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. . . And Photos 2007 - 6/16
LOVE AS I HAVE LOVED: Michelle Obama: I'm a "112 percenter" CBS News
Michelle Obama: I'm a "112 percenter"
CBS News - 2 hours ago
"CBS This Morning" co-host Gayle King sat down for an exclusive, wide-ranging interview in the White house this week with Michelle Obama. In a portion aired on "CBS This Morning: Saturday," the First Lady offers insight into her personality type, ...
'The Dead can Allow Environmental Genocide, not the Living.' SL
'The Dead can Allow Environmental Genocide, not the Living.' SL
GODLY: Justice minister says all same-sex marriages 'valid'
Justice minister says all same-sex marriages 'valid' - 26 minutes ago
Canada's justice minister says all same-sex marriages performed in Canada are legally recognized and the government is working to ensure foreign couples married here can divorce if they chose to.
OBAMA PEACE MAKER: Israeli Leader Says He Sees Sanctions Beginning to Work on Iran New York Times
Israeli Leader Says He Sees Sanctions Beginning to Work on Iran
New York Times - 2 hours ago
JERUSALEM - Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel said in an interview published on Saturday that new economic sanctions against Iran aimed at stopping its contentious nuclear program appeared to be having an effect and, if combined with a threat ...
Kathleen Edward, Girl Taunted Online While Battling Huntington's Disease, Dies ABC News
Kathleen Edward, Girl Taunted Online While Battling Huntington's Disease, Dies
ABC News - 15 minutes ago
The 9-year-old Michigan girl taunted on Facebook by neighbors while she suffered from a terminal disease died Wednesday, according to WXYZ-TV.
Investors say private sector must tackle climate change Reuters
Investors say private sector must tackle climate change
Reuters - 22 hours ago
By Deborah Zabarenko | UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - Institutional investors with a collective $26 trillion under management opened a new front on Thursday in the fight against climate change, urging the private sector to mobilize, follow the money and ...
Change in the wind for investors Adelaide Now
Climate Change Activists Need To Talk About Population Too National Geographic
Climate Change Activists Need To Talk About Population Too
National Geographic - 2 hours ago
Maps prepared by Population Action International overlay data on populations with high growth rates and low resilience to climate change. “The environment does not exist as a sphere separate from human actions, ambitions, and needs, and attempts to ...
Obama takes in film with Tuskegee Airmen USA TODAY
Obama takes in film with Tuskegee Airmen
USA TODAY (blog) - 46 minutes ago
By David Jackson, USA TODAY President Obama and first lady Michelle Obama host a screening this afternoon of Red Tails, along with some of the subjects of the film: Members of the Tuskegee Airmen, the legendary all-black pilots and ground crew who ...
A call for young people to 'get angry' about global warming GlobalPost
A call for young people to 'get angry' about global warming
GlobalPost (blog) - 2 hours ago
Mary Robinson, former president of Ireland, speaks at a panel organized by Aspen Global Health and Development on global warming and family planning on Jan. 13, 2012. (Elise Mann/Courtesy) WASHINGTON, DC - The elder stateswoman called on the younger ...
OBAMA PEACEMAKER: US Restores Myanmar Ties in Response to Rapid Reforms New York Times
US Restores Myanmar Ties in Response to Rapid Reforms
New York Times - 15 minutes ago
WASHINGTON - The United States restored diplomatic relations with Myanmar on Friday, responding to the new civilian government's rapid campaign of political and economic changes that most recently included a cease-fire with ethnic Karen rebels and the ...
Burma reforms leave many disorientated by pace of change The GuardianIt's Time for America to Negotiate With the Taliban The Atlantic
It's Time for America to Negotiate With the Taliban
The Atlantic - 1 hour ago
By David Rohde News that the Obama administration is carrying out secret negotiations with the Taliban has barely registered as a blip on the American political landscape.
'My Religion: Loving All of Creation, Loving all People. Period. Same as Jesus.' SL
'My Religion: Loving All of Creation, Loving all People. Period. Same as Jesus.' SL
GODLESS CHURCH: Priest with gambling habit facing prison in Vegas - AP -
Priest with gambling habit facing prison in Vegas - AP -
San Francisco Luxury News - 1 hour ago
What's going on in the world today? Here is an interesting news item we saw. An excerpt from the article, “Priest with gambling habit facing prison in Vegas - AP - msnbc.
Priest with gambling habit facing prison in Vegas Las Vegas SunCaterpillar destroys homes from Ontario to Palestine: Standing up to corporate ...
Caterpillar destroys homes from Ontario to Palestine: Standing up to corporate ... - 1 hour ago
By David Heap LONDON, ONTARIO -- "Caterpillar equipment is used to destroy homes in Palestine. Kind of like what Caterpillar is trying to do to our homes here in London," a locked-out worker commented outside the Electro-Motive Diesel (EMD) plant last ...
Israeli supreme court orders destruction of outposts ABC Online
Israeli supreme court orders destruction of outposts
ABC Online - 1 hour ago
Now the country's supreme court has weighed in on the debate which could prove problematic for prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu. TRACY BOWDEN, PRESENTER: For years Israeli governments have pledged to tear down illegal outposts built on land that ...
'Voluntary Poverty, pursuit of suffering - Perversions.' SL
Friend, This morning, first time in weeks I've been to that food kitchen, mail drop, your kind card was waiting, and the seeds.
It is indeed a lovely quote, and much more significant is your kindness, perceptiveness behind it. [Quote about how the seed, in losing itself, gives life to the plant, and the larva thereby becomes the butterfly.]
This morning on the 20 minute walk from my sidewalk bed, to this homeless food place several notions were running through my head, all around a central theme - THE central theme - Salvation IS Devoting Ourselves Totally to Our Global Neediest - truly, enSlaving ourselves as Jesus speaks of so often.
Is e=mcsqd true because Einstein said it? Same with Jesus. But Einstein saw what others did not, and same with Jesus.
You’re so thoughtful note brought further to mind - Salvation IS Devoting Ourselves Totally, OUT OF LOVE, SOLIDARITY, BROTHERHOOD to Our Global Neediest.
A major gift to me within recent weeks, probably just after Christ-mass as I was studying Jesus' words. I'd seen two places where Jesus distills for us the entire, complete, whole Gospel - Good news - The story of the Good Samaritan, and the Two Commandments - Love God, Love your neighbor. But this Christ-mass I was given the present of seeing the third place he does this. It is scripture I've long loved because it was central to one of Dr. King's sermons, one of his last I think - Drum Major Instinct it may have been called, but that was its central theme. In it, he cites how the mother of James and John came to Jesus and said, 'Uh, Jesus, I'd really like for James and John to sit at your left hand and your right.' 'That is not mine to give,' Jesus told her. 'Whoever is the Servant of ALL (ALL) [ALL].' Duh, but I just hadn't seen how total, complete, sufficient this was. It is the entire deal.
Uh, Start, what's this all about? Where's this coming from?????
The albino in Da Vinci Code is the church - so perverted, so twisted. That’s not my point. But why, WHY, with so many virtuous things said, mentioned, talked about...? How could it be soooooo far from Jesus? The Saints, what we are all born to be, are generally materially poor. Ok. But a vow of poverty? They often suffer physically. But pursue suffering? I've seen this conflict since I was a child, and been deeply, deeply troubled and alarmed by it - not by the suffering, not by the poverty, but by the deliberate pursuit as sanctioned by the 'chruch.' NO, I thought, this is convoluted, this is perverted.
START, THE POINT!!!! There is so much good intent, truth, beauty in the quote you sent me, and sooooo many like it throughout the ages, from all traditions. But as much as anything they are actually the cause, or a major contributor to our being soooooo lost, perverted, convoluted. Huh? WE LOSE, WE'VE LOST THE PERSPECTIVE, THE WHY, THE MEANING. Maybe on purpose. Probably, sick tho it is, on purpose. Voluntary pursuit of poverty is a sick, perverted, lustful thing to do. NOT an exercise of the Heart, our Father's Kingdom. Voluntary pursuit of suffering is a sick, perverted, lustful, pleasure seeking thing to do. NOT an exercise of the Heart, our Father's Kingdom. Letting go of one's life, like the 'seed' does, FOR ITSELF, FOR ONESELF, the same. Moving from being a crawling thing, to a butterfly, FOR ITSELF, FOR ONESELF, the same!!!!
THE POINT, START, THE POINT!!!!!!!!! Every cell, every organ in your body, if it is healthy, from the instant it is conceived, till the instant it expires, IS 1 MILLION % DEVOTED, ENSLAVED, SERVANT OF... THE BODY. Unless and until it chooses Cancer as a 'better way.' Well, if it does that, it still metabolizes, it still does 'cell' stuff, 'organ' stuff, BUT IT HAS TOTALLY LOST THE REFERENCE, THE ONLY REFERENCE, FOR WHICH IT WAS CREATED, THE ONLY REFERENCE THAT CAN GIVE IT'S LIFE JJJOOOOYYYYFFFFUUUUULLLL MEANING!!!! - THE WELLBEING OF THE BODY -
Saints tend to be poor, not for itself, but because they have RETAINED the meaning for which we all are born - devotion to the Neediest parts of the body. They tend to 'suffer' (tho they pay the suffering no mind) for the same reason. 'Dying' as a seed does goes from being twisted perversion, cult like stuff, to magnificent, beautiful, exquisite when it goes from being a thing in itself, to the way it gives life to the Body, and same with the larva, caterpillar, and butterfly. Cancer, or Devoted Tissue. The form can be near identical. But except when the form is entirely, totally, completely tied to the purpose - the wellbeing of the Body, and hence, it's neediest, it is Cancer, putrid, deadly, fascinating Cancer.
OMG Start, who do you think you are? I send you a nice note and you give me this lecture? Do you think I don't know all this? I know I didn't, and as recently as 3-4 days ago, I, a pretty advanced practitioner FORGOT, and in hours wound up Lost, in the Depths of Despair. And then I remembered, and quickly the True Beauty of the Seed, of the Butterfly took prominence and the pain receded out of consciousness.
xx sl
This morning on the 20 minute walk from my sidewalk bed, to this homeless food place several notions were running through my head, all around a central theme - THE central theme - Salvation IS Devoting Ourselves Totally to Our Global Neediest - truly, enSlaving ourselves as Jesus speaks of so often.
Is e=mcsqd true because Einstein said it? Same with Jesus. But Einstein saw what others did not, and same with Jesus.
You’re so thoughtful note brought further to mind - Salvation IS Devoting Ourselves Totally, OUT OF LOVE, SOLIDARITY, BROTHERHOOD to Our Global Neediest.
A major gift to me within recent weeks, probably just after Christ-mass as I was studying Jesus' words. I'd seen two places where Jesus distills for us the entire, complete, whole Gospel - Good news - The story of the Good Samaritan, and the Two Commandments - Love God, Love your neighbor. But this Christ-mass I was given the present of seeing the third place he does this. It is scripture I've long loved because it was central to one of Dr. King's sermons, one of his last I think - Drum Major Instinct it may have been called, but that was its central theme. In it, he cites how the mother of James and John came to Jesus and said, 'Uh, Jesus, I'd really like for James and John to sit at your left hand and your right.' 'That is not mine to give,' Jesus told her. 'Whoever is the Servant of ALL (ALL) [ALL].' Duh, but I just hadn't seen how total, complete, sufficient this was. It is the entire deal.
Uh, Start, what's this all about? Where's this coming from?????
The albino in Da Vinci Code is the church - so perverted, so twisted. That’s not my point. But why, WHY, with so many virtuous things said, mentioned, talked about...? How could it be soooooo far from Jesus? The Saints, what we are all born to be, are generally materially poor. Ok. But a vow of poverty? They often suffer physically. But pursue suffering? I've seen this conflict since I was a child, and been deeply, deeply troubled and alarmed by it - not by the suffering, not by the poverty, but by the deliberate pursuit as sanctioned by the 'chruch.' NO, I thought, this is convoluted, this is perverted.
START, THE POINT!!!! There is so much good intent, truth, beauty in the quote you sent me, and sooooo many like it throughout the ages, from all traditions. But as much as anything they are actually the cause, or a major contributor to our being soooooo lost, perverted, convoluted. Huh? WE LOSE, WE'VE LOST THE PERSPECTIVE, THE WHY, THE MEANING. Maybe on purpose. Probably, sick tho it is, on purpose. Voluntary pursuit of poverty is a sick, perverted, lustful thing to do. NOT an exercise of the Heart, our Father's Kingdom. Voluntary pursuit of suffering is a sick, perverted, lustful, pleasure seeking thing to do. NOT an exercise of the Heart, our Father's Kingdom. Letting go of one's life, like the 'seed' does, FOR ITSELF, FOR ONESELF, the same. Moving from being a crawling thing, to a butterfly, FOR ITSELF, FOR ONESELF, the same!!!!
THE POINT, START, THE POINT!!!!!!!!! Every cell, every organ in your body, if it is healthy, from the instant it is conceived, till the instant it expires, IS 1 MILLION % DEVOTED, ENSLAVED, SERVANT OF... THE BODY. Unless and until it chooses Cancer as a 'better way.' Well, if it does that, it still metabolizes, it still does 'cell' stuff, 'organ' stuff, BUT IT HAS TOTALLY LOST THE REFERENCE, THE ONLY REFERENCE, FOR WHICH IT WAS CREATED, THE ONLY REFERENCE THAT CAN GIVE IT'S LIFE JJJOOOOYYYYFFFFUUUUULLLL MEANING!!!! - THE WELLBEING OF THE BODY -
Saints tend to be poor, not for itself, but because they have RETAINED the meaning for which we all are born - devotion to the Neediest parts of the body. They tend to 'suffer' (tho they pay the suffering no mind) for the same reason. 'Dying' as a seed does goes from being twisted perversion, cult like stuff, to magnificent, beautiful, exquisite when it goes from being a thing in itself, to the way it gives life to the Body, and same with the larva, caterpillar, and butterfly. Cancer, or Devoted Tissue. The form can be near identical. But except when the form is entirely, totally, completely tied to the purpose - the wellbeing of the Body, and hence, it's neediest, it is Cancer, putrid, deadly, fascinating Cancer.
OMG Start, who do you think you are? I send you a nice note and you give me this lecture? Do you think I don't know all this? I know I didn't, and as recently as 3-4 days ago, I, a pretty advanced practitioner FORGOT, and in hours wound up Lost, in the Depths of Despair. And then I remembered, and quickly the True Beauty of the Seed, of the Butterfly took prominence and the pain receded out of consciousness.
xx sl
GOD DAMN CATHOLICS: Chamber head pushes oil pipeline, defends Romney Atlanta
Chamber head pushes oil pipeline, defends Romney
Atlanta Journal Constitution - 53 minutes ago
By JIM KUHNHENN AP WASHINGTON - The president of the US Chamber of Commerce on Thursday criticized President Barack Obama's administration for pushing regulations and for not approving a cross-country oil pipeline and defended Republican presidential ...
Chamber chief Donohue calls rivals' attacks on Romney 'foolish' Los Angeles Times
Israel upholds citizenship bar for Palestinian spouses BBC News
Israel upholds citizenship bar for Palestinian spouses
BBC News - 51 minutes ago
Israel's Supreme Court has upheld a law banning Palestinians who marry Israelis from gaining Israeli citizenship. Civil rights groups had petitioned the court to overturn the law, saying it was unconstitutional.
Palestinians agree to two per cent land swap gulfnews.com1.11.2012
Israeli Nazi's Win! Run out clock! EU on verge of abandoning hope for a viable Palestinian state The Independent
EU on verge of abandoning hope for a viable Palestinian state
The Independent - 44 minutes ago
The Independent's Jerusalem correspondent since 2004, Donald Macintyre was the paper's Chief Political Commentator for eight years and before that Political Editor of The Independent and The Independent on Sunday.
Record Warm Weather In 1000+ US Cities Spells GLOBAL WARMING Civilians News
Civilians News - 3 hours ago
Record high temperatures swept over 1000 US cities this week, leading to increased consensus about the reality of global warming. Congruently, current temperatures could end up making 2012 the warmest year in American history, beating the previous high ...
It's Israel. It's OK: Killing of Iranian scientist imperils former Marine Washington Post
Killing of Iranian scientist imperils former Marine
Washington Post - 28 minutes ago
TEHRAN - The assassination Wednesday of an Iranian nuclear scientist in central Tehran increases the peril for an Iranian American who was sentenced to death Monday, analysts said.
Michelle Obama Tackling PTSD Treatment For Veterans Huffington Post
Huffington Post - 5 hours ago
By JULIE PACE 01/11/12 06:41 AM ET AP WASHINGTON -- Michelle Obama has gotten a new commitment from medical schools to boost training and research for the treatment of veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder and other mental health injuries.
GOP SET TRAP, WALKS RIGHT IN: Bloomberg - Obama Proposes Incentives for Returning Jobs to US
Bloomberg - 23 minutes ago
Enlarge image Barack Obama Barack Obama Pat Benic/UPI/Landov President Barack Obama shakes hands and hugs United Steelworkers President Leo Gerard during a forum with American business leaders during the "Insoursing American Jobs" event in Washington ...
RAPE BABY RAPE: Super Fracking Goes Deeper to Pump Up Natural Gas Production Bloomberg
Super Fracking Goes Deeper to Pump Up Natural Gas Production
Bloomberg - 38 minutes ago
Enlarge image Super Fracking Goes Deeper to Pump Up Natural Gas Production Super Fracking Goes Deeper to Pump Up Natural Gas Production Julia Schmalz/Bloomberg A worker cleans and lubricates the head of the machine, after the stimulation hydraulic ...
Sempra Energy and BP Plc will spend $1 billion to build new wind power farms this year in Pennsylvania and Kansas
Sempra Energy and BP Plc will spend $1 billion to build new wind power farms this year in Pennsylvania and Kansas with a total output capacity of 560 megawatts, the companies said on Tuesday. [Reuters]
STUPID, EVIL, TWISTED OLD MAN: Gay marriage risk to family cell, says Pope Sydney Morning Herald
Sydney Morning Herald - 28 minutes ago
''It just hurts me as a gay man,'' says Victor De Sousa, right, with partner Chris Murray. Photo: Rebecca Hallas POPE Benedict has signalled his firm opposition to same-sex marriage, stating policies that undermine the traditional family threatened ...
Climber to take climate message on "unique" trek Reuters
Reuters - 1 hour ago
KATHMANDU (Reuters) - A Sherpa who has climbed Mount Everest a record 21 times, will trek hundreds of kilometers (miles) along some of the world's highest mountains to highlight the impact of climate change on the Himalayas, organizers said on Monday.
Obama's recess appointment should be wanted by all USA TODAY
USA TODAY - 13 hours ago
Obama has made only about 30. Hundreds of very qualified Obama appointees languish in the Senate because of the unprecedented use of the obstructive filibuster by the Republicans, who have no interest in actually going through the confirmation process.
Snow drought forces Colorado to face frightening new climate-change reality The Colorado Independent
Snow drought forces Colorado to face frightening new climate-change reality
The Colorado Independent - 8 hours ago
NASA's James Hansen, one of the world's leading climatologists, recently issued a report tying last summer's massive wildfires in Texas and the 2010 wildfires in Russia to global warming. “Hansen argues that climate 'loads the dice,'” Schendler said.
The Settlers' Movement Is a Threat to Peace and Israel's Existence Huffington Post
Huffington Post - 5 hours ago
The attack of hard-line Jewish settlers on an Israeli military base in the West Bank must not be seen as a passing incident that can simply be eradicated by punishing the perpetrators, as Prime Minister Netanyahu said in the Israeli Parliament.
Mount Adams' glaciers half gone The Seattle Times
Mount Adams' glaciers half gone
The Seattle Times - 19 hours ago
By DAVID LESTER @r32_z06 One of the problems that people don't understand about global warming is that... (January 8, 2012, by Pythagoras) Read more Per the article: It's another sign of gradually warming temperatures that —.
Climate change can cause alpine meadows to disappear in coming decades: Study Daily News & Analysis
Daily News & Analysis - 7 hours ago
A new study of changing mountain vegetation has suggested that some alpine meadows could disappear within the next few decades as a result of climate change. The first ever pan-European study carried out by an international group of researchers ...
Missionary from Toronto winning converts — on climate change Toronto Star
Toronto Star - 2 hours ago
Hayhoe is one of a small but growing number of scientists willing to engage climate change doubters face to face. Unlike most of her colleagues, she is driven as much by the tenets of her faith as the urgency of the science.
WHO WILL STAND TO PROTECT THEM? New 20-year ban on mining near Grand Canyon is final USA TODAY
New 20-year ban on mining near Grand Canyon is final
USA TODAY - 26 minutes ago
By Matthew Daly, AP WASHINGTON - The Obama administration announced a federal ban Monday on new mining claims affecting 1 million acres near the Grand Canyon, an area known to be rich in high-grade uranium ore reserves.
US bans mining claims near Grand Canyon The Associated Press'When 'Hopeless' is obective. When 'failure is not an option.'' SL
Have you seen What Dreams may Come, Robin Williams? I've always like it, and been both drawn to and aware I wasn't clear on the ultimate message - what Love ultimately does is share the Hopelessness. But when? WHEN?
'When 'Hopeless' is obective. When 'failure is not an option.'' SL
'When 'Hopeless' is obective. When 'failure is not an option.'' SL
Images for what dreams may come
- Report What Dreams May Come: Robin Williams, Cuba ...
534 reviews - $7.99 - In stock
Robin Williams and Annabella Sciorra star in this visually stunning metaphysical tale of life after death. Neurologist Chris and artist Annie had the perfect life until ...
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