under 100 people gathered at Victoria Square in Montreal shortly before
4 p.m. to march against Enbridge's Line 9 tar sands pipeline, when
police took to their loudspeakers to declare the march illegal.
Organizers didn't divulge the march's route to police, a violation of
Montreal's P-6 bylaw. The crowd marched just a few blocks north on
Beaver Hall St. before cops began converging on them and corralling
people back toward Victoria Square.
Eventually riot police
charged into the crowd, snatching several young men and surrounding a
group of 29 people — who were processed in city buses and fined nearly
$700 for participating in an unlawful assembly.
Oh, Canada.
Read more here: http://www.montrealgazette.com/news/About+dozen+detained+Montreal+protest+against+Enbridge/9022236/story.html
under 100 people gathered at Victoria Square in Montreal shortly before
4 p.m. to march against Enbridge's Line 9 tar sands pipeline, when
police took to their loudspeakers to declare the march illegal.
Organizers didn't divulge the march's route to police, a violation of Montreal's P-6 bylaw. The crowd marched just a few blocks north on Beaver Hall St. before cops began converging on them and corralling people back toward Victoria Square.
Eventually riot police charged into the crowd, snatching several young men and surrounding a group of 29 people — who were processed in city buses and fined nearly $700 for participating in an unlawful assembly.
Oh, Canada.
Read more here: http://www.montrealgazette.com/news/About+dozen+detained+Montreal+protest+against+Enbridge/9022236/story.html
Organizers didn't divulge the march's route to police, a violation of Montreal's P-6 bylaw. The crowd marched just a few blocks north on Beaver Hall St. before cops began converging on them and corralling people back toward Victoria Square.
Eventually riot police charged into the crowd, snatching several young men and surrounding a group of 29 people — who were processed in city buses and fined nearly $700 for participating in an unlawful assembly.
Oh, Canada.
Read more here: http://
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