From any post click the photo across the page top to see the entire blog.
. . . And Photos 2007 - 6/16
***** 'ECOCIDAL INSANITY: That we impose on our Soldiers, our Warriors of Unviolence rules inthinkable for our noblest soldiers of violence! Just as soldiers of violence massively disrupt 'family,' career, finances, health, their life itself..., EVERY BIT AS MUCH FOR THE UNVIOLENT WARRIOR!' Loving
***** 'ECOCIDAL INSANITY: That we impose on our Soldiers, our
Warriors of Unviolence rules inthinkable for our noblest soldiers of
violence! Just as soldiers of violence massively disrupt 'family,'
career, finances, health, their life itself..., EVERY BIT AS MUCH FOR
nd 'Wanna gauge the potential power of a non-violent action? Well, take the average personal price paid of those participating and multiply times the number of participants. Then, compare that, scale of -5 to +5, with the Birmingham Bus Boycott; the young in Tahrir Square, Jesus going into Jerusalem.... Yes, this is VERY approximate, but it begins to approach the intellectually honest Truth that in the US, Real Activism died in the 60's; the very few exceptions proving the rule.' Loving
nd 'Wanna gauge the potential power of a non-violent action? Well, take the average personal price paid of those participating and multiply times the number of participants. Then, compare that, scale of -5 to +5, with the Birmingham Bus Boycott; the young in Tahrir Square, Jesus going into Jerusalem.... Yes, this is VERY approximate, but it begins to approach the intellectually honest Truth that in the US, Real Activism died in the 60's; the very few exceptions proving the rule.' Loving
***** (more) 'My greatest contribution? Greatest discovery? Finding, stating and Living that Loving IS, =, EQUALS IN TOTALITY - the Heaven, Salvation that Jesus saw, the Truth Gandhi pursued, The 'God' the 'Saints' tortured themselves for...Nothing More, Nothing Less, Nothing Else. Simply Loving...'
***** (more) 'My greatest contribution? Greatest discovery?
Recognizing, stating and Living that:
Loving IS, =, EQUALS IN TOTALITY - the Heaven, Salvation that Jesus saw, the Truth Gandhi pursued, The 'God' the 'Saints' tortured themselves to unite with...Nothing More, Nothing Less, Nothing Else. Simply Loving, that is, Living, each breath, with your Spirit of Loving in charge, to the Exclusion of all our other psychological capacities (as embodied in you Fleshly Spirit) EVER in charge. NEVER, in the same way you NEVER thrust your hand into a hot flame, and NEVER drink Drano, or never slush $1000 bills down the toilet, or eat sand when there is a nice plate of pasta you can eat, instead. Really. Exactly in this way;
That Loving IS its own reward, the Ultimate Reward. Period.
That Loving in charge is the Only Sanity; all else being Insanity - deadly to one's self, and ultimately fatal to all humanity, EXACTLY as, and in the same way as is the cancer destroying my body - unmalicious selfishness - history's greatest killer, by far. By far...;
That Loving is the ENTIRE Gospel. FULL STOP.
That Loving is the universal, certain, complete, absolute cure for all psychological ills.
That all of the above is True because of the actual 'shape,' the actual DNA-given, epigenetic characteristics and tendency of our nervous system, and hence of the basic psychological 'world' we are pre-disposed to inhabit; though yes, this world can totally be crippled, mutated, mutilated into many other lesser things. Look around you.
Many, many, many have come close in all of the above - (see Library [here and here, and tabs above for all the Giant's Shoulders I Stand on, and without which I've not have contributed my part]; but I know of no one that has seen, and spoken, and lived, this simple truth (ZERO CREDIT TO ME!!!] - that our psychological capacity for Loving as the Ultimate Reward, Joy, Heaven, the Kingdom, Nirvana (by whatever names, or no names at all), that it is our Ultimate and Only Hope, and that unleashing a mass epidemic of Universal Loving (Loving IS Universal, or it is NOT Loving) is the Only Hope now to avert Ecocide, the extinguishing of all decent life on earth, forever.'
ps: Yes, no one has noticed, or been influenced by this, except me. So it is of no consequence today, nor is likely to be in the future...
...pps: Essentially, the same can be said of Jesus, and Gandhi said the same of himself - that he'd totally failed to impart his views, that almost reached what I've stated above, to well, pretty much anyway. Rather than taking his teachings and examples to Heart, what had appeared to him, for a while, to be serious students, in fact, had taken his teachings as mere, temporary expedients, that in no way altered their essential way of being. And this we've done to Buddha, MLK Jr, Jesus..., too.
...ppps: I've had, and have, the most extreme Wealth of Joy, Peace of Heart, Passion, Loving of anyone you've ever known, objectively - due to my being 'religious' about Loving. If you see, if you search your Heart for nothing else, about me, seek for the Truth of this. That can make all else possible.
Recognizing, stating and Living that:
Loving IS, =, EQUALS IN TOTALITY - the Heaven, Salvation that Jesus saw, the Truth Gandhi pursued, The 'God' the 'Saints' tortured themselves to unite with...Nothing More, Nothing Less, Nothing Else. Simply Loving, that is, Living, each breath, with your Spirit of Loving in charge, to the Exclusion of all our other psychological capacities (as embodied in you Fleshly Spirit) EVER in charge. NEVER, in the same way you NEVER thrust your hand into a hot flame, and NEVER drink Drano, or never slush $1000 bills down the toilet, or eat sand when there is a nice plate of pasta you can eat, instead. Really. Exactly in this way;
That Loving IS its own reward, the Ultimate Reward. Period.
That Loving in charge is the Only Sanity; all else being Insanity - deadly to one's self, and ultimately fatal to all humanity, EXACTLY as, and in the same way as is the cancer destroying my body - unmalicious selfishness - history's greatest killer, by far. By far...;
That Loving is the ENTIRE Gospel. FULL STOP.
That Loving is the universal, certain, complete, absolute cure for all psychological ills.
That all of the above is True because of the actual 'shape,' the actual DNA-given, epigenetic characteristics and tendency of our nervous system, and hence of the basic psychological 'world' we are pre-disposed to inhabit; though yes, this world can totally be crippled, mutated, mutilated into many other lesser things. Look around you.
Many, many, many have come close in all of the above - (see Library [here and here, and tabs above for all the Giant's Shoulders I Stand on, and without which I've not have contributed my part]; but I know of no one that has seen, and spoken, and lived, this simple truth (ZERO CREDIT TO ME!!!] - that our psychological capacity for Loving as the Ultimate Reward, Joy, Heaven, the Kingdom, Nirvana (by whatever names, or no names at all), that it is our Ultimate and Only Hope, and that unleashing a mass epidemic of Universal Loving (Loving IS Universal, or it is NOT Loving) is the Only Hope now to avert Ecocide, the extinguishing of all decent life on earth, forever.'
ps: Yes, no one has noticed, or been influenced by this, except me. So it is of no consequence today, nor is likely to be in the future...
...pps: Essentially, the same can be said of Jesus, and Gandhi said the same of himself - that he'd totally failed to impart his views, that almost reached what I've stated above, to well, pretty much anyway. Rather than taking his teachings and examples to Heart, what had appeared to him, for a while, to be serious students, in fact, had taken his teachings as mere, temporary expedients, that in no way altered their essential way of being. And this we've done to Buddha, MLK Jr, Jesus..., too.
...ppps: I've had, and have, the most extreme Wealth of Joy, Peace of Heart, Passion, Loving of anyone you've ever known, objectively - due to my being 'religious' about Loving. If you see, if you search your Heart for nothing else, about me, seek for the Truth of this. That can make all else possible.
***** nd 'Obscenely Immoral Question: 'What is the meaning of life?' This obscenity is used to obscure from ourselves Life's Central Question: "WHAT IS THE MEANING OF YOUR, YOUR, YOUR... LIFE TO THE LIVES OF OUR GLOBAL NEEDIEST?" ' Loving
nd 'Obscenely Immoral Question: 'What is the meaning of life?' This obscenity is used to obscure from ourselves Life's Central Question: "WHAT IS THE MEANING OF YOUR, YOUR, YOUR... LIFE TO THE LIVES OF OUR GLOBAL NEEDIEST?" ' Loving
In Jesus day 'Miracle' meant that which awes, amazes, causes Wonder; that which awakens the Divine within us. From the scholarly "Jesus Before Christianity," Albert Nolan (see link). Jesus' Life was such a miracle, as is that of Diane Wilson, Rachel Corrie, Diane Nash, Alice Paul.... And you?
In Jesus day 'Miracle' meant that which awes, amazes, causes Wonder; that which awakens the Divine within us. From the scholarly "Jesus Before Christianity," Albert Nolan (see link). Jesus' Life was such a miracle, as is that of Diane Wilson, Rachel Corrie, Diane Nash, Alice Paul.... And you?
***** vlog 112. Each hour I mentally give, mentally dedicate, that hour, that meal, those resources, my self… to working for, Truly, Actually, our neediest children, born, and to be born. It's Heaven. Saves me from wasting that hour. Saves me from wasting my Life.
Each hour I mentally give, mentally dedicate, that hour, that meal, those
resources, my self… to working for, Truly, Actually, our neediest children,
born, and to be born. It's Heaven.
Saves me from wasting that hour. Saves
me from wasting my Life. Book 2: "Resurrecting Your Unviolent Warrior" (Personal Trainer) [112 not yet added to the book] |
nd Tolstoy: "If you live a good life, you should not be afraid of death."
nd Tolstoy: "If you live a good life, you should not be afraid of death."
***** vlog [with CAPTIONS] ' "Loving, you are at war for these children," said the Columbus Elementary custodian. Yes, he was right, and it remains true. Are you?' Loving (more)
Really bad soundtrack at times (wind, traffic...).
NOTE: TURN ON VIDEO CAPTIONS "CC," bottom right - I've done some subtitles. USE "R1"
NOTE: TURN ON VIDEO CAPTIONS "CC," bottom right - I've done some subtitles. USE "R1"
nd 'My biggest mistake: Wasting our time desperately trying to help folks that are mortally, ecocidally lost, who are fanatically convinced they know exactly where they are, where they want to go, and how to get there. I've only tightened their grip on their deadly Error. ENOUGH!' Loving
nd 'My biggest mistake: Wasting our time desperately trying to help folks that are mortally, ecocidally lost, who are fanatically convinced they know exactly where they are, where they want to go, and how to get there. I've only tightened their grip on their deadly Error. ENOUGH!' Loving
nd 'I've felt, hmm, I've BEEN, Excruciatingly Alien since birth, except for my dad, a few kind souls, and when reading Gandhi, Jesus, Tolstoy, MLK Jr, Diane Wilson, Bonhoeffer, Montegu, Teresa of Calcutta, Oscar Romero, Rachel Corrie, Alice Paul, Diane Nash, Dave Dellinger, Barbara Deming, Phil Berrigan, Maslow, Kohlberg, Erikson, Rogers, Frankl, Adler, Sorokin.... Then I don't feel alien, but kinfolk; same-species.' Loving
nd 'I've felt, hmm, I've BEEN, Excruciatingly Alien since birth, except for my dad, a few kind souls, and when reading Gandhi, Jesus, Tolstoy, MLK Jr, Diane Wilson, Bonhoeffer, Montegu, Teresa of Calcutta, Oscar Romero, Rachel Corrie, Alice Paul, Diane Nash, Dave Dellinger, Barbara Deming, Phil Berrigan, Maslow, Kohlberg, Erikson, Rogers, Frankl, Adler, Sorokin.... Then I don't feel alien, but kinfolk; same-species.' Loving
WWOOWW. Clint Eastwood to Supreme Court: Drop California's ban on same-sex marriage | - ‎45 minutes ago‎ |
Miranda Leitsinger, Staff Writer, NBC News. Clint Eastwood has joined
about 130 self-described moderate and conservative Republicans in
signing a brief to the Supreme Court arguing against California's
Proposition 8, which bans marriage for same-sex ...
***** nd 'There is no "THEM" that is perpetrating or allowing Ecocide. The only "THEM" is US, the face looking back in the mirror. This is the "THEM" that got women the right to vote, Civil Rights.... THERE IS NO "THEM." ' Loving
***** nd 'There is no "THEM" that is perpetrating or allowing Ecocide. The only "THEM" is US, the face looking back in the mirror. This is the "THEM" that got women the right to vote, Civil Rights.... THERE IS NO "THEM." ' Loving
Tolstoy: "If you have an enemy, use him to learn how to forgive and love your enemies. You will acquire more this way than you would have if you sim ply shut him out."
If you have an enemy, use him to learn how
to forgive and love your enemies. You will acquire
more this way than you would have if you simÂ
ply shut him out.
to forgive and love your enemies. You will acquire
more this way than you would have if you simÂ
ply shut him out.
***** Tolstoy: "A human is part of the spirit of God en closed in a body...(more)."
A human is part of the spirit of God enÂ
closed in a body. At the beginning of life, a perÂ
son does not think this, believing his life is
found in his body. The longer he lives, the more
he understands that his true life is found not in
the body but in the spirit.
closed in a body. At the beginning of life, a perÂ
son does not think this, believing his life is
found in his body. The longer he lives, the more
he understands that his true life is found not in
the body but in the spirit.
nd 02.27.13 Cancer Note: I am NOT checking Email or FB since about 4 days ago. I have just weeks left, and years worth of work for our kid's future, to get done.. Please understand. Loving
nd 02.27.13 Cancer Note: I am NOT checking Email or FB since about 4 days ago. I have just weeks left, and years worth of work for our kid's future, to get done.. Please understand. Loving
Book 4: "Loving's Attempts to Be Loving," and other Blogs: 2003 - Feb 2013, Darfur - Ecocide.
Below are a variety of glimpses of my prior attempts at becoming Loving, Serving from the Soul in Solidarity - Sanity, Humanity, Joy, Passion, Peace of Heart - HEAVEN.
After my 1st campaign for the Children of Chester Pa - ( Media: Loving [Start] ), the Darfur Genocide was the final straw, the noose :-) that has been yanking me around full time ever since:
Intesting. With the click of a few buttons the nice folks at bloggerbook turned my Start Loving blog into, well, this book. I actually did it by accident, intending to only do since Jan of 2012, but this came up by mistake, and, well, seemed worth putting up. I've also linked to this in the TABS at the top of the page. Loving's Attempts to Be Loving 2007 - Feb 2013 by Start Loving.
After my 1st campaign for the Children of Chester Pa - ( Media: Loving [Start] ), the Darfur Genocide was the final straw, the noose :-) that has been yanking me around full time ever since:
Stand With Darfur - White House
Stand With Darfur: Sudan Embassy
Stand With Darfur-White House II
Brigade of PeaceMakers: for Darfur
[Yes, no results. Zero. My fault, or the fault of my brothers and sisters being too dead here in the US to be revived even by the high energy, total devotion "heart paddle" I'd transformed myself into? Did you ever see the move Wall-e?]
Since then:Intesting. With the click of a few buttons the nice folks at bloggerbook turned my Start Loving blog into, well, this book. I actually did it by accident, intending to only do since Jan of 2012, but this came up by mistake, and, well, seemed worth putting up. I've also linked to this in the TABS at the top of the page. Loving's Attempts to Be Loving 2007 - Feb 2013 by Start Loving.
Sequester? NO PROBLEM! It Only Hurts the POOR! Guardian
Sick House Tea Partiers Celebrate the Sequester's Human Carnage
PoliticusUSA (blog)-37 minutes agoAccording to Tim Huelskamp, a teabagger from Kansas, the sequester is “the ... the working poor, and seniors besides killing 1.1 million jobs, he said “so be it.The real problem with the sequester is that it unfairly targets the poor
The Guardian-2 hours agoSkeptics have downplayed the likely impact of "sequestration" – the $85bn cut in federal funding that's slated to begin Friday – noting that it equals just 2.4% of ...US aid cut seen as a result of sequester hours ago“The sequester is an equal cut across the board, but equal cuts don't have equal ... Party to support billions of dollars in projects to fight AIDS in poor countries.
vlog 02.27.13 'PLEASE, when the cancer changes me, disassociate that behavior from me. That's only right, fair, and just' Loving
vlog 02.27.13 'PLEASE, when the cancer changes me, disassociate that behavior from me. That's only right, fair, and just' Loving
***** !!! WOW: Dozens of Republicans petition the Supreme Court to overturn DOMA.
Dozens of Republicans petition the Supreme Court to overturn DOMA.
***** 02.24.13 AVERTING ECOCIDE - Tracking Plan B blog
***** Arctic Death Spiral Bombshell: CryoSat-2 Confirms Sea Ice Volume Has Collapsed
Spring fire season in Minnesota 'potentially explosive.'
***** Climate change could burn a hole in the government's finances. WashPo
Chinese Companies Projected To Make Solar Panels for 42 Cents Per Watt In 2015
***** Infusing moral urgency to the climate debate
Brown bears starved in northern wilderness of Shiretoko.
The $188 Billion Price Tag From U.S. Extreme Weather From 2011 To 2012
YOUR Will, all our kids lack: MIT startup makes transparent solar panel that will allow your smartphone to ... ExtremeTech
Renewables Deploy Fast
Halve meat consumption, scientists urge rich world.
Big Solar Looks To Grow With Precise Cloud Forecasts EarthTechling
Battery Storage Technology Advances. All our kids lack is Your will.
All-time Texas snowfall record could be set in blizzard. USA TODAY
All our kids lack is Your Body in the Way: Next-Generation Lithium-Ion Battery Designed, Should Hit Market Within 2-3 Years
Wind growing 80% per year in China
Wiping out top predators like lions, wolves and sharks ....
***** Cool! Your Carbon kills, but Other folks CHILDREN! Climate change forcing thousands in Bangladesh into slums of Dhaka.
Tough Little Bug Smashes Down Wall Between Us And Sustainable Biofuel
***** Harvard Study examines climate change as a national security issue
***** nd 'It Concerns me, Always, when I'm Harsh!!! But, so far, I understand it as Lovingly Trying to DYNAMITE Your Fleshly Spirit OUT OF SMOTHERING TO DEATH your Loving, Christ, Godly, Goodly Spirit; before it is too late. The price to me of my Harshness is near all human contact; but it's the pain to you that concerns me.' Loving
***** nd 'It Concerns me, Always, when I'm Harsh!!! But, so far, I understand it as Lovingly Trying to DYNAMITE Your Fleshly Spirit OUT OF SMOTHERING TO DEATH your Loving, Christ, Godly, Goodly Spirit; before it is too late. The price to me of my Harshness is near all human contact; but it's the pain to you that concerns me.' Loving
'Here's where I need donoations made.' Loving
Organizing for Action. If we're going to avert Ecocide, and turn US from the ecocidal affloholic binge of the Reagan years onward, it will be by standing with all that we have, and all that we are, alongside Pr. Obama, and alone, when they don't provide enough outlets for us. $ and YOUR TIME.
Diane Wilson, in support of her work for, uh, health victims of Texas petrochemical, victims of Bhopal, Averting Ecocide..., uh, you know, fighting for all she is, with all she has, for you, and everyone you'll ever know. wilsonalamobay at aol dot com . Sea Drift, Texas (the most polluted county in the US), living out of her $800 trailer, or her teepee, except when she's somewhere else in the world - India, Japan, Germany, Denmark... on Hunger Strike or spending time in jail for fighting, UNVIOLENTLY, for you, and yours.
Dave and Mary Rachel in adopting their 2nd, needy, child. (856) 489-3331. YES, this is the correct number. Ask for Dave, the proprietor. They show promise of being an enormously Godly, Goodly, Universal Family couple. Young, hard working. Adopting a needy US child - know the price? More than $30,000 dollars. This is their second. THIS is Pro-Life.
Scott Montgomery, for his work for our neediest in Africa.
Diane Wilson, in support of her work for, uh, health victims of Texas petrochemical, victims of Bhopal, Averting Ecocide..., uh, you know, fighting for all she is, with all she has, for you, and everyone you'll ever know. wilsonalamobay at aol dot com . Sea Drift, Texas (the most polluted county in the US), living out of her $800 trailer, or her teepee, except when she's somewhere else in the world - India, Japan, Germany, Denmark... on Hunger Strike or spending time in jail for fighting, UNVIOLENTLY, for you, and yours.
Dave and Mary Rachel in adopting their 2nd, needy, child. (856) 489-3331. YES, this is the correct number. Ask for Dave, the proprietor. They show promise of being an enormously Godly, Goodly, Universal Family couple. Young, hard working. Adopting a needy US child - know the price? More than $30,000 dollars. This is their second. THIS is Pro-Life.
Scott Montgomery, for his work for our neediest in Africa.
***** nd 'Here's the exactly correct response to ecocide: Place everything you are, everything you have, totally in the way of the threat, and don't stop until ecocide is averted.' Loving
***** nd 'Here's the exactly correct response to ecocide: Place everything you are, everything you have, totally in the way of the threat, and don't stop until ecocide is averted.' Loving
***** 'Were my mind and heart wiped - this is the one and only Personal Trainer, the one book that could quickly re-start, re-create me.' Loving Book 2: "Resurrecting Your Unviolent Warrior" (Personal Trainer)
Book 2: "Resurrecting Your Unviolent Warrior" (Personal Trainer)
It has been my Personal Trainer, daily, for about 16 months now, in various forms through which it has evolved, and will be my daily Trainer, Guide, Friend, Compass... in these last weeks, uncharted territory, that I've been given.
It has been my Personal Trainer, daily, for about 16 months now, in various forms through which it has evolved, and will be my daily Trainer, Guide, Friend, Compass... in these last weeks, uncharted territory, that I've been given.
***** "Ways and Power of Love," P. Sorokin
"Ways and Power of Love," P. Sorokin
There is much wrong with this book. There is much wrong with Einstein's work, as he'd be the first to say, but both are so far ahead of all other comparable works that, well, they are like gold, like perfect truth which they are not. But they are like that.
For the direction that it points, this may be the most important book in existence for the future of humanity.
Read it, and don't stop where it ends. Use it as a point of departure.
There is much wrong with this book. There is much wrong with Einstein's work, as he'd be the first to say, but both are so far ahead of all other comparable works that, well, they are like gold, like perfect truth which they are not. But they are like that.
For the direction that it points, this may be the most important book in existence for the future of humanity.
Read it, and don't stop where it ends. Use it as a point of departure.
***** "Jesus Before Christianity," Albert Nolan
"Jesus Before Christianity," Albert Nolan
It is time to resurrect Him after 1800 years being Crucified, mutilated, buried by Constantine, and the cHURCH these last 1800 years. For Him? No. For YOU? No. He was the Einstein of Universal Family, Universal Love. There's been no Einstein like Him, before or since. This is one of the only books I know that can make You an agent of Saving Humanity - Averting Ecocide.
It's up to you.
From wiki -
Nolan became famous for his 1976 book, Jesus before Christianity, in which he presented an account of Jesus' radical involvement in the struggle for full humanity in the context of first-century Palestine: he "challenged the rich to identify in solidarity with the poor, a spirituality of solidarity that resonated with white Catholics seeking a new, progressive direction" (Egan 1999). The book was translated into nine languages, and a 15th anniversary edition appeared in the early 1990s.
Nolan published his second major work, God in South Africa in 1988. At one point during the writing process he 'went underground' to hide from the Security Forces during the State of Emergency in South Africa. God in South Africa is a primary example of contextual theology: written as a theology for that particular moment, without a claim to its possible relevance in other times and places. In 2006, Nolan published his Jesus Today: A Spirituality of Radical Freedom (Orbis Books).
It is time to resurrect Him after 1800 years being Crucified, mutilated, buried by Constantine, and the cHURCH these last 1800 years. For Him? No. For YOU? No. He was the Einstein of Universal Family, Universal Love. There's been no Einstein like Him, before or since. This is one of the only books I know that can make You an agent of Saving Humanity - Averting Ecocide.
It's up to you.
From wiki -
Nolan became famous for his 1976 book, Jesus before Christianity, in which he presented an account of Jesus' radical involvement in the struggle for full humanity in the context of first-century Palestine: he "challenged the rich to identify in solidarity with the poor, a spirituality of solidarity that resonated with white Catholics seeking a new, progressive direction" (Egan 1999). The book was translated into nine languages, and a 15th anniversary edition appeared in the early 1990s.
Nolan published his second major work, God in South Africa in 1988. At one point during the writing process he 'went underground' to hide from the Security Forces during the State of Emergency in South Africa. God in South Africa is a primary example of contextual theology: written as a theology for that particular moment, without a claim to its possible relevance in other times and places. In 2006, Nolan published his Jesus Today: A Spirituality of Radical Freedom (Orbis Books).
Email just sent: Dear Doctors, Thank You!, but I'll not be accepting treatment.
Good morning friends! I'm so sorry for any time and resources of
yours I may have wasted. I'll not be accepting treatment. I'll
not accept $10's of thousands to give me a year, when, well,
so many of our children, born, and to be
born, desperately need, and are entitled
to such resources. Dr. C, who has known and cared for me
for years, knows this as my long-standing position regarding
$ and care for me. Before we found the liver cancers, and
treatment odds were 50% for 5 years, well, maybe, tho I'd
still probably have reached the same conclusion. But, now,
20% odds of 5 years, with the liver cancers; meaning that
more likely $30,000 (20 years earnings, or more, for 4 billion
of our kin? $30,000 would keep 60,000 of my starving
children alive for another day, literally; 26,000 died today,
another 26,000 tomorrow... for lack of such funds for clean
water. No. That would be hideous, inhumane greed for me
to accept that. It's for them. No.
children alive for another day, literally; 26,000 died today,
another 26,000 tomorrow... for lack of such funds for clean
water. No. That would be hideous, inhumane greed for me
to accept that. It's for them. No.
My work for our children is immensely well served by the care I've been
given so far, through removal of the first 2 tumors. Had we not
done that,
A. I'd not have had the recent, and forthcoming few
months of full productivity, and
B. I'd not KNOW what time the
'train' was leaving, and might not have been able to prioritize
nearly as well for the little time I have
left. I've explained further
my views in the Start Loving blog if that would be useful to you.
Dr. C, I WILL hope for:
1. pain management help when the
time comes; and
2. maybe admittance to that Hospice associated
with Christ House when I can't go on here on the street?
However, I'm determined to maintain
24/7 Averting Ecocide Vigil in front of the Canadian Embassy until,
well, past pain, past incontinence (what did they invent adult
diapers for, anyway?), past immobility. Till the
bitter end when I just can't function. This vigil must keep going.
As to the pain management, I seem fine, for now. For weeks I've
had occasional, mild pain in the area I now see from online materials
is about where the liver is. Ooops. But it is nothing, so far.
With great thanks and gratitude for what you've done for me,
***** nd 'Evil (ecocide, 4 billion in poverty...) prevails not because we perpetrate it, but because we participate in it, through our 'normal,' 'sane,' 'reasonable...,' participation in our status quo Systems, Institutions, Stuff.... Truly, like Cancer cells, we bear no malice. We do what the other cells do. And now Earth is dying from us. STOP IT.' Loving
***** nd 'Evil (ecocide, 4 billion in poverty...) prevails not because we perpetrate it, but because we participate in it, through our 'normal,' 'sane,' 'reasonable...,' participation in our status quo Systems, Institutions, Stuff.... Truly, like Cancer cells, we bear no malice. We do what the other cells do. And now Earth is dying from us. STOP IT.' Loving
nd 'Very sunny, windy, cold day today. Good solar panel day. Tomorrow too. Then rain.' Loving
nd 'Very sunny, windy, cold day today. Good solar panel day. Tomorrow too. Then rain.' Loving
nd 02.24.13 Cancer Update: For weeks now, occasional abdominal pain. Hmmm. Right about where the Liver is.' Loving
nd 02.24.13 Cancer Update: For weeks now, occasional abdominal pain. Hmmm. Right about where the Liver is, and those little cancer guys.' Loving
nd 02.24.13 Cancer Update: Just months left to Save My Kids. This is daunting. Another sea-change for me. Much to deal with, inside - replanning, refiguring, time management, priorities.... Be Patient with me. This is really hard. Joyful, but worrisome, for my kids - really, really hard.' Loving
nd 02.24.13 Cancer Update: Just months left to Save My Kids. This is daunting. Another sea-change for me. Much to deal with, inside - replanning, refiguring, time management, priorities.... Be Patient with me. This is really hard. Joyful, but worrisome, for my kids - really, really hard.' Loving
nd '1. I don't know how to avert Ecocide. 2. I know I have just a few months left to do it.' Loving
nd '1. I don't know how to avert Ecocide. 2. I know I have just a few months left to do it.' Loving
***** Young doctors end hunger strike after talks. The News International
Young doctors end hunger strike after talks
The News International
LAHORE: Young Doctors have ended their 14-day hunger strike after successful negotiations with Chief Minister Punjab Shahbaz Sharif, Geo News reported. A 10-member delegation of YDA, led by Dr Hamid Butt and Dr Amir Bandesha, met the chief minister ...
See all stories on this topic »
The News International
LAHORE: Young Doctors have ended their 14-day hunger strike after successful negotiations with Chief Minister Punjab Shahbaz Sharif, Geo News reported. A 10-member delegation of YDA, led by Dr Hamid Butt and Dr Amir Bandesha, met the chief minister ...
See all stories on this topic »
***** [Updated] OMG. LOL: Tolstoy, Paley: "Imagine a flock of pigeons..." (MORE)
From A Calendar of Wisdom
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A Calendar of Wisdom [EBOOK] L. Tolstoy, Gandhi's Teacher
February 23
Imagine a flock of pigeons in a corn field. Imagine that
ninety-nine of them, instead of pecking the corn they
need and using it as they need it, start to collect all they
can into one big heap. Imagine that they do not leave '
much corn for themselves, but save this big heap of corn
on behalf of the vilest and worst in their flock. Imagine
that they all sit in a circle and watch this one pigeon^ who
squanders and wastes this wealth. And then imagine that
they rush at a weak pigeon who is the most hungry among
them who darest to take one grain from the heap without
permission, and they punish him.
If you can imagine this, then you can understand the
day-to-day behavior of mankind.
[[[UH, you, me, we're the "vilest and worst in their flock."
No? 4 billion of our brothers, sisters, children... live on
$4 per day or less, SOLELY, SIMPLY, ENTIRELY because
we that have more than that, think it is OK. Diane is an
exception. Maybe young Scott. Know any others? I don't.
Yes, yes, yes, we can continue our denial, and it'll all be ok.
Start with me. But, uh, not anymore for our kids, grandkids,
great.... The clock's just got seconds left now,
for them. The Game we've been playing for several hundred
year now, of unbridaled, insane affloholism, is over now.
The only question that remains, and YOUR LIFE will be
the answer to it: Will the Game we leave to our children
and grandchildren and... be:
A. Unmitigated Hell on the Earth we Ecocided; or
B. The Heaven that Jesus, Teresa, King, Gandhi, Malala,
Diane, Emma Goldman, Barack and Michelle... saw, and
gave 100%, Everything, to secure for our kids. They haven't
been able to, nor ever will be able to succeed, without your
all, too, your 100%, your total commitment. But they can't
fail (our, your kids) if you totally dedicate yourselves. Now.
It is up to you. It is ALL up to you now.
vid Dr. Hansen - Averting Ecocide. We're the generation
that wrecked it all, once and soon, certainly now, for all; and due to timing,
we're the only ones that can put it back together. I go on very
soon to Our Creator, SheHeIt. I've little time left to do my part,
but I'll greedily, joyfully, use every breath I'm given to
do that!]]]
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A Calendar of Wisdom [EBOOK] L. Tolstoy, Gandhi's Teacher
February 23
Imagine a flock of pigeons in a corn field. Imagine that
ninety-nine of them, instead of pecking the corn they
need and using it as they need it, start to collect all they
can into one big heap. Imagine that they do not leave '
much corn for themselves, but save this big heap of corn
on behalf of the vilest and worst in their flock. Imagine
that they all sit in a circle and watch this one pigeon^ who
squanders and wastes this wealth. And then imagine that
they rush at a weak pigeon who is the most hungry among
them who darest to take one grain from the heap without
permission, and they punish him.
If you can imagine this, then you can understand the
day-to-day behavior of mankind.
[[[UH, you, me, we're the "vilest and worst in their flock."
No? 4 billion of our brothers, sisters, children... live on
$4 per day or less, SOLELY, SIMPLY, ENTIRELY because
we that have more than that, think it is OK. Diane is an
exception. Maybe young Scott. Know any others? I don't.
Yes, yes, yes, we can continue our denial, and it'll all be ok.
Start with me. But, uh, not anymore for our kids, grandkids,
great.... The clock's just got seconds left now,
for them. The Game we've been playing for several hundred
year now, of unbridaled, insane affloholism, is over now.
The only question that remains, and YOUR LIFE will be
the answer to it: Will the Game we leave to our children
and grandchildren and... be:
A. Unmitigated Hell on the Earth we Ecocided; or
B. The Heaven that Jesus, Teresa, King, Gandhi, Malala,
Diane, Emma Goldman, Barack and Michelle... saw, and
gave 100%, Everything, to secure for our kids. They haven't
been able to, nor ever will be able to succeed, without your
all, too, your 100%, your total commitment. But they can't
fail (our, your kids) if you totally dedicate yourselves. Now.
It is up to you. It is ALL up to you now.
vid Dr. Hansen - Averting Ecocide. We're the generation
that wrecked it all, once and soon, certainly now, for all; and due to timing,
we're the only ones that can put it back together. I go on very
soon to Our Creator, SheHeIt. I've little time left to do my part,
but I'll greedily, joyfully, use every breath I'm given to
do that!]]]
***** Tolstoy. Feb 24, on Truth
From Wise Thoughts for Every Day
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Do not believe anything on someone’s
word alone. Think and analyze everyÂ
thing, then accept only those things apÂ
proved by your intellect.
To live a good life, live by the truth and look
for guidance from those wise people who lived
before us.
The truth comes to you only if you use your
If you want to know the truth, free yourself
from all thoughts of personal profit, and then
make your decision.
Every person seeking truth reminds me of a
farmer. His main task is to select the truth, as a
farmer selects his best seeds, and then plant this
truth, as the farmer plants his seeds in the soil.
Words are your major tools.
Download here:
Do not believe anything on someone’s
word alone. Think and analyze everyÂ
thing, then accept only those things apÂ
proved by your intellect.
To live a good life, live by the truth and look
for guidance from those wise people who lived
before us.
The truth comes to you only if you use your
If you want to know the truth, free yourself
from all thoughts of personal profit, and then
make your decision.
Every person seeking truth reminds me of a
farmer. His main task is to select the truth, as a
farmer selects his best seeds, and then plant this
truth, as the farmer plants his seeds in the soil.
Words are your major tools.
***** Highest Possible Hagel Recommendation: McCain says Hagel "not qualified" as defense secretary. Reuters
Reuters | - ‎19 minutes ago‎ |
| Sun Feb 24, 2013 11:37am EST. WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican
Senator John McCain on Sunday said his former colleague Chuck Hagel was
not qualified to be U.S.
Tolstoy: "Just as the lives of men are defined not by their actions but by the inner thoughts guiding their actions, the same can be said about entire nations. They are defined not by the outer events but by the shared ideas that unite people."
Just as the livs of men are defined not by
their actions but by the inner thoughts guiding
their actions, the same can be said about entire
nations. They are defined not by the outer events
but by the shared ideas that unite people.
their actions but by the inner thoughts guiding
their actions, the same can be said about entire
nations. They are defined not by the outer events
but by the shared ideas that unite people.
nd Tolstoy: "First speak with your inner voice when thinking about this world; only then should you speak to other people."
First speak with your inner voice when
thinking about this world; only then should you
speak to other people.
thinking about this world; only then should you
speak to other people.
***** vlog 02.23.13 Cancer Update: DANG! What Right do I have to More Treatment $$$$???? LOL' Loving
***** vlog 02.23.13 Cancer Update: DANG! What Right do I have to More Treatment $$$$???? LOL' Loving
Hmmmm. Looks like $30,000-60,000 including chemo and surgery. And then a 2nd round of chemo, etc?
I'm outa here!
Hmmmm. Looks like $30,000-60,000 including chemo and surgery. And then a 2nd round of chemo, etc?
I'm outa here!
Tolstoy: "The spiritual force that moves this world of ten slips from our attention...." (more)
The spiritual force that moves this world ofÂ
ten slips from our attention. It is not found in
books, newspapers, the law, or scholarly jourÂ
nals. Invisible, it is always free. It can be found in
your thoughts, and is the force of your spirit.
ten slips from our attention. It is not found in
books, newspapers, the law, or scholarly jourÂ
nals. Invisible, it is always free. It can be found in
your thoughts, and is the force of your spirit.
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