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WP: Va. data show drop in criminal firepower during assault gun ban

The number of guns with high-capacity magazines seized by Virginia police dropped during a decade-long federal prohibition on assault weapons but the rate has rebounded sharply since the ban was lifted in late 2004, according to a Washington Post analysis.

(VIDS) TMZ: Re Olbermann's firing by Comcast: "A nation of sheep begets wolves." ER Murrow

TMZ: Re Olbermann's firing: "A nation of sheep begets wolves." ER Murrow
Keith Olbermann was fired by MSNBC sources tell TMZ, and we're told it had everything to do with Comcast' s acquisition of NBC. Sources connected with…

Keith Olbermann Another Friday with Thurber
Keith Olbermann Giffords leaves hospital_ enters rehab
Keith Olbermann GOP in disagreement over the economy
Keith Olbermann What will Obama say in the SOTU-

"If you know, and you do not do, you do not know." Ancient

"If you know, and you do not do, you do not know." Ancient

"Those that really "Know" the Truth are people of massively Heroic action. No exceptions." SL

"Those that really "Know" the Truth are people of massively Heroic action. No exceptions." SL


What if I died, and some were curious to know Truly, who I was?

Tragically, no one alive can speak for me. I have yearned for that,
to be with another, others, that are so far down the Path, so firmly
on the Path, because there is only one path, Pure Heart, Pure
Humanity, that we could finish each other's thoughts, sentences,
and be a skunk works working out infinitely more rapidly what
it is to be Humane, Universally Loving, in this world; before it is
too late; unless it is too late already.

But I can speak for me, and do:

Start Loving interviews

And one would think, that in a city filled with "peace activists,"
so called, both resident and transient, that there would be many
who could speak for me. But there are NONE. In fact, most
so called 'peace activists' that are acquainted with me are the
last who can speak for me, or in Truth, of me, as the Scribes
and Pharisees 'knew' Jesus well, but in deed knew him less than
any; and out of their hatred and jealousy (un self-recognized)
could speak nothing but lies, misunderstandings and slander.
More in a moment.

There are those who are dead that can speak for me - Lincoln,
Rachel Corrie, Hans Jaggerstatter, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Jesus (His
life and words; NOT the Fatally Perverted Church),
MLK Jr, Gandhi, Romero, Eleanor Roosevelt, Dave Dellinger, and
their ilk. Albert Adler can speak of me extremely well, and quite
well Abe Maslow and probably Viktor Frankl.

Alive there are a few that can speak knowledgeably, intelligently OF
me especially Diane Wilson, but to some degree also Col. Ann
Wright, Fr. Louis Vitalle, Beverly Austin, Lizzie Arizona Hourican;
and even possibly Sr. Margaret McKenna and Kathy Kelly. Julie
and Steve to an extremely limited degree; and also Joe, my JW
friend from Canada.

Amusingly, those that can best speak of me include Secret Service
officers Elzie (sp?), Kevin, Chris and Tony (now at State Dept.)

Not any more than the Scribes and Pharisees who watched Him so
carefully would have had either the insight or Truthfulness to speak
of Jesus in a way that was True, so those that have been
physically in proximity to me closely these recent years are the
LAST IN THE WORLD who can speak for or of me - Most especially
last in the world - J. Marx (aka Tom Buchanan, David Drumlin, Skimpole),
followed by Elijah, and sadly, even my Beloved Ellen.


SL here. My Life may not be totally in vain. Please read...

Today I've received two notes that suggest my life may not
be in vain; one from a sister in the DC area, and one from
a sister in the south.

----- SISTER ONE --------

Hey SL! How are you? I've missed you - yes I have!
I want to come see you on the White House grounds.
I am currently working on hosting a movie premiere of
Heaven's Rain. A true-crime tragedy I've been very passionate
about lately. BUT I think about you every day & wonder
how your life missions are going on. Remember I am always
here for you if you need me. This is my cell # if I haven't
given it to you already.... I worry about you & your safety
sometimes. You're like the (Earth) Father I've never had.
Hoping you are well. xo


Hey sis! Sorry it took me so long to reply to your wonderful
note. It will be good to see you, when that is destined to
be. I've just watched the trailer for Heaven's Rain. Deeply
disturbing. The temptations to leave our Hearts for Head
and Flesh are soooo powerful, seem sooooooo right, sooooooo
irresistible. But they are always Deadly error; Murder.

I'll be sharing a note tonight that I received tonight (below) that
addresses the question about how my missions are going.
I want to Save the world, all of it, this instant. But I'm at
peace, pretty much, that I can barely help at all. But what
I can attempt, I attempt. There is no personal price I
hesitate to pay. And, I suspect, it is not all for naught.
Your kind notes testify to that, and the note I'll share
tonight from another, also so testify. Jesus spoke a lot
about leaven. I get it. I'm Called (we're all Called) to be
leaven, and I'll guess that each week I am leaven to the
Heart of several of my global brothers and sisters. My God,
I wish I could be INFINITELY more; but this tiny bit is what
I can do.

Well, maybe I AM the earth Father you've never had;
and without question I'm your Brother. If you Love me,
I'll never leave you because I'll be in your Heart, as you
are in mine.

Anyone that worries about my safety needs to understand
that I AM my Family, nothing more, nothing less, nothing
else; I am just one cell in my current and future body of
Humanity. Therefore she/he that worries about me, only helps
me by caring for the neediest parts of my body, and this
is NOT this little cell here in front of the White House; but
rather my tortured cells in Palestine, Haiti, our inner
cities, our starving, our fossil fuel victims....
This is the Body of Christ that Christ Jesus spoke of, of

Wonderful to hear from you and to receive this deeply
Loving note from you.

And thank you for always being there for me. I believe
you. And I am always here for you.

Your brother forever, no matter what, sl

-------SISTER TWO-------

Dear Brother,
We met scarcely a year ago and though, no doubt, you
do not remember me, I feel inclined to write you. I was
sixteen last March and begrudgingly travelled to D.C. to
partake in a "National Youth Leadership Conference" despite,
frankly, a lack of faith in both people and leadership, dreading
the inevitable revelation that our leaders, our future leader—
well, ignorance, if in every other way is virtue less, at the
very least does not discriminate. During our visit to the
White House, I used my time to speak with you, to ask
about your vigil's purpose. Never have I stood so in awe
of one man—indeed, because to me you did not represent
one; you represented and were all men. You encompass
me, I encompass you, etc. etc.—but what was most
extraordinary was your potential fulfilled, your transcendence,
your belief in rising above the human tragedy. I believe—
if I can assert this—that I do, very much, understand what
you mean through your actions, your idea of universal love.
You said that you could see my heart and it was loving, alive,
awake—your words have not left me. I write to you now
because I want you to know that, in my own way, I protest
against ignorance and prejudice; that when I feel isolated
and disparaged, your very existence gives me more hope
than I have ever had. You told me that many people view
you as a circus attraction—please know that I do not. I
believe I understand and am still trying to understand, am
still trying to become a human being and loving to my
fullest. You spoke to me both in words and in the silence
of absence that ensued. I am eternally grateful for the work
you do for all of us; your heart beat is very much heard and
felt. In a world which seems so very lost and dark, there is,
at the very least, one other who is opening their eyes. So,
once again, my love, thanks, admiration, and infinite respect.
Your faith in the difference of one individual, in "the majority
of one", gives me the courage and the hope to care unapologetically
and to act accordingly. In short, you inspire me to lead a life
worth living. I do not pretend to have evolved yet into the
person I wish to become and will be, but there is not a day
in which I do not consider and progress; I am still learning
and growing, but I am always, always loving. Thank you for
challenging me to think in such a way that no one else has.

Sincerely, your friend,



Well, my beloved sister, you've quite lanced my Heart, and
leave me in tears of gratitude, wonder, and Joy. I've received
many hugely nice, and encouraging notes. They are deeply helpful to
me, they massage my Heart, and help it beat all the stronger.
But I don't recall ever receiving a nicer, more thoughtful, more
promising note than this note from you.

I must correct you. I am nothing. Heart, living out of our
Heart, well, it is Divine, and it is Heaven. And I refuse to
spend one second Living out of anything except for my Heart;
not my Head, not my Flesh, though my Heart use Head and Flesh,
every speck! This relentless Living out of Heart is what you
see that you respond positively to. It is what King, Gandhi,
Teresa, Jesus, Eleanor Roosevelt too did, and died to get us
to do too. You speak of evolving. It is actually 'returning' that
you are yearning toward. "Be like a child and enter in," the
greatest of teachers Jesus said, and did, and was right. No,
not the spoiled brat child in us, but the child we are all born of -
wonder, one-ness, openness, unity, Universal Love,
CONSCIENCE...HEART... Our Father's image. This is what we
must re-discover, re-empower, re-birth in ourselves, protect,
strengthen, nurture, encourage, EXERCISE, EXERCISE, EXERCISE....

I've created many sites to help us find, walk and master the
Path - they are simply and entirely what have enabled me to
reclaim, rediscover, remaster Life, Truth, Love, Peace. I pray
they provide you many, many, many hours of help, strength,
speed, courage, comfort, especially these sites - , , .

My Love and Hopes go to you sister.
Your Loving brother forever, no matter what, sl

NYT: Scalia and Thomas May Have Conflict of Interest, Common Cause Says
The liberal group Common Cause is pointing to what it says are ties between Justices Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas and the conservative financier Charles Koch.



"Owe no man anything, but to love one another." Romans 13:8

"Owe no man anything, but to love one another." Romans 13:8

"STOP PROSTITUTING YOURSELF (as I did with my years). START LOVING." SL 'Owe no man anything, but to love one another.' Romans 13:8

'Owe no man anything, but to love one another.'
Romans 13:8

Newsweek: GOP Lies Against Gun Control - Newsweek
Leading conservative politicians and pundits are suggesting that the assault weapons ban would violate the Second Amendment. It wouldn't.



'The Business of Church is to Normalize / Legitimate Lust / Selfishness." SL

'The Business of church is to Normalize / Legitimate Lust / Selfishness." SL

"Augustine almost saw, 'The church was my father. The church is Satan. I reject Satan,' SL. He did say, 'The church is a whore, and she's my mother.'" SL

"Augustine almost saw, 'The church was my mother. The church is Satan. I reject Satan,' SL.
He did say, 'The church is a whore, and she's my mother.'" SL

"'I would renounce ALL my beloved truths, for the Truth,' SL. Gandhi was correct, 'Truth is God.'" SL

"'I would renounce ALL my beloved truths, for the Truth,' SL. Gandhi was correct, 'Truth is God.'" SL

"You will Live for the Joy of Peace Making, or Kill for Pleasures of Flesh and Mind." SL

"You will Live for the Joy of Peace Making, or Kill for Pleasures of Flesh and Mind." SL

"Want to Save the World? Cure Addiction, Denial, Authoritarianism. Seriously." SL

"Want to Save the World? Cure Addiction, Denial, Authoritarianism. Seriously." SL

"In very real terms your a perpetual space traveler; the universe, your nervous system." SL

"In very real terms your a perpetual space traveler; the universe, your nervous system." SL

"As a Great Friend, my Tolerance for Accepting/Enabling Abuse is ZERO." SL

"As a Great Friend, my Tolerance for Accepting/Enabling Abuse is ZERO." SL

"'Affection for' is Lust. 'Connection to,' often is Love." SL

"'Affection for' is Lust. 'Connection to,' often is Love." SL

"Pleasure: Resources devoted to ourselves Desperately Needed by Our suffering Brothers and Sisters." SL

"Pleasure: Resources devoted to ourselves Desperately Needed by Our suffering Brothers and Sisters." SL

Russia's Medvedev backs independent Palestine

US was the last to denounce Apartheid in South Africa.
Russian President Dmitry Medvedev endorsed a Palestinian state on Tuesday, saying Moscow had recognized independence in 1988 and was not changing the position adopted by the former Soviet Union.

"Should 'public discourse' have been HarshER against Eugene McCarthy?" SL

"Should 'public discourse' have been HarshER against Eugene McCarthy?" SL

"Enter Heaven: 1. Be Greedy for Joy; 2. Abhor Pleasure." SL

"Enter Heaven:
1. Be Greedy for Joy;
2. Abhor Pleasure."


L.A. school district says 2 wounded in shooting -
A Los Angeles Unified School District spokesman says two students were wounded in an accidental shooting at a high school.

Reuters: Backpack bomb found on Spokane, Washington, MLK Jr. parade route
SEATTLE (Reuters) - The FBI is asking the public for help in the investigation of an unexploded backpack bomb left along the parade route of a Martin Luther King Jr. holiday celebration in Spokane, Washington,

"Wanna end War, Suffering, Hunger, Climate Change...? Start Loving, Stop Lusting." SL

"Wanna end War, Poverty, Hunger, Climate Change...? Start Loving, Stop Lusting." SL

"'Truth is God.' Gandhi. IT IS. Human nervous system can't resist it, IF IT SEES IT. Denial is Satan." SL

"'Truth is God.' Gandhi. IT IS. Human nervous system can't resist it, IF IT 'SEES' IT.
Denial is Satan."

"Loving is Peace Making. Peace Making is Loving." SL

"Loving is Peace Making. Peace Making is Loving." SL

"Loving / Peace Making: Doing what's Right. Lusting / War Making: Not." SL

"Loving / Peace Making:
Doing what's Right. Lusting / War Making: Not." SL

NYT Krugman: GOP War on Logic
A Republican report about the "cost" of health care reform points to spending that would occur even if we didn't have reform.

Obama: The benefits of health, safety and environment regulations “exceed their costs by billions of

VIDS "If we ignore MLK, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. just a little longer, too late it will be." SL

"If we ignore MLK, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. just a little longer, too late it will be." SL

"All Sensuality's a Killer Hurricane Ripping you Out of your Heart, slamming you into your Flesh; your Head a willing accomplice." SL

"All Sensuality's a Killer Hurricane Ripping you Out of your Heart, slamming you into your Flesh; your Head a willing accomplice." SL


Obama, Guns and ‘The Untouchables’ |
Q. Did President Obama once say of Republicans: "If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun." A: Yes. Obama made those remarks at a

CNN: Shooting victim apologizes for 'misplaced outrage' at Tea Party leader
Arizona shooting victim James Eric Fuller sent his apologies Monday for telling a Tea Party leader, "you are dead."

"OF COURSE there is a Way to Peace, Loving is the way." SL

"OF COURSE there is a Way to Peace; Loving is the way." SL

"Those looking for easy answers to life, aren't ready or able to hear them." SL

"Those looking for easy answers to life, aren't ready or able to hear them." SL

VID "If there's a family Jesus would call Christian, it is the Obama Family." SL
Obama Family Paints DC Junior High Martin Luther King Jr Day

"EVERY choice of Loving Service of the Neediest, is the choice of JOY, is the choice of, uh, not pleasure (like, so what?)." SL

"EVERY choice of Loving Service of the Neediest, is the choice of JOY, is the choice of, uh, not pleasure (like, so what?)." SL

"EVERY choice of Pleasure's the choice of NOT JOY." SL

"EVERY choice of Pleasure's the choice of NOT JOY." SL

"'DON'T TRY to save the world:' the only answer Evil has ever needed to Triumph, or ever will need." SL

"'DON'T TRY to save the world:' the only answer Evil
has ever needed to triumph,
or ever will need." SL

"Imagine what life would be like if we eviscerated our children's eyes like we eviscerate their Soul (HEART, Conscience, Humanity, Morality, Divinity)." SL

"Imagine what life would be like if we eviscerated our children's eyes like we eviscerate their Soul (HEART, Conscience, Humanity, Morality, Divinity)." SL



UPI: Poll finds Obama approval rebounding

Old Joke - When I entered my 20's suddenly my parents were smarter.
U.S. President Barack Obama's approval and expectations are rising as the halfway point of his term comes this week, a McClatchy-Marist Poll indicates.

"Peace will Reign when women refuse having their power over men used for selfish ends." SL

"Peace will Reign when women refuse having their power over men used for selfish ends." SL

"Violence, Peace Breaking: EVERY instance of not doing what's Right." SL

"Violence, Peace Breaking: EVERY instance of not doing what's Right." SL

"ENTIRELY, Peace Making's doing what's Right. Violence is ALL else." SL

"ENTIRELY, Peace Making's doing what's Right. Violence is ALL else." SL

MLK Jr on GOP 2011: "Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity," Strength to Love, 1963

MLK Jr on GOP 2011:
"Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than
sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity,"
Strength to Love, 1963

"Loving Starts Loving. All else kills it." SL

"Loving Starts Loving. All else kills it." SL

"LovING is THE Anti-Violence." SL

"LovING is THE Anti-Violence." SL

VID 50 yrs ago Today: Pr. Eisenhower 'Beware Military Industrial Complex'

"Love is the Anti-Violence." SL

"Love is the Anti-Violence." SL

Tucson remembers shooting victim who died shielding his wife
TUCSON (Reuters) - A retired Tucson construction worker shot dead as he shielded his wife from a hail of bullets in a shooting rampage was remembered as a gentle hero always looking to help others at a

"I felt an inescapable urge to serve society." Martin Luther King Jr.

"'Anti-Violence infinitely better captures what Gandhi Lived, Taught, Promoted, than 'non-violence.'" SL

"'Anti-Violence infinitely better captures what Gandhi Lived, Taught, Promoted, than 'non-violence.'" SL

"I criminally wasted my life working for money; and now Joyfully spend my Life on our Neediest." SL

"I criminally wasted my life working for money; and now Joyfully spend my Life on our Neediest." SL

Poll: Strong opposition to health care law drops |
As lawmakers return to the health care debate this week, an Associated Press-GfK poll finds that raw feelings over President Obama's overhaul have subsided;


Crowdfunding: How Social Entrepreneurs Are Turning Small Donations Into Big Bucks

Fearing high gas prices, Sean Hannity proposes re-invading Iraq and Kuwait to “take all their oil” «

Native Americans see progress with Obama -
Speaking to 500 people representing 320 Indian tribes, President Barack Obama pledged last month that he wouldn't forget his campaign trail promise to give native communities more of a voice in the White House.

Obama invites frosh to reception - Jake Sherman and Marin Cogan
President Obama will host a White House reception for newly elected members of Congress.

BEING the Prayer of 'Our Father'

1. There is no Gandhi.
2. There is no Jesus.
3. There is no Teresa of Calcutta.
4. There is no YOU.

Is there a "God?"

Living as though there is
one, loving Father/Mother/Power of us all is

This is no more "religious"
than is MATH!
Both are indispensable constructs.

Here's what Saves me;
here's what will Save YOU;
here's what can Save US ALL:
each, each, each, each, each, each, each... of these links. TRUST ME. TRUST ME. TRUST ME. TRUST ME...)

Let's get on with it.

The Paradigm of Love/Joy/Life/Peace, The Paradigm of Lust/Pleasure/Death/War


Dr. King thought that clearly Jesus taught us that Spirit is everthing, so he wanted to understand conceptually what constituted the dimensions of Spirit. He figured that such a clear conception would enable him and others to develop that Spirit to its maximum strength / capacity, and to enable a much clearer warning indicator of when the Spirit was nonexistant or critically ill. The following depicts Dr. King's conception. Each dimension can expand or contract independant of the others. The larger the area of the rectangle, the more complete and healthy the Spirit. Jesus tried, and so far failed at making this our Religion:

The dimensions of HEART - LOVE / Spirit / UNIVERSAL LOVE / Otherishess / Brotherhood / LIFE:

I've found Dr. Kings conception enormously helpful, but I began to wonder - is Adolf Hitler explained simply by being a small version of this cube - weak in every dimension. It became clear to me that no, this does not explain a Hitler. There are opposites for each of these dimensions. I believe that what follows is a reasonable and profoundly enlighening attempt at what this opposite, Flesh is. The U.S. and U.K. have succeeded beyond the dreams of avarice so far at making what follows the World Religion to which we enslave ourselves and eagerly sacrifice our children:

The dimensions of FLESH & MIND - LUST / Selfishness / Capitalism / DEATH

Dr. King: "Life's most persistant and urgent question is, what are you doing for others."

Jesus: "What good is it if you have all of the world, but lose your Life?"
Life's central choice: BE the spirit of
A. LOVE, or

GOP Palin's Anti Democracy Nailed Matthews O'Donnell
Palin's Anti Democracy Deadly Treasonous Gun Talk O'Donnell Matthews
Palin is Fundamentally Ignorant O'Donnell Matthews_0
Palin sees Hers as the ONLY America O'Donnell Matthews_0
Palin Anti Intellectual AND Anti Truth O'Donnell Matthews_1

Swiss banker vows to hand secrets to WikiLeaks
A Swiss banker whose actions caused a U.S. judge to briefly shut down WikiLeaks three years ago has promised to hand over banking secrets to the secret-spilling organization on Monday.