Bryce Kuchik shared Carl Green's photo.

Kind of puts it into perspective, eh?
I'm sat here thinking about how astounding our Universe is, all those
planets, Mars, Venus, Pluto, Saturn, Uranus, the Moon etc. You see the
pictures of them from space and can't
help but be in awe of such magnificence but they're dead aren't
they......Just rock, dust and gas.
There is no grass, trees, no birds, no lakes or rivers, no lions or
giraffes, elephants and ants, no humans and all because of water. Yet
what is truly astounding is actually how little of it there is on Earth
and the amount of fresh water is miniscule (see pic). Without that water
we'd be another barren rock in space, no colours, no life just an empty
ball of dust and rock held in an orbit around the sun until it burnt
out. This is what fracking threatens the planet with, becoming just rock
and dust, polluting the small amount of water we have for profit. A
short term benefit for a few at the cost of all life
The fact is that fracking carries risks, no oil man will tell you
different, they admit it freely yet say they can manage those risks.
This has not been the case in most Countries such as the USA where there
is a wealth of evidence of pollution, of sickness in man and beast and
of droughts caused by the water useage.
We've seen the Pacific Ocean is now being polluted with radioactive
waste from Fukushima, where peoples are being advised not to eat seafood
and food grown in Japan. We cannot afford mistakes with water, there is
no back up, no spare planet we can go to replenish our stock. We have a
limited amount and that amount is a lot smaller than you think, the
picture is genuine -I know it's hard to believe but that is it -if your
stocks were that low in your cupboard would you take chances ?
The image was a US Geological Survey image so is accurate.
Are you really willing to risk all life on Earth for a Gas and Oil
Company's profits ?
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