From any post click the photo across the page top to see the entire blog.
. . . And Photos 2007 - 6/16
***** 'WOW. WOW. Truism: AMONG THE POOR is, Is, IS WHERE YOU'LL FIND THE LOVING. NOWHERE ELSE!!! And where else would the Loving chose to be?' Loving Loving
***** 'WOW. WOW. Truism: AMONG THE POOR is, Is, IS WHERE YOU'LL FIND THE LOVING. NOWHERE ELSE!!! And where else would the Loving chose to be?' Loving
Boy survives plunge into river; 2 who tried to save him do not
Bayoubuzz (subscription) | - 1 hour ago |
survives plunge into river; 2 who tried to save him do not Search
efforts were under way on Friday, March 15, at Falls Park in Sioux
Falls, South Dakota, for two people who went into the Big Sioux river to
rescue a child.
Global Warming May Have Fueled Somali Drought. ABC News
ABC News | - 4 hours ago |
Global warming
may have contributed to low rain levels in Somalia in 2011 where tens
of thousands died in a famine, research by British climate scientists
***** vlog 03.15.13 Cancer Update: "HOW LONG MUST I BE AMONG YOU!?!?!!?' Loving
***** nd 'What if we'd made a Deified Fetish of Eye Sight as we have of Jesus' Simple Religion of Loving; just Loving? Well, we'd all, All, ALL be Physically Blind, too, as we already are totally BLIND, DEAD, of Heart!!! The God Damned 'church,' within 200 years, made a FETISH CULT of Jesus and what he Taught, thereby MUTILATING, BURYING, Jesus Simple Teaching of LOVING, and that will be the epitaph on the gravestone of our grandchildren now.' Loving
***** nd 'What if we'd made a Deified Fetish of Eye Sight
as we have of Jesus' Simple Religion of Loving; just Loving?
Well, we'd all, All, ALL be Physically Blind, too, as we already
are totally BLIND, DEAD, of Heart!!! The God Damned 'church,'
within 200 years, made a FETISH CULT of Jesus and what
he Taught, thereby MUTILATING, BURYING, Jesus Simple
Teaching of LOVING, and that will be the epitaph on the
gravestone of our grandchildren now.'
03.14.13 Cancer Update: I've read that cancer kills you by starving you to death. Hmmmm. With innumerable Hunger Strikes for Humanity, many of 40-50 days duration, I've a lot of practice!' Loving
nd 03.14.13 Cancer Update: I've read that cancer kills you by starving you to death. Hmmmm. With innumerable Hunger Strikes for Humanity, many of 40-50 days duration, I've a lot of practice! Funny.' Loving
03.14.13 Cancer Update? This is my 2nd day of diarrhea. Thank God for butt cheek muscles.
03.14.13 Cancer Update? This is my 2nd day of diarrhea, in a row. Thank God for butt cheek muscles.
Had one day of diarrhea last week; two days this week. Not usual for me.
I need more time, tho I'm using each second to maximum advantage for our kids, grandkids... the next 200 billion, the next 1000 generations. 2013 is now, or never, for them.
Had one day of diarrhea last week; two days this week. Not usual for me.
I need more time, tho I'm using each second to maximum advantage for our kids, grandkids... the next 200 billion, the next 1000 generations. 2013 is now, or never, for them.
Concentrating on Liver Metastasis
***** MADDOW: With 2010 gerrymandering Pr. Obama Can't Break Logjam in House
MADDOW: With 2010 gerrymandering Pr. Obama Can't Break Logjam in House
![]() |
Start -- You've already said you're standing with the President on his plan to reduce gun violence. So, let's talk next steps. On Tuesday, the Senate Judiciary Committee voted 10 to 8 -- straight down party lines -- to move universal background check legislation forward. When this bill comes up for consideration, the full Senate will have a chance to help reduce gun violence and keep dangerous weapons out of the wrong hands. But if Tuesday's partisan vote showed us anything, it's that we've got a fight ahead of us. In spite of the fact that universal background checks are supported by 92 percent of Americans, 84 percent of Republicans -- and 74 percent of NRA members -- not a single Republican on the committee voted for this bill. And we know why: There are a lot of special interests in Washington spending millions to gum up the works and stop all gun reform, even common-sense legislation like background checks. We can't let their money drown out the voices of the 92 percent, or the families who've been tragically affected by gun violence -- from Newtown to Aurora to Virginia Tech. It's time to get louder. There are two easy things you can do today to help keep the momentum going. First, sign up to host a letter-writing party in your neighborhood. Simply put, people -- especially members of Congress -- read letters to the editor. In just 300 words or so, your letter can be the voice for this effort in your community -- even if all you say is that this matters, and we need to pay attention. All you have to do is get a few friends together and talk about the issue at hand. Then sit down and put pen to paper (or fingers to a keyboard.) Sign up to host your event today, and we'll follow up with some resources, talking points, and tips for getting your letter published: There's a second simple thing you can do right now to show visible support for universal background checks. Download this sign (PDF) and put it somewhere folks will see it -- in your window, on your desk, or maybe upload it as your Facebook profile picture. If we do our jobs right, Congress won't be able to ignore the clear and overwhelming majority of Americans who support expanding universal background checks. They'll have to listen to the people they were elected to represent. This won't be easy, but if we can pass some common-sense reforms to help save even one life, it will be worth it. Thanks, Jon Jon Carson Executive Director Organizing for Action ---------------- Let's finish what we started. Chip in $75 or more to Organizing for Action, the grassroots movement that will get the job done. |
| |
Contributions or gifts to Organizing for Action are not tax deductible.
WOW. Chinese wisdom: "One of the major responsibilities of a person... (detail)"
One of the major responsibilities of a person is to make
that intellectual spark which you have received from
heaven illuminate the world around you.
—Chinese wisdom
From "Calendar of Wisdom" (Personal Trainer) L. Tolstoy
that intellectual spark which you have received from
heaven illuminate the world around you.
—Chinese wisdom
From "Calendar of Wisdom" (Personal Trainer) L. Tolstoy
***** WWOOWW: Tolstoy: "Living for God, not people, seems difficult because...(detail)"
Living for God, not people, seems difficult
because you do not perceive a material reward
for your good life. But the truth is the opposite.
God’s spirit, living inside you, will reward you
instantly, and this spiritual reward is better than
anything anyone else can give you.
This is the ENTIRE Gospel. Period. FULL STOP.
God: Conscience, Spirit of Loving, Heart, Compassion, Empathy, that of the Creator in us, Humanity, Sanity, Still Small Voice Within, Goodness within, our Christ Spirit, Universal Family Feeling, Agape.... [These are all the same thing, by different names.]
From: Wise Thoughts for Every Day" (Personal Trainer) L. Tolstoy
'Oh, and Living for God, as Tolstoy expresses it IS to LIVE FOR PEOPLE, but not as Slave to their petty wishes, neglect, cruelty, hostility, vindictiveness...
but as...
because you do not perceive a material reward
for your good life. But the truth is the opposite.
God’s spirit, living inside you, will reward you
instantly, and this spiritual reward is better than
anything anyone else can give you.
This is the ENTIRE Gospel. Period. FULL STOP.
God: Conscience, Spirit of Loving, Heart, Compassion, Empathy, that of the Creator in us, Humanity, Sanity, Still Small Voice Within, Goodness within, our Christ Spirit, Universal Family Feeling, Agape.... [These are all the same thing, by different names.]
From: Wise Thoughts for Every Day" (Personal Trainer) L. Tolstoy
'Oh, and Living for God, as Tolstoy expresses it IS to LIVE FOR PEOPLE, but not as Slave to their petty wishes, neglect, cruelty, hostility, vindictiveness...
but as...
Pope Francis, TIME: "He considers social outreach, rather than doctrinal battles, to be the essential business of the church." PLEASE GOD, LET IT BE SO.
He considers social outreach, rather than doctrinal battles, to be the essential business of the church.
***** nd ' 'Loving, you are so courageous!,' I've not infrequently been told by the scholarly, senior in church, and others. NO. So blinded they are by our Deathly sick culture. If they saw that what I did was for my biologically related they'd say, 'My, you sure Love your family!' YES!, I sure Love my Family; all 204 billion!!! That's all. I see that ALL are my Family. Universal Family. That's it.' Loving
nd ' 'Loving, you are so courageous!,' I've not infrequently been told by the scholarly, senior in church, and others. NO. So blinded they are by our Deathly sick culture. If they saw that what I did was for my biologically related they'd say, 'My, you sure Love your family!' YES!, I sure Love my Family; all 204 billion!!! That's all. I see that ALL are my Family. Universal Family. That's it.' Loving
116. Despite the certain - negative 'press,' I refuse to throw any of the few seconds I've got at unfertile opportunities to awaken Hearts. Jesus was correct, "Do not throw your pearls (each breath) before swine (a stonewalled, in that instant, heart). 'Surprise Attacks,' now that's different.
116. Despite the certain - negative 'press,' I refuse to throw any of the few seconds I've got at unfertile opportunities to awaken Hearts. Jesus was correct, "Do not throw your pearls (each breath) before swine (a stonewalled, in that instant, heart), r, ctr, or Left. 'Surprise Attacks,' now that's different. |
Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy
03.12.13 AVERTING ECOCIDE - Tracking Plan B blog
- China Reaches 50 GW Of Connected Grid Wind Capacity; Expected To Top 140 GW By 2015
- Wireless Power Transmission Developed For High-Capacity Transit, Begins Large-Scale Use On High-Speed Rail In September
- 2012 U.S. Coal Exports Reach Record High
- Coal plants kill 120000 people a year: Greenpeace
- ***!!!!@@... The 2nd Most Useful Climate Change Impact Infographic EVER
Posted: 12 Mar 2013 12:19 PM PDT
China Reaches 50 GW Of Connected Grid Wind Capacity; Expected To Top 140 GW By 2015
Posted: 12 Mar 2013 12:18 PM PDT
Wireless Power Transmission Developed For High-Capacity Transit, Begins Large-Scale Use On High-Speed Rail In September
Posted: 12 Mar 2013 12:14 PM PDT
2012 U.S. Coal Exports Reach Record High
Posted: 12 Mar 2013 10:58 AM PDT
Coal plants kill 120000 people a year: Greenpeace
Electric Light & Power - 27 minutes ago
breakneck pace of industrialisation is causing a public health crisis
with 80-120,000 premature deaths and 20 million new asthma cases a year
due to air pollution from coal power plants, a Greenpeace report warns.
The first study of the health impact ...
The Atlantic
Posted: 12 Mar 2013 06:10 AM PDT
The 2nd Most Useful Climate Change Impact Infographic Ever
Climate change threatens fish in Myanmar
Eleven Myanmar | - 10 minutes ago |
Climatic changes
from the cold to hot season resulted in the rise in temperature and
caused widespread of parasites and diseases in water, Win Kyaing of
Myanmar Fisheries Federation said.
Did Climate Change Spark the War in Syria? (blog) - 3 hours ago The current conflict in Syria illustrates how climate change can cause societal, civil and even political unrest, say the co-founders of the Washington D.C. (blog) | - 3 hours ago |
The current conflict in Syria illustrates how climate change can cause societal, civil and even political unrest, say the co-founders of the Washington D.C.
***** Boston Globe: Chief of US Pacific forces calls climate biggest worry
Bostonglobe | - 8 hours ago |
have interjected into our multilateral dialogue - even with China and
India - the imperative to kind of get military capabilities aligned
[for] when the effects of climate change start to impact these massive populations,” he said. “If it goes bad ...
***** HARVARD: during the past 100 years Earth's temperature changed 50 times faster than it did during the past 5,000 | - 9 hours ago |
In a recent global warming
study, Harvard and Oregon State University researchers discovered that
during the past 100 years Earth's temperature changed 50 times faster
than it did during the past 5,000.
Disturbing Global Warming News: IEA Expects Coal Burning To Surge This ... TheStreet | - 3 hours ago |
has become the largest coal exporter in the world, eclipsing
long-standing leader Australia as the largest exporter on a tonnage
The Earth Is Warming Faster Now Than It Has in 11000 Years. Slate Magazine
Slate Magazine (blog) | - 2 hours ago |
Mind you, this is the rate of warming, how quickly the global temperature is increasing. But they also showed the actual temperature of the planet is warmer now than it has been for 70-80 percent of the past over that time period. There have been times ...
* 027. I'm fiercely, Scrupulously selective of with whom I work, engage, accept kindnesses from…. Like a surgical team. Less is betrayal of All. As a battlefield combatant I must avoid endangering non-combatants.
* 027. I'm fiercely, Scrupulously selective of with whom I work, engage, accept kindnesses from…. Like a surgical team. Less is betrayal of All. As a battlefield combatant I must avoid endangering non-combatants.
Not yet added here: MOST CRUCIAL BK ON EARTH - 2: "Resurrecting Your Unviolent Warrior" (Personal Trainer)
Not yet added here: MOST CRUCIAL BK ON EARTH - 2: "Resurrecting Your Unviolent Warrior" (Personal Trainer)
WOW. Tolstoy: "It is stupid to be proud. However, it is even stupider..." (detail)
It is stupid to be proud. However, it is even
stupider to be proud of your family background,
or your nationality.
From Tolstoy's "Wisdom for Every Day," here. Hurry.
stupider to be proud of your family background,
or your nationality.
From Tolstoy's "Wisdom for Every Day," here. Hurry.
Tolstoy: "Wisdom is limitless, and the closer you approach it, the more...(detail)." Tolstoy
"Wisdom is limitless, and the closer you approach it, the more
important it becomes for your life.
A person can always improve himself."
March 13, Tolstoy's "A Calendar of Wisdom," here. Hurry.
important it becomes for your life.
A person can always improve himself."
March 13, Tolstoy's "A Calendar of Wisdom," here. Hurry.
nd 03.12.13 Cancer Update: With this cancer thing, among the things I've periodically forgotten is that I'm a soldier in the midst of battle. I've unwittingly allowed myself to engage with, and potentially hurt non-combatants. I'm so sorry for exposing them to hurt.' Loving
nd 03.12.13 Cancer Update: With this cancer thing, among the things I've periodically forgotten is that I'm a soldier in the midst of battle. I've unwittingly allowed myself to engage with, and potentially hurt non-combatants. I'm so sorry for exposing them to hurt.' Loving
***** nd 'Loving rightly, naturally, attacks needless suffering, pre-empting it when possible. The ultimate defeat of the Loving Spirit may be in confusing what's of Ultimate importance in this. It is NOT eliminating the suffering. It is in Practicing, and thereby Spreading Loving. How rarely do the practitioner, recipient, and observer get this right. How confused I've been most of my decades; along with my dad. Star Wars - Attack of the Clones shows this brilliantly; singularly well.' Loving
***** nd 'Loving rightly, naturally, attacks needless suffering, pre-empting it when possible. The ultimate defeat of the Loving Spirit may be in confusing what's of Ultimate importance in this. It is NOT eliminating the suffering. It is in Practicing, and thereby Spreading Loving. How rarely do the practitioner, recipient, and observer get this right. How confused I've been most of my decades; along with my dad. Star Wars - Attack of the Clones shows this brilliantly; singularly well.' Loving
nd 03.12.13 Cancer Update: The little psychological torment I've felt? Because I'd lost all perspective. NOTHING is important besides Averting Ecocide; Unleashing a Global epidemic of Loving; both the same thing. I'm feeling myself; again, now.' Loving
nd 03.12.13 Cancer Update: The little psychological torment I've felt? Because I'd lost all perspective. NOTHING is important besides Averting Ecocide; Unleashing a Global epidemic of Loving; both the same thing. I'm feeling myself; again, now.' Loving
Act, Enough, Now, or these kids lose their teachers, meals... Future. Lives.

Megan Allen is a fifth-grade teacher in Tampa, Florida. At her elementary school, 90 percent of the students qualify for free or reduced lunch.
Many live in poverty, with unstable home lives -- some have parents in prison, others go hungry over the weekends. But at school, they're winning science fairs, challenging themselves, and eating two hot meals a day.
For Megan's 36 fifth graders, school is a safe place. The budget cuts known as the sequester could change that.
In the county where Megan teaches, 142 schools stand to lose $3 million in funding. The sequester could also slash as much as $2 million in federal funding for special education.
When those cuts kick in, Megan's students could lose teachers that help them every day -- for example, the folks who coach them through tricky arithmetic, or give those who are having reading trouble the special attention they need. The Head Start programs that got these students ready for kindergarten will be dramatically cut down. Their class sizes could go up, leaving less time for individual attention.
The sequester isn't a list of numbers made up to scare you. It's a very real thing that will negatively impact real people -- like Megan's 36 students and their families.
Congress needs to hear those stories. They need to know that their inaction has consequences -- that's the only way we'll put an end to these cuts.
Share your story right now on how the sequester is affecting your community:
Thanks for speaking up.
Lindsay Siler
National Director of Issue Campaigns
Organizing for Action
Let's finish what we started. Chip in $75 or more to Organizing for Action, the grassroots movement that will get the job done.
114. I seek ALL of my gratification, Joy, Life… from Doing Good, from Being Good, the Intrinsic Gratification that Surpasses all Other - Heaven, on earth, free of dependance on external conditions. The only True Freedom. The only True Heaven
114. I seek ALL of my gratification, Joy, Life… from Doing Good, from Being Good, the Intrinsic Gratification that Surpasses all Other - Heaven, on earth, free of dependance on external conditions. The only True Freedom. The only True Heaven |
NOTE: Not yet added to:
MOST CRUCIAL BK ON EARTH - 2: "Resurrecting Your Unviolent Warrior" (Personal Trainer)
***!!!!@@... The 2nd Most Useful Climate Change Impact Infographic EVER
Climate Change is Biggest Threat, Says Top Navy Commander in Pacific. Mother Jones
***** nd 'The only real choice in life, each moment: Is the wellbeing of All Humanity, All Creation going to be Personal to me? A Family matter???' Loving
nd 'The only real choice in life, each moment: Is the wellbeing of All Humanity, All Creation going to be Personal to me? A Family matter???' Loving
nd 'My remaining hours are committed: 1. To avert Ecocide; 2. To publish what I've Learned about Living, Loving; 3. Helping those Dying for what I can offer in 1, and or 2. That's all I pray that after all this time I've learned to Love Creation enough that I allow myself no exceptions. It should have been this way from my beginning. (LOL. Yes, I expect to pass on, alone. And yes, that's ok.)' Loving
nd 'My remaining hours are committed: 1. To avert Ecocide; 2. To publish what I've Learned about Living, Loving; 3. Helping those Dying for what I can offer in 1, and or 2. That's all I pray that after all this time I've learned to Love Creation enough that I allow myself no exceptions. It should have been this way from my beginning. (LOL. Yes, I expect to pass on, alone. And yes, that's ok.)' Loving
***** vlog '113 - Will I become so Loving I fully stand away from those I most Love?' Loving
To be included in earth's last chance - "Resurrecting Your Unviolent Warrior - Personal Trainer."
113. I relentlessly find the Compassion, Caring, Kindness to reject my Fleshly Spirits craving to Enable, to indulge its craving for my own co-dependence, and instead stand in the Spirit of Loving, like the Prodigal Father, marking the Place of the Spirit of Loving |
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