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. . . And Photos 2007 - 6/16
The birther movement / T Party / GOP: immune to facts? - CNN
"Pharaoh payed a terrible price for his denial of all the signs. 300 died it the south. Gulf Surface temp is highest in recorded history." SL
"Pharaoh payed a terrible price for his denial
of all the signs. 300 died it the south.
Gulf Surface temp is highest in recorded history." SL
of all the signs. 300 died it the south.
Gulf Surface temp is highest in recorded history." SL
Using the Psychology of Evil To Do Good
Forty years after presiding over the infamous Stanford Prison Experiment, Phil Zimbardo has reinvented himself as a social entrepreneur, leading a new project that will attempt to turn the Stanford Prison Experiment and other studies of the dark side o
"If you're being crucified, you've picked up your cross. Otherwise, not." SL
"If you're being crucified, you've picked up your cross.
Otherwise, not." SL
Otherwise, not." SL
"Devote your life to the Global Neediest and you'll get crucified - mother, dad, husband, wife, children, 'friends,' job, home.... I have. Sorry I waited so long." SL
"Devote your life to the Global Neediest and you'll get crucified -
mother, dad, husband, wife, children, 'friends,' job, home....
I have. Sorry I waited so long." SL
mother, dad, husband, wife, children, 'friends,' job, home....
I have. Sorry I waited so long." SL
Reuters - Climate Change Spells Extinction for a Mountain Species, Research Shows
Study demonstrates clear connection between warming and rising extinction rates of the American pika for the first time, with implications for many species By Katherine Bagley, SolveClimate News Scientists
At least 85 dead, hundreds injured as tornadoes, thunderstorms hit South
New York Daily News4.26.2011
SL's comments on an Eastern Guru to a Peace Vigil Visitor
The video she sent -
So much is at stake, I'll speak plainly, and clinically.
I watched the first few minutes only, wasn't going to
watch at all cuz I refuse to divert my heart from averting
Global Climate Environmental Genocide, but our
dialog last night was so important I decided to take a
look. If, unlike Gandhi, Jesus, MLK, Eleanor Roosevelt,
Teresa of Calcutta, Wael Ghonim... one believes that
man is subhuman - mind (easily duplicated on computer
now), and flesh, fully common with lower life forms -
then the man in the video would be quite helpful.
If one believes that the purpose of life is pleasure,
getting along, pleasant relations, sex... this man would
be very helpful.
To those few, such as those mentioned above, that
view that man in Heart (by whatever name) this man
is like the Dr., or virtually all psychologists that do the
equivalent of - 'yes, I know that your alcoholism is
giving you headaches, but I know how to dramatically
reduce these, and to make you feel good most of the
time,' thereby normalizing the drinking.
It is such a pity that what I've said above sounds so
moralistic, so judgemental, cuz it is not. It is clinical.
I had a strong hunch, as did Gandhi, Tolstoy, others,
that Jesus was the greatest clinical teacher of how
to regain our clinical humanity, that ever there has been.
But it was nowhere in my mind to live as He taught
and lived, tho King, Gandhi, et al were always very
much in my mind, studies, etc. Well, I Live what they
taught and exemplified now. I BELIEVE NOTHING,
universe, my universe is your nervous system, and
my nervous system, respectfully. Clinically, our own
nervous system is our Absolute Universe, but one
of many options, one of two primary parallel universes, pretty
much universally exclusive - the Universe of the Flesh,
that to my shock, I now look back on as an EXPERIENTIAL subhuman
Hell, and the Universe of Heart that totally and absolutely
I EXPERIENCE every waking second as Heaven, Nirvana.
I don't chose to EXPERIENCE these two alternate universes
this way, any more that I choose to EXPERIENCE eating
as more positive than starving.
You know by now that in the right circumstance, that is,
when two or more Hearts are open to one another to some
degree, I find words of great value, but less than 10% the value
of Example, and Environment. One can move in the direction
of Heart, from Head / Flesh, through talking, mental discipline
(Gandhi), but it soooooooooooo slow, soooooooo contrived.
For example, one can try to awaken Love (the OPPOSITE of
Lust) within another by talking to them, giving them theories,
practices, disciplines... OR, one can expose them to a baby,
a puppy, etc., or more particularly, a baby, or puppy, or baby
EMERGENCY. My experience and knowledge of things is that
just as with every healthy cell in our bodies, we exist to sense
and respond to (Love) the NEEDS of those around us, and that
introduced into an environment, focused on an environment,
of MASSIVE HUMAN NEEDS is infinitely more likely, sure,
and infinitely FASTER as restoring one to Health / Heart /
Humanity than any and all wonderful Teachings ever.
I've been asked to speak at local DC universities to Peace
classes. After thinking of it I declined. The chance of reaching
Here at the Vigil, a place of OBVIOUS SERVICE/LOVE in
action, is infinitely greater that traveling to some disgustingly
over-privileged university classroom devoid of any signs of
Love where my ONLY tool to help them is words.
"Example is not the only thing in influencing people, it is the
only thing." Albert Schweitzer, Nobel Laureate.
xx sl
So much is at stake, I'll speak plainly, and clinically.
I watched the first few minutes only, wasn't going to
watch at all cuz I refuse to divert my heart from averting
Global Climate Environmental Genocide, but our
dialog last night was so important I decided to take a
look. If, unlike Gandhi, Jesus, MLK, Eleanor Roosevelt,
Teresa of Calcutta, Wael Ghonim... one believes that
man is subhuman - mind (easily duplicated on computer
now), and flesh, fully common with lower life forms -
then the man in the video would be quite helpful.
If one believes that the purpose of life is pleasure,
getting along, pleasant relations, sex... this man would
be very helpful.
To those few, such as those mentioned above, that
view that man in Heart (by whatever name) this man
is like the Dr., or virtually all psychologists that do the
equivalent of - 'yes, I know that your alcoholism is
giving you headaches, but I know how to dramatically
reduce these, and to make you feel good most of the
time,' thereby normalizing the drinking.
It is such a pity that what I've said above sounds so
moralistic, so judgemental, cuz it is not. It is clinical.
I had a strong hunch, as did Gandhi, Tolstoy, others,
that Jesus was the greatest clinical teacher of how
to regain our clinical humanity, that ever there has been.
But it was nowhere in my mind to live as He taught
and lived, tho King, Gandhi, et al were always very
much in my mind, studies, etc. Well, I Live what they
taught and exemplified now. I BELIEVE NOTHING,
universe, my universe is your nervous system, and
my nervous system, respectfully. Clinically, our own
nervous system is our Absolute Universe, but one
of many options, one of two primary parallel universes, pretty
much universally exclusive - the Universe of the Flesh,
that to my shock, I now look back on as an EXPERIENTIAL subhuman
Hell, and the Universe of Heart that totally and absolutely
I EXPERIENCE every waking second as Heaven, Nirvana.
I don't chose to EXPERIENCE these two alternate universes
this way, any more that I choose to EXPERIENCE eating
as more positive than starving.
You know by now that in the right circumstance, that is,
when two or more Hearts are open to one another to some
degree, I find words of great value, but less than 10% the value
of Example, and Environment. One can move in the direction
of Heart, from Head / Flesh, through talking, mental discipline
(Gandhi), but it soooooooooooo slow, soooooooo contrived.
For example, one can try to awaken Love (the OPPOSITE of
Lust) within another by talking to them, giving them theories,
practices, disciplines... OR, one can expose them to a baby,
a puppy, etc., or more particularly, a baby, or puppy, or baby
EMERGENCY. My experience and knowledge of things is that
just as with every healthy cell in our bodies, we exist to sense
and respond to (Love) the NEEDS of those around us, and that
introduced into an environment, focused on an environment,
of MASSIVE HUMAN NEEDS is infinitely more likely, sure,
and infinitely FASTER as restoring one to Health / Heart /
Humanity than any and all wonderful Teachings ever.
I've been asked to speak at local DC universities to Peace
classes. After thinking of it I declined. The chance of reaching
Here at the Vigil, a place of OBVIOUS SERVICE/LOVE in
action, is infinitely greater that traveling to some disgustingly
over-privileged university classroom devoid of any signs of
Love where my ONLY tool to help them is words.
"Example is not the only thing in influencing people, it is the
only thing." Albert Schweitzer, Nobel Laureate.
xx sl
Schwarzenegger weeps over GOP attacks on the Clean Air Act and the health of our kids « Climate Pro
Schwarzenegger weeps over GOP attacks on the Clean Air Act and the health of our kids « Climate Pro"The Web's most influential climate-change blogger" — Time Magazine A Project of Center for American Progress Action Fund
Schwarzenegger weeps over GOP attacks on the Clean Air Act and the health of our kids « Climate Pro"The Web's most influential climate-change blogger" — Time Magazine A Project of Center for American Progress Action Fund
URGENT - On Film - Psycho Ayn Rand TParty GOP Darling Anti-Christ Anti-Compassion Anti-Humane
"The Gospel of Jesus: Those Devoted to Our Father's NEEDIEST are HIS Family! ONLY those." SL
"The Gospel of Jesus:
Those Devoted to Our Father's NEEDIEST are HIS Family!
ONLY those." SL
Those Devoted to Our Father's NEEDIEST are HIS Family!
ONLY those." SL
"I'm spending the day with our Brother Jesus' words. Divine." SL
"I'm spending the day with our Brother Jesus' words. Divine." SL
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