GOP plans attacks on the EPA and climate scientists
If Republicans win control of the House, they plan to go after the Obama administration's environmental policies and the researchers who have offered evidence on global warming, whom they accuse of manipulating data.
Republicans urge Obama to prevent Palestinian state recognition
As Congressional midterm elections approach, Republican representatives call on US president not to reward 'Palestinian behavior,' warn UN resolution on Palestinian state would hurt peace efforts
"'Ask what Pr. Obama / Dem. Congr. can do for YOU; NOT what YOU can do for the Country!!!' Prof. Left (Stew-wart, Olberbum, Goodbum, BuzzTrash, MSM...) paraphrasing (perverting) JFK." SL
The White House reacted with indignation when Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky told a magazine that he does not want President Obama to win a second term.
"With the prospect of soon living in the streets... I've hoarded my last $240, years of donations, for an 8HR laptop battery. Too much at stake. Just donated it at Join me. EVERY SECOND. EVERY CENT.
Love fights no matter what. THIS IS THE DECISIVE BATTLE OF CIVIL WAR II NOV 2.
"Jesus was Serious! Yes, the dead Devour the Living! BEFORE MY EYES! The church; republicans; israel; corporations, Over-Privileged - DECEIVERS, HYPOCRITES, MURDERERS ALL." SL
"If for purely Selfish Reasons I could be Reborn for Ultimate Joy: 1. Earliest Christians; 2. American Indians of 700 years ago, before US; 3. Or maybe today, the beginning of Armageddon, the last opportunity to Save a few." SL
"Parasites - is it wrong to call them what they are? MILLIONS, what if there are millions? What if they are Republicans? What if they are Liberals? What if they are Corporations? What if they are "Peace Activists? 'God is Truth,' Gandhi lived." SL
"The world is not divided into Jews, Christians, Muslims [Left, Right, Republican, Democrat, Progressive...]. The world is divided into Good people, and Bad people; Smart people and Stupid people." Paraphrase