews I became as a Jew, in order to win Jews. To those under the law I became as one under the law (though not being myself under the law) that I might win those under the law. 21 To those outside the law I became as one outside the law (not being outside the law of God but under the law of Christ) that I might win those outside the law. 22 To the weak I became weak, that I might win the weak. I have become all things to all people, that by all means I might save some. 23 I do it all for the sake of the gospel, that I may share with them in its blessings."

Brother, I profoundly disagree, yet I take no offense at what you've said, and you must take no offense from what I say, and you must not think I'm telling you what to think or say... I'm sharing what has become clear to me. My Religion by whatever name is Christlikeness, NOT Christianity. There are many great physicists.... but only one Einstein, so far. Paul had much good to say, and much profound error written in his name by others. No, Jesus words - that 40% subset of the words and teachings and actions in the bible that the most objective scholarship says He Actually said... not the 60% put in his mouth by others, for whatever good reasons, no matter how wise.


C: I don't find that offensive at all. I welcome discussion and opposing/different views. It is how we grow as human: conflict.
That being said, would you be willing to meet with them if I deem it wise? If, either you or myself, think it would be prudent to avoid the meeting with the students, I would still love to see you when I can.
Loving: If I were a master Medical Doctor.. and I had a multi background team of interns, a variety of motivations among them... how do I best 'teach,' lead them? Maybe by leading them to the neediest cases... so powerful, that it cries out to their very soul... and that experience becomes their teacher? THIS is what Jesus did. Historically he probably NEVER ministered to anyone but the destitute. Doing so was Paul's lack of faith, vision, wisdom... error.
And what then of those med students that shied away from the blood, carnage, pain, suffering...? Jesus did NOT follow after the Rich Young Man. Nor would the med doctor go and coddle the reticent med students. Any such student would show then and there that at that moment, they really didn't want the life of the MD as much as they thought they would... and any further coddling of them would be a profound disservice to them... and to their prospective patients. "The gate is narrow, and few shall enter in, [EVER].' For the MD, for the person of Christ, to stand and coddle the reticent student... while the destitute are writhing in need... IS TO DAMN THE STUDENT... because it communicates from the teacher to the student a TOTAL REVERSAL, PERVERSION, OF THE CREATOR'S PRIORITIES... it confirms the mistaken notion of the "Rich Young Men" of the world that lif is for their pleasure, rather than the Truth - that the Only Heaven is the Heaven of Living the Family Emergency Response - Loving, with each breath, in Service... the most destitute we can possibly reach, and serve... in each and every moment. Is this not exactly what Jesus did? Did He not say, "Love as I have loved?" Did He stutter? Did he leave off - 'when it suits your fancy, convenience...? No.
This has been a Godly dialog. I leave it to you. If based on what we've said, what you've seen at my site... the future... you wish to meet, I'm sure I would find it a great Joy, and if not, your brother I will always be, unconditionally.
C: That means a great deal. Really. Unconditional, agape, hessed love is truly glorious to behold.
Loving: Loving is the only Blessing, the Only Reward, the Only Heaven... all else is worthless rags, in my Heart... how long I was in the desert, and did not see.
Yes, Agape.
C: Before I leave, may I ask your thoughts on Jesus' encounter with "the rich, young ruler"? In regards to your last statement, it seems at least once Jesus did attempt to show is way of life to the wealthy.
C: Before I leave, may I ask your thoughts on Jesus' encounter with "the rich, young ruler"? In regards to your last statement, it seems at least once Jesus did attempt to show is way of life to the wealthy.
Loving: I could almost weep that you brought that up. It was much on my mind just a day or so ago; and it has been over the last 15 on and off. About 14 years ago I was still in a $500,000 house in a wealthy Phila suburb, but moving out of my $300k per year exec position in industry into serving my needy 'family,' and in a masters of counseling program. I saw announcement of a weekend seminar at a bapist church in town, "Grace and Addiction," David Hilficker, and living saint, conducting it. Quite the scholar this MD to the homeless in DC... He emphatically made the point that that scripture is the most written of in all history of the NT... to make known absolutely that JESUS DID NOT MEAN THAT TO APPLY TO ALL OF US. To answer your question, IT IS AN ABSOLUTE CERTAINTY TO ME, BASED ON WHAT LIFE, ERROR, SUCCESS AND STUDY HAVE TAUGHT ME - THAT STORY IS EXACTLY WHAT JESUS MEANT FOR US TO DO. IT IS EXACTLY AND PRECISELY WHAT JESUS MEANT AS THE ENCAPSULATION OF WHAT LOVING IS - WHAT BEING LOVING IS, DOES, WITH CERTAINTY. Agape can do no less. Agape can STAND DOING NO LESS. Agape is UNIVERSAL FAMILY - when part of your family is destitute... you sell everything and give it to them!!!!!!!!!! This is what Loving does! If it does NOT do that, it is NOT LOVING. Objectively, JESUS 'SOLD' EVERYTHING THAT HE WAS, EVERY BREATH... AND GAVE IT TO THE DESTITUTE, NOT THE POOR, NOT THE MIDDLE CLASS (REALLY WASN'T ANY), NOT THE 1%... TO THE DESTITUTE BECAUSE A. That is what the destitute needed from him; and B. THAT IS WHAT THE RICH NEEDED FROM HIM!!!!!! "Example is not the major thing in influencing people... it is the only thing;" Albert Schweitzer. The scholarship I find serious... indicates that Jesus, unlike Paul and others... 100% of His ministry, and that of those directed by Him, was to the destitute little 8-20 person hamlets of the area - not the towns, or cities, where those of any wealth lived. So to me it is clear that His encounter with the Rich Young Ruler was not sought out by Jesus, a chance encounter on a local trade route maybe... AND, JESUS DID NOT PURSUE THE RULER UPON REJECTION. He may have wept, probably did... but He did NOT pursue Him. He continued his ministry to the poor, and thereby, His CLEAR LEADERSHIP TO ALL OF US... THAT WE WERE TO DO LIKEWISE; anything else by a Christlike being a deadly miscommunication, deadly disservice... to the wealthy; and with that, we have the last 2000 years of failure, abomination - a Christianity that is the exact opposite of what Jesus died to give us.
... one caveat... to an earlier point - as it is a fetish, error, sin... to pursue poverty for oneself in life... it is an error, sin, mistake... to 'sell all you have and give it to the poor,' with that being the cerebral, follow the instructions... goal. In skiing it is an evil to pursue dangerous falls. However, dangerous falls are a marker - if you are not having some... YOU ARE NOT ON THE PATH TO BECOMING A GREAT SKIIER. IF you find that you are not moving in the direction of, and finally completing, ultimately giving all that you have and all that you are to the most destitute you can reach, it is an absolute marker that you are not Christlike, not becoming Christlike... not following, not JOINING.... Jesus. It is what Jesus did. IT IS WHAT ALL OF HIS IMMEDIATE APPOSTLES DID. It is what Loving does. 'LOVE AS I HAVE LOVED,' He said.
I hope you scan this -
C: You raise great points and have undoubtedly given many years to pondering what it means to be a true imitator of Jesus. Thank you for all you are. Little things like taking time to message me back are very large indicators that you live what you preach. I thank you for that.
Loving: The Joy is all mine. I've found you to be Truth-seeking. "Truth is God," Gandhi rightly said... and I pursue God, the Creator, Loving... with every breath, for the ultimate Greedy Joy of it - the Heaven of it - there is none other.
C: Also, where are you residing now, so that I can determine if I will be able to say hello.
Loving: Everything I've shared with you, and the only things I EVER share, are some of the steps on the path from Hell on earth to Heaven in this life... that I've had to learn, teach myself, discover... to do so. It is my joy, my mission, my purpose, my reason for being to share this, and my agony that with it I make so little difference, and reach so few.
I reside in the 750 person CCNV homeless shelter at 2nd and D NW in DC, but they allow no visitors there... we could meet any number of places near or far at your convenience or mine.
C: OK I would very much like that. I will write you later in the week to discuss when and where. I do know that I will have half a day off in DC on Saturday, the 31st.
and you your last statement about reaching few people, well if my meager praises can be of any encouragement, I have told many people of you, both the impact you've had on my life by following some of your work, and the impact and cause that you so bodily stand for. If one man, any number of "one man," Ghandi, MLK, Jesus, can leaving lasting, impactful legacy, I believe you will. Flattery is not my strong suit. I am not "blowing sunshine up your skirt," as they say. But I am simply letting you know that I believe you have, can, are, and will impact many more people than you can know.
I know that does not sound like much coming from someone as insignificant as me, but I felt as though I should express some of my gratitude, even in so minuscule a dose as that.
Loving: Well, you've made me cry - a mixture of sadness that I reach almost no one, joy, that I've reached maybe one, a little. ZERO CREDIT TO ME, I'VE BEEN SHOWN THE PATH, NOT MY PATH, THE PATH... THE ONE JESUS TRIED TO GET US ON. NO CREDIT TO ME. BUT I SEE FEW, FEWER THAN 10... THAT ALSO HAVE FOUND IT, AND PROBABLY FEWER THAN THAT... NO DISCREDIT TO ANYONE. (Hard to type here through these stinging tears). And we're out of time. This is what I feel. This is what Jesus felt - the same. All I can do is Try, with EVERY BREATH... and that I shall continue to do, with every breath I'm given of this Life Sentence I am serving in this Hell of Godlessness, Lovelessness, we've made. My personal wish was that the Creator let last years cancer take me, but it was not Her wish, it seems, so here I am, serving out my time. I was given the choice, and I chose service over my personal wish to be relieved of duty. I'd have it no other way. Your note means a great deal to me.
This has been a Divine exchange. I will post it soon and make it anonymous... but we covered many important points. Your identity will be entirely disguised... I'll post it on FB and my blog, and provide you the links... Creator willing.
... one caveat... to an earlier point - as it is a fetish, error, sin... to pursue poverty for oneself in life... it is an error, sin, mistake... to 'sell all you have and give it to the poor,' with that being the cerebral, follow the instructions... goal. In skiing it is an evil to pursue dangerous falls. However, dangerous falls are a marker - if you are not having some... YOU ARE NOT ON THE PATH TO BECOMING A GREAT SKIIER. IF you find that you are not moving in the direction of, and finally completing, ultimately giving all that you have and all that you are to the most destitute you can reach, it is an absolute marker that you are not Christlike, not becoming Christlike... not following, not JOINING.... Jesus. It is what Jesus did. IT IS WHAT ALL OF HIS IMMEDIATE APPOSTLES DID. It is what Loving does. 'LOVE AS I HAVE LOVED,' He said.
I hope you scan this -
C: You raise great points and have undoubtedly given many years to pondering what it means to be a true imitator of Jesus. Thank you for all you are. Little things like taking time to message me back are very large indicators that you live what you preach. I thank you for that.
Loving: The Joy is all mine. I've found you to be Truth-seeking. "Truth is God," Gandhi rightly said... and I pursue God, the Creator, Loving... with every breath, for the ultimate Greedy Joy of it - the Heaven of it - there is none other.
C: Also, where are you residing now, so that I can determine if I will be able to say hello.
Loving: Everything I've shared with you, and the only things I EVER share, are some of the steps on the path from Hell on earth to Heaven in this life... that I've had to learn, teach myself, discover... to do so. It is my joy, my mission, my purpose, my reason for being to share this, and my agony that with it I make so little difference, and reach so few.
I reside in the 750 person CCNV homeless shelter at 2nd and D NW in DC, but they allow no visitors there... we could meet any number of places near or far at your convenience or mine.
C: OK I would very much like that. I will write you later in the week to discuss when and where. I do know that I will have half a day off in DC on Saturday, the 31st.
and you your last statement about reaching few people, well if my meager praises can be of any encouragement, I have told many people of you, both the impact you've had on my life by following some of your work, and the impact and cause that you so bodily stand for. If one man, any number of "one man," Ghandi, MLK, Jesus, can leaving lasting, impactful legacy, I believe you will. Flattery is not my strong suit. I am not "blowing sunshine up your skirt," as they say. But I am simply letting you know that I believe you have, can, are, and will impact many more people than you can know.
I know that does not sound like much coming from someone as insignificant as me, but I felt as though I should express some of my gratitude, even in so minuscule a dose as that.
Loving: Well, you've made me cry - a mixture of sadness that I reach almost no one, joy, that I've reached maybe one, a little. ZERO CREDIT TO ME, I'VE BEEN SHOWN THE PATH, NOT MY PATH, THE PATH... THE ONE JESUS TRIED TO GET US ON. NO CREDIT TO ME. BUT I SEE FEW, FEWER THAN 10... THAT ALSO HAVE FOUND IT, AND PROBABLY FEWER THAN THAT... NO DISCREDIT TO ANYONE. (Hard to type here through these stinging tears). And we're out of time. This is what I feel. This is what Jesus felt - the same. All I can do is Try, with EVERY BREATH... and that I shall continue to do, with every breath I'm given of this Life Sentence I am serving in this Hell of Godlessness, Lovelessness, we've made. My personal wish was that the Creator let last years cancer take me, but it was not Her wish, it seems, so here I am, serving out my time. I was given the choice, and I chose service over my personal wish to be relieved of duty. I'd have it no other way. Your note means a great deal to me.
This has been a Divine exchange. I will post it soon and make it anonymous... but we covered many important points. Your identity will be entirely disguised... I'll post it on FB and my blog, and provide you the links... Creator willing.
C: Well, then you truly do manifest what it means to "live is christ and die is gain." I was unaware of the cancer that had plagued you. If you wouldn't mind, I would your blessing in praying for you.
As I also wish that you, too, will keep me in your prayers, that the creator will guide me and that I may find strength enough to live as Jesus, not only by what I say, but also by what I do.
I would love you to do so. I would love to read of it.
Loving: I am honored and blest by your desire, but sort of, you are asking what I want - I want you to BE a Prayer for me to be as full an instrument of the Creator's Will as Possible, and I will endeavor to Be such a Prayer for you.
C: Thank you again for clarifying and discerning wisdom. I look forward to reading your posts, and further still to a hopeful meeting in person.
As I also wish that you, too, will keep me in your prayers, that the creator will guide me and that I may find strength enough to live as Jesus, not only by what I say, but also by what I do.
I would love you to do so. I would love to read of it.
Loving: I am honored and blest by your desire, but sort of, you are asking what I want - I want you to BE a Prayer for me to be as full an instrument of the Creator's Will as Possible, and I will endeavor to Be such a Prayer for you.
C: Thank you again for clarifying and discerning wisdom. I look forward to reading your posts, and further still to a hopeful meeting in person.
Loving: This exchange was an immense Blessing for me.
My sisters, I wish you would always dress as I think you might were you planning to meet with Eleanor Roosevelt, Harriet Tubman, Gandhi, Malala, Teresa of Calcutta, Pope Francis ..... It is not expensive finary I'm thinking of but rather clothing that showcases your soul rather than anything else. Brothers, I wish you would learn to value our sisters for their soul to the exclusion of everything else. By whatever name or conception this is the only possible revolution. There is none other.
My sisters, I wish you would always dress as I think you might were you planning to meet with Eleanor Roosevelt, Harriet Tubman, Gandhi, Malala, Teresa of Calcutta, Pope Francis ..... It is not expensive finary I'm thinking of but rather clothing that showcases your soul rather than anything else. Brothers, I wish you would learn to value our sisters for their soul to the exclusion of everything else. By whatever name or conception this is the only possible revolution. There is none other.
posted from Bloggeroid
Elysians brutally subdue savage earthlings. article. Foreign investors acknowledge Vietnam's quick action after riots.
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no detail. Linda K, All of us can be great because all of us can serve (can BE Loving). MLK Jr.
Linda K, All of us can be great because all of us can serve (can BE Loving). MLK Jr.
posted from Bloggeroid
no detail. I am totally and completely incapable of forgiving because I am totally and completely of the understanding that all evil is error. It is organismacly impossible for anyone of us in any instant to do worse than the very best that we know. I am profoundly capable of being upset with someone and especially with situations and circumstance, but incapable of being upset AT anyone, ever. I guess it is a profound stupidity I've always had and always will. Or maybe it's just a kind of intelligence, Loving, i think. It is what it is. There is nothing that does not feel like a part of my body - no person, no creature, no plant , no rock.... How can I hold a grudge against my arms, or my foot, or my nose? So how could I forgive?
I am totally and completely incapable of forgiving because I am totally and completely of the understanding that all evil is error. It is organismacly impossible for anyone of us in any instant to do worse than the very best that we know. I am profoundly capable of being upset with someone and especially with situations and circumstance, but incapable of being upset AT anyone, ever. I guess it is a profound stupidity I've always had and always will. Or maybe it's just a kind of intelligence, Loving, i think. It is what it is. There is nothing that does not feel like a part of my body - no person, no creature, no plant , no rock.... How can I hold a grudge against my arms, or my foot, or my nose? So how could I forgive?
posted from Bloggeroid
***** Loving, Update....
***** Update: My computer was destroyed several days ago by a deranged fellow in the shelter who poured a large cup of coffee into it while I had stepped away for a moment. He has since been barred from the shelter, but he did not go to jail, because I refused to press charges. I felt being barred from the shelter, this clinically sick man, would be enough consequence to learn from, if he can and will.
But the wound of having my computer, near 100% of my means of contributing to the world, destroyed, is a very, very deep wound. And it was a devastating reminder that despite the 12 hours a day, 7 days a week, I use it to attempt to serve... aside from some words of kindness from a few, only one evidenced the slightest concern that he take personal responsibility to help insure that my work continues. It may be that this is fully an indictment of me - that my work is worthless - literally. Or, it may be an indication of how dead even my closest 'friends' are.
No one that has followed my work could miss that central to my view of our impeding, imminent global cataclysms... is what Einstein said, and that I quote often: "The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who do nothing to stop them." It might be that the absence of any serious support for my work is that even those that have followed me at all closely... have zero conception (by historical measures) of paying even a paltry price for change - even when what is at stake is utter torture, forever, of their younger children, and grandchildren - forever; cuz that is exactly what is at stake - burning at the stake.
I don't know why the following has been the impact on me of this devastating loss, alongside the deep pain in my chest - the profound clarity that I am not an Alysian any more, and that near everyone I know, Scott and D being the definite exceptions... are Alysians. It may be that half a dozen others responded with no offers of help because they too are near destitute, in truth.
This clarity will inform whatever work I do going forward. I was born an Alysian, and lived in Alysium for my first 45 years or so (middle to upper class). I had a sense of terror all my life of falling to earth. I've been in a long, slow, leap toward earth, deliberate... for about 15 years now. Although there is much fear and pain associated with that, at each step... I have felt more healthy, more human, more alive, more sane, more like I was ending the divorce of my human family, and rejoining them. I've never had a moment's regret in all this time, except at being an Alysian all those many decades.
But with the severe trauma of two days ago... I have a profoundly increased clarity of this - that I've left Alysium, by choice, that I choose my destitute family members on destroyed earth - to be with them, 100% solidarity with them, stand with them, stand for them, with my entire being, for as many breaths as I'm given going forward.
All Alysians are my family too, but they don't need kindness from me anymore - it only enables them to stay the brutal oppressors that they are (Earth has become a zero sum game - Alysians by definition have more, way more, than their global share. That, THAT, is what crushes the rest of the world, and the US masses, into destitution.)
I've been drawn to invest countless months recently in the academic scholarship concerning the man Jesus. To this day, throughout my lifelong adoration of Him, there has not been a moment, to my shame maybe, that I've done something because of Him. But often, after I've come to a new revelation, I look back and am informed by His teaching, and life. And now is very much one of those times. Jesus could have written what I just wrote above, cept he was born to destitution and made a religion of 100% lived solidarity of, by, for, with them. His total affinity, his 100% solidarity... was with those on 'earth,' helping them find Heaven in their lives despite the crushing evil of the world - the crushing, deadly, torturing weight of the Elysians of that day. I've just summarized for you the current, most scholarly history of Jesus. It is not what we've been told, but it is unmistakably true.
Jesus was of, by and for the destitute, and against the blight of the world - the living in Elysium. How could I have been so blind, for so many decades?
If anyone has read this far, I offer this help toward understanding, 'seeing,' what I couldn't see for 45 years or so. There were as many as 200 million native americans living here before the Alysians arrived - Columbus and all the rest of us. What was life like here before we Alysians arrived? Near 100% community. Near 100% adequate housing, food, meaningful work... for all. Enough for all, for ALL. ENOUGH OF EVERYTHING, FOR ALL. ENOUGH OF EVERYTHING, FOR ALL. ENOUGH OF EVERYTHING, FOR ALL.
Yes, there were no iPads, no internet, no cable TV, no cities, no suburbs.... If you think ANY of us are better off then the native Americans before Coumbus, well, you and I will never understand each other.
And then we Alysians arrived. America had enough... for the people of earth; but not once the Alysians began their insatiable rape, plunder, greed, wealth, possessions - lower middle class and up.
Jesus saw this in His part of the world, EXACTLY, 2000 years ago. His Elisians were the Romans AND the Educated, over privileged Jews - the top 20% - the Elysians... squeezing the very life out of the majority - ELYSIANS CAN ONLY HAVE MORE THAN THEIR SHARE BY TAKING FROM THE SHARE OF EACH AND EVERY ONE OF THE MASSES - WHO ONLY HAD 'ENOUGH' TO BEGIN WITH. THAT'S THE MATH. THAT'S THE PHYSICS. THAT'S THE TRUTH. EVERYTHING ELSE IS A LIE.
NOTHING has changed since Jesus day, except for the worse. And now, in as few as two or three more generations it will be EXACTLY as stark as we saw in Elysium, or worse, much much worse.
I will no longer be a part of Elysium, for which I'll pay every material price... but my Soul. I'm pretty much with the earthlings now, am pretty much AN earthling now, and will fight unviolently, lovingly, at their side with all I'm worth, for us all, with every expectation of making near zero difference; cept in my own life - I'll be alive, fully alive, not a walking dead Elysian like I was.
But the wound of having my computer, near 100% of my means of contributing to the world, destroyed, is a very, very deep wound. And it was a devastating reminder that despite the 12 hours a day, 7 days a week, I use it to attempt to serve... aside from some words of kindness from a few, only one evidenced the slightest concern that he take personal responsibility to help insure that my work continues. It may be that this is fully an indictment of me - that my work is worthless - literally. Or, it may be an indication of how dead even my closest 'friends' are.
No one that has followed my work could miss that central to my view of our impeding, imminent global cataclysms... is what Einstein said, and that I quote often: "The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who do nothing to stop them." It might be that the absence of any serious support for my work is that even those that have followed me at all closely... have zero conception (by historical measures) of paying even a paltry price for change - even when what is at stake is utter torture, forever, of their younger children, and grandchildren - forever; cuz that is exactly what is at stake - burning at the stake.
I don't know why the following has been the impact on me of this devastating loss, alongside the deep pain in my chest - the profound clarity that I am not an Alysian any more, and that near everyone I know, Scott and D being the definite exceptions... are Alysians. It may be that half a dozen others responded with no offers of help because they too are near destitute, in truth.
This clarity will inform whatever work I do going forward. I was born an Alysian, and lived in Alysium for my first 45 years or so (middle to upper class). I had a sense of terror all my life of falling to earth. I've been in a long, slow, leap toward earth, deliberate... for about 15 years now. Although there is much fear and pain associated with that, at each step... I have felt more healthy, more human, more alive, more sane, more like I was ending the divorce of my human family, and rejoining them. I've never had a moment's regret in all this time, except at being an Alysian all those many decades.
But with the severe trauma of two days ago... I have a profoundly increased clarity of this - that I've left Alysium, by choice, that I choose my destitute family members on destroyed earth - to be with them, 100% solidarity with them, stand with them, stand for them, with my entire being, for as many breaths as I'm given going forward.
All Alysians are my family too, but they don't need kindness from me anymore - it only enables them to stay the brutal oppressors that they are (Earth has become a zero sum game - Alysians by definition have more, way more, than their global share. That, THAT, is what crushes the rest of the world, and the US masses, into destitution.)
I've been drawn to invest countless months recently in the academic scholarship concerning the man Jesus. To this day, throughout my lifelong adoration of Him, there has not been a moment, to my shame maybe, that I've done something because of Him. But often, after I've come to a new revelation, I look back and am informed by His teaching, and life. And now is very much one of those times. Jesus could have written what I just wrote above, cept he was born to destitution and made a religion of 100% lived solidarity of, by, for, with them. His total affinity, his 100% solidarity... was with those on 'earth,' helping them find Heaven in their lives despite the crushing evil of the world - the crushing, deadly, torturing weight of the Elysians of that day. I've just summarized for you the current, most scholarly history of Jesus. It is not what we've been told, but it is unmistakably true.
Jesus was of, by and for the destitute, and against the blight of the world - the living in Elysium. How could I have been so blind, for so many decades?
If anyone has read this far, I offer this help toward understanding, 'seeing,' what I couldn't see for 45 years or so. There were as many as 200 million native americans living here before the Alysians arrived - Columbus and all the rest of us. What was life like here before we Alysians arrived? Near 100% community. Near 100% adequate housing, food, meaningful work... for all. Enough for all, for ALL. ENOUGH OF EVERYTHING, FOR ALL. ENOUGH OF EVERYTHING, FOR ALL. ENOUGH OF EVERYTHING, FOR ALL.
Yes, there were no iPads, no internet, no cable TV, no cities, no suburbs.... If you think ANY of us are better off then the native Americans before Coumbus, well, you and I will never understand each other.
And then we Alysians arrived. America had enough... for the people of earth; but not once the Alysians began their insatiable rape, plunder, greed, wealth, possessions - lower middle class and up.
Jesus saw this in His part of the world, EXACTLY, 2000 years ago. His Elisians were the Romans AND the Educated, over privileged Jews - the top 20% - the Elysians... squeezing the very life out of the majority - ELYSIANS CAN ONLY HAVE MORE THAN THEIR SHARE BY TAKING FROM THE SHARE OF EACH AND EVERY ONE OF THE MASSES - WHO ONLY HAD 'ENOUGH' TO BEGIN WITH. THAT'S THE MATH. THAT'S THE PHYSICS. THAT'S THE TRUTH. EVERYTHING ELSE IS A LIE.
NOTHING has changed since Jesus day, except for the worse. And now, in as few as two or three more generations it will be EXACTLY as stark as we saw in Elysium, or worse, much much worse.
I will no longer be a part of Elysium, for which I'll pay every material price... but my Soul. I'm pretty much with the earthlings now, am pretty much AN earthling now, and will fight unviolently, lovingly, at their side with all I'm worth, for us all, with every expectation of making near zero difference; cept in my own life - I'll be alive, fully alive, not a walking dead Elysian like I was.
If you haven't seen the movie Elysium, you should. Then ask yourself the question... if you were a character in the movie... do you live on earth, or on Elysium. 90-99% of the people I know act as though they live on Elysium, or are likely to do so. Just sayin. And maybe they are ok with that.
If you haven't seen the movie Elysium, you should. Then ask yourself the question... if you were a character in the movie... do you live on earth, or on Elysium. 90-99% of the people I know act as though they live on Elysium, or are likely to do so. Just sayin. And maybe they are ok with that.
My computer was destroyed yesterday by a deranged fellow here in the shelter who poured a large cup of coffee into it while I was in the bathroom. I do not expect to try and replace it. I cannot justify the expense based on the 0 good my efforts have made so far.
My computer was destroyed yesterday by a deranged fellow here in the shelter who poured a large cup of coffee into it while I was in the bathroom. I do not expect to try and replace it. I cannot justify the expense based on the 0 good my efforts have made so far.
posted from Bloggeroid
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