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. . . And Photos 2007 - 6/16
Nat Gas is 20-100X more warming than CO2. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has been underestimating methane leaks from natural gas production and use by 25 to 75 percent

LeftAction: Don't Let Oil Billionaire Koch Brothers Kill Wind Power.
Tell Congress: "Don't let the Koch brothers kill wind power!"
Wind power has been taking off in the US, helping to reduce carbon emissions, and creating thousands of jobs in the process....See More
Wind power has been taking off in the US, helping to reduce carbon emissions, and creating thousands of jobs in the process....See More
Billionaires’ Wealth Is At All-Time High, But They Aren’t Sharing It With Charities.
The World you'r giving our kids: Fake Blood and Bullets: Schools Stage Active Shooter Drills - NBC News
girl, who has fallen on her stomach after getting “shot,” doesn’t get
up. Her body is trembling. It doesn’t take long to realize she is
Simulated school shootings: is this really the best way to get at the problem? A must-read.
Simulated school shootings: is this really the best way to get at the problem? A must-read.
Marine Heatwaves Have Caused ‘Unprecedented’ Damage To Australian Coral
Coral worldwide is at risk.
"STARVE THE BEAST." You KNOW this GOP strategy, right????
Olympians speak out on climate change as Sochi warms up
Olympians are feeling the heat in Sochi!
'No Country for Brave Journalists': US Plummets in Press Freedom Rankings.
“Countries that pride themselves on being democracies and respecting the rule of law have not set an example.”
Rationally Speaking, We Are All Apocalyptic. Now
'Rationally Speaking, We Are All Apocalyptic Now'
Great article by Robert Jensen
Great article by Robert Jensen
nd. Offline till Friday, maybe, due to snow and temporary wifi problems.
nd. Offline till Friday, maybe, due to snow and temporary wifi problems.
Massive Pipeline Spill Kept Under Wraps For 5 Years.
place is too far for TransCanada to secretly ravage, so close to the
intriguingly intricate wetlands of the Hay-Zama Lake Wildland (
On: 1. Abe Maslow's Hierarchy; 2. Homosexuality. FB Dialog
AL: I know you to be a very intelligent man. What is your opinion of Mazlow's heirarchy?
I know you to have ignored the lower levels in favor of the higher for extended periods of time, but this is only after having had the lower levels fulfilled for a large portion of your life. Do you think that one is capable of doing the former without having had the latter?
L: I am a huge respector of Maslow and his work. The hierarchy is among the best known, and least important parts of his work. I'd suggest reading all of his books. Your question is a very important one, on which I've thought, over the years. We know the answer - there are people born of extreme deprivation that seemingly from birth, operate at the higher levels. So, on that one point, I think Abe was very incorrect. I'd say it is 99% a matter of the culture, community, environment in which one is raised that determines what part of the hierarchy we operate at. For me, it was my dad. If the community lives self-centered, the child, and adult will strongly tend to operate as though the lower part of the hierarchy were THE ONLY PART. Conversely, a child raised among those operating at the highest levels, will live as though they don't know that the lower levels even exist. That is my experience, that is my observation. By modern standards aboriginal tribes of today and 1000's of years ago, were massively deprived at the lower levels, but my understanding and view is that they tended to operate at the higher levels, as do near all other of the higher species. We've ADDICTED ourselves and our children to the lower levels, that's what we see. That's why it seems 'normal;' it is 'normal' to our sick culture, but not to our species epigenetic tendencies (maslow's term).
AL: Thanks. :-)
L: What are your thoughts on homosexuality?
AL: Well, unimportantly, it is so foreign to my nature that I am uncomfortable with it. But importantly: 1. It is biological; 2. It is a type of sexuality, just as heterosexuality is; 3. To our earlier discussion, there is nothing that dooms your world, you are young, to operating as tho the joyless lower 'needs' are all there is... than our obsession, sick addiction, to recreational sex (my #1 addiction for so many decades) - singularly depriving us of the infinite Joy of the higher level needs - yes, sex is Lust, with virtually no exceptions.. not Love (Lust is me about gratifying me; Love is me about tending to the neediest of my human family). I'm not moralizing, any more than Abe did; I can be disagreed with, but I am not moralizing. So, #3. My sad objection to homosexual sex and heterosexual is the same - recreational sex which we've (especially we males) put at the center of our being in this society, well, there may be no greater tragedy - it robs individuals of meaningful service for their lives; and it robs humanity of the selfless, dedicated sisters and brothers that a healthy planet utterly depends on.
I know you to have ignored the lower levels in favor of the higher for extended periods of time, but this is only after having had the lower levels fulfilled for a large portion of your life. Do you think that one is capable of doing the former without having had the latter?
L: I am a huge respector of Maslow and his work. The hierarchy is among the best known, and least important parts of his work. I'd suggest reading all of his books. Your question is a very important one, on which I've thought, over the years. We know the answer - there are people born of extreme deprivation that seemingly from birth, operate at the higher levels. So, on that one point, I think Abe was very incorrect. I'd say it is 99% a matter of the culture, community, environment in which one is raised that determines what part of the hierarchy we operate at. For me, it was my dad. If the community lives self-centered, the child, and adult will strongly tend to operate as though the lower part of the hierarchy were THE ONLY PART. Conversely, a child raised among those operating at the highest levels, will live as though they don't know that the lower levels even exist. That is my experience, that is my observation. By modern standards aboriginal tribes of today and 1000's of years ago, were massively deprived at the lower levels, but my understanding and view is that they tended to operate at the higher levels, as do near all other of the higher species. We've ADDICTED ourselves and our children to the lower levels, that's what we see. That's why it seems 'normal;' it is 'normal' to our sick culture, but not to our species epigenetic tendencies (maslow's term).
AL: Thanks. :-)
L: What are your thoughts on homosexuality?
AL: Well, unimportantly, it is so foreign to my nature that I am uncomfortable with it. But importantly: 1. It is biological; 2. It is a type of sexuality, just as heterosexuality is; 3. To our earlier discussion, there is nothing that dooms your world, you are young, to operating as tho the joyless lower 'needs' are all there is... than our obsession, sick addiction, to recreational sex (my #1 addiction for so many decades) - singularly depriving us of the infinite Joy of the higher level needs - yes, sex is Lust, with virtually no exceptions.. not Love (Lust is me about gratifying me; Love is me about tending to the neediest of my human family). I'm not moralizing, any more than Abe did; I can be disagreed with, but I am not moralizing. So, #3. My sad objection to homosexual sex and heterosexual is the same - recreational sex which we've (especially we males) put at the center of our being in this society, well, there may be no greater tragedy - it robs individuals of meaningful service for their lives; and it robs humanity of the selfless, dedicated sisters and brothers that a healthy planet utterly depends on.
Climatologist: When Souped-Up Ocean Warming Ends, ‘Global Temperatures Look Set To Rise Rapidly’
Oceans can't bear the brunt forever.
Climatologist: When Souped-Up Ocean Warming Ends, ‘Global Temperatures Look Set To Rise Rapidly’
surface temperatures haven't appear to warm as fast as expected —
although the oceans have, while Arctic sea ice, Greenland and Antarctica
have melted faster than expected. New research finds the slowdown is
due to
***** WOW. JUST WOW. vid. 'Some people feel the rain. Others just get wet.'
are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a
miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” -Albert
Loving, here: I spent the night in the ER - Chest Pain radiating down my arm...
Went to bed early, awoke 10:30 with great pain in my arm and chest. Went to the sister hospital of Georgetown - closer and better cardiac - via ambulance.
'Probably angina, but didn't convert into a heart attack. All tests (CT scan, 2 ekg's, 2 blood work ups) came out negative. YES you should have come in with those symptoms. GET A STRESS TEST, SOON.' Said the hospital team.
Pain lasted till about 5am.
'Probably angina, but didn't convert into a heart attack. All tests (CT scan, 2 ekg's, 2 blood work ups) came out negative. YES you should have come in with those symptoms. GET A STRESS TEST, SOON.' Said the hospital team.
Pain lasted till about 5am.
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