live alone, Stand alone... is because I've come to learn the link below. I don't know that anyone else sees it as I do, and hence, alone. The solitude is very painful, but to realize what I've just stated, that I alone, or near alone, see that ChristLikeness, Loving, by whatever name, is the only True religion, as Jesus saw, objectively, well,
that alone is sufficient reason for me to continue to walk the path, as long
as my life sentence happens to be.
Loving u
Christ, Christian MEANS Loving. My Religion is to be ChristLike, Loving, every breath. There is no other Hope; no other True Religion, by whatever name, or NO NAME at all. Loving is our Native Religion - we are ALL born into.
You are not alone Start Loving. You command the resect of many. Maybe why are you not on a team, is the question. Christ made a team. Saint Paul joined. You are a Mahatma Gandhi follower, hence on his team. The quarterback can not be the coach. Play at life Loving. Dance. You do already. I am one on your team Start. I should be there by May. -DC. Be well sir, CST