President should have an executive order to do this waiting for his
signature one hour before midnight on the last day before default would
happen. If the House fails to act, he should say: "The world's public
treasuries and private banks believe that our economy and our government
debt are the best investments in the world. We have a responsibility to
billions of people around the world, including the American people, to
fulfill their confidence in us -- so that the world isn't turned upside
down by the leaders of one political party in one chamber of our
Congress. Those leaders have given me no choice. They will not fulfill
their oaths and preserve the integrity of U.S. Treasury bonds, so I
will. Under the clear authority contained in the 14th amendment of the
U.S. Constitution..." (mark)

The Markets Won’t Panic If Obama Unilaterally Lifts the Debt Ceiling
Obama keeps saying he will not raise the debt ceiling on his own.
“Look, our view is the Constitution gives Congress—not the president—the
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