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Those who change the world have made the attempt NOT because they could succeed, but because the couldn't not make the attempt; because it was the right thing to do.

Those who change the world have made the attempt NOT because they could succeed, but because the couldn't not make the attempt; because it was the right thing to do.

Turns out that Jesus (Universal Love) can only be found in the desert

Going to the desert, the unknown, the strange... itself opens the otherwise closed mind of the Lost.  Speaking in riddles/parables, having face tattoos, a lifestyle out of bounds of "normal" are all forms of desert. "And who did you go to see, a reed blowing in the wind.  And who did you go to see, a man in fine clothing?"  Jesus, Universal Love it seems cannot be found in plain sight.  This is why Holy WomenMen wind up in the desert.

The Earth Wrecking / Peace Wrecking Addiction: Churchoholism, Cathloholism, Islamoholism, Judeoholism.... They are all the same addiction; just differnent brand names.

The Earth Wrecking / Peace Wrecking Addiction:  Churchoholism, Cathloholism, Islamoholism, Judeoholism....  They are all the same addiction; just differnent brand names.

Our hope is not in people giving. THE hope for humanity is that people will greedily embrace that GIVING ALL is the ultimate human Life; and that giving just some, is our Death.

Our hope is not in people giving.  THE hope for humanity is that people will greedily embrace that GIVING ALL is the ultimate human Life; and that giving just some, is our Death.

The single greatest responsibility of the parent is to live a life of radical Universal Love - radical service to the LEAST of these. Failure in this is to entirely fail the child.

The single greatest responsibility of the parent is to live a life of radical Universal Love - radical service to the LEAST of these.  Failure in this is to entirely fail the child - mutilating / amputating / crippling herhis Humanity, probably beyond recovery.

The single greatest responsibility of the NEIGHBOR is to live a life of radical Universal Love - radical service to the LEAST of these.  Failure in this is to entirely fail the neighbor, and the world- mutilating / amputating / crippling herhis Humanity.

Happy Mothers Day