New York Times
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. . . And Photos 2007 - 6/16
***** UH, YA NEED TO SEE THIS. YA NEED TO SHARE THIS. UH, YUP. Watch Elizabeth Warren's scathing speech in which she calls GOP extremists the "Anarchy Gang" and blames them for causing the government shutdown
Elizabeth Warren's scathing speech in which she calls GOP extremists
the "Anarchy Gang" and blames them for causing the government shutdown
***** link. Francis, visibly moved by the poor in the room: "Many of you have been stripped by this savage world that does not give employment, that does not help, that does not care if there are children in the world who are dying of hunger, does not care if so many families have nothing to eat," he said. He decried a world "that does not care about many people who have to flee poverty and hunger, flee seeking freedom and many times they find death, as happened yesterday in Lampedusa".
***** Francis, visibly moved by the poor in the room: "Many of you have been stripped by this savage world that does not give employment, that does not help, that does not care if there are children in the world who are dying of hunger, does not care if so many families have nothing to eat," he said. He decried a world "that does not care about many people who have to flee poverty and hunger, flee seeking freedom and many times they find death, as happened yesterday in Lampedusa".
Greenpeace: Russian actions worst 'assault' on group since 1985 'Rainbow ... Washington Post
Washington Post | - 37 minutes ago |
pic. Bertolt Brecht: "The worst illiterate is the political illiterate. He doesn't hear, doesn't speak, nor participate in the political events. He doesn't know the cost of life, the price of the bean, of the fish, of the flour, of the rent, of the shoes and of the medicine, all depends on political decisions. The political illiterate is so stupid that he is proud and swells his chest saying that he hates politics. The imbecile doesn't know that, from his political ignorance is born the prostitute, the abandoned child, and the worst thieves of all, the bad politician, corrupted and flunky of the national and multinational companies."

nd. Right Wing Fundamentalists Hate Everything Christ-ian about America. THEY HATE IT.
nd. Right Wing Fundamentalists Hate Everything Christ-ian about America. THEY HATE IT.
nd. Religious Fundamentalists hate the Public Safety net because loosens their control, enslavement, and blood-sucking of the poor.
nd. Religious Fundamentalists hate the Public Safety net because loosens their control, enslavement, and blood-sucking of the poor.
Wild Idaho Rising Tide continue protests of mega-loads to the Alberta Tar Sands.
greatly appreciates Mary Stamp's extensive work, since a mid-May
interview with Helen Yost, to capture and tell the entire megaload
story, despite a few inaccuracies, due to our inability to copy edit
this article while traveling over the last week.
Oddly MAGNIFICENT: Stephen makes one couple's dream come true after their wedding gets canceled by the government shutdown.
Stephen makes one couple's dream come true after their wedding gets canceled by the government shutdown.
Photo Credit: Kris Long — The 2013 Government Shutdown Wedding of the Century (7 photos)
Photo Credit: Kris Long — The 2013 Government Shutdown Wedding of the Century (7 photos)
Ecocide, I'M LOVIN IT! The Dried up Aral Sea Eco-Disaster.
Anyone going to the play QUAND LA MER by TNO.. Here is a video about the eco-disaster
It is based on a true life eco-crisis affecting the Aral Sea; which was
once the 4th largest body of fresh water in the world. You may or may
not be aware of severe shrinking of Aral Sea in Uzbekistan and
Sudbury’s Théâtre du Nouvel-Ontario’s new coproduction entitled “Quand
la mer…” (“When the Sea…”) is based on the true story of the
disappearing of the Aral Sea, one of the most striking environmental
disasters of all times.
Take a look for yourself at this short You Tube documentary video.
Anyone going to the play QUAND LA MER by TNO.. Here is a video about the eco-disaster
It is based on a true life eco-crisis affecting the Aral Sea; which was once the 4th largest body of fresh water in the world. You may or may not be aware of severe shrinking of Aral Sea in Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan.
Greater Sudbury’s Théâtre du Nouvel-Ontario’s new coproduction entitled “Quand la mer…” (“When the Sea…”) is based on the true story of the disappearing of the Aral Sea, one of the most striking environmental disasters of all times.
Take a look for yourself at this short You Tube documentary video.
It is based on a true life eco-crisis affecting the Aral Sea; which was once the 4th largest body of fresh water in the world. You may or may not be aware of severe shrinking of Aral Sea in Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan.
Greater Sudbury’s Théâtre du Nouvel-Ontario’s new coproduction entitled “Quand la mer…” (“When the Sea…”) is based on the true story of the disappearing of the Aral Sea, one of the most striking environmental disasters of all times.
Take a look for yourself at this short You Tube documentary video.
***** THE LEFT'S IMPOTENCE: King and Gandhi were emphatic: If you couldn't KILL for anything you are INCAPABLE OF NONVIOLENCE; lacking the DEPTH OF HUMANITY. [I've known of their words, for decades, but just this instant the underlying meaning fell in place - LACKING THE DEPTH OF HUMANITY.
Watch Jon Stewart Crucify GOP/Tea Party For Lying About Shutdown THEY CAUSED! (video)
“Hmm, the feces is strong in this one.” - Jon Stewart on Sean Hannity! MUST WATCH!

Watch Jon Stewart Crucify GOP/Tea Party For Lying About Shutdown THEY CAUSED! (video)
night in his third installment of Shutstorm 2013 Jon Stewart took on
Bulls**t Mountain, or as they call themselves, Fox News, for the skewed
***** link, pic. Everything we have beyond what is needed for bare survival is the near exact measure of what we are stealing out of the mouths, and from over the heads, of today and tomorrow's destitute. Earth became a zero sum game in the 70's, objectively - that's when we passed the threashold where earth created more than we consumed each year. Now, all that we have beyond base human needs is literally out of the mouths of the destitute - present and future. I'd actually rather die, in a heartbeat, than do that. And, like those in that Economy of Happiness, I feel so aLive having largely separated myself from it.
Everything we
have beyond what is needed for bare survival is the near exact measure of
what we are stealing out of the mouths, and from over the heads, of today and tomorrow's
destitute. Earth became a zero sum game in the 70's, objectively - that's when we passed thethreashold where earth created more than we consumed each year. Now, all that we havebeyond base human needs is literally out of the mouths of the destitute - present and future. I'd actually rather die, in a heartbeat, than do that. And, like those in that Economy of Happiness, I feel so aLive having largely separated myself from it.
ADL: 'Only Jews that blindly back Israel need by considered.' Pew Poll
Abe Foxman's interesting take on what the first major poll of American Jews in 10 years - including opinions about Israel.
More here:
More here:
***** I feel like I've been through societal detox - free of all the stufffffffffffffff. Exactly, that's how I feel. I cringe at the thought of it now - all of it - just like a clean addict reflecting back on what they were addicted to - in HORROR. Everything we have beyond what is needed for bare survival is the near exact measure of what we are stealing out of the mouths, and from over the heads, of today and tomorrow's destitute. Earth became a zero sum game in the 70's, objectively - that's when we passed the threashold where earth created more than we consumed each year. Now, all that we have beyond base human needs is literally out of the mouths of the destitute - present and future. I'd actually rather die, in a heartbeat, than do that. And, like those in that Economy of Happiness, I feel so aLive having largely separated myself from it.
I feel like I've been through societal detox - free of all the stufffffffffffffff. Exactly, that's how I
feel. I cringe at the thought of it now - all of it - just like a clean addict reflecting back on what
they were addicted to - in HORROR.
Everything we
have beyond what is needed for bare survival is the near exact measure of
what we are stealing out of the mouths, and from over the heads, of today and tomorrow's
destitute. Earth became a zero sum game in the 70's, objectively - that's when we passed the
threashold where earth created more than we consumed each year. Now, all that we have
beyond base human needs is literally out of the mouths of the destitute - present and future.
I'd actually rather die, in a heartbeat, than do that. And, like those in that Economy of Happiness, I feel so aLive having largely separated myself from it.
***** This whole thing is a Koch Brother, ALEC, et al, fascist coup attempt - it is quite brilliant, and consummate evil. I don't know how I didn't see it, and I've seen no one write of it. With the gerrymandering of 2010, they 'legally' have placed their terrorists inside the government, and they can't be touched. And their job, what they are being paid to do is to wreck it. Period. The Koch's and other humanoid raptors, they want every tax dollar in their own pockets, and the people destitute, desperate, willing to be slave labor. I'm sure Pr. Obama sees it. I've just seen it. How to stop it? Those districts are impregnable. There must be a way. I don't see it yet.
This whole thing is a Koch Brother, ALEC, et al, fascist coup attempt - it is quite brilliant, and consummate evil. I don't know how I didn't see it, and I've seen no one write of it.
With the gerrymandering of 2010, they 'legally' have placed their terrorists inside the government, and they can't be touched. And their job, what they are being paid to do is to wreck it. Period. The Koch's and other humanoid raptors, they want every tax dollar in their own pockets, and the people destitute, desperate, willing to be slave labor.
I'm sure Pr. Obama sees it. I've just seen it. How to stop it? Those districts are impregnable. There must be a way. I don't see it yet.
With the gerrymandering of 2010, they 'legally' have placed their terrorists inside the government, and they can't be touched. And their job, what they are being paid to do is to wreck it. Period. The Koch's and other humanoid raptors, they want every tax dollar in their own pockets, and the people destitute, desperate, willing to be slave labor.
I'm sure Pr. Obama sees it. I've just seen it. How to stop it? Those districts are impregnable. There must be a way. I don't see it yet.
***** link. Folks acting to stop Ecocide: 50 actions and nearly 500 arrests later... YOU?
The hope was to see the most audacious, escalated period of resistance to extreme energy in a generation.
50 actions and nearly 500 arrests later, it's fair to say that this vision was fulfilled.
In communities across the country, people put their bodies on the line
to fight for whats right. As we move into autumn and the new year, we
must build on the momentum and courage that the movement has
established. ...See More
50 actions and nearly 500 arrests later, it's fair to say that this vision was fulfilled.
In communities across the country, people put their bodies on the line to fight for whats right. As we move into autumn and the new year, we must build on the momentum and courage that the movement has established. ...See More
The hope was to see the most audacious, escalated period of resistance to extreme energy in a generation.
50 actions and nearly 500 arrests later, it's fair to
say that this vision was fulfilled.
In communities across the country, people put their bodies on the line
to fight for whats right. As we move into autumn and the new year, we
must build on the momentum and courage that the movement has
It was truly a #FearlessSummer, but this was just the beginning. We will
SHARE if you stand with all those fighting for justice.
And check out this amazing new timeline that looks at how the climate
movement has been transforming & escalating towards more grassroots
leadership and direct action over the last decade:
nd. Seems this shutdown is to avoid losing: 1. Slave labor - folks slave to their job for healthcare; 2. Grotesque Superiority: A. I have health care and you are worthless sh*t cuz you don't or B. See, neither of us have healthcare! Grotesque Insanity.
nd. Seems this shutdown is to avoid losing: 1. Slave labor - folks slave to their job for healthcare; 2. Grotesque Superiority: A. I have health care and you are worthless sh*t cuz you don't or B. See, neither of us have healthcare! Grotesque Insanity.
Ecocide, I'M LOVIN IT! Deadly hornets kill 42 people in China, injure over 1500. CNN
CNN | - 15 minutes ago |
nd. Pr. Obama WILL negotiate. He will NOT Capitulate. He will NOT Surrender to Terrorists.
nd. Pr. Obama WILL negotiate. He will NOT Capitulate. He will NOT Surrender to Terrorists.
vid. just now. Pr. Obama to Wall Street: "This time, be worried" - 24 minutes ago
Wall Street needs to be genuinely worried about what is going on in Washington, President Barack Obama told CNBC.
***** nd. My concern is all of the cells in the human body now and in the future; NOT just this one cell called me.
***** nd. My concern is all of the cells in the human body now and in the future; NOT just this one cell called me.
MUST MUST READ, AND SHARE: Robert Reich on Shutdown.... They feed off of anger and cynicism.
old friend, who has been active in politics for more than thirty years,
told me yesterday that he was giving up. "I can't stomach what's going
on in Washington any more," he said. "The hell with all of them. I have
better things to do with my life." My friend is falling exactly into the
trap that the extreme right wants all of us to fall into -- such
disgust and cynicism that we all give up on politics. Then they're free
to take over everything.
Make no mistake: Ted Cruz and his Tea
Party followers, and the Koch brothers and their other financial
patrons, are relishing this shutdown. They're delighted that 95% of the
Environmental Protection Agency is down, so polluters can do whatever
they want; that 80% of the Labor Department is down, so unscrupulous
employers can trample on their employees; that much of the Securities
and Exchange Commission is down, so corporations can have a field day.
And they'd like nothing more than a default on the nation's debt in two
weeks, because the resulting financial chaos will cause even more of us
to become angry and cynical. That's the point: They feed off of anger
and cynicism.
Our response should be the opposite: We will not
give in to bullies or intimidation, and nor will we give in to cynicism
about what our government needs to be and who it needs to serve. We
will remain engaged and active, and push every member of Congress as
well as the President to remain steadfast.
Make no mistake: Ted Cruz and his Tea Party followers, and the Koch brothers and their other financial patrons, are relishing this shutdown. They're delighted that 95% of the Environmental Protection Agency is down, so polluters can do whatever they want; that 80% of the Labor Department is down, so unscrupulous employers can trample on their employees; that much of the Securities and Exchange Commission is down, so corporations can have a field day. And they'd like nothing more than a default on the nation's debt in two weeks, because the resulting financial chaos will cause even more of us to become angry and cynical. That's the point: They feed off of anger and cynicism.
Our response should be the opposite: We will not give in to bullies or intimidation, and nor will we give in to cynicism about what our government needs to be and who it needs to serve. We will remain engaged and active, and push every member of Congress as well as the President to remain steadfast.
link. These so-called "fiscal conservatives" are so determined to preventmillions from having access to affordable health care, they're willing to destroy the entire economy to do it!
These so-called "fiscal conservatives" are so determined to preventmillions from having access to affordable health care, they're willing to destroy the entire economy to do it!
These so-called "fiscal conservatives" are so determined to preventmillions from having access to affordable health care, they're willing to destroy the entire economy to do it!
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